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Elections in Risk Society

Yıl 2018, , 65 - 79, 30.04.2018


New political movements and ideological patterns become more and more frequent regarding to the contemporary political and social transformations on local and global contexts. Referring mostly to the post concepts, we can observe the actuality and development of risk society in global level. On one hand, global developments have a considerable impact on local changes and on the other hand, countries become more and more introverted and conservative that influences the transformation of the leader’s discourse and electoral behavior. This article aims to analyze the development of risk society, extreme right political tendencies and political volatility in international politics starting with terrorist attacks in Europe until 2015-2016; Brexit decision of England; presidential election results in United-States. Our analysis will be based on the following concepts of risk society, post-truth and populism.


  • Baştürk, E. (2012), “Michel Foucault’da Liberalizm Eleştirisi: İktidar, Yönetimsellik ve Güvenlik”, Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14, 65-78.
  • Bauman, Z. (2000), Liquid Modernity, Polity, Cambridge.
  • Beck, U. (1992), Risk Society towards a new modernity, Sage, London.
  • Beck, U. (2003), “La société du risque globalisée revue sous l’angle de la menace terroriste”, Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, 114, 27-33.
  • Bell, B. & Machin, S. (2016), “Brexit and wage inequality”, in E.R. Baldwin (ed.), Brexit Beckons: Thinking ahead by leading economists, CEPR Presss, London, 111-14.
  • Betz, H. G. (1994), Radical Rightwing Populism in Western Europe. New York: St Martin’s Press.
  • Canovan, M. (1999), “Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy’, Political Studies, 47, 2–16.
  • Canovan, M. (2004), “Populism for political theorists?”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 9(3), 241-52.
  • Cherkaoui, M. (2016), “Donald Trump: The rise of right-wing politics in America”, Aljazeera Center for Studies Report, 1-10. < >, 22.12.2016.
  • Coyle, D. (2016), “Brexit and Globalization”, in E.R. Baldwin (ed.), Brexit Beckons: Thinking ahead by leading economists, CEPR Presss, London 23-27.
  • Çuhacı, A. (2007), “Ulrich Beck’in Risk Toplumu Kuramı”, Sosyoloji Dergisi, 3(14), 129-157.
  • Davies William (2016), “The Age of Post-truth Politics”, <>, 17.12.2016.
  • De la Torre, C. (2015), The Promise and Perils of Populism: Global Perspectives. Lexington, University of Kentucky Press.
  • Foucault, M. (2004), Naissance de la Biopolitique. Cours au Collège de France 1978-1979, Seul/Gallimard, Paris.
  • Foucault, M., (G. Burchell, Trans.) (2004), Security, Territory, Population, Picador, New York.
  • Foucault, M., (R. Hurley, Trans.) (1978), The History of Sexuality Volume 1: An Introduction, Pantheon Books, New York.
  • Freeden, M. (1996), Ideologies and Political Theory: A Conceptual Approach. Oxford, Clarendon.
  • Freitag, M. (2002), L’Oubli de la Société, Presses universitaires de Rennes, Rennes.
  • Giddens, A. (1994), Les conséquences de la modernité, L’harmattan, Paris.
  • Glaze, B. (2014) “Who voted for Brexit? How the EU referendum divided generations and social classes”, <>, 22.12.2016.
  • Golder, M. (2016), ‘Far Right Parties in Europe.’ Annual Review of Political Science,19, 477-97 .
  • Gökarıksel, B. & Smith S. (2016), “Making America great again”?: The fascist body politics of Donald Trump”, Political Geography, 54, 79-81.
  • Guizzoa, D. & De Lima, I. V. (2015), « Foucault’s contributions for understanding power relations in British classical political economy”, EconomiA, 16, 194–205.
  • Ignazi, P. (2003), Extreme right parties in Western Europe. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Inglehart F. R. & Norris P. (2016), “Trump, Brexit and the rise of Populism: Economic have-nots and cultural backlash”, <>, 20.12.2016.
  • Jacobs, M. & Mazzucato, M. (2016), “The Brexit-Trump Syndrome: it’s the economics, stupid”, <>, 21.11.2016.
  • Kaltwasser, R. C. (2013), “The response of populism to Dahl’s democratic dilemmas”, Political Studies, 62, 470-487.
  • Kitschelt, H. & McGann J. A. (1995), The Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
  • Koyuncu A. A. & Delibaş K. (2012), “Risk Toplumu ve Siyasal Eylem: Risk Olgusunun Türk Siyasetine Yansıması”, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 160-177.
  • Laclau, E. (2005), On Populist Reason, Verso Books, London. 

  • Lacsh, C. (1979), The Culture of Narcissism. American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations, W.W.Norton&Co., New York.
  • Latter, J. (2016), “Post-Brexit focus group: No regret from Leavers”, < >, 22.12.2016.
  • Luhmann, N. (2002), Theories of Distinction: Redescribing the Description of Modernity, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  • McDonnell, D. (2016), “Populist Leaders and Coterie Charisma”, Political Studies, 64(3), 719-33.
  • Moffitt, B. & Tormey, S. (2014), “Rethinking Populism: Politics, Mediatisation and Political Style”, Political Studies, 62, 381-97.
  • Molenat, X. (2009), La sociologie. Histoire, idées, courants, Sciences humaine éditions, Auxerre.
  • Mudde, C. (2009), “Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe Redux”, Political Studies Review, 7(3), 330-37.
  • Mudde, C. (2007), Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Norris, P. (2005), Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Oliver, J. E. & Rahn, M. W. (2016), “Rise of the Trumpenvolk: Populism in the 2016 Election”, ANNALS, AAPSS, 667, 189-206.
  • Sennett, R. (1979), Les Tyrannies de l’intimité, Seuil, Paris.
  • Seymour, M. L. (1960), Political Man: The Social Basis of Politics. Doubleday, New York.
  • Simon, C. (1998), “Ulrich Beck ‘Risk Society and the media. A catastrophic view?”, European Journal of Communication, 13(1), 5-32.
  • Spruyt, B., Keppens, G. & Van Droogenbroeck, F. (2016), “Who supports populism, and what attracts people to it?”, Political Research Quarterly, 69(2), 335-46.
  • Stavrakakis, Y. & Katsambekis, G. (2014), “Left wing populism in the European periphery: the case of SYRIZA”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 19, 119-42.
  • Stein, R. & Martin, L. (1967), Party Systems and Voter Alignments, Free Press, New York.
  • Touraine, A. (1969), La société post-industrielle: naissance d’une société, Editions Denoël, Paris.
  • Uzunoğlu, S. (2016), “Post-trut nedir? Bu sirkte yasamaya mecbur muyuz?”, < >, 13.12.2016. Wodak, R., Khosravinik M. & Mral B. (2013), Right-Wing Populism in Europe. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Yalçınkaya, T. & Özsoy, E. (2003), “Risk Toplumu: Bilgi Toplumunun Evriminde Yeni Boyut”, II. Uluslararası Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi İİBF, Kocaeli.

Risk Toplumunda Seçimler

Yıl 2018, , 65 - 79, 30.04.2018


Yerel ve küresel ölçekteki güncel siyasal ve toplumsal gelişmelere bakıldığında, yeni siyasi hareketlerin ve düşünce kalıplarının ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Kimi kavramların ötesine geçildiği bu dönemde, risk toplumu kavramının da güncelliğini koruduğunu ve sınırlarını genişlettiğini gözlemlemekteyiz. Küresel gelişmelerin yerel değişimleri tetiklediği diğer yandan da ülkelerin giderek içine kapandığı ve muhafazakârlaştığı bu dönemde, seçime katılan liderlerin söylemlerinde ve oy verme davranışlarında da değişimler görüldüğü tespit edilmektedir. Bu makale, 2015-2016 itibarıyla Avrupa’da gerçekleşen terör saldırılarından başlayarak, İngiltere’nin AB referandumu ve Amerikan başkanlık seçimi sonuçlarına değinerek, risk toplumunun gelişimini, aşırı sağ siyasi eğilimlerin ve liderlerin güç kazanmasını gerçek-sonrası (post-truth) ve popülizm kavramları ile değerlendirmeyi hedeflemektedir.


  • Baştürk, E. (2012), “Michel Foucault’da Liberalizm Eleştirisi: İktidar, Yönetimsellik ve Güvenlik”, Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14, 65-78.
  • Bauman, Z. (2000), Liquid Modernity, Polity, Cambridge.
  • Beck, U. (1992), Risk Society towards a new modernity, Sage, London.
  • Beck, U. (2003), “La société du risque globalisée revue sous l’angle de la menace terroriste”, Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, 114, 27-33.
  • Bell, B. & Machin, S. (2016), “Brexit and wage inequality”, in E.R. Baldwin (ed.), Brexit Beckons: Thinking ahead by leading economists, CEPR Presss, London, 111-14.
  • Betz, H. G. (1994), Radical Rightwing Populism in Western Europe. New York: St Martin’s Press.
  • Canovan, M. (1999), “Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy’, Political Studies, 47, 2–16.
  • Canovan, M. (2004), “Populism for political theorists?”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 9(3), 241-52.
  • Cherkaoui, M. (2016), “Donald Trump: The rise of right-wing politics in America”, Aljazeera Center for Studies Report, 1-10. < >, 22.12.2016.
  • Coyle, D. (2016), “Brexit and Globalization”, in E.R. Baldwin (ed.), Brexit Beckons: Thinking ahead by leading economists, CEPR Presss, London 23-27.
  • Çuhacı, A. (2007), “Ulrich Beck’in Risk Toplumu Kuramı”, Sosyoloji Dergisi, 3(14), 129-157.
  • Davies William (2016), “The Age of Post-truth Politics”, <>, 17.12.2016.
  • De la Torre, C. (2015), The Promise and Perils of Populism: Global Perspectives. Lexington, University of Kentucky Press.
  • Foucault, M. (2004), Naissance de la Biopolitique. Cours au Collège de France 1978-1979, Seul/Gallimard, Paris.
  • Foucault, M., (G. Burchell, Trans.) (2004), Security, Territory, Population, Picador, New York.
  • Foucault, M., (R. Hurley, Trans.) (1978), The History of Sexuality Volume 1: An Introduction, Pantheon Books, New York.
  • Freeden, M. (1996), Ideologies and Political Theory: A Conceptual Approach. Oxford, Clarendon.
  • Freitag, M. (2002), L’Oubli de la Société, Presses universitaires de Rennes, Rennes.
  • Giddens, A. (1994), Les conséquences de la modernité, L’harmattan, Paris.
  • Glaze, B. (2014) “Who voted for Brexit? How the EU referendum divided generations and social classes”, <>, 22.12.2016.
  • Golder, M. (2016), ‘Far Right Parties in Europe.’ Annual Review of Political Science,19, 477-97 .
  • Gökarıksel, B. & Smith S. (2016), “Making America great again”?: The fascist body politics of Donald Trump”, Political Geography, 54, 79-81.
  • Guizzoa, D. & De Lima, I. V. (2015), « Foucault’s contributions for understanding power relations in British classical political economy”, EconomiA, 16, 194–205.
  • Ignazi, P. (2003), Extreme right parties in Western Europe. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Inglehart F. R. & Norris P. (2016), “Trump, Brexit and the rise of Populism: Economic have-nots and cultural backlash”, <>, 20.12.2016.
  • Jacobs, M. & Mazzucato, M. (2016), “The Brexit-Trump Syndrome: it’s the economics, stupid”, <>, 21.11.2016.
  • Kaltwasser, R. C. (2013), “The response of populism to Dahl’s democratic dilemmas”, Political Studies, 62, 470-487.
  • Kitschelt, H. & McGann J. A. (1995), The Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
  • Koyuncu A. A. & Delibaş K. (2012), “Risk Toplumu ve Siyasal Eylem: Risk Olgusunun Türk Siyasetine Yansıması”, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 160-177.
  • Laclau, E. (2005), On Populist Reason, Verso Books, London. 

  • Lacsh, C. (1979), The Culture of Narcissism. American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations, W.W.Norton&Co., New York.
  • Latter, J. (2016), “Post-Brexit focus group: No regret from Leavers”, < >, 22.12.2016.
  • Luhmann, N. (2002), Theories of Distinction: Redescribing the Description of Modernity, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  • McDonnell, D. (2016), “Populist Leaders and Coterie Charisma”, Political Studies, 64(3), 719-33.
  • Moffitt, B. & Tormey, S. (2014), “Rethinking Populism: Politics, Mediatisation and Political Style”, Political Studies, 62, 381-97.
  • Molenat, X. (2009), La sociologie. Histoire, idées, courants, Sciences humaine éditions, Auxerre.
  • Mudde, C. (2009), “Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe Redux”, Political Studies Review, 7(3), 330-37.
  • Mudde, C. (2007), Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Norris, P. (2005), Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Oliver, J. E. & Rahn, M. W. (2016), “Rise of the Trumpenvolk: Populism in the 2016 Election”, ANNALS, AAPSS, 667, 189-206.
  • Sennett, R. (1979), Les Tyrannies de l’intimité, Seuil, Paris.
  • Seymour, M. L. (1960), Political Man: The Social Basis of Politics. Doubleday, New York.
  • Simon, C. (1998), “Ulrich Beck ‘Risk Society and the media. A catastrophic view?”, European Journal of Communication, 13(1), 5-32.
  • Spruyt, B., Keppens, G. & Van Droogenbroeck, F. (2016), “Who supports populism, and what attracts people to it?”, Political Research Quarterly, 69(2), 335-46.
  • Stavrakakis, Y. & Katsambekis, G. (2014), “Left wing populism in the European periphery: the case of SYRIZA”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 19, 119-42.
  • Stein, R. & Martin, L. (1967), Party Systems and Voter Alignments, Free Press, New York.
  • Touraine, A. (1969), La société post-industrielle: naissance d’une société, Editions Denoël, Paris.
  • Uzunoğlu, S. (2016), “Post-trut nedir? Bu sirkte yasamaya mecbur muyuz?”, < >, 13.12.2016. Wodak, R., Khosravinik M. & Mral B. (2013), Right-Wing Populism in Europe. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Yalçınkaya, T. & Özsoy, E. (2003), “Risk Toplumu: Bilgi Toplumunun Evriminde Yeni Boyut”, II. Uluslararası Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi İİBF, Kocaeli.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İşıl Zeynep Turkan-ipek Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6979-2139

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Turkan-ipek, İ. Z. (2018). Risk Toplumunda Seçimler. Sosyoekonomi, 26(36), 65-79.
AMA Turkan-ipek İZ. Risk Toplumunda Seçimler. Sosyoekonomi. Nisan 2018;26(36):65-79. doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2018.02.04
Chicago Turkan-ipek, İşıl Zeynep. “Risk Toplumunda Seçimler”. Sosyoekonomi 26, sy. 36 (Nisan 2018): 65-79.
EndNote Turkan-ipek İZ (01 Nisan 2018) Risk Toplumunda Seçimler. Sosyoekonomi 26 36 65–79.
IEEE İ. Z. Turkan-ipek, “Risk Toplumunda Seçimler”, Sosyoekonomi, c. 26, sy. 36, ss. 65–79, 2018, doi: 10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2018.02.04.
ISNAD Turkan-ipek, İşıl Zeynep. “Risk Toplumunda Seçimler”. Sosyoekonomi 26/36 (Nisan 2018), 65-79.
JAMA Turkan-ipek İZ. Risk Toplumunda Seçimler. Sosyoekonomi. 2018;26:65–79.
MLA Turkan-ipek, İşıl Zeynep. “Risk Toplumunda Seçimler”. Sosyoekonomi, c. 26, sy. 36, 2018, ss. 65-79, doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2018.02.04.
Vancouver Turkan-ipek İZ. Risk Toplumunda Seçimler. Sosyoekonomi. 2018;26(36):65-79.