The Protection of EU Fundamental Rights Among the EU Member States
Yıl 2017,
Sayı: 31, 1 - 26, 01.07.2017
A Füsun Arsava
The protection of fundamental rights constitutes the basis of the EU identity. At the same time that the member states protect their national identities leads to differences between constitutional provisions of the Union Treaty and national constitutions. The fundamental rights have an important role in addressing these differences because the protection of fundamental rights is the basis of EU’s identity. The European Court of Justice that was inspired by the ECHR’s Soering decision and G.S.S. Case ruled that the member states have obligation to watch over each other’s observance of EU fundamental rights. This article sheds light on the criteria for member states’ obligation to monitor compliance with EU fundamental rights law with the term “Horizontal Solange” and developments in this framework.
- Andrew William, EU Human Rights Policies: A Study in Irony, 2004
- Armin von Bogdandy, et al. The European Court of Justice: Taking Rights Seriously?, CML Rev.29 (1992)
- Armin von Bogdandy, et al Reverse Solange: Protecting the Essence of Fundamental Rights against EU Member States, CML Rev., Vol. 49 (2012)
- Burkhard Hess/Thomas Pfeiffer, The Interpretation of the Public Policy Exception as Referred to in EU Instruments of Private International and Procedural Law, Brüssel, Europäisches Parlament, 2011
- Cathryn Costello, Human Rights and Elusive Universal Subject: Immigration Detendion under International Human rights and EU Law, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol.19, (2012)
- Felix Cohen, Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach, Columbia Law Review 35(1935)
- Hentrei/Maya Smarkolj, Reverse Solange: Protecting the Essence of Fundamental Rights against EU Member States, CML Rev., Vol. 49 (2012)
- Iris Canor, Solange horizontal: der Schutz der EU-Grundrechte zwischen Mitgliedstaaten, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (ZaöRV) 2/2013
- Joseph Halevi HorowitzWeiler, Editorial – Kadi: Europe’s Modelling?, EJIL 19 (2008)
- Kay Heilbronner, Detention of Asylum Seekers, European Journal of Migration and Law 9 (2007)
- Hemme Battjes, European Asylum Law and International Law
- Henri de Waele, The Role of the European Court of Justice in the Integration Process. A Contemporary and Normative Assesment, Hanse Law Review 6(2010)
- L.M.Poiares Maduro, The Euro Crisis and the Democratic Governance of the
- Witte/M.Kumm, Euro: Legal Political Issues of a Fiscal Crises
- Jean-Paule Jacqué, The Accession of the European Union, the Europenan Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, CML Rev.48(2011) Panagiotis Takis Tridimas, Winners and Losers in Luxembourg: A statistical Analysis
- Gabriel Gari, of judicial Review before the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance (2001-2005)
- Paul Gragl, The Shortcomings of Dublin II: Strasbourg’s M.S.S. Judgement and its implications for the European Union’s Legal Order, European Union’s Legal Order, European Yearbook of Human Rights 2012
- Richard Bonnot Lillich, The Soering Case, AJIL 85 (1991)
- Sophie Lieven, Case Report on C-411/10, N.S. and C-493/10 M.E. and others, 12.2011, European Journal on Migration and Law 14(2012)
- Steve Peer/Angela Ward (Hrsg.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Politics, Law and Policy, 2004
- Tequila J.Brooks, Can Frontex be held Liable for Human Rights Violations?, Potential Application of Recent European Case Law to the Activities of an Intergovernemental Agency
- Thomas von Danwitz, A Fresh Start fort the Charter: Fundamental
- Katherina Paraschas, Questions on the Application of the European Charter of Fundamental Right, Fordham International Law Journal Vol.35 (2012)
- Violeta Moreno-Lax, Dismantling the Dublin System; M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece, European Journal on Migration Law 14 (2012)
- Vassilis Hatzopulos, The Court’s Approach to Services (2006-2012): From Case Law to Case Load?, CML Rev.50 (2013)
Yıl 2017,
Sayı: 31, 1 - 26, 01.07.2017
A Füsun Arsava
Temel hakların korunması AB’nin kimliğinin dayanağını oluşturmaktadır. Bununla beraber üye devletlerin kendi ulusal kimliklerini koruması Birlik anlaşmasının anayasa hukuku nitelikli hükümleri ve ulusal anayasa düzenlemeleri arasında farklılıklara yol açmaktadır. Temel hakların korunması Birliğin kimliğinin dayanağını oluşturması nedeniyle temel haklar söz konusu farklılıkların giderilmesinde önemli bir işleve sahiptir. AİHM’nin Soering kararından ve G.S.S. davasından esinlenen AB Adalet Divanı “Horizontal Solange” olarak isimlendirilen yeni bir yaklaşımla AB üyesi devletlerin diğer üye devletlerin temel hak ihlâllerinden sorumlu tutulmasını kabul etmiştir. Makale “Horizontal Solange” prensibine göre üye devletlerin birbirine karşı denetim yetkisi kullanma kriterelerine ve bu çerçevedeki gelişmelere ışık tutmaktadır.
- Andrew William, EU Human Rights Policies: A Study in Irony, 2004
- Armin von Bogdandy, et al. The European Court of Justice: Taking Rights Seriously?, CML Rev.29 (1992)
- Armin von Bogdandy, et al Reverse Solange: Protecting the Essence of Fundamental Rights against EU Member States, CML Rev., Vol. 49 (2012)
- Burkhard Hess/Thomas Pfeiffer, The Interpretation of the Public Policy Exception as Referred to in EU Instruments of Private International and Procedural Law, Brüssel, Europäisches Parlament, 2011
- Cathryn Costello, Human Rights and Elusive Universal Subject: Immigration Detendion under International Human rights and EU Law, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol.19, (2012)
- Felix Cohen, Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach, Columbia Law Review 35(1935)
- Hentrei/Maya Smarkolj, Reverse Solange: Protecting the Essence of Fundamental Rights against EU Member States, CML Rev., Vol. 49 (2012)
- Iris Canor, Solange horizontal: der Schutz der EU-Grundrechte zwischen Mitgliedstaaten, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (ZaöRV) 2/2013
- Joseph Halevi HorowitzWeiler, Editorial – Kadi: Europe’s Modelling?, EJIL 19 (2008)
- Kay Heilbronner, Detention of Asylum Seekers, European Journal of Migration and Law 9 (2007)
- Hemme Battjes, European Asylum Law and International Law
- Henri de Waele, The Role of the European Court of Justice in the Integration Process. A Contemporary and Normative Assesment, Hanse Law Review 6(2010)
- L.M.Poiares Maduro, The Euro Crisis and the Democratic Governance of the
- Witte/M.Kumm, Euro: Legal Political Issues of a Fiscal Crises
- Jean-Paule Jacqué, The Accession of the European Union, the Europenan Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, CML Rev.48(2011) Panagiotis Takis Tridimas, Winners and Losers in Luxembourg: A statistical Analysis
- Gabriel Gari, of judicial Review before the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance (2001-2005)
- Paul Gragl, The Shortcomings of Dublin II: Strasbourg’s M.S.S. Judgement and its implications for the European Union’s Legal Order, European Union’s Legal Order, European Yearbook of Human Rights 2012
- Richard Bonnot Lillich, The Soering Case, AJIL 85 (1991)
- Sophie Lieven, Case Report on C-411/10, N.S. and C-493/10 M.E. and others, 12.2011, European Journal on Migration and Law 14(2012)
- Steve Peer/Angela Ward (Hrsg.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Politics, Law and Policy, 2004
- Tequila J.Brooks, Can Frontex be held Liable for Human Rights Violations?, Potential Application of Recent European Case Law to the Activities of an Intergovernemental Agency
- Thomas von Danwitz, A Fresh Start fort the Charter: Fundamental
- Katherina Paraschas, Questions on the Application of the European Charter of Fundamental Right, Fordham International Law Journal Vol.35 (2012)
- Violeta Moreno-Lax, Dismantling the Dublin System; M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece, European Journal on Migration Law 14 (2012)
- Vassilis Hatzopulos, The Court’s Approach to Services (2006-2012): From Case Law to Case Load?, CML Rev.50 (2013)