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Akut İnfantil Hemorajik Ödem: İki Olgunun Sunumu

Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 216 - 218, 01.08.2016


Akut infantil hemorajik ödem, üç yaşından küçük çocuklarda, seyrek görülen, derinin lökositoklastik vaskülitidir. Hastalık kendini sınırlar ve iyi klinik seyre sahiptir. Çalışmada; deride purpurik döküntü ve ekstremitelerde ödem yakınmaları ile başvuran, klinik ve laboratuvar incelemeleri sonucunda akut infantil hemorajik ödem tanısı almış iki olgu sunulmuştur. Klinik izlem ve tedavi açısından farklı yaklaşımlar gerektiren özellikle Henoch-Schönlen purpurası, meningokoksemi, purpura fulminans gibi hastalıklarla ayırıcı tanıda akut infantil hemorajik ödemin de düşünülmesi gerektiğini vurgulamak istedik.


  • Saraclar Y, Tinaztepe K, Adalioglu G, Tuncer A. Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy (AHEI): A variant of Henoch-Schonlein purpura or a distinct clinical entity? J Allergy Clin Immunol 1990;86:473-83.
  • Snow IM. Purpura, urticaria and angioneurotic edema of the hands and feet in a nursing baby. JAMA 1913;6118-19.
  • Çaksen H, Odabaş D, Kosem M, Arslan Ş, Öner AF, Ataş B, ve ark. Report of eight infants with acute infantile hemorrhagic edema and review of the literature. J Dermatol 2002;290-5.
  • Ince E, Mumcu Y, Suskun E, Yalçınkaya F, Tümer N, Cin Ş. Infantile acute hemorrhagic edema: A variant of leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Pediatr Dermatol 1995;12:224-7.
  • Parlak AH, Kavak A, Alper M, Özyürek H, Kocabay K: Akut infantil hemorajik ödem: Bir vaka takdimi. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2002;45:326-9.
  • Jones EM, Callen JP. Collagen vascular diseases of childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am 1991; 38:1019-39.
  • Cunningham BB, Ccaro WA, Eramo LR. Neonatal acute hemorrhagic edema of childhood: Case report and review of the English-language literature. Pediatr Dermatol 1996;13:39-44.
  • Fiore E, Rizzi M, Ragazzi M, Vanoni F, Bernasconi M, Bianchetti MG, et al. Acute hemorrhagic edema of young children (cockade purpura and edema): A case series and systematic review. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59:684-95.
  • Tınaztepe K, Güçer Ş. Lökositoklastik vaskülit. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi 1995;16:152-64.
  • Di Lernia V, Lombardi M, Lo Scocco G. Infantile acute hemorrhagic edema and, rotavirus ınfection. Pediatr Dermatol 2004;21:548-50.
  • Gelmetti C, Barbagallo C, Cerri D, De Mattia D, Bonifazi E. Acute hemorrhagic edema of the skin in infants: Clinical and pathogenetic observations in seven cases. Pediatr Dermatol News (Bari) 1985; 4: 23–34.
  • Da Silva Manzoni AP, Viecilli JB, de Andracade CB, Kruse RL, Bakos L, Cestari TF. Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy: A case report. Int J Dermatol 2004;43:48-51.

Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases

Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 216 - 218, 01.08.2016


Acute infantile hemorrhagic edema is an unusual form of leukocytoclastic vasculitis that usually occurs in children younger than three years of age. The disease is self-limiting and has a benign clinical course. In this report, two cases who were admitted to our hospital with cutaneous purpuric rash and edema in the extremities and subsequently diagnosed as acute infantile hemorrhagic edema are presented. We emphasize that acute infantile hemorrhagic edema should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of Henoch-Schonlein purpura, meningococcemia, and purpura fulminans


  • Saraclar Y, Tinaztepe K, Adalioglu G, Tuncer A. Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy (AHEI): A variant of Henoch-Schonlein purpura or a distinct clinical entity? J Allergy Clin Immunol 1990;86:473-83.
  • Snow IM. Purpura, urticaria and angioneurotic edema of the hands and feet in a nursing baby. JAMA 1913;6118-19.
  • Çaksen H, Odabaş D, Kosem M, Arslan Ş, Öner AF, Ataş B, ve ark. Report of eight infants with acute infantile hemorrhagic edema and review of the literature. J Dermatol 2002;290-5.
  • Ince E, Mumcu Y, Suskun E, Yalçınkaya F, Tümer N, Cin Ş. Infantile acute hemorrhagic edema: A variant of leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Pediatr Dermatol 1995;12:224-7.
  • Parlak AH, Kavak A, Alper M, Özyürek H, Kocabay K: Akut infantil hemorajik ödem: Bir vaka takdimi. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2002;45:326-9.
  • Jones EM, Callen JP. Collagen vascular diseases of childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am 1991; 38:1019-39.
  • Cunningham BB, Ccaro WA, Eramo LR. Neonatal acute hemorrhagic edema of childhood: Case report and review of the English-language literature. Pediatr Dermatol 1996;13:39-44.
  • Fiore E, Rizzi M, Ragazzi M, Vanoni F, Bernasconi M, Bianchetti MG, et al. Acute hemorrhagic edema of young children (cockade purpura and edema): A case series and systematic review. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59:684-95.
  • Tınaztepe K, Güçer Ş. Lökositoklastik vaskülit. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi 1995;16:152-64.
  • Di Lernia V, Lombardi M, Lo Scocco G. Infantile acute hemorrhagic edema and, rotavirus ınfection. Pediatr Dermatol 2004;21:548-50.
  • Gelmetti C, Barbagallo C, Cerri D, De Mattia D, Bonifazi E. Acute hemorrhagic edema of the skin in infants: Clinical and pathogenetic observations in seven cases. Pediatr Dermatol News (Bari) 1985; 4: 23–34.
  • Da Silva Manzoni AP, Viecilli JB, de Andracade CB, Kruse RL, Bakos L, Cestari TF. Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy: A case report. Int J Dermatol 2004;43:48-51.
There are 12 citations in total.


Other ID JA78ZS95VN
Journal Section Case Report

Kamuran Karaman This is me

Sinan Akbayram This is me

Mesut Garipardiç This is me

Ahmet Faik Öner This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2016
Submission Date August 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Karaman, K., Akbayram, S., Garipardiç, M., Öner, A. F. (2016). Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 10(3), 216-218.
AMA Karaman K, Akbayram S, Garipardiç M, Öner AF. Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. August 2016;10(3):216-218.
Chicago Karaman, Kamuran, Sinan Akbayram, Mesut Garipardiç, and Ahmet Faik Öner. “Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 10, no. 3 (August 2016): 216-18.
EndNote Karaman K, Akbayram S, Garipardiç M, Öner AF (August 1, 2016) Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 10 3 216–218.
IEEE K. Karaman, S. Akbayram, M. Garipardiç, and A. F. Öner, “Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 216–218, 2016.
ISNAD Karaman, Kamuran et al. “Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 10/3 (August 2016), 216-218.
JAMA Karaman K, Akbayram S, Garipardiç M, Öner AF. Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2016;10:216–218.
MLA Karaman, Kamuran et al. “Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, vol. 10, no. 3, 2016, pp. 216-8.
Vancouver Karaman K, Akbayram S, Garipardiç M, Öner AF. Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2016;10(3):216-8.

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