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Current approaches to diagnosis and treatment of bruxism: A review

Yıl 2019, , 251 - 258, 12.06.2019


The most common
tooth-to-tooth habits are clenching and grinding, i.e. bruxism.

Bruxism is mainly associated
with rhythmic masticator muscle activity characterized by repetitive jaw muscle
contractions. Although it is not a life-threatening condition, it can affect
the quality of human life with dental problems and pain in the orofacial
region.The neurochemical mechanisms underlying sleep bruxism are little
understood at present.
Besides, it has been stated that the psychosocial
factors like stress and personality is important in the aetiology of bruxism.

Although intermittent
clenching and grinding are extremely common, 
they  usually  pose 
no  serious  consequences 
for  the  oral 
structures.  Sequelae  of 
bruxism  that  have 
been  proposed include tooth wear,
signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders, headaches, toothache, mobile
teeth. Currently, nospecific 
treatment  exists  that 
can  stop  sleep bruxism 
even  though  many 
methods,  including  prosthetic 
treatment,  have  been tried over the years.Currently there is
no known treatment methodfor permanently eliminating bruxism.

Although occlusal appliances
guard against the harmful effects, they do not cure a patient ofbruxing. In
most instances when long-term occlusal appliance therapy is terminated, the
bruxism returns.
In this review article, its etiology
and current treatment
methods are discussed with the light of previous literature.


  • 1. Shetty S, Pitti V, Satish Babu CL, Surendra Kumar GP, Deepthi BC. Bruxism: a literature review. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2011; 10: 141-48.
  • 2. Manfredini D, Winocur E, GuardaNardini L, Paesani D, Lobbezoo F. Epidemiology of bruxism in adults: a systematic review of the literature. J Orofac Pain 2013; 27: 99-110.
  • 3. Carlsson GE, Egermark I, Magnusson T. Predictors of Bruxism, Other Oral Parafunctions, and Tooth Wear over a 20-year follow up period. J Orofac Pain 2003; 17: 50-7.
  • 4. Guo H, Wang T, Niu X et al. The risk factors related to bruxism in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Oral Biol 2018; 86: 18-34.
  • 5. Jokubauskas L, Baltrušaitytė A, Pileičikienė G. Oral appliances for managing sleep bruxism in adults: a systematic review from 2007 to 2017. J Oral Rehabil 2018; 45: 81-95.
  • 6. Grobet P, Gilon Y, Bruwier A, Nizet JL. [Sleep bruxism: state of the art and management]. Rev Med Liege 2017; 72: 410-15.
  • 7. Mc Neill C. Management of temporomandibular disorders: concepts and controversies. J Prosthet Dent 1997; 77: 510-22.
  • 8. Lobbezoo F, Jacobs R, De Laat A, Aarab G, Wetselaar P, Manfredini D. Chewing on bruxism. Diagnosis, imaging, epidemiology and aetiology. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2017;124:309-316.
  • 9. Reddy SV, Kumar MP, Sravanthi D, Mohsin AH, Anuhya V. Bruxism: a literature review. J Int Oral Health 2014;6:105-9.
  • 10. Klasser GD, Rei N, Lavigne GJ. Sleep bruxism etiology: the evolution of a changing paradigm. J Can Dent Assoc 2015; 81: 2.
  • 11. Darien IL. Sleep related bruxism. In International Classification of Sleep Disorders. 3rd ed. Chicago: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2014.
  • 12. Lavigne GJ, Manzini C, Kato T. Sleep bruxism. In Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2005.
  • 13. Miloro M, Ghali GF, Larsen P, Waite P. Peterson’s Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2nd ed. Hamilton: B.C. Decker Inc; 2004.
  • 14. Okeson JP. Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 3rd ed. Florida, USA: Mosby; 1992.
  • 15. Johansson A, Omar R, Carlsson GE. Bruxism and prosthetic treatment: a critical review. J Prosthodont Res 2011; 55: 127-36.
  • 16. De Leeuw R, ed. Orofacial pain. Guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and management. 4th ed. Chicago, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc., 2008.
  • 17. Wahlund K, List T, Larsson B, Treatment of temporomandibular disorders among adolescents: A comparison between occlusal appliance, relaxation trainig, and brief information. Acta Odontol Scand 2003; 61: 203-11.
  • 18. De Boover JA, Van Der Berge L, De Boever AL, Keersmakers K. Comparasion of clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of an elderly and a younger temporamandibular patient group, J Proshet Dent 1999; 81: 312-17.
  • 19. Mc Neill C. Temporomandibular Disorders: Guidelines for Classification, Assessment, and Management. 1st ed. San Francisco: Quintessence Publishing Co; 1993.
  • 20. M. Kreiner, Edwin Betancor, Glenn T. Clark, Occlusal stabilization appliances: Evidence of their efficacy. J Am Dent Assoc. 2001; 132: 770-77.
  • 21. Yap AU. Effects of stabilization appliances on nocturnal parafunctional activites in patients with and without signs of temporomandibular disorders. J Oral Rehabil 1998; 25: 64-68.
  • 22. Laskin DM, Greene CS, Hylander WL. Clinical Management. An evidence based approach to diagnosis and treatment, 1. ed, Texas, Quintessence Publishing Co. 2006.
  • 23. Egermark I, Carlsson GE, Magnusson T. A 20-year longitudinal study of subjective symptoms of temporomandibular disorders from childhood to adulthood. Acta Odontol. Scand 2001; 59: 40-48.
  • 24. Gray RJ, Davies SJ, Quayle AA. A Clinical Approach to Temporomandibular Disorders. 4. Examination of Articulatory System: Occlusion. Br Dent J 1994; 177: 63-68.
  • 25. Gu W, Yang J, Zhang F, Yin X, Wei X, Wang C. Efficacy of biofeedback therapy via a mini wireless device on sleep bruxism contrasted with occlusal splint: a pilot study. J Biomed Res 2015; 29: 160-68.
  • 26. GuardaNardini L, Manfredini D, Salamone M, Salmaso L, Tonello S, Ferronato G. Efficacy of botulinum toxin in treating myofascial pain in bruxers: a controlled placebo pilot study. Cranio 2008; 26: 126-35.
  • 27. Nissani M. Can taste aversion prevent bruxism Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2000; 25: 43-54.
  • 28. Somer E. Hypnotherapy in the treatment of the chronic nocturnal use of a dental splint prescribed for bruxism. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 1991; 139: 145-54.
  • 29. Long JH. Jr. A device to prevent jaw clenching. J Prosthet Dent 1998; 79: 353-4.
  • 30. Pintado MR, Anderson GC, Long R, Douglas WH. Variation in tooth wear in young adults over a two-year period. J Prosthet Dent. 1997; 77: 313–320.

Bruksizm teşhis ve tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme

Yıl 2019, , 251 - 258, 12.06.2019


Bruksizm; genel kabul gören haliyle dişlerin okluzal yüzeyleri
arasında non-fonksiyonel ve sürekli, kuvvetli temas olarak tanımlanır;
çiğneme sisteminin non-fonksiyonel
hareketleri esnasındaki istemsiz, aşırı gıcırdatma (grinding), dişlerin
sıkılması (clenching), veya sürtünmesidir (rubbing).  Hayat
ı tehdit edici bir rahatsızlık olmamasına karşın, insan yaşamının kalitesini dental problemler ve
orofasiyal b
ğrı ile etkileyebilir. Günümüzde
bruksizmin altında yatan nörokimyasal mekanizmalar tam olarak
anlaşılamamıştır. Bununla birlikte, stres ve kişilik
özellikleri gibi psikososyal faktörlerin de bruksizm etiyolojisinde önemli olduğu bildirilmiştir. Diş
gıcırdatma periyodları kısa aralıklarda olmasına rağ
men çiğneme
sisteminde ciddi problemlere neden olabilmektedir. Bruksizm sonucu
temporomandibular rahatsızlıklar, baş ağrısı
, dişlerde aşınma, hassasiyet ve
mobilite gibi problemler g
Yıllar i
bruksizmi durdurmak i
protetik tedavilerde dahil olmak üzere bir
çok tedavi yöntemi denenmiştir ancak bruksizmi daimi
olarak elimine eden bir tedavi yöntemi henüz bulunmamaktadır. Her ne kadar
zal ısırma
plakları ile bruksizmin zararlı etkileri önlense de etkinliğinin net olarak g
österildiği kanıta dayalı çalışmalar
bulunmamaktadır ve oklüzal tedavi bitirildiğinde uzun dönemde bruksizm
tekrarlayabilir. Bu derlemede bruksizmin oluş nedenleri ve güncel tedavi
bilgileri ışığında tartışılmıştır.


  • 1. Shetty S, Pitti V, Satish Babu CL, Surendra Kumar GP, Deepthi BC. Bruxism: a literature review. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2011; 10: 141-48.
  • 2. Manfredini D, Winocur E, GuardaNardini L, Paesani D, Lobbezoo F. Epidemiology of bruxism in adults: a systematic review of the literature. J Orofac Pain 2013; 27: 99-110.
  • 3. Carlsson GE, Egermark I, Magnusson T. Predictors of Bruxism, Other Oral Parafunctions, and Tooth Wear over a 20-year follow up period. J Orofac Pain 2003; 17: 50-7.
  • 4. Guo H, Wang T, Niu X et al. The risk factors related to bruxism in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Oral Biol 2018; 86: 18-34.
  • 5. Jokubauskas L, Baltrušaitytė A, Pileičikienė G. Oral appliances for managing sleep bruxism in adults: a systematic review from 2007 to 2017. J Oral Rehabil 2018; 45: 81-95.
  • 6. Grobet P, Gilon Y, Bruwier A, Nizet JL. [Sleep bruxism: state of the art and management]. Rev Med Liege 2017; 72: 410-15.
  • 7. Mc Neill C. Management of temporomandibular disorders: concepts and controversies. J Prosthet Dent 1997; 77: 510-22.
  • 8. Lobbezoo F, Jacobs R, De Laat A, Aarab G, Wetselaar P, Manfredini D. Chewing on bruxism. Diagnosis, imaging, epidemiology and aetiology. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2017;124:309-316.
  • 9. Reddy SV, Kumar MP, Sravanthi D, Mohsin AH, Anuhya V. Bruxism: a literature review. J Int Oral Health 2014;6:105-9.
  • 10. Klasser GD, Rei N, Lavigne GJ. Sleep bruxism etiology: the evolution of a changing paradigm. J Can Dent Assoc 2015; 81: 2.
  • 11. Darien IL. Sleep related bruxism. In International Classification of Sleep Disorders. 3rd ed. Chicago: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2014.
  • 12. Lavigne GJ, Manzini C, Kato T. Sleep bruxism. In Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2005.
  • 13. Miloro M, Ghali GF, Larsen P, Waite P. Peterson’s Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2nd ed. Hamilton: B.C. Decker Inc; 2004.
  • 14. Okeson JP. Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 3rd ed. Florida, USA: Mosby; 1992.
  • 15. Johansson A, Omar R, Carlsson GE. Bruxism and prosthetic treatment: a critical review. J Prosthodont Res 2011; 55: 127-36.
  • 16. De Leeuw R, ed. Orofacial pain. Guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and management. 4th ed. Chicago, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc., 2008.
  • 17. Wahlund K, List T, Larsson B, Treatment of temporomandibular disorders among adolescents: A comparison between occlusal appliance, relaxation trainig, and brief information. Acta Odontol Scand 2003; 61: 203-11.
  • 18. De Boover JA, Van Der Berge L, De Boever AL, Keersmakers K. Comparasion of clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of an elderly and a younger temporamandibular patient group, J Proshet Dent 1999; 81: 312-17.
  • 19. Mc Neill C. Temporomandibular Disorders: Guidelines for Classification, Assessment, and Management. 1st ed. San Francisco: Quintessence Publishing Co; 1993.
  • 20. M. Kreiner, Edwin Betancor, Glenn T. Clark, Occlusal stabilization appliances: Evidence of their efficacy. J Am Dent Assoc. 2001; 132: 770-77.
  • 21. Yap AU. Effects of stabilization appliances on nocturnal parafunctional activites in patients with and without signs of temporomandibular disorders. J Oral Rehabil 1998; 25: 64-68.
  • 22. Laskin DM, Greene CS, Hylander WL. Clinical Management. An evidence based approach to diagnosis and treatment, 1. ed, Texas, Quintessence Publishing Co. 2006.
  • 23. Egermark I, Carlsson GE, Magnusson T. A 20-year longitudinal study of subjective symptoms of temporomandibular disorders from childhood to adulthood. Acta Odontol. Scand 2001; 59: 40-48.
  • 24. Gray RJ, Davies SJ, Quayle AA. A Clinical Approach to Temporomandibular Disorders. 4. Examination of Articulatory System: Occlusion. Br Dent J 1994; 177: 63-68.
  • 25. Gu W, Yang J, Zhang F, Yin X, Wei X, Wang C. Efficacy of biofeedback therapy via a mini wireless device on sleep bruxism contrasted with occlusal splint: a pilot study. J Biomed Res 2015; 29: 160-68.
  • 26. GuardaNardini L, Manfredini D, Salamone M, Salmaso L, Tonello S, Ferronato G. Efficacy of botulinum toxin in treating myofascial pain in bruxers: a controlled placebo pilot study. Cranio 2008; 26: 126-35.
  • 27. Nissani M. Can taste aversion prevent bruxism Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2000; 25: 43-54.
  • 28. Somer E. Hypnotherapy in the treatment of the chronic nocturnal use of a dental splint prescribed for bruxism. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 1991; 139: 145-54.
  • 29. Long JH. Jr. A device to prevent jaw clenching. J Prosthet Dent 1998; 79: 353-4.
  • 30. Pintado MR, Anderson GC, Long R, Douglas WH. Variation in tooth wear in young adults over a two-year period. J Prosthet Dent. 1997; 77: 313–320.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Merve Erdoğ Özgür 0000-0002-3684-5537

Özge Arifağaoğlu 0000-0002-2469-4495

Didem Karabekmez Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2655-1738

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğ Özgür, M., Arifağaoğlu, Ö., & Karabekmez, D. (2019). Bruksizm teşhis ve tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 10(2), 251-258.
AMA Erdoğ Özgür M, Arifağaoğlu Ö, Karabekmez D. Bruksizm teşhis ve tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme. TJCL. Haziran 2019;10(2):251-258. doi:10.18663/tjcl.521237
Chicago Erdoğ Özgür, Merve, Özge Arifağaoğlu, ve Didem Karabekmez. “Bruksizm teşhis Ve Tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10, sy. 2 (Haziran 2019): 251-58.
EndNote Erdoğ Özgür M, Arifağaoğlu Ö, Karabekmez D (01 Haziran 2019) Bruksizm teşhis ve tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10 2 251–258.
IEEE M. Erdoğ Özgür, Ö. Arifağaoğlu, ve D. Karabekmez, “Bruksizm teşhis ve tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme”, TJCL, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 251–258, 2019, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.521237.
ISNAD Erdoğ Özgür, Merve vd. “Bruksizm teşhis Ve Tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10/2 (Haziran 2019), 251-258.
JAMA Erdoğ Özgür M, Arifağaoğlu Ö, Karabekmez D. Bruksizm teşhis ve tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme. TJCL. 2019;10:251–258.
MLA Erdoğ Özgür, Merve vd. “Bruksizm teşhis Ve Tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, c. 10, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 251-8, doi:10.18663/tjcl.521237.
Vancouver Erdoğ Özgür M, Arifağaoğlu Ö, Karabekmez D. Bruksizm teşhis ve tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme. TJCL. 2019;10(2):251-8.

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