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Kaya Tırmanışının Çevresel Etkileri Üzerine Bir Literatür İncelenmesi

Yıl 2017, , 101 - 110, 01.08.2017


Bu çalışma, doğal alanlarda gerçekleşen önemli bir etkinlik olan kaya tırmanışının çevresel etkilerinin değerlendirmesine yönelik bir literatür taramasıdır. Kaya tırmanışı, performansa dayalı ve zorlu bir spor dalı olmanın yanı sıra içerdiği yer değiştirme hareketi nedeniyle alternatif bir turizm ürünü olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu etkinlik diğer doğa temelli turizm türleri gibi kaynak olarak çoğunlukla el değmemiş doğal alanları kullanmakta ve bu alanlara etkiler bırakmaktadır. Günümüzde; doğa temelli ve macera deneyimi içeren bu etkinliğe yönelik rekreasyonel ve turistik talep giderek artış göstermektedir. Bu nedenle, alternatif bir turizm kaynağı olarak kaya tırmanışı etkinliklerinin sürdürülebilirliği için, bu etkinlik kaynaklı etkilerin belirlenmesi gereklidir. Yapılan literatür taramasında, kaya tırmanışının yarattığı çevresel etkileri yönelik çalışmaların sınırlı olduğu ve bu etkinliğin doğal alanlara olumsuz etkiler bırakabildiği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, kaya tırmanışının çevresel etkilerine yönelik bilimsel çalışmaların artırılması ve bu çalışmaların sonuçları doğrultusunda alan planlamalarının yapılması önerilmektedir


  • Aras D (2015): Kaya tırmanışı sporunda yaralanma risk ve çeşitleri üzerine bir derleme. Ankara Üniver- sitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi, SPORMETRE, 13 (1), 41-55
  • Atik M, Sayan S, Karagüzel O (2009): Impact of Recreational trampling on the natural vegetation in Termessos National Park, Antalya-Turkey. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 15 (3), 249-258.
  • Attarian A, Pyke K (2000): Climbing and natural re- sources management—An Annotated bibliography. Boulder: The Access Fund.
  • Baker B (1999): Controversy over use of rock-clim- bing anchors may be missing the mark. Bioscience, 49 (7), 529.
  • Balcı V, Koçak F (2014): Spor ve rekreasyon alan- larının tasarımında ve kullanımında çevresel sürdü- rülebilirlik. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Der- gisi, (2), 46-58.
  • Brambilla M, Rubolini D, Guidali F (2004): Rock climbing and raven corvus corax occurrence depress breeding success of cliff-nesting peregrines falco peregrinus. Ardeola, (51), 425–430.
  • Camp RJ, Knight, R.L. (1998). Rock Climbing and Cliff Bird Communities at Joshua Tree National Park, California. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 26 (4), 892-898.
  • Carr C (2006): A Model of environmental ımpact at rock climb areas, Red River Gorge Geological Area, Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky. 28th So- utheastern Recreation Research Conference: 26-28 Şubat 2006 – Wilmington: Bildiriler (271). Wil- mington.
  • Carr C (2007): Variation in environmental ımpact at rock climb areas in Red River Gorge Geological Area and Adjacent Clifty Wilderness, Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky (Master Thesis). Cincin- nati: University of Cincinnaty, Geography.
  • Ceballos-Lascurain H (1996): Tourism, ecotourism and protected areas. IUCN. 1999. West / Central Asia and North Africa Programme: Strategy and programme framework, IUCN, Gland.
  • Clark P, Hessl A (2015): The effects of rock clim- bing on cliff-face vegetation, Applied Vegetation Science, (18), 705–715
  • Cole DN (1987): Research on soil and vegetation in wilderness: A State-of-knowledge review. İçinde; RC Lucas. Proceedings-National Wilderness Rese- arch Conference: Issues, State-of-Knowledge, Fu- ture Directions (ss. 135-177) Fort Collins, CO. Ge- neral Technical Report INT-220. Ogden: USDA Fo- rest Service, Intermountain Research Station.
  • Cole DN (2004): Environmental impacts of outdoor recreation in wildlands. İçinde; M Manfredo, J Vaske, D Field, P Brown ve B Bruyere (Editörler). Society and Resource Management: A Summary of Knowledge (ss.135-177). Jefferson City, MO: Mo- dern Litho.
  • Cordell K (2004): Outdoor recreation for 21st Cen- tury America. State College: Venture Publishing, Inc.
  • DeBenedetti S (1990): Impacts of rock climbing and mitigation actions taken at Pinnacles National Mo- nument. Conference on Research and Resource Ma- nagement in Parks and Public Lands:El Paso: Bildi- riler. El Paso: George Wright Society.
  • Farris MA (1998): The effects of rock climbing on the vegetation of three Minnesota cliff systems. Ca- nadian Journal of Botany, (76), 1-10.
  • Francis W (2001): Rock climbing is damaging cliff- dwelling plants in Red River Gorge, Kentucky Na- tive Plant Society, (16), 1-3.
  • Hammitt WE, Cole DN, Monz CA (2015): Wildland recreation ecology and management. Oxford:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Hanemann B (2000): Cooperation in the european mountains 3: The Sustainable management of clim- bing areas in Europe. IUCN Environmental Rese- arch Series 14., Gland
  • Hill P (2007): Sport climbing: Techniques for clim- bing bolted routes, Cumbria: Cicerone Press Limi- ted.
  • Hillary M, Nancarrow B, Griffin G, Syme G (2001): Tourist perception of enviromental impact. Annals of Tourism Research, 28 (4), 853-867.
  • Holzman R (2013): Effects of rock climbers on ve- getative cover, richness and frequency in the Boul- der Front Range, Colorado (Yükseklisans Tezi) Bo- ulder: University of Colorado.
  • Jones CD (2004): Evaluating Visual Impacts of Near-view Rock Climbing Scenes. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 22 (3), 39-49.
  • Karaküçük S (2008): Rekreasyon (Boş zamanları değerlendirme). (Beşinci Baskı). Ankara: Gazi Ki- tabevi.
  • Kelly PE, Larson DW (1997): Effects of rock clim- bing on Presettlement Eastern White Cedar on cliffs of The Niagra Escarpment. Conservation Biology, 11(5), 1125 -1132.
  • Kidd TW, Hazelrigs J (2009): Rock climbing / Wil- derness Education Association, Champaign: Human Kinetics, Inc.
  • Kissling M, Hegetschweiler KT, Rusterholz HP, Baur B (2009): Short-term and long-term effects of human trampling on above-ground vegetation, soil density, soil organic matter and soil microbial pro- cesses in suburban beech forests. Applied Soil Eco- logy (42), 303–314
  • Knight RL, Cole DN (1995): Wildlife responses to recreationists. İçinde; R.L. Knight, ve K. J. Gutzwil- ler (Editörler). Wildlife and recreationists coexıs- tence through management and research. Washing- ton: Island Press.
  • Kruk E, Banskota K (2007): Mountain tourism in Nepal: From İmpacts to sustainability. İçinde; H. Bisht, G. Rajwar (Editörler) Tourism & Himalayan Bio-diversity, (ss. 15–34). Srinagar: Transmedia Publication.
  • Kuntz KL, Larson DW (2006): Influences of micro- habitat constraints and rock-climbing disturbance on cliff-face vegetation communities. Conservation Biology, 20, 821–832.
  • MacGowan D (1987): Reliving the chalk wars, A Geochemical view. Climbing (101), 89.
  • Marion JL, Carr C (2007): An Assessment of recre- ation ımpacts to cliff and rock outcrop environments in Shenandoah Natıonal Park. Research Report, United States Department of the Interior.
  • McMillan MA, Larson DW (2002): Effects of Rock climbing on the vegetation of the Niagara Escarp- ment in Southern Ontario, Canada. Conservation Bi- ology, (16), 389–398.
  • Mieczkowski Z (1995): Environmental Issues of to- urism and recreation. Lanham, Maryland:University Press of America
  • Nepal SK (2003): Tourism and the environment: Perspectives from the Nepal Himalaya. Lalitpur: Hi- mal Books.
  • Nuzzo VA (1995): Effects of rock climbing on cliff Goldenrod (Solidago sciaphila Steele) in Northwest Illinois. American Midland Naturalist, 133 (2), 229- 241.
  • Nuzzo VA (1996): Structure of cliff vegetation on exposed cliffs and the effect of rock climbing. Ca- nadian Journal of Botany ,74, 607-617.
  • Outdoor Industry Association (2005): Via ferrata european rock climbing system is İıntroduced in North America. 07.09.2016 tarihinde www.outdoo- door.php?news_id=1180&sort_year=2005 adresin- den erişildi.
  • Pomfret G (2006): Mountaineering adventure tou- rists: A Conceptual framework for research, Tou- rism Management, (27), 113-123.
  • Priskin J (2001): Assesment of natural resources for nature-based tourism: The case of the central coast region of Western Australia. Tourism Management, 22 (1), 637-648.
  • Pyke K (2001): Climbing management: A Guide to climbing ıssues and the production of a climbing management plan. The Access Fund. Boulder, CO 23 Eylül 2016 tarihinde https://www.accessfund. org/uploads/ClimbingManagementGuide_Access- Fund.pdf. adresinden erişildi.
  • Reid SE, Marion JL (2005): A Comparison of campfire ımpacts and policies in seven protected areas. Environmental Management, 36 (1), 48-58.
  • Richardson H (2000): Threats posed by rock-clim- bers to birds nesting on cliffs in the South Okana- gan, İçinde; L. M. Darling (Editör). Proceedings of a Conference on the Biology and Management of Species and Habitats at Risk, University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops.
  • Rickly-Boyd JM (2012): Lifestyle climbing: Toward existential authenticity. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 17 (2), 85–104.
  • Rusterholz HP, Verhoustraeten C, Baur B (2011): Effects of long-term trampling on the above-ground forest vegetation and soil seed bank at the base of limestone cliffs. Environmental Management, 48 (5), 1024-1032.
  • Rusterholz H, Miiller SW, Baur B (2004): Effects of rock climbing on plant communities on exposed li- mestone cliffs in The Swiss Jura Mountain. Applied Vegetation Science, 7 (1), 35-40.
  • Schuster RM, Thompson JG, Hammitt WE (2001): Rock climbers’ attitudes toward management of climbing and the use of bolts. Environmental Mana- gement, 28 (3), 403–412.
  • Sibella F, Frosio I, Schena F, et al (2007): 3D analy- sis of the body center of mass in rock clim-bing. Hu- man Movement Science, 26 (6), 841-852.
  • Spear PW, Schiffman MJ (1979): Rock climbing and endangered plants: A case study. I. Annual Na- tional Conference on Recreation Planning and De- velopment: Proceedings of the Specialty Confe- rence: 18-21 Nisan 1979 – Utah: Bildiriler (630- 636). New York: American Society of Civil Engine- ers.
  • Stankovic D, Joksimovic A, Aleksandrovic M (2011): Relation and influences of sport climbers’ specific strength on success in sport climbing. SA ePublications, 33 (1), 121-131.
  • Swarbrooke J, Beard C, Leckie S, Pomfret G (2003): Adventure tourism: The new frontier. Birleşik Kral- lık: Elsevier.
  • Uysal M, Baloğlu S (1994): Destinasyonun yaşam süresi ile taşıma kapasitesi arasındaki ilişki, Anato- lia, 5 (1), 36-42.
  • Vogler F, Reisch C (2011): Genetic variation on the rocks. The ımpact of climbing on the population ecology of a typical cliff plant. Journal of Applied Ecology, (48), 899–905.
  • Weaver D, Faulkner B, Lawton L (1998): Nature- based tourism in Australia and beyond: A Prelimi- nary İnvestigation. (Report) CRC Tourism Work in Progress Report Series, Griffith University.
  • Weed M, Bull C (2004): Sports tourism: partici- pants, policy and providers. Birleşik Krallık: Else- vier.
  • Wood KT, Lawson SR, Marion JL (2006): Asses- sing recreation ımpacts to cliffs in Shenandoah Na- tional Park: Integrating visitor observarion with trail and recreation site measurements, Journal of Park and Recreaiton Administrarion, 24 (4), 86-110.
  • World Travel and Tourism Council (2010): 26 Ekim 2016 tarihinde About_WTTC/ adresinden erişildi.
  • 03 Mart 2016 tarihinde expert-advice/climbing-ethics.html adresinden eri- şildi.
  • 18 Şubat 2016 tarihinde http://www.ifsc-climbing. org/index.php/about-ifsc/what-is-the-ifsc/key-figures adresinden erişildi.
  • 22 Şubat 2016 tarihinde http://www.climb-europe. com/WorldRockClimbingDestinations.html adre- sinden erişildi.


Yıl 2017, , 101 - 110, 01.08.2017


This study is a literature review about the environmental impact of rock climbing that is an important activity occur in natural areas. Rock climbing is defined as an alternative tourism product due to involve the movement, on the other hand it is a challenging sport branch which based on sportive performance. This activity mostly uses and affects natural areas such as other nature-based tourism types. Nowadays recreational and touristic demand for this activity, which includes nature-based and adventure experience, is increasing steadily. Therefore, for the sustainability of rock climbing activities, which is an alternative tourism resource, it is necessary to determine the effect of these activity. In this literature review, it was determined that studies about the environmental impacts of rock climbing were limited in addition to this activity could have negative effects on natural areas. As a result, it is suggested to increase the scientific studies on the environmental effects of rock climbing and planning the rock climbing areas with the results of these studies


  • Aras D (2015): Kaya tırmanışı sporunda yaralanma risk ve çeşitleri üzerine bir derleme. Ankara Üniver- sitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi, SPORMETRE, 13 (1), 41-55
  • Atik M, Sayan S, Karagüzel O (2009): Impact of Recreational trampling on the natural vegetation in Termessos National Park, Antalya-Turkey. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 15 (3), 249-258.
  • Attarian A, Pyke K (2000): Climbing and natural re- sources management—An Annotated bibliography. Boulder: The Access Fund.
  • Baker B (1999): Controversy over use of rock-clim- bing anchors may be missing the mark. Bioscience, 49 (7), 529.
  • Balcı V, Koçak F (2014): Spor ve rekreasyon alan- larının tasarımında ve kullanımında çevresel sürdü- rülebilirlik. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Der- gisi, (2), 46-58.
  • Brambilla M, Rubolini D, Guidali F (2004): Rock climbing and raven corvus corax occurrence depress breeding success of cliff-nesting peregrines falco peregrinus. Ardeola, (51), 425–430.
  • Camp RJ, Knight, R.L. (1998). Rock Climbing and Cliff Bird Communities at Joshua Tree National Park, California. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 26 (4), 892-898.
  • Carr C (2006): A Model of environmental ımpact at rock climb areas, Red River Gorge Geological Area, Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky. 28th So- utheastern Recreation Research Conference: 26-28 Şubat 2006 – Wilmington: Bildiriler (271). Wil- mington.
  • Carr C (2007): Variation in environmental ımpact at rock climb areas in Red River Gorge Geological Area and Adjacent Clifty Wilderness, Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky (Master Thesis). Cincin- nati: University of Cincinnaty, Geography.
  • Ceballos-Lascurain H (1996): Tourism, ecotourism and protected areas. IUCN. 1999. West / Central Asia and North Africa Programme: Strategy and programme framework, IUCN, Gland.
  • Clark P, Hessl A (2015): The effects of rock clim- bing on cliff-face vegetation, Applied Vegetation Science, (18), 705–715
  • Cole DN (1987): Research on soil and vegetation in wilderness: A State-of-knowledge review. İçinde; RC Lucas. Proceedings-National Wilderness Rese- arch Conference: Issues, State-of-Knowledge, Fu- ture Directions (ss. 135-177) Fort Collins, CO. Ge- neral Technical Report INT-220. Ogden: USDA Fo- rest Service, Intermountain Research Station.
  • Cole DN (2004): Environmental impacts of outdoor recreation in wildlands. İçinde; M Manfredo, J Vaske, D Field, P Brown ve B Bruyere (Editörler). Society and Resource Management: A Summary of Knowledge (ss.135-177). Jefferson City, MO: Mo- dern Litho.
  • Cordell K (2004): Outdoor recreation for 21st Cen- tury America. State College: Venture Publishing, Inc.
  • DeBenedetti S (1990): Impacts of rock climbing and mitigation actions taken at Pinnacles National Mo- nument. Conference on Research and Resource Ma- nagement in Parks and Public Lands:El Paso: Bildi- riler. El Paso: George Wright Society.
  • Farris MA (1998): The effects of rock climbing on the vegetation of three Minnesota cliff systems. Ca- nadian Journal of Botany, (76), 1-10.
  • Francis W (2001): Rock climbing is damaging cliff- dwelling plants in Red River Gorge, Kentucky Na- tive Plant Society, (16), 1-3.
  • Hammitt WE, Cole DN, Monz CA (2015): Wildland recreation ecology and management. Oxford:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Hanemann B (2000): Cooperation in the european mountains 3: The Sustainable management of clim- bing areas in Europe. IUCN Environmental Rese- arch Series 14., Gland
  • Hill P (2007): Sport climbing: Techniques for clim- bing bolted routes, Cumbria: Cicerone Press Limi- ted.
  • Hillary M, Nancarrow B, Griffin G, Syme G (2001): Tourist perception of enviromental impact. Annals of Tourism Research, 28 (4), 853-867.
  • Holzman R (2013): Effects of rock climbers on ve- getative cover, richness and frequency in the Boul- der Front Range, Colorado (Yükseklisans Tezi) Bo- ulder: University of Colorado.
  • Jones CD (2004): Evaluating Visual Impacts of Near-view Rock Climbing Scenes. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 22 (3), 39-49.
  • Karaküçük S (2008): Rekreasyon (Boş zamanları değerlendirme). (Beşinci Baskı). Ankara: Gazi Ki- tabevi.
  • Kelly PE, Larson DW (1997): Effects of rock clim- bing on Presettlement Eastern White Cedar on cliffs of The Niagra Escarpment. Conservation Biology, 11(5), 1125 -1132.
  • Kidd TW, Hazelrigs J (2009): Rock climbing / Wil- derness Education Association, Champaign: Human Kinetics, Inc.
  • Kissling M, Hegetschweiler KT, Rusterholz HP, Baur B (2009): Short-term and long-term effects of human trampling on above-ground vegetation, soil density, soil organic matter and soil microbial pro- cesses in suburban beech forests. Applied Soil Eco- logy (42), 303–314
  • Knight RL, Cole DN (1995): Wildlife responses to recreationists. İçinde; R.L. Knight, ve K. J. Gutzwil- ler (Editörler). Wildlife and recreationists coexıs- tence through management and research. Washing- ton: Island Press.
  • Kruk E, Banskota K (2007): Mountain tourism in Nepal: From İmpacts to sustainability. İçinde; H. Bisht, G. Rajwar (Editörler) Tourism & Himalayan Bio-diversity, (ss. 15–34). Srinagar: Transmedia Publication.
  • Kuntz KL, Larson DW (2006): Influences of micro- habitat constraints and rock-climbing disturbance on cliff-face vegetation communities. Conservation Biology, 20, 821–832.
  • MacGowan D (1987): Reliving the chalk wars, A Geochemical view. Climbing (101), 89.
  • Marion JL, Carr C (2007): An Assessment of recre- ation ımpacts to cliff and rock outcrop environments in Shenandoah Natıonal Park. Research Report, United States Department of the Interior.
  • McMillan MA, Larson DW (2002): Effects of Rock climbing on the vegetation of the Niagara Escarp- ment in Southern Ontario, Canada. Conservation Bi- ology, (16), 389–398.
  • Mieczkowski Z (1995): Environmental Issues of to- urism and recreation. Lanham, Maryland:University Press of America
  • Nepal SK (2003): Tourism and the environment: Perspectives from the Nepal Himalaya. Lalitpur: Hi- mal Books.
  • Nuzzo VA (1995): Effects of rock climbing on cliff Goldenrod (Solidago sciaphila Steele) in Northwest Illinois. American Midland Naturalist, 133 (2), 229- 241.
  • Nuzzo VA (1996): Structure of cliff vegetation on exposed cliffs and the effect of rock climbing. Ca- nadian Journal of Botany ,74, 607-617.
  • Outdoor Industry Association (2005): Via ferrata european rock climbing system is İıntroduced in North America. 07.09.2016 tarihinde www.outdoo- door.php?news_id=1180&sort_year=2005 adresin- den erişildi.
  • Pomfret G (2006): Mountaineering adventure tou- rists: A Conceptual framework for research, Tou- rism Management, (27), 113-123.
  • Priskin J (2001): Assesment of natural resources for nature-based tourism: The case of the central coast region of Western Australia. Tourism Management, 22 (1), 637-648.
  • Pyke K (2001): Climbing management: A Guide to climbing ıssues and the production of a climbing management plan. The Access Fund. Boulder, CO 23 Eylül 2016 tarihinde https://www.accessfund. org/uploads/ClimbingManagementGuide_Access- Fund.pdf. adresinden erişildi.
  • Reid SE, Marion JL (2005): A Comparison of campfire ımpacts and policies in seven protected areas. Environmental Management, 36 (1), 48-58.
  • Richardson H (2000): Threats posed by rock-clim- bers to birds nesting on cliffs in the South Okana- gan, İçinde; L. M. Darling (Editör). Proceedings of a Conference on the Biology and Management of Species and Habitats at Risk, University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops.
  • Rickly-Boyd JM (2012): Lifestyle climbing: Toward existential authenticity. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 17 (2), 85–104.
  • Rusterholz HP, Verhoustraeten C, Baur B (2011): Effects of long-term trampling on the above-ground forest vegetation and soil seed bank at the base of limestone cliffs. Environmental Management, 48 (5), 1024-1032.
  • Rusterholz H, Miiller SW, Baur B (2004): Effects of rock climbing on plant communities on exposed li- mestone cliffs in The Swiss Jura Mountain. Applied Vegetation Science, 7 (1), 35-40.
  • Schuster RM, Thompson JG, Hammitt WE (2001): Rock climbers’ attitudes toward management of climbing and the use of bolts. Environmental Mana- gement, 28 (3), 403–412.
  • Sibella F, Frosio I, Schena F, et al (2007): 3D analy- sis of the body center of mass in rock clim-bing. Hu- man Movement Science, 26 (6), 841-852.
  • Spear PW, Schiffman MJ (1979): Rock climbing and endangered plants: A case study. I. Annual Na- tional Conference on Recreation Planning and De- velopment: Proceedings of the Specialty Confe- rence: 18-21 Nisan 1979 – Utah: Bildiriler (630- 636). New York: American Society of Civil Engine- ers.
  • Stankovic D, Joksimovic A, Aleksandrovic M (2011): Relation and influences of sport climbers’ specific strength on success in sport climbing. SA ePublications, 33 (1), 121-131.
  • Swarbrooke J, Beard C, Leckie S, Pomfret G (2003): Adventure tourism: The new frontier. Birleşik Kral- lık: Elsevier.
  • Uysal M, Baloğlu S (1994): Destinasyonun yaşam süresi ile taşıma kapasitesi arasındaki ilişki, Anato- lia, 5 (1), 36-42.
  • Vogler F, Reisch C (2011): Genetic variation on the rocks. The ımpact of climbing on the population ecology of a typical cliff plant. Journal of Applied Ecology, (48), 899–905.
  • Weaver D, Faulkner B, Lawton L (1998): Nature- based tourism in Australia and beyond: A Prelimi- nary İnvestigation. (Report) CRC Tourism Work in Progress Report Series, Griffith University.
  • Weed M, Bull C (2004): Sports tourism: partici- pants, policy and providers. Birleşik Krallık: Else- vier.
  • Wood KT, Lawson SR, Marion JL (2006): Asses- sing recreation ımpacts to cliffs in Shenandoah Na- tional Park: Integrating visitor observarion with trail and recreation site measurements, Journal of Park and Recreaiton Administrarion, 24 (4), 86-110.
  • World Travel and Tourism Council (2010): 26 Ekim 2016 tarihinde About_WTTC/ adresinden erişildi.
  • 03 Mart 2016 tarihinde expert-advice/climbing-ethics.html adresinden eri- şildi.
  • 18 Şubat 2016 tarihinde http://www.ifsc-climbing. org/index.php/about-ifsc/what-is-the-ifsc/key-figures adresinden erişildi.
  • 22 Şubat 2016 tarihinde http://www.climb-europe. com/WorldRockClimbingDestinations.html adre- sinden erişildi.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA39ZN69VA
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Güney Çetinkaya Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetinkaya, G. (2017). Kaya Tırmanışının Çevresel Etkileri Üzerine Bir Literatür İncelenmesi. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 101-110.

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