Political Polarization and Size of Government
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 28 Sayı: 44, 319 - 335, 19.04.2020
Nazlı Keyifli
Sacit Hadi Akdede
In this study, it empirically examines the impact of economic and political determinants on the economic size of the government. Political polarization from political determinants is the main independent variable, along with other control variables. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Ordinary Least Squares and Second Stage Least Squares methods. The scope of the paper includes 61 countries, and the time interval between 1990 and 2015 was used. The results of the regression analysis show that the share of public consumption spending in national income in countries where political polarization is high is declining. In addition, the increase in levels of ethnic fracturalization, democracy and government fractionalization has an increasing effect on share of public consumption spending in national income. The study describes the links to these findings.
- Adam, A. & P. Kammas & A. Lapatinas (2015), “Income Inequality and the Tax Structure: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(1), 138-154.
- Afonso, A. & J.T. Jalles (2016), “Economic Performance, Government size and Institutional Quality”, Empirica, 43(1), 83-109.
- Aidt, T.S. & J. Dutta & E. Loukoianovai (2006), “Democracy Comes to Europe: Franchise Extension and Fiscal Outcomes 1830-1938”, European Economic Review, 50(2), 249-283.
- Akbulut, H. (2015), “Kamu Sektörünün Hacmi: Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği Karşılaştırması”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 48(3), 41-59.
- Akdede, S.H. (2012), “Income Inequality and Political Polarization and Fracturalization: An Empirical Investigation of Some European Countries”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 64(1), 20-30.
- Alesina, A. & R. Wacziarg (1998), “Openness, Country Size and Government”, Journal of Public Economics, 69(3), 305-321.
- Alesina, A. & R. Baqir & W. Easterly (1999), “Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(4), 1243-1284.
- Annet, A. (2000), Social Fractionalization, Political Instability, and the Size of Government, Washington: IMF.
- Arı, A. & B. Özcan (2012), “Hollanda Hastalığı: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerine Bir Uygulama”, Sosyoekonomi, 18(18), 153-172.
- Au, K. & M. Cheung (2004), “Intra-cultural Variation and Job Au- tonomy in 42 Countries”, Organization Studies, 25(8), 1339-62.
- Au, K. (1999), “Intra-Cultural Variation: Evidence and Implications for International Business”, Journal of International Business Studies, 30(4), 799-812.
- Bawn, K. & F. Rosenbluth (2006), “Short Versus Long Coalitions: Electoral Accountability and the Size of the Public Sector”, American Journal of Political Science, 50(2), 251-265.
- Blais, A.B. & S. Dion (1993), “Do Parties Make a Difference? Parties and the Size of Government in Liberal Democracies”, American Journal of Political Science, 37(1), 40-62.
- Bölükbaş, M. (2018), “Kamu Büyüklüğü İşsizliğin ve Genç İşsizliğin Nedeni Midir? Türkiye Örneği”, Aydın İktisat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 1-17.
- Chobanov, D. & A. Mladenova (2009), What is the Optimum Size of Government?, Institute for Market Economics, Bulgaria.
- Commander, S. & H.R. Davoodi & U.J. Lee (1997), “The Causes and Consequences of Government for Growth and Well-being”, World Development Report, 1785.
- Cusack, T.R. & S. Fuchs (2002), “Ideology, Institutions, and Public Spending”, Working Group on Institutions, States, and Markets, Discussion Paper, P 02-903.
- Dash, B.B. & A.V. Raja (2012), “Political Determinants of the Allocation of Public Expenditures: A Study of the Indian States”, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Working Paper, No.2012-101, 4-27.
- De Haan, J. & J. Sturm (1994), “Political and Institutional Determinants of Fiscal Policy in the European Community”, Public Choice, 80(1-2), 157-172.
- DiMaggio, P. & J. Evans & B. Bryson (1996), “Have Americans’ Social Attitudes Become More Polarized?”, American Journal of Sociology, 102(3), 690-755.
- Elgin, C. & T. Göksel & M.Y. Gürdal & C. Orman (2013), “Religion, Income Inequality, and the Size of the Government”, Economic Modelling, 30, 225-234.
- Esteban, J. & D. Ray (2011), “Linking Conflict to Inequality and Polarization”, American Economic Review, 101(4), 1345-1374.
- Esteban, J.M. & D. Ray (1994), “On the Measurement of Polarization”, Econometrica, 62(4), 819-851.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 2 1990-1994, Version 2014-04-29. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV2.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 3 1995-1998, Version 2014-04-09. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV3.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 4 1999-2004, Version 2014-04-09. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV4.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 5 2005-2009, Version 2014-04-09. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV5.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 6 2010-2014, Version 2014-04-09. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV6.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- Garrett, T.A. & R.M. Rhine (2006), “On the Size and Growth of Government”, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 88(1), 13-30.
- Gramc, B. (2007), “Factor of the Size of Government in Developed Countries”, Prague Economic Papers, 16(2), 130-142.
- Grechyna, D. (2016), “On the Determinants of Political Polarization”, Economics Letters, 144, 10-14.
- Gujarati, D.N. (2011), Econometric By Exemple, Boston: The Mc-Graw-Hill Companies.
- Hillman, A.L. (2009), Public Finance and Public Policy, Responsibilities and Limitations of Government (Second Edition), Cambridge University Press.
- Hotunluoğlu, H. (2016), “Türkiye’de Politik Bütçe Hareketlerinin Kamu Harcamalarının Dağılımı Açısından Analizi”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 23(1), 113-125.
- Hsiao, C. (2007), Analysis of Panel Data, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, New York.
- IMF (2001), “Sweeden Selected Issues-The Role of Government”, IMF Country Report No.01/169.
- Karakaş, M. (2013), “Political Business Cycles in Turkey: A Fiscal Approach”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 20(1), 245-262.
- Kau, J.B. & P.H. Rubin (2002), “The Growth of Government: Sources and Limits”, Public Choice, 113(3-4), 389-402.
- Kotera, G. & K. Okada (2017), “How does Democratization Affect the Composition of Government Expenditure?”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 137, 145-159.
- Kotera, G. & K. Okado & S. Samreth (2012), “Government Size, Democracy, and Corruption: An Empirical Investigation”, Economic Modelling, 29(6), 2340-2348.
- LaPorta, R. & F. Lopez-De-Silanes & A. Shleifer & R. Vishny (1999), “The Quality of Government”, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 15(1), 222-279.
- Lindqvist, E. & R. Östling (2010), “Political Polarization and the Size of Government”, The American Political Science Review, 104(3), 543-565.
- Marshall, M.G. & K. Jaggers (2007), “Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions 1800-2007”, Polity IV Project, University of Maryland, <http://www.systemicpeace.org/inscr/inscr.htm>, 14.05.2017.
- Meltzer, A.H. & S.F. Richard (1981), “A Rational Theory of the Size of Government”, Journal of Political Economy, 89(5), 914-927.
- Mukherjee, B. (2003), “Political Parties and the Size of Government in Multiparty Legislatures Examining Cross-Country and Panel Data Evidence”, Comparative Political Studies, 36(6), 699-728.
- Pehlivan, O. (2016), Kamu Maliyesi, Trabzon: Celepler Matbaacılık.
- Peltzman, S. (1980), The Growth of Government, Multilithed, Chicago: Univ. Chicago.
- Perotti, R. & Y. Kontopoulos (2002), “Fragmented Fiscal Policy”, Journal of Public Economics, 86(2), 191-222.
- Persson, T. & G. Tabellini (1999), “The Size and Scope of Government: Comparative Politics with Rational Politicians”, European Economic Review, 43(4-6), 699-735.
- Persson, T. & G. Tabellini (2001), Political Institutions and Policy Outcomes: What are the Stylized Facts?, London: Center For Economic Policy Research.
- Persson, T. & G. Tabellini (2003), The Economic Effects of Constitutions, What do the Data say?, MIT Press.
- Pevcin, P. (2004), “Cross-Country Differences in Government Sector Activities”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Rijeci, 22(2), 41-59.
- Pickering, A. & J. Rockey (2011), “Ideology and the Growth of Government”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(3), 907-919.
- Plümper, T. & C.W. Martin (2003), “Democracy, Government Spending, and Economic Growth: A Political-Economic Explanation of the Barro-effect”, Public Choice, 177(1-2), 27-50.
- Posner, R.A. (1971), “Taxation by Regulation”, The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 2(1), 22-50.
- Ricciuti, R. (2004), “Political Fragmentation and Fiscal Outcomes”, Public Choice, 118(3), 365-388.
- Rodrik, D. (1998), “Why Do More Open Economies Have Bigger Government?”, Journal of Political Economy, 106(5), 997-1032.
- Sarı, R. (2003), “Kamu Harcamalarının Dünyada ve Türkiye’deki Gelişimi ve Türkiye’de Ulusal Gelir ile İlişkisi”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 18(209), 25-38.
- Savaşan, F. & İ. Dursun (2006), “Türkiye’de Yerel Düzeyde Politik Konjontürel Devreler”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 8(2), 191-208.
- Schneider, M. (1987), “Income Homogeneity and the Size of Suburban Government”, The Journal of Politics, 49(1), 36-53.
- Sezgin, Ş. (2007), “Ekonomik Oy Verme Teorisi: Türkiye Örneği (1998-2003)”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 40(2), 21-38.
- Şen, H. & A. Kaya (2018), “Kamu Kesimi Büyüklüğü, Dış Şoklar ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Seçilmiş OECD Ülkeleri Üzerine Ekonometrik Bir Çalışma”, Bankacılık Dergisi, 105, 27-46.
- Şener, O. (2016), Kamu Ekonomisi (on üçüncü baskı), İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi.
- Şentürk, S.H. & B. Karakurt & B. Şahingöz (2017), “Mali Disiplin ve Enflasyon İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Analiz: Türkiye Örneği”, Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Yenilik Dergisi, 3(2) 2017, 185-204.
- Tatoğlu, Y.F. (2013), Panel Veri Ekonometrisi: Stata Uygulamalı (İkinci Baskı), İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
- Tavits, M. (2004), “The Size of Government in Majoritarian and Consensus Democracies”, Comparative Political Studies, 37(3), 340-359.
- Tekeli, R. & S.H. Akdede (2008), “Yerel Yönetimlerde Politik Konjontür Hareketleri: Türkiye’de Belediyeler Üzerine Bir Uygulama”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 23(262), 89-11.
- Tutar, İ. & A. Tansel (2000), “Political Business Cycles, Institutional Structure and Budget Deficits in Turkey”, Economic Research Forum Working Paper, 1-16.
- Uzay, N. (2002), “Kamu Büyüklüğü ve Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türkiye Örneği (1970-1999)”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19, 151-172.
- Witte, K.D. & W. Moesen (2010), “Sizing the Government”, Public Choice, 145(1-2), 39-55.
- World Bank (2017), World Development Indicators 2017, Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Wu, A.M. & M. Lin (2012), “Determinants of Government Size: Evidence from China”, Public Choice, 151(1), 255-270.
- Zareen, S. & A. Qayyum (2014), “An Analysis of the Impact of Government Size on Economic Growth of Pakistan: An Endogenous Growth”, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
Politik Kutuplaşma ve Devletin Ekonomik Boyutu
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 28 Sayı: 44, 319 - 335, 19.04.2020
Nazlı Keyifli
Sacit Hadi Akdede
Bu çalışmada, ekonomik ve politik faktörlerin devletin ekonomik boyutu üzerindeki etkisi ampirik olarak incelenmektedir. Politik faktörlerden politik kutuplaşma diğer kontrol değişkenlerle birlikte ana bağımsız değişkendir. İstatistiksel analiz olarak En Küçük Kareler ve İki Aşamalı En Küçük Kareler yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamına 61 ülke dâhildir ve 1990 ile 2015 yılları arasındaki zaman aralığı kullanılmıştır. Regresyon analizi sonuçları, politik kutuplaşmanın fazla olduğu ülkelerde kamu tüketim harcamalarının milli gelir içindeki payının azaldığını göstermektedir. Ek olarak, etnik çeşitlilik, demokrasi ve siyasi ayrışma düzeylerinin artması kamu tüketim harcamalarının milli gelir içindeki payının artması şeklinde bir etki ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Çalışma bu bulguların bağlantılarını açıklamaktadır.
- Adam, A. & P. Kammas & A. Lapatinas (2015), “Income Inequality and the Tax Structure: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(1), 138-154.
- Afonso, A. & J.T. Jalles (2016), “Economic Performance, Government size and Institutional Quality”, Empirica, 43(1), 83-109.
- Aidt, T.S. & J. Dutta & E. Loukoianovai (2006), “Democracy Comes to Europe: Franchise Extension and Fiscal Outcomes 1830-1938”, European Economic Review, 50(2), 249-283.
- Akbulut, H. (2015), “Kamu Sektörünün Hacmi: Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği Karşılaştırması”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 48(3), 41-59.
- Akdede, S.H. (2012), “Income Inequality and Political Polarization and Fracturalization: An Empirical Investigation of Some European Countries”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 64(1), 20-30.
- Alesina, A. & R. Wacziarg (1998), “Openness, Country Size and Government”, Journal of Public Economics, 69(3), 305-321.
- Alesina, A. & R. Baqir & W. Easterly (1999), “Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(4), 1243-1284.
- Annet, A. (2000), Social Fractionalization, Political Instability, and the Size of Government, Washington: IMF.
- Arı, A. & B. Özcan (2012), “Hollanda Hastalığı: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerine Bir Uygulama”, Sosyoekonomi, 18(18), 153-172.
- Au, K. & M. Cheung (2004), “Intra-cultural Variation and Job Au- tonomy in 42 Countries”, Organization Studies, 25(8), 1339-62.
- Au, K. (1999), “Intra-Cultural Variation: Evidence and Implications for International Business”, Journal of International Business Studies, 30(4), 799-812.
- Bawn, K. & F. Rosenbluth (2006), “Short Versus Long Coalitions: Electoral Accountability and the Size of the Public Sector”, American Journal of Political Science, 50(2), 251-265.
- Blais, A.B. & S. Dion (1993), “Do Parties Make a Difference? Parties and the Size of Government in Liberal Democracies”, American Journal of Political Science, 37(1), 40-62.
- Bölükbaş, M. (2018), “Kamu Büyüklüğü İşsizliğin ve Genç İşsizliğin Nedeni Midir? Türkiye Örneği”, Aydın İktisat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 1-17.
- Chobanov, D. & A. Mladenova (2009), What is the Optimum Size of Government?, Institute for Market Economics, Bulgaria.
- Commander, S. & H.R. Davoodi & U.J. Lee (1997), “The Causes and Consequences of Government for Growth and Well-being”, World Development Report, 1785.
- Cusack, T.R. & S. Fuchs (2002), “Ideology, Institutions, and Public Spending”, Working Group on Institutions, States, and Markets, Discussion Paper, P 02-903.
- Dash, B.B. & A.V. Raja (2012), “Political Determinants of the Allocation of Public Expenditures: A Study of the Indian States”, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Working Paper, No.2012-101, 4-27.
- De Haan, J. & J. Sturm (1994), “Political and Institutional Determinants of Fiscal Policy in the European Community”, Public Choice, 80(1-2), 157-172.
- DiMaggio, P. & J. Evans & B. Bryson (1996), “Have Americans’ Social Attitudes Become More Polarized?”, American Journal of Sociology, 102(3), 690-755.
- Elgin, C. & T. Göksel & M.Y. Gürdal & C. Orman (2013), “Religion, Income Inequality, and the Size of the Government”, Economic Modelling, 30, 225-234.
- Esteban, J. & D. Ray (2011), “Linking Conflict to Inequality and Polarization”, American Economic Review, 101(4), 1345-1374.
- Esteban, J.M. & D. Ray (1994), “On the Measurement of Polarization”, Econometrica, 62(4), 819-851.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 2 1990-1994, Version 2014-04-29. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV2.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 3 1995-1998, Version 2014-04-09. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV3.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 4 1999-2004, Version 2014-04-09. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV4.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 5 2005-2009, Version 2014-04-09. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV5.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- European Values Study Group and World Values Association (2006), European and World Values Surveys Wave 6 2010-2014, Version 2014-04-09. <http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV6.jsp>, 17.06.2019.
- Garrett, T.A. & R.M. Rhine (2006), “On the Size and Growth of Government”, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 88(1), 13-30.
- Gramc, B. (2007), “Factor of the Size of Government in Developed Countries”, Prague Economic Papers, 16(2), 130-142.
- Grechyna, D. (2016), “On the Determinants of Political Polarization”, Economics Letters, 144, 10-14.
- Gujarati, D.N. (2011), Econometric By Exemple, Boston: The Mc-Graw-Hill Companies.
- Hillman, A.L. (2009), Public Finance and Public Policy, Responsibilities and Limitations of Government (Second Edition), Cambridge University Press.
- Hotunluoğlu, H. (2016), “Türkiye’de Politik Bütçe Hareketlerinin Kamu Harcamalarının Dağılımı Açısından Analizi”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 23(1), 113-125.
- Hsiao, C. (2007), Analysis of Panel Data, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, New York.
- IMF (2001), “Sweeden Selected Issues-The Role of Government”, IMF Country Report No.01/169.
- Karakaş, M. (2013), “Political Business Cycles in Turkey: A Fiscal Approach”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 20(1), 245-262.
- Kau, J.B. & P.H. Rubin (2002), “The Growth of Government: Sources and Limits”, Public Choice, 113(3-4), 389-402.
- Kotera, G. & K. Okada (2017), “How does Democratization Affect the Composition of Government Expenditure?”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 137, 145-159.
- Kotera, G. & K. Okado & S. Samreth (2012), “Government Size, Democracy, and Corruption: An Empirical Investigation”, Economic Modelling, 29(6), 2340-2348.
- LaPorta, R. & F. Lopez-De-Silanes & A. Shleifer & R. Vishny (1999), “The Quality of Government”, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 15(1), 222-279.
- Lindqvist, E. & R. Östling (2010), “Political Polarization and the Size of Government”, The American Political Science Review, 104(3), 543-565.
- Marshall, M.G. & K. Jaggers (2007), “Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions 1800-2007”, Polity IV Project, University of Maryland, <http://www.systemicpeace.org/inscr/inscr.htm>, 14.05.2017.
- Meltzer, A.H. & S.F. Richard (1981), “A Rational Theory of the Size of Government”, Journal of Political Economy, 89(5), 914-927.
- Mukherjee, B. (2003), “Political Parties and the Size of Government in Multiparty Legislatures Examining Cross-Country and Panel Data Evidence”, Comparative Political Studies, 36(6), 699-728.
- Pehlivan, O. (2016), Kamu Maliyesi, Trabzon: Celepler Matbaacılık.
- Peltzman, S. (1980), The Growth of Government, Multilithed, Chicago: Univ. Chicago.
- Perotti, R. & Y. Kontopoulos (2002), “Fragmented Fiscal Policy”, Journal of Public Economics, 86(2), 191-222.
- Persson, T. & G. Tabellini (1999), “The Size and Scope of Government: Comparative Politics with Rational Politicians”, European Economic Review, 43(4-6), 699-735.
- Persson, T. & G. Tabellini (2001), Political Institutions and Policy Outcomes: What are the Stylized Facts?, London: Center For Economic Policy Research.
- Persson, T. & G. Tabellini (2003), The Economic Effects of Constitutions, What do the Data say?, MIT Press.
- Pevcin, P. (2004), “Cross-Country Differences in Government Sector Activities”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Rijeci, 22(2), 41-59.
- Pickering, A. & J. Rockey (2011), “Ideology and the Growth of Government”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(3), 907-919.
- Plümper, T. & C.W. Martin (2003), “Democracy, Government Spending, and Economic Growth: A Political-Economic Explanation of the Barro-effect”, Public Choice, 177(1-2), 27-50.
- Posner, R.A. (1971), “Taxation by Regulation”, The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 2(1), 22-50.
- Ricciuti, R. (2004), “Political Fragmentation and Fiscal Outcomes”, Public Choice, 118(3), 365-388.
- Rodrik, D. (1998), “Why Do More Open Economies Have Bigger Government?”, Journal of Political Economy, 106(5), 997-1032.
- Sarı, R. (2003), “Kamu Harcamalarının Dünyada ve Türkiye’deki Gelişimi ve Türkiye’de Ulusal Gelir ile İlişkisi”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 18(209), 25-38.
- Savaşan, F. & İ. Dursun (2006), “Türkiye’de Yerel Düzeyde Politik Konjontürel Devreler”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 8(2), 191-208.
- Schneider, M. (1987), “Income Homogeneity and the Size of Suburban Government”, The Journal of Politics, 49(1), 36-53.
- Sezgin, Ş. (2007), “Ekonomik Oy Verme Teorisi: Türkiye Örneği (1998-2003)”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 40(2), 21-38.
- Şen, H. & A. Kaya (2018), “Kamu Kesimi Büyüklüğü, Dış Şoklar ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Seçilmiş OECD Ülkeleri Üzerine Ekonometrik Bir Çalışma”, Bankacılık Dergisi, 105, 27-46.
- Şener, O. (2016), Kamu Ekonomisi (on üçüncü baskı), İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi.
- Şentürk, S.H. & B. Karakurt & B. Şahingöz (2017), “Mali Disiplin ve Enflasyon İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Analiz: Türkiye Örneği”, Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Yenilik Dergisi, 3(2) 2017, 185-204.
- Tatoğlu, Y.F. (2013), Panel Veri Ekonometrisi: Stata Uygulamalı (İkinci Baskı), İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
- Tavits, M. (2004), “The Size of Government in Majoritarian and Consensus Democracies”, Comparative Political Studies, 37(3), 340-359.
- Tekeli, R. & S.H. Akdede (2008), “Yerel Yönetimlerde Politik Konjontür Hareketleri: Türkiye’de Belediyeler Üzerine Bir Uygulama”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 23(262), 89-11.
- Tutar, İ. & A. Tansel (2000), “Political Business Cycles, Institutional Structure and Budget Deficits in Turkey”, Economic Research Forum Working Paper, 1-16.
- Uzay, N. (2002), “Kamu Büyüklüğü ve Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türkiye Örneği (1970-1999)”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19, 151-172.
- Witte, K.D. & W. Moesen (2010), “Sizing the Government”, Public Choice, 145(1-2), 39-55.
- World Bank (2017), World Development Indicators 2017, Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Wu, A.M. & M. Lin (2012), “Determinants of Government Size: Evidence from China”, Public Choice, 151(1), 255-270.
- Zareen, S. & A. Qayyum (2014), “An Analysis of the Impact of Government Size on Economic Growth of Pakistan: An Endogenous Growth”, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Munich Personal RePEc Archive.