Do Financial Literacy and Financial Well-Being Change as a Result of Training? An Empirical Study on Finance and Banking Undergraduate Program Students
Yıl 2024,
, 696 - 708, 29.11.2024
Soner Akkoç
Hasan Hüseyin Yıldırım
Ayşe Nur Buyruk Akbaba
Aysegul Kutbay
The aim of the study is to measure the financial literacy, financial stress and financial well-being levels of students studying in the Finance and Banking Department of Burhaniye Faculty of Applied Sciences, Balikesir University. It is also investigated whether there is a significant difference in financial literacy, financial stress and financial well-being according to the level of the financial education received in terms of class. In this context, the survey link prepared in the internet environment was delivered to the classes via the teams application and filled by 189 volunteer students. The analyses were conducted in the SPSS 17 package program. Correlation, Tukey HSD test, Bonferroni test, differences between classes and groups and hypothesis testing were conducted in the analyses. According to the analysis results obtained, it was seen that the financial knowledge of first-year students was lower than other classes and they felt more stressed. In addition, another outcome of the study is that individuals do not feel financially well as financial knowledge increases.
- Akdağ, G., Saban, M., Uygurtürk, H., & Genç, M. (2019). Finansal tutum ve davranışın yatırım kararlarına etkisi: Bartın-Karabük-Zonguldak illerine yönelik bir araştırma. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(5), 2669-2700.
- Al Kholilah, N., & Iramani, R. (2013). Studi financial management behavior pada masyarakat Surabaya. Journal of Business & Banking, 3(1), 69-80.
- Alkaya, A., & Yağlı, İ. (2015). Finansal okuryazarlık-finansal bilgi, davranış ve tutum: Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi İİBF öğrencileri üzerine bir uygulama. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(40), 585-599.
- Ansong, A., & Gyensare, M. (2012). Determinants of university working-students’ financial literacy at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(9), 126-133.
- Arthur, C. (2012). Financial literacy education. In Financial literacy education. The Netherlands: SENSE Publishers.
- Atkinson, A., & Messy, F. (2012). Measuring financial literacy: Results of the OECD / International Network on Financial Education (INFE) Pilot Study. OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, 15, 1-73.
- Aydın, S. (2023). Finansal okuryazarlık ve öz-yeterlilik tutumunun bireylerin finansal davranışları üzerindeki etkisi: Türkiye’deki aktif nüfus üzerine kanıtlar. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(3), 770-793.
- Baysa, E., & Karaca, S. (2016). Finansal okuryazarlık ve banka müşteri segmentasyonları üzerine bir uygulama. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 71, 109-126.
- Beal, D., & Delpachitra, S. (2003). Financial literacy among Australian university students. Economic Papers, 22(1), 65-78.
- Borden, L., Lee, S., Serido, J., & Collins, D. (2008). Changing college students’ financial knowledge, attitudes, and behavior through seminar participation. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 29(1), 23-40.
- Britt, S., Canale, A., Fernatt, F., Stutz, K., & Tibbetts, R. (2015). Financial stress and financial counseling: Helping college students. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 26(2), 172-186.
- Brüggen, E., Hogreve, J., Holmlund, M., Kabadayi, S., & Löfgren, M. (2017). Financial well-being: A conceptualization and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 79, 228-237.
- Ceyhan, İ., & Tosun, S. (2023). Finansal okuryazarlık ile tasarruf davranışları ilişkisi üzerine ampirik bir çalışma. Alanya Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 7(3), 1081-1103.
- Chen, H., & Volpe, R. (1998). An analysis of personal financial literacy among college students. Financial Services Review, 7(2), 107-128.
- Choung, Y., Chatterjee, S., & Pak, T. (2023). Digital financial literacy and financial well-being. Finance Research Letters, 1544-6131.
- Crocker, J., & Luhtanen, R. (2003). Level of self-esteem and contingencies of self-worth: Unique effects on academic, social, and financial problems in college students. Personality and Social Psychology, 29(6), 701-712.
- Daniels, T. (2015). Financial literacy a pathway to financial well-being. In Financial Literacy Education Addressing Student, Business, and Government Needs (pp. 142-159). Auerbach Publishers.
- Fatoki, O. (2014). The financial literacy of non-business university students in South Africa. International Journal of Educational Science, 7(2), 261-267.
- Fernandes, D., Lynch Jr., J., & Netemeyer, R. (2014). Financial literacy, financial education, and downstream financial behaviours. Management Science, 60(8), 1861-1883.
- Güler, E., & Tunahan, H. (2017). Finansal okuryazarlık: Hane halkı üzerine bir araştırma. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 5(3), 79-104.
- Hanna, M., Hill, R., & Perdue, G. (2010). School of study and financial literacy. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 11(3), 29-38.
- Huston, S. (2010). Measuring financial literacy. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(2), 296-316.
- Ingale, K., & Paluri, R. (2022). Financial literacy and financial behaviour: A bibliometric analysis. Review of Behavioral Finance, 14(1), 130-154.
- Johan, I., Rowlingson, K., & Appleyard, L. (2021). The effect of personal finance education on the financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of university students in Indonesia. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 42, 351-367.
- Kaderli, Y., Gümüş, U., & Danışman, E. (2016). Finansal okuryazarlık düzeyinin belirlenmesi: Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri emekli personeli üzerinde bir araştırma. Finans ve Bankacılık Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5(5), 52-70.
- Kılıç, Y., & Ata, H. (2015). Finansal okuryazarlık: Üniversite öğrencilerine yönelik bir araştırma. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 66, 129-150.
- Kul, B., Özoğlu, M., & Sarıca, Ö. (2023). Türkiye’de finansal okuryazarlık: Ortaöğretim kademesindeki öğretim programlarının finansal okuryazarlık açısından incelenmesi. Millî Eğitim, 52 (Özel Sayı), 137-172.
- Kulshreshtha, A., Raju, S., Manasa Muktineni, S., & Chatterjee, D. (2023). Income shock and financial well-being in the COVID-19 pandemic: Financial resilience and psychological resilience as mediators. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 41(5), 1037-1058.
- Lacombe, D., & Khatun, N. (2023). What are the determinants of financial well-being? A Bayesian LASSO approach. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 82, 43-59.
- Lee, Y., & Dustin, L. (2021). Explaining financial satisfaction in marriage: The role of financial stress, financial knowledge, and financial behavior. Marriage & Family Review, 57(5), 397-421.
- Lind, T., Ahmed, A., Skagerlund, K., Strömbäck, C., Västfjäll, D., & Tinghög, G. (2020). Competence, confidence, and gender: The role of objective and subjective financial knowledge in household finance. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 41, 626-638.
- Louw, J., Fouche, J., & Oberholzer, M. (2013). Financial literacy needs of South African third-year university students. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 12(4), 439-450.
- Luksander, A., Beres, D., Huzdik, K., & Nemeth, E. (2014). Analysis of the factors that influence the financial literacy of young people studying in higher education. Public Finance Quarterly, 2, 220-241.
- Lusardi, A. (2008). Household saving behavior: The role of financial literacy, information, and financial education programs. National Bureau of Economic Research, 13824, 1-43.
- Lusardi, A., Mitchell, O., & Curto, V. (2014). Financial literacy and financial sophistication in the older population. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 13(4), 347-366.
- Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. (2011). Financial literacy around the world: An overview. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 10(4), 497-508.
- Lusardi, A., & Tufano, P. (2015). Debt literacy, financial experiences, and overindebtedness. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 14(4), 332-368.
- Mezghani, T., & Boujelbéne-Abbes, M. (2023). Financial stress effects on financial markets: Dynamic connectedness and portfolio hedging. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 18(10), 4064-4087.
- Morgan, P., & Long, Q. (2020). Financial literacy, financial inclusion, and savings behavior in Laos. Journal of Asian Economics, 68, 1-20.
- Mugenda, O., Hira, T., & Fanslow, A. (1990). Assessing the causal relationship among communication, money management practices, satisfaction with financial status, and satisfaction with quality of life. Lifestyles, 11, 343-360.
- Northern, J., O’Brien, W., & Goetz, P. (2010). The development, evaluation, and validation of a financial stress scale for undergraduate students. Journal of College Student Development, 79-92.
- Norvilitis, J., Szablicki, P., & Wilson, S. (2003). Factors influencing levels of credit-card debt in college students. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(9), 935-947.
- OECD. (2024, July 29). Shaping students' financial literacy. Retrieved from
- On İkinci Kalkınma Planı. (2024, July 29). Geçmiş planlar. Retrieved from
- O'Neill, B., Sorhaindo, B., Xiao, J., & Garman, E. (2005). Financially distressed consumers: Their financial practices, financial well-being, and health. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 16(1), 73-87.
- Pankow, D. (2003). Financial values, attitudes, and goals. North Dakota: North Dakota State University.
- Philippas, N., & Avdoulas, C. (2020). Financial literacy and financial well-being among Generation-Z university students: Evidence from Greece. European Journal of Finance, 26(4-5), 360-381.
- Ponchio, M., Rohden, S., & Mette, F. (2022). Perceived financial well-being as antecedent of psychological well-being: Evidence from Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Marketing, 21(5), 1631-1652.
- Rahman, M., Isa, C. R., Masud, M., & Sarker, M. (2021). The role of financial behavior, financial literacy, and financial stress in explaining the financial well-being of the B40 group in Malaysia. Future Business Journal, 7(1), 1-18.
- Rasoaisi, L., & Kalebe, M. (2015). Determinants of financial literacy among the National University of Lesotho students. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 5(9), 1050-1060.
- Salman, N., & Esmeray, A. (2020). Finansal okuryazarlık: Muhasebe ve finansman eğitimi alan öğrencilere yönelik bir araştırma. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2), 2002-2016.
- Sandal, A., & Yalçın, Z. (2020). S.M.M.M’lerin finansal okuryazarlık ve finansal tablo okuryazarlık düzeyinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma: Tunceli ve Elazığ örneği. Manas Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(4), 2216-2230.
- Sarıgül, H. (2015). Finansal okuryazarlık tutum ve davranış ölçeği: Geliştirme, geçerlik ve güvenirlik. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 13(1), 200-218.
- Sarigül, H. (2014). A survey of financial literacy among university students. Journal of Accounting & Finance/Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 207-224.
- Shim, S., Barber, B., Card, N., Xiao, J., & Serido, J. (2010). Financial socialization of first-year college students: The roles of parents, work, and education. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39, 1457-1470.
- Silva, A., & Dias, R. (2023). The role of financial status, attitudes, behaviours and knowledge for overall well-being in Portugal: The mediating role of financial well-being. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31(7), 3668-3685.
- Sönmez, Y., & Kılıç, E. (2020). Finansal okuryazarlık düzeylerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma: Kastamonu Üniversitesi örneği. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 10(2), 479-497.
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Finansal Okuryazarlık ve Finansal İyi Olma Hali Alınan Eğitimler Sonucunda Değişir mi? Finans ve Bankacılık Lisans Programı Öğrencileri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma
Yıl 2024,
, 696 - 708, 29.11.2024
Soner Akkoç
Hasan Hüseyin Yıldırım
Ayşe Nur Buyruk Akbaba
Aysegul Kutbay
Çalışmanın amacı, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Burhaniye Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Finans ve Bankacılık bölümünde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin finansal okuryazarlık, finansal stres ve finansal iyi olma seviyelerini ölçmektir. Ayrıca alınan finans eğitiminin sınıf düzeyine göre finansal okuryazarlık, finansal stres ve finansal iyi olma hali açısından anlamlı bir fark olup olmadığı araştırılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda internet ortamında hazırlanmış anket linki sınıflara teams uygulaması üzerinden ulaştırılmış ve gönüllü 189 öğrenci tarafından doldurulmuştur. Analizler SPSS 17 paket programında yapılmıştır. Analizlerde korelasyon, Tukey HSD test, Bonferroni test, sınıflar ve gruplar arası farklılıkları ve hipotez testi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen analiz sonuçlarına göre birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin finansal bilgilerinin diğer sınıflara göre düşük olduğu ve kendilerini daha fazla stresli hissettikleri görülmüştür. Ayrıca finansal bilgi arttıkça bireylerin kendini finansal yönden iyi hissetmedikleri de araştırmanın bir diğer çıktısıdır.
Etik Beyan
Destekleyen Kurum
Balıkesir Üniversitesi BAP birimi
- Akdağ, G., Saban, M., Uygurtürk, H., & Genç, M. (2019). Finansal tutum ve davranışın yatırım kararlarına etkisi: Bartın-Karabük-Zonguldak illerine yönelik bir araştırma. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(5), 2669-2700.
- Al Kholilah, N., & Iramani, R. (2013). Studi financial management behavior pada masyarakat Surabaya. Journal of Business & Banking, 3(1), 69-80.
- Alkaya, A., & Yağlı, İ. (2015). Finansal okuryazarlık-finansal bilgi, davranış ve tutum: Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi İİBF öğrencileri üzerine bir uygulama. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(40), 585-599.
- Ansong, A., & Gyensare, M. (2012). Determinants of university working-students’ financial literacy at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(9), 126-133.
- Arthur, C. (2012). Financial literacy education. In Financial literacy education. The Netherlands: SENSE Publishers.
- Atkinson, A., & Messy, F. (2012). Measuring financial literacy: Results of the OECD / International Network on Financial Education (INFE) Pilot Study. OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, 15, 1-73.
- Aydın, S. (2023). Finansal okuryazarlık ve öz-yeterlilik tutumunun bireylerin finansal davranışları üzerindeki etkisi: Türkiye’deki aktif nüfus üzerine kanıtlar. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(3), 770-793.
- Baysa, E., & Karaca, S. (2016). Finansal okuryazarlık ve banka müşteri segmentasyonları üzerine bir uygulama. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 71, 109-126.
- Beal, D., & Delpachitra, S. (2003). Financial literacy among Australian university students. Economic Papers, 22(1), 65-78.
- Borden, L., Lee, S., Serido, J., & Collins, D. (2008). Changing college students’ financial knowledge, attitudes, and behavior through seminar participation. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 29(1), 23-40.
- Britt, S., Canale, A., Fernatt, F., Stutz, K., & Tibbetts, R. (2015). Financial stress and financial counseling: Helping college students. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 26(2), 172-186.
- Brüggen, E., Hogreve, J., Holmlund, M., Kabadayi, S., & Löfgren, M. (2017). Financial well-being: A conceptualization and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 79, 228-237.
- Ceyhan, İ., & Tosun, S. (2023). Finansal okuryazarlık ile tasarruf davranışları ilişkisi üzerine ampirik bir çalışma. Alanya Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 7(3), 1081-1103.
- Chen, H., & Volpe, R. (1998). An analysis of personal financial literacy among college students. Financial Services Review, 7(2), 107-128.
- Choung, Y., Chatterjee, S., & Pak, T. (2023). Digital financial literacy and financial well-being. Finance Research Letters, 1544-6131.
- Crocker, J., & Luhtanen, R. (2003). Level of self-esteem and contingencies of self-worth: Unique effects on academic, social, and financial problems in college students. Personality and Social Psychology, 29(6), 701-712.
- Daniels, T. (2015). Financial literacy a pathway to financial well-being. In Financial Literacy Education Addressing Student, Business, and Government Needs (pp. 142-159). Auerbach Publishers.
- Fatoki, O. (2014). The financial literacy of non-business university students in South Africa. International Journal of Educational Science, 7(2), 261-267.
- Fernandes, D., Lynch Jr., J., & Netemeyer, R. (2014). Financial literacy, financial education, and downstream financial behaviours. Management Science, 60(8), 1861-1883.
- Güler, E., & Tunahan, H. (2017). Finansal okuryazarlık: Hane halkı üzerine bir araştırma. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 5(3), 79-104.
- Hanna, M., Hill, R., & Perdue, G. (2010). School of study and financial literacy. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 11(3), 29-38.
- Huston, S. (2010). Measuring financial literacy. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(2), 296-316.
- Ingale, K., & Paluri, R. (2022). Financial literacy and financial behaviour: A bibliometric analysis. Review of Behavioral Finance, 14(1), 130-154.
- Johan, I., Rowlingson, K., & Appleyard, L. (2021). The effect of personal finance education on the financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of university students in Indonesia. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 42, 351-367.
- Kaderli, Y., Gümüş, U., & Danışman, E. (2016). Finansal okuryazarlık düzeyinin belirlenmesi: Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri emekli personeli üzerinde bir araştırma. Finans ve Bankacılık Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5(5), 52-70.
- Kılıç, Y., & Ata, H. (2015). Finansal okuryazarlık: Üniversite öğrencilerine yönelik bir araştırma. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 66, 129-150.
- Kul, B., Özoğlu, M., & Sarıca, Ö. (2023). Türkiye’de finansal okuryazarlık: Ortaöğretim kademesindeki öğretim programlarının finansal okuryazarlık açısından incelenmesi. Millî Eğitim, 52 (Özel Sayı), 137-172.
- Kulshreshtha, A., Raju, S., Manasa Muktineni, S., & Chatterjee, D. (2023). Income shock and financial well-being in the COVID-19 pandemic: Financial resilience and psychological resilience as mediators. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 41(5), 1037-1058.
- Lacombe, D., & Khatun, N. (2023). What are the determinants of financial well-being? A Bayesian LASSO approach. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 82, 43-59.
- Lee, Y., & Dustin, L. (2021). Explaining financial satisfaction in marriage: The role of financial stress, financial knowledge, and financial behavior. Marriage & Family Review, 57(5), 397-421.
- Lind, T., Ahmed, A., Skagerlund, K., Strömbäck, C., Västfjäll, D., & Tinghög, G. (2020). Competence, confidence, and gender: The role of objective and subjective financial knowledge in household finance. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 41, 626-638.
- Louw, J., Fouche, J., & Oberholzer, M. (2013). Financial literacy needs of South African third-year university students. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 12(4), 439-450.
- Luksander, A., Beres, D., Huzdik, K., & Nemeth, E. (2014). Analysis of the factors that influence the financial literacy of young people studying in higher education. Public Finance Quarterly, 2, 220-241.
- Lusardi, A. (2008). Household saving behavior: The role of financial literacy, information, and financial education programs. National Bureau of Economic Research, 13824, 1-43.
- Lusardi, A., Mitchell, O., & Curto, V. (2014). Financial literacy and financial sophistication in the older population. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 13(4), 347-366.
- Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. (2011). Financial literacy around the world: An overview. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 10(4), 497-508.
- Lusardi, A., & Tufano, P. (2015). Debt literacy, financial experiences, and overindebtedness. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 14(4), 332-368.
- Mezghani, T., & Boujelbéne-Abbes, M. (2023). Financial stress effects on financial markets: Dynamic connectedness and portfolio hedging. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 18(10), 4064-4087.
- Morgan, P., & Long, Q. (2020). Financial literacy, financial inclusion, and savings behavior in Laos. Journal of Asian Economics, 68, 1-20.
- Mugenda, O., Hira, T., & Fanslow, A. (1990). Assessing the causal relationship among communication, money management practices, satisfaction with financial status, and satisfaction with quality of life. Lifestyles, 11, 343-360.
- Northern, J., O’Brien, W., & Goetz, P. (2010). The development, evaluation, and validation of a financial stress scale for undergraduate students. Journal of College Student Development, 79-92.
- Norvilitis, J., Szablicki, P., & Wilson, S. (2003). Factors influencing levels of credit-card debt in college students. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(9), 935-947.
- OECD. (2024, July 29). Shaping students' financial literacy. Retrieved from
- On İkinci Kalkınma Planı. (2024, July 29). Geçmiş planlar. Retrieved from
- O'Neill, B., Sorhaindo, B., Xiao, J., & Garman, E. (2005). Financially distressed consumers: Their financial practices, financial well-being, and health. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 16(1), 73-87.
- Pankow, D. (2003). Financial values, attitudes, and goals. North Dakota: North Dakota State University.
- Philippas, N., & Avdoulas, C. (2020). Financial literacy and financial well-being among Generation-Z university students: Evidence from Greece. European Journal of Finance, 26(4-5), 360-381.
- Ponchio, M., Rohden, S., & Mette, F. (2022). Perceived financial well-being as antecedent of psychological well-being: Evidence from Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Marketing, 21(5), 1631-1652.
- Rahman, M., Isa, C. R., Masud, M., & Sarker, M. (2021). The role of financial behavior, financial literacy, and financial stress in explaining the financial well-being of the B40 group in Malaysia. Future Business Journal, 7(1), 1-18.
- Rasoaisi, L., & Kalebe, M. (2015). Determinants of financial literacy among the National University of Lesotho students. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 5(9), 1050-1060.
- Salman, N., & Esmeray, A. (2020). Finansal okuryazarlık: Muhasebe ve finansman eğitimi alan öğrencilere yönelik bir araştırma. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2), 2002-2016.
- Sandal, A., & Yalçın, Z. (2020). S.M.M.M’lerin finansal okuryazarlık ve finansal tablo okuryazarlık düzeyinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma: Tunceli ve Elazığ örneği. Manas Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(4), 2216-2230.
- Sarıgül, H. (2015). Finansal okuryazarlık tutum ve davranış ölçeği: Geliştirme, geçerlik ve güvenirlik. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 13(1), 200-218.
- Sarigül, H. (2014). A survey of financial literacy among university students. Journal of Accounting & Finance/Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 207-224.
- Shim, S., Barber, B., Card, N., Xiao, J., & Serido, J. (2010). Financial socialization of first-year college students: The roles of parents, work, and education. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39, 1457-1470.
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