Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 1.06.2016

Yıl: 2016



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Research Article


. The Evaluation of the Stimuli in the Home Environment of Premature Infants


. Evaluation of Platelet Activation During an Asthmatic Attack in Children


. Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group


. Phototherapy-Related Transient Direct Hyperbilirubinemia

Konferans Bildirisi

. Tip 1 Diyabetes Mellituslu Hastaların Klinik, Laboratuvar, Sosyokültürel ve Demografik Özellikleri


. Two-Year Follow-up Results of Patients with Atopic Dermatitis


. Postnatal Assessment and Outcome of Infants with Antenatal Hydronephrosis


. A Case of Glandular Tularemia Presenting with Invagination due to Mesenteric Lymphadenitis


. Palliative Care for Newborn Infants


. The Relationship of Metabolic Parameters with Serum Uric Acid and Percentage of Body Fat in Obese Adolescents

Case Report


. Case Presenting: Cerebral Venosus Thrombosis with Status Epilepticus


. Three Pediatric Cases Presenting with Hepatic Calcification


. Multisystemic Severe Form Pseudohypoaldosteronism: Can Gastrostomy be Useful in the Management?


. A Child Case of Subungual Exostosis


. A Rare Disease in Children: Goltz Syndrome

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