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Causes Of Mad Honey Consumption

Yıl 2021, , 496 - 499, 22.09.2021


Objective: Gastrointestinal symptoms, cardiac arrhythmias, and neurological symptoms may occur with mad honey consumption. In our country, especially in the Eastern Black Sea region, it is often consumed widely, considering that it is traditionally a source of healing. In our study, we tried to analyze mad honey intoxication patients who applied to our hospital considering the reasons for honey consumption.
Materials and Methods: Demographics and reasons for honey consumption were recorded in 143 patients who applied to the Fındıklı State Hospital emergency department after mad honey consumption between 2013-2015. In addition to consumption as nutrients, the purposes of use such as lowering blood pressure, lowering and regulating glucose levels, increasing sexual desire, preventing gastrointestinal complaints, and preventing cancer were recorded.
Results: 143 patients were included in the study with a mean age of 52±14 (K/E: 31/112). All patients were hypotensive at the time of admission to the hospital, and 139 patients had bradycardia. There was no reported mortality. In addition to consumption as nutrients, blood pressure lowering (18% in 26 patients), lowering and regulating blood glucose levels (0.7% in 1 patient), prevention for gastrointestinal complaints (14.7% in 21 patients) and cancer treatment (0.7% in 1 patient) were detected.
Conclusions: There are rare studies in the literature review about the reason for the consumption of mad honey and there is no clear data. In our study, it was determined that the majority of patients used it for an alternative therapy to lowering blood pressure and preventing gastrointestinal complaints. As a result of scientific studies and the results of these data, we think that it would be appropriate to use mad honey. Since serious cardiac and neurological problems can occur in case of intoxication, we believe that it would be only appropriate to use mad honey in alternative treatment as a result of scientific reviews and the results of these data.


  • 1-Ozhan H, Akdemir R, Yazici M, Gündüz H, Duran S, Uyan C.Cardiac emergencies caused by honey ingestion: a single centre experience. Emerg Med J2004 Nov;21(6):742-4.
  • 2- Yaylacı S, Osken A, Aydın E, Genç AB, Demir MV, Kocayiğit A, et al. Varım C.Deli Bal Zehirlenmeleri Genel Özellikler, Ulusal ve Uluslararası Literatürün İncelenmesi J hum rhythm 2015;1(4):139-142.
  • 3- Yaylaci S, Kocayigit I, Aydin E, Osken A, Genc AB, Cakar MA, et al. Clinicalandlaboratoryfindings in mad honeypoisoning: a singlecenterexperience. Niger J ClinPract 2014 Sep-Oct;17(5):589-93.
  • 4- Hancı V, Bilir S, Kırtaç N, Akkız S, Yurtlu S, Turan IO. Mad Honey Poisoning in Zonguldak Province: Analysis of 72 cases. J Turk Anaesth Int Care 2010; 38(4):278-284.
  • 5- Silici S, Atayoglu AT. Mad honey intoxication: A systematic review on the 1199 cases. Food Chem Toxicol. 2015 Dec;86:282-90.
  • 6- Yaylacı S, Ayyıldız O, Aydın E, Osken A, KarahalilF,Varım C, et al. Is there a difference in mad honey poisoning between geriatric and non-geriatric patient groups? Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2015:19 (23):4647-4653.
  • 7- Hodgson E. Chapter Fourteen - Toxins and Venoms. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. Volume 112, 2012; 373-415.
  • 8- Jansen SA, Kleerekooper I, Hofman ZL, Kappen IF, Stary-Weinzinger A, Heyden MA. Grayanotoxin poisoning: 'mad honey disease' and beyond. Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2012;12(3):208-215.
  • 9- Gündüz A, Turedi S, Uzun H, Topbas M. Mad honey poisoning. Am J EmergMed 2006;24:595-8
  • 10- Çetin NG, Marçıl E, Kıldıran M, Öğüt S. Hepatotoxicity with mad honey. Turk J Emerg Med 2009;9:84-6.
  • 11- Gündüz A, Durmus I, Turedi S, Nuhoglu I, Ozturk S. Mad honey poisoning related asystole. Emerg Med J 2007;24: 592-3.
  • 12- Yarlioglues M, Akpek M, Ardic I, Elcik D, Sahin O, Kaya MG. Mad-honey sexual activity and acute inferior myocardial infarctions in a married couple. Tex Heart Inst J 2011;38(5):577-80.
  • 13- Osken A, Yaylacı S, Aydın E, Kocayigit I, Cakar MA, Tamer A, et al. Slow ventricular response atrialfibrillation related to mad honey poisoning. J Cardiovasc Dis Res 2012 Jul;3(3):245-7.
  • 14- Oguzturk H, Ciftci O, Turtay MG, Yumrutepe S. Complete atrioventricular block caused by mad honey intoxication. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2012 Nov;16(12):1748-50.
  • 15- Alp A, Sapnak S, Sezer SD, Colak C, Ozbakkaloglu M. A rare cause of syncope among gerıatrıc patıents: mad honey ıntoxıcatıon. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2012; 15 (1) 115-118.
  • 16- Bilir O, Ersunan G, Yavasi O, Kayayurt K, Bayramoglu A. Mad honey poısonıng presentıng as transıent ıschemıc attack. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2014; 17 (2) 210-213.
  • 17- Uzun H, Narci H, Tayfur I, Karabulut KU, Karcioglu O. Mad honey intoxication: what is wrong with the blood glucose? A study on 46 patients. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2013 Oct;17(20):2728-31.
  • 18- Demircan A, Keleş A, Bildik F, Aygencel G, Doğan ON, Gómez HF. Mad honey sex: therapeuticmis adventures from an ancient biological weapon. Ann Emerg Med 2009 Dec;54(6):824-9.
  • 19- Oztasan N, Altınkaynak K, Akcay F, Gocer F, Dane S. Effects of mad honey on blood glucose and lipid levels in rats with Streptozocin-induced diabetes. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2005;29:1093-1096.20. 20-GokerZ, SerinHM, HesapciogluS, CakirM, SonmezFM.Complementary and alternative medicine use in Turkish children with epilepsy.Complement Ther Med 2012 Dec;20(6):441-6.
  • 21- Orhan F, Sekerel BE, Kocabas CN, Sackesen C, Adalioglu G, Tuncer A.Complementary and alternative medicine in children with asthma.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2003 Jun;90(6):611-5.
  • 21- Orhan F, Sekerel BE, Kocabas CN, Sackesen C, Adalioglu G, Tuncer A.Complementary and alternative medicine in children with asthma.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2003 Jun;90(6):611-5.

Deli Bal Tüketim Sebebleri

Yıl 2021, , 496 - 499, 22.09.2021


Amaç: Deli bal tüketiminde; gastrointestinal sistem semptomları, kardiyak aritmiler ve nörolojik belirtiler görülebilir. Ülkemizde özellikle Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde sıklıkla geleneksel olarak şifa kaynağı olduğu düşünülerek yaygın bir şekilde tüketilmektedir. Çalışmamızda deli bal tüketimi sonrasında hastanemize başvuruda bulunan hastaların bu balı niçin tükettiklerinin analizi yapılmaya çalışılmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Fındıklı Devlet Hastanesi acil servisine 2013-2015 yılları arasında deli bal tüketimi sonrası başvuruda bulunan 143 hastanın demografik özellikleri ve balı tüketim sebepleri dosya taraması yapılarak kaydedildi. Besin olarak tüketim yanında tansiyon düşürücü, kan şekeri düşürücü ve dengeleyici, cinsel istek arttırıcı, mide bağırsak şikayetlerini önleyici ve kanser önleyici gibi kullanım amaçlarına dosya kayıtlarından ulaşıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 143 hasta, yaş ortalaması 52±14 (K/E: 31/112) idi. Tüm hastalar hastaneye başvuru anında hipotansif olup 139 hasta bradikardik idi. Mortal seyreden hasta olmadı. Besin olarak tüketimi yanında, tansiyon düşürücü (26 hasta, %18), kan şekeri düşürücü ve dengeleyici (1 hasta, %0.7), mide bağırsak şikayetlerini önleyici (21 hasta, %14.7) ve kanser tedavisinde (1 hasta, %0.7) kullandığını belirten hastalar tespit edildi.
Sonuçlar: Deli balın tüketim sebebi ile ilgili literatür incelemesinde nadir çalışmalar mevcut olup net veriler yoktur. Çalışmamızda genellikle hastaların alternatif tedavi amacıyla tansiyon düşürmek ve mide bağırsak şikayetlerini önlemek amacıyla kullandıkları tespit edildi. Ciddi kardiyak ve nörolojik problemler oluşabilmesi nedeniyle; deli bal tüketiminin alternatif tedavide kullanımının bilimsel incelemeler ve bu verilerin sonuçları neticesinde yapılmasının uygun olacağını düşünmekteyiz.


  • 1-Ozhan H, Akdemir R, Yazici M, Gündüz H, Duran S, Uyan C.Cardiac emergencies caused by honey ingestion: a single centre experience. Emerg Med J2004 Nov;21(6):742-4.
  • 2- Yaylacı S, Osken A, Aydın E, Genç AB, Demir MV, Kocayiğit A, et al. Varım C.Deli Bal Zehirlenmeleri Genel Özellikler, Ulusal ve Uluslararası Literatürün İncelenmesi J hum rhythm 2015;1(4):139-142.
  • 3- Yaylaci S, Kocayigit I, Aydin E, Osken A, Genc AB, Cakar MA, et al. Clinicalandlaboratoryfindings in mad honeypoisoning: a singlecenterexperience. Niger J ClinPract 2014 Sep-Oct;17(5):589-93.
  • 4- Hancı V, Bilir S, Kırtaç N, Akkız S, Yurtlu S, Turan IO. Mad Honey Poisoning in Zonguldak Province: Analysis of 72 cases. J Turk Anaesth Int Care 2010; 38(4):278-284.
  • 5- Silici S, Atayoglu AT. Mad honey intoxication: A systematic review on the 1199 cases. Food Chem Toxicol. 2015 Dec;86:282-90.
  • 6- Yaylacı S, Ayyıldız O, Aydın E, Osken A, KarahalilF,Varım C, et al. Is there a difference in mad honey poisoning between geriatric and non-geriatric patient groups? Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2015:19 (23):4647-4653.
  • 7- Hodgson E. Chapter Fourteen - Toxins and Venoms. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. Volume 112, 2012; 373-415.
  • 8- Jansen SA, Kleerekooper I, Hofman ZL, Kappen IF, Stary-Weinzinger A, Heyden MA. Grayanotoxin poisoning: 'mad honey disease' and beyond. Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2012;12(3):208-215.
  • 9- Gündüz A, Turedi S, Uzun H, Topbas M. Mad honey poisoning. Am J EmergMed 2006;24:595-8
  • 10- Çetin NG, Marçıl E, Kıldıran M, Öğüt S. Hepatotoxicity with mad honey. Turk J Emerg Med 2009;9:84-6.
  • 11- Gündüz A, Durmus I, Turedi S, Nuhoglu I, Ozturk S. Mad honey poisoning related asystole. Emerg Med J 2007;24: 592-3.
  • 12- Yarlioglues M, Akpek M, Ardic I, Elcik D, Sahin O, Kaya MG. Mad-honey sexual activity and acute inferior myocardial infarctions in a married couple. Tex Heart Inst J 2011;38(5):577-80.
  • 13- Osken A, Yaylacı S, Aydın E, Kocayigit I, Cakar MA, Tamer A, et al. Slow ventricular response atrialfibrillation related to mad honey poisoning. J Cardiovasc Dis Res 2012 Jul;3(3):245-7.
  • 14- Oguzturk H, Ciftci O, Turtay MG, Yumrutepe S. Complete atrioventricular block caused by mad honey intoxication. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2012 Nov;16(12):1748-50.
  • 15- Alp A, Sapnak S, Sezer SD, Colak C, Ozbakkaloglu M. A rare cause of syncope among gerıatrıc patıents: mad honey ıntoxıcatıon. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2012; 15 (1) 115-118.
  • 16- Bilir O, Ersunan G, Yavasi O, Kayayurt K, Bayramoglu A. Mad honey poısonıng presentıng as transıent ıschemıc attack. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2014; 17 (2) 210-213.
  • 17- Uzun H, Narci H, Tayfur I, Karabulut KU, Karcioglu O. Mad honey intoxication: what is wrong with the blood glucose? A study on 46 patients. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2013 Oct;17(20):2728-31.
  • 18- Demircan A, Keleş A, Bildik F, Aygencel G, Doğan ON, Gómez HF. Mad honey sex: therapeuticmis adventures from an ancient biological weapon. Ann Emerg Med 2009 Dec;54(6):824-9.
  • 19- Oztasan N, Altınkaynak K, Akcay F, Gocer F, Dane S. Effects of mad honey on blood glucose and lipid levels in rats with Streptozocin-induced diabetes. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2005;29:1093-1096.20. 20-GokerZ, SerinHM, HesapciogluS, CakirM, SonmezFM.Complementary and alternative medicine use in Turkish children with epilepsy.Complement Ther Med 2012 Dec;20(6):441-6.
  • 21- Orhan F, Sekerel BE, Kocabas CN, Sackesen C, Adalioglu G, Tuncer A.Complementary and alternative medicine in children with asthma.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2003 Jun;90(6):611-5.
  • 21- Orhan F, Sekerel BE, Kocabas CN, Sackesen C, Adalioglu G, Tuncer A.Complementary and alternative medicine in children with asthma.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2003 Jun;90(6):611-5.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ercan Aydın 0000-0001-8743-3762

Mehmet Yıldırım 0000-0002-0526-5943

Altuğ Ösken

Salih Şahinkuş 0000-0003-1558-5761

Ahmed Bilal Genç 0000-0002-1607-6355

Selcuk Yaylacı 0000-0002-6768-7973

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Eylül 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

AMA Aydın E, Yıldırım M, Ösken A, Şahinkuş S, Genç AB, Yaylacı S. Deli Bal Tüketim Sebebleri. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. Eylül 2021;11(3):496-499. doi:10.31832/smj.899603


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