Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 1.08.2016

Yıl: 2016



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Research Article


3. Evaluation of Childhood Headache in an Outpatient Pediatric Neurology Clinic


4. Urethral Trauma in Childhood: A Single Center Experience


6. Profile of Suicide Attempts in Adolescents; Demographic Features, Reasons and Risk Factors


7. Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Childhood: Single Center Experience


8. How much Does University Students Know About Child Rights?


10. Maxillary Osteomyelitis Secondary to Dental Abscess in a Pediatric Patient

Case Report


11. A Case with Sickle Cell Anemia as the Cause of Hemiplegia


12. A Periodic Syndrome of Childhood: Cyclic Vomiting


13. Primary Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma in Children: Report of Two Cases


14. Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema: Report of Two Cases


15. Treatment of Resistant Atelectasis After Esophageal Atresia Repair with rhdn ase



16. Congestive Heart Failure in Children

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