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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1 ve 2, 45 - 57, 01.12.2013


Fiyat desteklerinden üretimden bağımsız desteklere geçiş tarım politikası alanındaki en önemli değişimlerden biridir. Ancak bu desteklerin gerçekten üretimden bağımsız olup olmadıkları tartışmalı bir konudur. Bu çalışmada üretimden bağımsız desteklerin üretim üzerindeki etkisi literatüre bağlı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Genel etki, risk tutumu, arazi değeri, kredi kısıtı, politika beklentisi, yapısal değişim, işgücü dağıtımı ve çevresel yansıma olmak üzere desteğin etkileri sekiz bölüme ayrılmıştır. Her bölümün ilk kısımlarında desteğin nasıl etki yapabileceğine dair varsayımlara yer verilmiş, ikinci kısımlarında ise bu varsayımlar araştırma bulguları ile sınanmıştır. Genel olarak küçük, ancak istatistiksel bir etkiden söz edilebilir. Destek üretici risk tutumunu değiştirdiği ve gelir dalgalanmasını azalttığı için üretimde bir etkide bulunmaktadır. Üreticinin başlangıç refahı ve desteğin üretici geliri içerisindeki payı etki düzeyini etkilemektedir. Üretimden bağımsız destekler arazi fiyatını ve kirasını artırmaktadır. Kredi kısıtına bağlı etki için yeterli bulgu bulunmamaktadır. Politika beklentisi ile tarım sektörüne giriş ve çıkışlar dikkate alındığında üretim üzerinde önemli etkiler ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Destekler üreticinin tarım dışı çalışmasını azaltarak, küçük de olsa üretim üzerinde artırıcı etkide bulunabilir. Çevresel açıdan girdi kullanımı üzerindeki etkisine bağlı bir değerlendirme mevcuttur. Bütün bölümlerde kullanılan yöntem, veri seti ve destek değişkenine bağlı olarak sonuçlar önemli ölçüde değişebilmektedir. Ayrıca yapılan araştırmaları sınırlayan önemli bir veri yetersizliği sorunu bulunmaktadır. Etki sonuçlarının araştırmalar arasında önemli düzeyde değişmesi, değerlerin genelleştirilmesini güçleştirmektedir. Özellikle ABD ve AB dışında yapılacak olan çalışmalarda, diğer ülkelerin tarımsal yapı ve politika amaçlarına bağlı olarak farklı sonuçların olması beklenmektedir


  • Abler, D., Blandford, D., 2007. "Getting Out of the Box: Transitioning Out of Direct Payments." Paper presented at Domestic and Trade Impacts of US Farm Policy: Future Directions and Challenges,. Washington.
  • Adams, G., Westhoff, P., Willott, B., Young Ii, R.E., 2001. "Do "Decoupled" Payments Affect U.S. Crop Area? Preliminary Evidence from 1997-2000." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83:1190-1195.
  • Ahearn, M.C., El-Osta, H.S., Dewbre, J., 2002. "The Impact of Government Subsidies on the Off-Farm Labour Supply of Farm Operators." Paper presented at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Long Beach, California.
  • Ahearn, M.C., Harrington, D., Hoppe, R., Korp, P., 2004. "Decoupled Payments to Farmers, Capital Markets, and Supply Effects." In M. Burfisher, and J. Hopkins eds. Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. USDA.
  • Ahearn, M.C., Yee, J., Korb, P., 2005. "Effects of differing farm policies on farm structure and dynamics." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:1182- 1189.
  • Andersson, F.C.A., 2004. "Decoupling: the Concept and Past Experiences." IDEMA project: Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics.
  • Antón, J., Mouël, C.L., 2002. "Risk effects of crop support measures." Paper presented at European Association of Agricultural Economists. Zaragoza, Spain.
  • Antón, J., Mouël, C.L., 2004. "Do Counter-Cyclical Payments in the 2002 US Farm Act Create Incentives to Produce?" Agricultural Economics 31:277-284.
  • Antón, J., Sckokai, P., 2006. "The Challenge of Decoupling Agricultural Support." EuroChoices 5:13-19.
  • Baffes, J., De Gorter, H., 2005. "Disciplining Agricultural Support through Decoupling." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
  • Barnard, C.H., Whittaker, G., Westenbarger, D., Ahearn, M.C., 1997. "Evidence of capitalization of direct government payments into US cropland values." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79:1642- 1650.
  • Beach, E.D., Boyd, R., Uri, N.D., 1997. "An assessment of the effect on land values of eliminating direct payments to farmers in the United States." Journal of Economic Development 22:1-27.
  • Beckman, J., Wailes, E.J., 2005. "The Supply Response of U.S. Rice: How Decoupled are Income Payments?" Paper presented at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Rhode Island.
  • Bhaskar, A., Beghin, J.C., 2009. "How Coupled are Decoupled Farm Payments? A Review of the Evidence." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 34:130.
  • Bhaskar, A., Beghin, J.C., 2010. "Decoupled Farm Payments and the Role of Base Acreage and Yield Updating under Uncertainty." Economics 92:849-858. Journal of Agricultural
  • Brady, M., Ekman, S., 2011. "The Impact Of Decoupling And Modulation In The European Union: A Sectoral And Farm Level Assessment." In C. Moreddu ed. Disaggregated Impacts of CAP Reforms: Proceedings of an OECD Workshop. OECD Publishing.
  • Breen, J.P., Hennessy, T.C., Thorne, F.S., 2005. "The effect of decoupling on the decision to produce: An Irish case study." Food Policy 30:129-144.
  • Breustedt, G., Habermann, H., 2011. "The Incidence of EU Per-Hectare Payments on Farmland Rental Rates: A Spatial Econometric Analysis of German Farm-Level Data." Journal of Agricultural Economics 62:225-243.
  • Burfisher, M.E., Robinson, S., Thierfelder, K., 2000. "North American farm programs and the WTO." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82:768-774.
  • Burfisher, M.E., Hopkins, J., 2003. "Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary U.S. Agriculture." USDA.
  • Burfisher, M.E., Hopkins, J., 2004. "Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting." USDA.
  • Cahill, S.A., 1997. "Calculating the rate of decoupling for crops Agricultural Economics 48:349-378. reform." Journal of
  • Chau, N.H., De Gorter, H., 2005. "Disentangling the consequences of direct payment schemes in agriculture on fixed costs, exit decisions, and output." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:1174-1181.
  • Chavas, J.P., Holt, M.T., 1990. "Acreage Decisions under Risk - the Case of Corn and Soybeans." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 72:529-538.
  • Economics 88:73-89. Journal of Agricultural
  • Goodwin, B.K., Mishra, A.K., Kimhi, A., 2007. "Household Time Allocation and Endogenous Farm Structure: Implications for the Design of Agricultural Policies." The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Discussion Paper.
  • Happe, K., Balmann, A., Kellermann, K., Sahrbacher, C., 2008. "Does structure matter? The impact of switching the agricultural policy regime on farm structures." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 67:431- 444.
  • Hennessy, D.A., 1998. "The production effects of agricultural income support policies under uncertainty." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80:46-57.
  • Kallas, Z., Serra, T., Gil, J.M., 2012. "Effects of policy instruments on farm investments and production decisions in the Spanish COP sector." Applied Economics 44:3877-3886.
  • Katranidis, S.D., Kotakou, C.A., 2008. "Are Cap Decoupling Policies Really Production Neutral?" Paper presented at European Association of Agricultural Economists. Ghent, Belgium.
  • Key, N., Roberts, M.J., 2006. "Government payments and farm Agricultural Economics 88:382-392. American Journal of
  • Key, N., Roberts, M.J., 2008. "Do Decoupled Payments Stimulate Production? Estimating the Effect on Program Crop Acreage Using Matching." Paper presented at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida.
  • Key, N., Roberts, M.J., 2009. "Nonpecuniary Benefits to Farming: Implications for Supply Response to Decoupled Payments." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91:1-18.
  • Kilian, S., Anton, J., Salhofer, K., Roder, N., 2012. "Impacts of 2003 CAP reform on land rental prices and capitalization." Land Use Policy 29:789-797.
  • Kirwan, B.E., 2009. "The Incidence of US Agricultural Subsidies on Farmland Rental Rates." Journal of Political Economy 117:138-164.
  • Koundouri, P., Laukkanen, M., Myyra, S., Nauges, C., 2009. "The effects of EU agricultural policy changes on farmers' risk attitudes." European Review of Agricultural Economics 36:53-77.
  • Lamb, R.L., Henderson, J., 2000. "FAIR Act implications for land values in the Corn Belt." Review of Agricultural Economics 22:102-119.
  • Lambert, D.M., Griffin, T.W., 2004. "Analysis of government farm subsidies on farmland cash rental rates using a fixed effect spatial distributed lag model and a translog cost model." Paper presented at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Denver.
  • Latruffe, L., Davidova, S., Douarin, E., Gorton, M., 2010. "Farm Expansion in Lithuania after Accession to the EU: The Role of CAP Payments in Alleviating Potential Credit Constraints." Europe-Asia Studies 62:351-365.
  • Lence, S.H., Mishra, A.K., 2003. "The impacts of different farm programs on cash rents." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85:753-761.
  • Lin, W., Dismukes, R., 2007. "Supply response under risk: Implications for counter-cyclical payments' production impact." Review of Agricultural Economics 29:64-86.
  • Makki, S.S., Somwaru, A., Vandeveer, M., 2004. "Decoupled Payments and Farmers’ Production Decisions Under Risk." In M. Burfisher, and J. Hopkins eds. Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. USDA.
  • McIntosh, C.R., Shogren, J.F., Dohlman, E., 2007. "Supply response to countercyclical payments and base acre updating under uncertainty: An experimental study." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89:1046- 1057.
  • O'Donoghue, E.J., Whitaker, J.B., 2010. "Do Direct Payments Distort Producers' Decisions? An Examination of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 32:170-193.
  • OECD, 2006a. "Decoupling: Illustrating some Open Questions on the Production Impact of Different Policy Instruments." OECD Papers.
  • OECD, 2006b. "A Review of Empirical Studies of the Acreage and Production Response to US Production Flexibility Contract Payments under the Fair Act and Related Payments under Supplementary Legislation." OECD Papers.
  • OECD, 2006c. "Decoupling: A Conceptual Overview." OECD Papers.
  • Ooms, D.L., Hall, A.R., 2005. "On-and off-farm labour supply of Dutch dairy farmers: Estimation and policy simulations." Paper presented at European Association of Agricultural Economists. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Patton, M., Kostov, P., McErlean, S., Moss, J., 2008. "Assessing the influence of direct payments on the rental value of agricultural land." Food Policy 33:397-405.
  • Peckham, J.G., Kropp, J.D., 2012. "Decoupled direct payments under base acreage and yield updating uncertainty: An investigation of agricultural chemical use." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 41:158-174.
  • Plantinga, A.J., 1996. "The effect of agricultural policies on land use and environmental quality." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78:1082-1091.
  • Roberts, M.J., Kirwan, B., Hopkins, J., 2003. "The incidence of government program payments on agricultural land rents: The challenges of identification." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85:762-769.
  • Roe, T., Somwaru, A., Diao, X., 2004. "Decoupled Payments: A Dynamic, Economywide Perspective." In M. Burfisher, and J. Hopkins eds. Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. USDA.
  • Rude, J., 2008. "Production Effects of the European Union's Single Farm Payment." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne D Agroeconomie 56:457- 471.
  • Sandmo, A., 1971. "On the theory of the competitive firm under price uncertainty." The American Economic Review:65-73.
  • Sckokai, P., Moro, D., 2006. "Modeling the reforms of the common agricultural policy for arable crops under uncertainty." Economics 88:43-56. Journal of Agricultural
  • Serra, T., Goodwin, B.K., Featherstone, A.M., 2005a. "Agricultural policy reform and off-farm labour decisions." Journal of Agricultural Economics 56:271- 285.
  • Serra, T., Zilberman, D., Goodwin, B.K., Hyvonen, K., 2005b. "Replacement of agricultural price supports by area payments in the European Union and the effects on pesticide use." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:870-884.
  • Serra, T., Zilberman, D., Goodwin, B.K., Featherstone, A., 2006. "Effects of decoupling on the mean and variability of output." European Review of Agricultural Economics 33:269-288.
  • Serra, T., Goodwin, B.K., Featherstone, A.M., 2011. "Risk behavior in the presence of government programs." Journal of Econometrics 162:18-24.
  • Sumner, D.A., 2005. "Production and trade effects of farm subsidies: discussion." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:1229-1230.
  • Tae-Hun, K., 2011. "Effect of Decoupled Payments on US Agricultural Production." Journal of Rural Development 31.
  • Viaggi, D., Raggi, M., Gallerani, V., Gomez y Paloma, S., 2010. "The impact of EU common agricultural policy decoupling on farm households: Income vs. investment effects." Intereconomics 45:188-192.
  • Weber, J.G., Key, N., 2012. "How Much Do Decoupled Payments Affect Production? An Instrumental Variable Approach With Panel Data." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94:52-66.
  • Weersink, A., Clark, S., Turvey, C.G., Sarker, R., 1999. "The effect of agricultural policy on farmland values." Land Economics 75:425-439.
  • Westcott, P., Young, C.E., 2004. "Farm Program Effects on Agricultural Production: Coupled and Decoupled Programs." In M. Burfisher, and J. Hopkins eds. Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. USDA.
  • Young, C.E., Westcott, P.C., 2000. "How Decoupled is U.S. Agricultural Support for Major Crops?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82:762-767. Sorumlu Yazar: Alper DEMİRDÖĞEN
  • Geliş Tarihi : 25/4/2013
  • Kabul Tarihi : 30/7/2013

The Effects of Decoupled Payments: A Literature Review

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1 ve 2, 45 - 57, 01.12.2013


One of the important changing in agricultural policy is the transition of market price support to decoupling payments. But whether these payments decoupled from production is a controversial issue. This study explored the literature of decoupled payments’ effects on production. The effects of payments consist of eight parts which are general effect, risk attitude, land value, credit constraint, policy expectation, structural changing, labor distribution, environmental rebound. First part of each section has assumptions about how the payment can affect on production. In the second parts of it, these assumptions are examined with research findings. There is modest, but statistically significant effect. Payments affect production because of changing producer’s risk attitude and decreasing income volatility. The initial wealth and the rate of payment in producer income change the level of effect. Decoupled payments increase land values and cash rents. There is not satisfactory evidence about credit constraint. When policy expectations and sectorial entry/exit are considered, significant effects occur in the production. Decoupled payments can increase production modestly, decreasing off-farm laboring. In environmental aspect, there is an effect depending on usage of chemical. Research results change significantly in all sections according as used method, data set and payment variable. There is also insufficient data that restricts studies. Significantly changing of effect results complicates the generalization of findings between studies. Different results are expected, according as other countries’ agricultural structure and policy goals, in the studies outside of USA and EU


  • Abler, D., Blandford, D., 2007. "Getting Out of the Box: Transitioning Out of Direct Payments." Paper presented at Domestic and Trade Impacts of US Farm Policy: Future Directions and Challenges,. Washington.
  • Adams, G., Westhoff, P., Willott, B., Young Ii, R.E., 2001. "Do "Decoupled" Payments Affect U.S. Crop Area? Preliminary Evidence from 1997-2000." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83:1190-1195.
  • Ahearn, M.C., El-Osta, H.S., Dewbre, J., 2002. "The Impact of Government Subsidies on the Off-Farm Labour Supply of Farm Operators." Paper presented at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Long Beach, California.
  • Ahearn, M.C., Harrington, D., Hoppe, R., Korp, P., 2004. "Decoupled Payments to Farmers, Capital Markets, and Supply Effects." In M. Burfisher, and J. Hopkins eds. Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. USDA.
  • Ahearn, M.C., Yee, J., Korb, P., 2005. "Effects of differing farm policies on farm structure and dynamics." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:1182- 1189.
  • Andersson, F.C.A., 2004. "Decoupling: the Concept and Past Experiences." IDEMA project: Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics.
  • Antón, J., Mouël, C.L., 2002. "Risk effects of crop support measures." Paper presented at European Association of Agricultural Economists. Zaragoza, Spain.
  • Antón, J., Mouël, C.L., 2004. "Do Counter-Cyclical Payments in the 2002 US Farm Act Create Incentives to Produce?" Agricultural Economics 31:277-284.
  • Antón, J., Sckokai, P., 2006. "The Challenge of Decoupling Agricultural Support." EuroChoices 5:13-19.
  • Baffes, J., De Gorter, H., 2005. "Disciplining Agricultural Support through Decoupling." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
  • Barnard, C.H., Whittaker, G., Westenbarger, D., Ahearn, M.C., 1997. "Evidence of capitalization of direct government payments into US cropland values." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79:1642- 1650.
  • Beach, E.D., Boyd, R., Uri, N.D., 1997. "An assessment of the effect on land values of eliminating direct payments to farmers in the United States." Journal of Economic Development 22:1-27.
  • Beckman, J., Wailes, E.J., 2005. "The Supply Response of U.S. Rice: How Decoupled are Income Payments?" Paper presented at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Rhode Island.
  • Bhaskar, A., Beghin, J.C., 2009. "How Coupled are Decoupled Farm Payments? A Review of the Evidence." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 34:130.
  • Bhaskar, A., Beghin, J.C., 2010. "Decoupled Farm Payments and the Role of Base Acreage and Yield Updating under Uncertainty." Economics 92:849-858. Journal of Agricultural
  • Brady, M., Ekman, S., 2011. "The Impact Of Decoupling And Modulation In The European Union: A Sectoral And Farm Level Assessment." In C. Moreddu ed. Disaggregated Impacts of CAP Reforms: Proceedings of an OECD Workshop. OECD Publishing.
  • Breen, J.P., Hennessy, T.C., Thorne, F.S., 2005. "The effect of decoupling on the decision to produce: An Irish case study." Food Policy 30:129-144.
  • Breustedt, G., Habermann, H., 2011. "The Incidence of EU Per-Hectare Payments on Farmland Rental Rates: A Spatial Econometric Analysis of German Farm-Level Data." Journal of Agricultural Economics 62:225-243.
  • Burfisher, M.E., Robinson, S., Thierfelder, K., 2000. "North American farm programs and the WTO." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82:768-774.
  • Burfisher, M.E., Hopkins, J., 2003. "Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary U.S. Agriculture." USDA.
  • Burfisher, M.E., Hopkins, J., 2004. "Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting." USDA.
  • Cahill, S.A., 1997. "Calculating the rate of decoupling for crops Agricultural Economics 48:349-378. reform." Journal of
  • Chau, N.H., De Gorter, H., 2005. "Disentangling the consequences of direct payment schemes in agriculture on fixed costs, exit decisions, and output." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:1174-1181.
  • Chavas, J.P., Holt, M.T., 1990. "Acreage Decisions under Risk - the Case of Corn and Soybeans." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 72:529-538.
  • Economics 88:73-89. Journal of Agricultural
  • Goodwin, B.K., Mishra, A.K., Kimhi, A., 2007. "Household Time Allocation and Endogenous Farm Structure: Implications for the Design of Agricultural Policies." The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Discussion Paper.
  • Happe, K., Balmann, A., Kellermann, K., Sahrbacher, C., 2008. "Does structure matter? The impact of switching the agricultural policy regime on farm structures." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 67:431- 444.
  • Hennessy, D.A., 1998. "The production effects of agricultural income support policies under uncertainty." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80:46-57.
  • Kallas, Z., Serra, T., Gil, J.M., 2012. "Effects of policy instruments on farm investments and production decisions in the Spanish COP sector." Applied Economics 44:3877-3886.
  • Katranidis, S.D., Kotakou, C.A., 2008. "Are Cap Decoupling Policies Really Production Neutral?" Paper presented at European Association of Agricultural Economists. Ghent, Belgium.
  • Key, N., Roberts, M.J., 2006. "Government payments and farm Agricultural Economics 88:382-392. American Journal of
  • Key, N., Roberts, M.J., 2008. "Do Decoupled Payments Stimulate Production? Estimating the Effect on Program Crop Acreage Using Matching." Paper presented at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida.
  • Key, N., Roberts, M.J., 2009. "Nonpecuniary Benefits to Farming: Implications for Supply Response to Decoupled Payments." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91:1-18.
  • Kilian, S., Anton, J., Salhofer, K., Roder, N., 2012. "Impacts of 2003 CAP reform on land rental prices and capitalization." Land Use Policy 29:789-797.
  • Kirwan, B.E., 2009. "The Incidence of US Agricultural Subsidies on Farmland Rental Rates." Journal of Political Economy 117:138-164.
  • Koundouri, P., Laukkanen, M., Myyra, S., Nauges, C., 2009. "The effects of EU agricultural policy changes on farmers' risk attitudes." European Review of Agricultural Economics 36:53-77.
  • Lamb, R.L., Henderson, J., 2000. "FAIR Act implications for land values in the Corn Belt." Review of Agricultural Economics 22:102-119.
  • Lambert, D.M., Griffin, T.W., 2004. "Analysis of government farm subsidies on farmland cash rental rates using a fixed effect spatial distributed lag model and a translog cost model." Paper presented at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Denver.
  • Latruffe, L., Davidova, S., Douarin, E., Gorton, M., 2010. "Farm Expansion in Lithuania after Accession to the EU: The Role of CAP Payments in Alleviating Potential Credit Constraints." Europe-Asia Studies 62:351-365.
  • Lence, S.H., Mishra, A.K., 2003. "The impacts of different farm programs on cash rents." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85:753-761.
  • Lin, W., Dismukes, R., 2007. "Supply response under risk: Implications for counter-cyclical payments' production impact." Review of Agricultural Economics 29:64-86.
  • Makki, S.S., Somwaru, A., Vandeveer, M., 2004. "Decoupled Payments and Farmers’ Production Decisions Under Risk." In M. Burfisher, and J. Hopkins eds. Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. USDA.
  • McIntosh, C.R., Shogren, J.F., Dohlman, E., 2007. "Supply response to countercyclical payments and base acre updating under uncertainty: An experimental study." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89:1046- 1057.
  • O'Donoghue, E.J., Whitaker, J.B., 2010. "Do Direct Payments Distort Producers' Decisions? An Examination of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 32:170-193.
  • OECD, 2006a. "Decoupling: Illustrating some Open Questions on the Production Impact of Different Policy Instruments." OECD Papers.
  • OECD, 2006b. "A Review of Empirical Studies of the Acreage and Production Response to US Production Flexibility Contract Payments under the Fair Act and Related Payments under Supplementary Legislation." OECD Papers.
  • OECD, 2006c. "Decoupling: A Conceptual Overview." OECD Papers.
  • Ooms, D.L., Hall, A.R., 2005. "On-and off-farm labour supply of Dutch dairy farmers: Estimation and policy simulations." Paper presented at European Association of Agricultural Economists. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Patton, M., Kostov, P., McErlean, S., Moss, J., 2008. "Assessing the influence of direct payments on the rental value of agricultural land." Food Policy 33:397-405.
  • Peckham, J.G., Kropp, J.D., 2012. "Decoupled direct payments under base acreage and yield updating uncertainty: An investigation of agricultural chemical use." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 41:158-174.
  • Plantinga, A.J., 1996. "The effect of agricultural policies on land use and environmental quality." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78:1082-1091.
  • Roberts, M.J., Kirwan, B., Hopkins, J., 2003. "The incidence of government program payments on agricultural land rents: The challenges of identification." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85:762-769.
  • Roe, T., Somwaru, A., Diao, X., 2004. "Decoupled Payments: A Dynamic, Economywide Perspective." In M. Burfisher, and J. Hopkins eds. Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. USDA.
  • Rude, J., 2008. "Production Effects of the European Union's Single Farm Payment." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne D Agroeconomie 56:457- 471.
  • Sandmo, A., 1971. "On the theory of the competitive firm under price uncertainty." The American Economic Review:65-73.
  • Sckokai, P., Moro, D., 2006. "Modeling the reforms of the common agricultural policy for arable crops under uncertainty." Economics 88:43-56. Journal of Agricultural
  • Serra, T., Goodwin, B.K., Featherstone, A.M., 2005a. "Agricultural policy reform and off-farm labour decisions." Journal of Agricultural Economics 56:271- 285.
  • Serra, T., Zilberman, D., Goodwin, B.K., Hyvonen, K., 2005b. "Replacement of agricultural price supports by area payments in the European Union and the effects on pesticide use." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:870-884.
  • Serra, T., Zilberman, D., Goodwin, B.K., Featherstone, A., 2006. "Effects of decoupling on the mean and variability of output." European Review of Agricultural Economics 33:269-288.
  • Serra, T., Goodwin, B.K., Featherstone, A.M., 2011. "Risk behavior in the presence of government programs." Journal of Econometrics 162:18-24.
  • Sumner, D.A., 2005. "Production and trade effects of farm subsidies: discussion." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:1229-1230.
  • Tae-Hun, K., 2011. "Effect of Decoupled Payments on US Agricultural Production." Journal of Rural Development 31.
  • Viaggi, D., Raggi, M., Gallerani, V., Gomez y Paloma, S., 2010. "The impact of EU common agricultural policy decoupling on farm households: Income vs. investment effects." Intereconomics 45:188-192.
  • Weber, J.G., Key, N., 2012. "How Much Do Decoupled Payments Affect Production? An Instrumental Variable Approach With Panel Data." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94:52-66.
  • Weersink, A., Clark, S., Turvey, C.G., Sarker, R., 1999. "The effect of agricultural policy on farmland values." Land Economics 75:425-439.
  • Westcott, P., Young, C.E., 2004. "Farm Program Effects on Agricultural Production: Coupled and Decoupled Programs." In M. Burfisher, and J. Hopkins eds. Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting. USDA.
  • Young, C.E., Westcott, P.C., 2000. "How Decoupled is U.S. Agricultural Support for Major Crops?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82:762-767. Sorumlu Yazar: Alper DEMİRDÖĞEN
  • Geliş Tarihi : 25/4/2013
  • Kabul Tarihi : 30/7/2013
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA35SN62BR
Bölüm Makaleler

Alper Demirdöğen¹ Bu kişi benim

Emine Olhan¹ Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1 ve 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirdöğen¹, A., & Olhan¹, E. (2013). ÜRETİMDEN BAĞIMSIZ DESTEKLERİN ETKİLERİ: GENEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 19(1 ve 2), 45-57.
Chicago Demirdöğen¹, Alper, ve Emine Olhan¹. “ÜRETİMDEN BAĞIMSIZ DESTEKLERİN ETKİLERİ: GENEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 19, sy. 1 ve 2 (Aralık 2013): 45-57.
EndNote Demirdöğen¹ A, Olhan¹ E (01 Aralık 2013) ÜRETİMDEN BAĞIMSIZ DESTEKLERİN ETKİLERİ: GENEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 19 1 ve 2 45–57.
IEEE A. Demirdöğen¹ ve E. Olhan¹, “ÜRETİMDEN BAĞIMSIZ DESTEKLERİN ETKİLERİ: GENEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”, TED - TJAE, c. 19, sy. 1 ve 2, ss. 45–57, 2013.
ISNAD Demirdöğen¹, Alper - Olhan¹, Emine. “ÜRETİMDEN BAĞIMSIZ DESTEKLERİN ETKİLERİ: GENEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 19/1 ve 2 (Aralık 2013), 45-57.
MLA Demirdöğen¹, Alper ve Emine Olhan¹. “ÜRETİMDEN BAĞIMSIZ DESTEKLERİN ETKİLERİ: GENEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, c. 19, sy. 1 ve 2, 2013, ss. 45-57.


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