Archer, B. H. (1977). Tourism multipliers: The state of the art. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Biddle, C. (1979). Role Theory - Expectations, Identities, and Behaviours. London: Academic Press.
Franklin, A. ve Crang, M. (2001). The trouble with tourism and travel theory. Tourist studies. 1(1): 5-22.
McKercher, B. ve Prideaux, B. (2014). Academic myths of tourism, Annals of Tourism Research, 46: 16-28.
Mouza, M. (2018). What is theory? ORCID:
Muller, J. Z. (2018). The tyranny of metrics. Princeton Universiy. Press.
Rorty, R. (1979). Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Princetown : Princetown University Press.
Smith, S., Xiao, H., Bunkoo, R ve Tukamushaba, K. E. (2013). Theory in hospitality, tourism and leisure studies. Journal of Hospitality
Marketing and management. 22: 875-894.
Stergiou, D. P. ve Airey, d. (2018), Understandings of Tourism Theory, Tourism Review. February. 1-25.
Tonta, Y. (2018). Araştırma Değerlendirme Üzerine.
Tribe, J. (2006). The truth about tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 33(2): 1-20.
Tribe, J. (2010), Tribes, territories and networks in the tourism academy, Annals of Tourism Research, 37 (1): 7-33.
Tribe, J. ve Airey, D. (2007). Developments in tourism research. New directions, challenges and applications. Elsevier Science.
Yüksel, A1. (2018). Doğru Bilinen yanlışlar serisi- 1: Kimin için yazmak? SOİD. 15(1): 240-245.
Yüksel, A2. (2018). Doğru Bilinen yanlışlar serisi- 2: P ve hipotez doğrulama. SOİD. 15(2): 481-488.
Yüksel, A3. (2018). Doğru bilinen yanlışlar serisi-3: Ortalama ve Normal Dağılım Rehaveti. SOİD. 15(3): 703-722
Tüm gayrete, içinde
“turizm” kelimesi geçen yüzlerce süreli yayınların bulunmasına (1945 Tourist
Review, 1962 Journal of Travel Research, 1973 Annals of Tourism Research, 1980
Tourism Management) ve istisnai ışık çakan akademik çalışmalara rağmen genel
olarak “turizmi kendine has özerk bir
yapı olmaktan daha çok toplumun bir turistik boyutu” olarak ele alan
uluslararası ve ulusal turizm akademisinin disiplinsel özerkliği yoktur.
Archer, B. H. (1977). Tourism multipliers: The state of the art. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Biddle, C. (1979). Role Theory - Expectations, Identities, and Behaviours. London: Academic Press.
Franklin, A. ve Crang, M. (2001). The trouble with tourism and travel theory. Tourist studies. 1(1): 5-22.
McKercher, B. ve Prideaux, B. (2014). Academic myths of tourism, Annals of Tourism Research, 46: 16-28.
Mouza, M. (2018). What is theory? ORCID:
Muller, J. Z. (2018). The tyranny of metrics. Princeton Universiy. Press.
Rorty, R. (1979). Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Princetown : Princetown University Press.
Smith, S., Xiao, H., Bunkoo, R ve Tukamushaba, K. E. (2013). Theory in hospitality, tourism and leisure studies. Journal of Hospitality
Marketing and management. 22: 875-894.
Stergiou, D. P. ve Airey, d. (2018), Understandings of Tourism Theory, Tourism Review. February. 1-25.
Tonta, Y. (2018). Araştırma Değerlendirme Üzerine.
Tribe, J. (2006). The truth about tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 33(2): 1-20.
Tribe, J. (2010), Tribes, territories and networks in the tourism academy, Annals of Tourism Research, 37 (1): 7-33.
Tribe, J. ve Airey, D. (2007). Developments in tourism research. New directions, challenges and applications. Elsevier Science.
Yüksel, A1. (2018). Doğru Bilinen yanlışlar serisi- 1: Kimin için yazmak? SOİD. 15(1): 240-245.
Yüksel, A2. (2018). Doğru Bilinen yanlışlar serisi- 2: P ve hipotez doğrulama. SOİD. 15(2): 481-488.
Yüksel, A3. (2018). Doğru bilinen yanlışlar serisi-3: Ortalama ve Normal Dağılım Rehaveti. SOİD. 15(3): 703-722