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A cross‐sectional study: Is there any effects of cholesterol ratios on acute ischemic stroke severity?

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 437 - 439, 31.12.2019


Aim: The
aim of prevention of stroke and stroke related complications is to control and
eliminate modifiable risk factors. Since hypercholesterolemia is one of these
risk factors, we aimed to compare the low density lipoprotein cholesterol
(LDL-C) / high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and total cholesterol /
HDL-C ratios with NIHSS scores and to evaluate the effects of these ratios on
the severity of stroke.

and Methods:
This retrospective cross-sectional
study included 207 patients with ischemic stroke. Demographic characteristics,
total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C and HDL-C levels of patients who did
not use any lipid-lowering drug and NIHSS scores were recorded in a data
collection form.

effects of LDL-C / HDL-C and total cholesterol / HDL-C ratios on NIHSS scores
were investigated.
Results:The mean age of the patients
was 69.3 years. The mean LDL-C / HDL-C ratio was 2.93 and the total cholesterol
/ HDL-C ratio was 4.68. The mean score of NIHSS was 7.05 at admission. No statistically
significant difference or correlation was observed between all these

was no statistically significant relationship between HDL-C / LDL-C and total
cholesterol / HDL-C ratios and NIHSS scores. Considering the risk of ischemic
stroke, prospective multicentric studies are needed to find proper parameters.


  • 1. Katan M, Luft A. Global Burden of Stroke. Semin Neurol 2018; 38: 208-11
  • 2. Imamura T, Doi Y, Arima H et al. LDL cholesterol and the development of stroke subtypes and coronary heart disease in a general Japanese population: the Hisayama study. Stroke 2009; 40: 382-88.
  • 3. Kurth T, Everett BM, Buring JE, Kase CS, Ridker PM, Gaziano JM. Lipid levels and the risk of ischemic stroke in women. Neurology 2007; 68: 556-62.
  • 4. Tanne D, Yaari S, Goldbourt U. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk of ischemic stroke mortality: a 21-year follow-up of 8586 men from the Israeli ischemic heart disease study. Stroke 1997; 28: 83-87.
  • 5. Sacco RL, Benson RT, Kargman DE et al. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and ischemic stroke in the elderly: the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. J Am Med Assoc 2001; 285: 2729-35
  • 6. Amarenco P, Bogousslavsky J, Callahan 3rd A, Goldstein LB, Hennerici M, Rudolph AE, et al. High-dose atorvastatin after stroke or transient ischemic attack. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 549-59
  • 7. Navab M, Ananthramaiah GM, Reddy ST et al. The oxidation hypothesis of atherogenesis: the role of oxidized phospholipids and HDL. J Lipid Res 2004; 45: 993-1007.
  • 8. Barter PJ, Nicholls S, Rye KA, Anantharamaiah GM, Navab M, Fogelman AM. Antiinflammatory properties of HDL. Circ Res 2004; 95: 764-72.
  • 9. Mineo C, Deguchi H, Griffin JH, Shaul PW. Endothelial and antithrombotic actions of HDL. Circ Res 2006; 98: 1352-64
  • 10. Jauch EC, Saver JL, Adams HP Jr et al. Guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke 2013; 44: 870–947.
  • 11. Hatano S. Experience from a multicentre stroke register: a preliminary report. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation. 1976; 54: 541–53.
  • 12. Gotto AM, Assmann G, Carmena R. The ILIB lipid handbook for clinical practice: blood lipids and coronary heart disease. 2nd ed. New York, NY: International Lipid Information Bureau; 2000. p. 52, 53, 201.
  • 13. Genest J, Frohlich J, Fodor G, McPherson R; The Working Group on Hypercholesterolemia and Other Dyslipidemias. Recommendations for the management of dyslipidemia and the prevention of cardiovascular disease: 2003 update. CMAJ 2003; 169: 921–24
  • 14. Pintó X, Ros E. Lípidosséricos y prediccióndelriesgo cardiovascular: importancia de los cocientescolesterol total/colesterol HDL y cholesterol LDL/colesterol HDL. Clin Invest Arterioscl 2000; 12: 267–84
  • 15. Manninen V, Tenkanen L, Koskinen P et al. Joint effects of serum triglyceride and LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol concentrations on coronary heart disease risk in the Helsinki Heart Study. Implications for treatment. Circulation 1992; 85: 37–45
  • 16. Putaala J, Strbian D, Mustanoja S, Haapaniemi E, Kaste M, Tatlisumak T. Functional outcome in young adult ischemic stroke: impact of lipoproteins. Acta Neurol Scand 2013; 127: 61-69
  • 17. Sanossian N, Saver JL, Kim D, Razinia T, Ovbiagele B. Do high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels influence stroke severity? J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2006; 15: 187-89.
  • 18. Kuwashiro T, Sugimori H, Kamouchi M, Ago T, Kitazono T, Iida M. Lower levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol on admission and a recurrence of ischemic stroke: a 12-month follow-up of the Fukuoka Stroke Registry. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2012; 21: 561-68
  • 19. Makihara N, Okada Y, Koga M et al. Effect of serum lipid levels on stroke outcome after rt-PA therapy: SAMURAI rt-PA registry. Cerebrovasc Dis 2012; 33: 240-47
  • 20. Deng QW, Li S, Wang H et al. The Short-term Prognostic Value of the Triglyceride-to-high-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio in acute Ischemic Stroke. Aging Dis 2018; 9: 498-506.
  • 21. Qian Y, Pu Y, Liu L et al. Low HDL-C level is associated with the development of intracranial artery stenosis: analysis from the Chinese IntraCranial AtheroSclerosis (CICAS) study. PLoS One 2013; 8: 64395.

Kesitsel bir araştırma: Kolesterol oranlarının akut iskemik inme şiddeti üzerine etkisi var mı?

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 437 - 439, 31.12.2019


ve inme ile ilgili komplikasyonların önlenmesinin amacı, değiştirilebilir risk
faktörlerini kontrol etmek ve ortadan kaldırmaktır. Hiperkolesterolemi bu risk
faktörlerinden biri olduğundan, düşük dansiteli lipoprotein kolesterol (LDL-C)
/ yüksek dansiteli lipoprotein kolesterol (HDL-C) ve total kolesterol / HDL-C
oranları ile NIHSS puanlarını karşılaştırarak, bu oranların inme ciddiyetine
etkilerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu
retrospektif kesitsel araştırma iskemik inmeli 207 hastayı içermektedir.
Hastaların demografik özellikleri, total kolesterol, trigliserit, herhangi bir
lipid düşürücü ilaç kullanmayan hastaların LDL-C ve HDL-C düzeyleri ve NIHSS
skorları bir veri toplama formunda kaydedildi. LDL-C / HDL-C ve total
kolesterol / HDL-C oranlarının NIHSS puanlarına etkisi araştırıldı.

yaş ortalaması 69.3 idi. Tüm bu hastalar arasında ortalama LDL-C / HDL-C oranı
2.93 ve total kolesterol / HDL-C oranı 4.68 idi. Başvuru sırasında NIHSS'nin
ortalama puanı 7.05 idi. Tüm bu parametreler arasında istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı bir fark veya korelasyon gözlenmedi.
Sonuç:Başvuru sırasında HDL-C /
LDL-C ile total kolesterol / HDL-C oranları ve NIHSS skorları arasında
istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki gözlenmedi. İskemik inme risklerini göz
önünde bulundurarak uygun parametreleri bulmak için ileriye dönük çok merkezli
çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.


  • 1. Katan M, Luft A. Global Burden of Stroke. Semin Neurol 2018; 38: 208-11
  • 2. Imamura T, Doi Y, Arima H et al. LDL cholesterol and the development of stroke subtypes and coronary heart disease in a general Japanese population: the Hisayama study. Stroke 2009; 40: 382-88.
  • 3. Kurth T, Everett BM, Buring JE, Kase CS, Ridker PM, Gaziano JM. Lipid levels and the risk of ischemic stroke in women. Neurology 2007; 68: 556-62.
  • 4. Tanne D, Yaari S, Goldbourt U. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk of ischemic stroke mortality: a 21-year follow-up of 8586 men from the Israeli ischemic heart disease study. Stroke 1997; 28: 83-87.
  • 5. Sacco RL, Benson RT, Kargman DE et al. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and ischemic stroke in the elderly: the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. J Am Med Assoc 2001; 285: 2729-35
  • 6. Amarenco P, Bogousslavsky J, Callahan 3rd A, Goldstein LB, Hennerici M, Rudolph AE, et al. High-dose atorvastatin after stroke or transient ischemic attack. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 549-59
  • 7. Navab M, Ananthramaiah GM, Reddy ST et al. The oxidation hypothesis of atherogenesis: the role of oxidized phospholipids and HDL. J Lipid Res 2004; 45: 993-1007.
  • 8. Barter PJ, Nicholls S, Rye KA, Anantharamaiah GM, Navab M, Fogelman AM. Antiinflammatory properties of HDL. Circ Res 2004; 95: 764-72.
  • 9. Mineo C, Deguchi H, Griffin JH, Shaul PW. Endothelial and antithrombotic actions of HDL. Circ Res 2006; 98: 1352-64
  • 10. Jauch EC, Saver JL, Adams HP Jr et al. Guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke 2013; 44: 870–947.
  • 11. Hatano S. Experience from a multicentre stroke register: a preliminary report. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation. 1976; 54: 541–53.
  • 12. Gotto AM, Assmann G, Carmena R. The ILIB lipid handbook for clinical practice: blood lipids and coronary heart disease. 2nd ed. New York, NY: International Lipid Information Bureau; 2000. p. 52, 53, 201.
  • 13. Genest J, Frohlich J, Fodor G, McPherson R; The Working Group on Hypercholesterolemia and Other Dyslipidemias. Recommendations for the management of dyslipidemia and the prevention of cardiovascular disease: 2003 update. CMAJ 2003; 169: 921–24
  • 14. Pintó X, Ros E. Lípidosséricos y prediccióndelriesgo cardiovascular: importancia de los cocientescolesterol total/colesterol HDL y cholesterol LDL/colesterol HDL. Clin Invest Arterioscl 2000; 12: 267–84
  • 15. Manninen V, Tenkanen L, Koskinen P et al. Joint effects of serum triglyceride and LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol concentrations on coronary heart disease risk in the Helsinki Heart Study. Implications for treatment. Circulation 1992; 85: 37–45
  • 16. Putaala J, Strbian D, Mustanoja S, Haapaniemi E, Kaste M, Tatlisumak T. Functional outcome in young adult ischemic stroke: impact of lipoproteins. Acta Neurol Scand 2013; 127: 61-69
  • 17. Sanossian N, Saver JL, Kim D, Razinia T, Ovbiagele B. Do high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels influence stroke severity? J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2006; 15: 187-89.
  • 18. Kuwashiro T, Sugimori H, Kamouchi M, Ago T, Kitazono T, Iida M. Lower levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol on admission and a recurrence of ischemic stroke: a 12-month follow-up of the Fukuoka Stroke Registry. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2012; 21: 561-68
  • 19. Makihara N, Okada Y, Koga M et al. Effect of serum lipid levels on stroke outcome after rt-PA therapy: SAMURAI rt-PA registry. Cerebrovasc Dis 2012; 33: 240-47
  • 20. Deng QW, Li S, Wang H et al. The Short-term Prognostic Value of the Triglyceride-to-high-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio in acute Ischemic Stroke. Aging Dis 2018; 9: 498-506.
  • 21. Qian Y, Pu Y, Liu L et al. Low HDL-C level is associated with the development of intracranial artery stenosis: analysis from the Chinese IntraCranial AtheroSclerosis (CICAS) study. PLoS One 2013; 8: 64395.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Özgün Makale

Bilgin Öztürk Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8899-9925

Miraç Ayşen Ünsal 0000-0002-1035-473X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, B., & Ünsal, M. A. (2019). A cross‐sectional study: Is there any effects of cholesterol ratios on acute ischemic stroke severity?. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 10(4), 437-439.
AMA Öztürk B, Ünsal MA. A cross‐sectional study: Is there any effects of cholesterol ratios on acute ischemic stroke severity?. TJCL. Aralık 2019;10(4):437-439. doi:10.18663/tjcl.588068
Chicago Öztürk, Bilgin, ve Miraç Ayşen Ünsal. “A cross‐sectional Study: Is There Any Effects of Cholesterol Ratios on Acute Ischemic Stroke Severity?”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10, sy. 4 (Aralık 2019): 437-39.
EndNote Öztürk B, Ünsal MA (01 Aralık 2019) A cross‐sectional study: Is there any effects of cholesterol ratios on acute ischemic stroke severity?. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10 4 437–439.
IEEE B. Öztürk ve M. A. Ünsal, “A cross‐sectional study: Is there any effects of cholesterol ratios on acute ischemic stroke severity?”, TJCL, c. 10, sy. 4, ss. 437–439, 2019, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.588068.
ISNAD Öztürk, Bilgin - Ünsal, Miraç Ayşen. “A cross‐sectional Study: Is There Any Effects of Cholesterol Ratios on Acute Ischemic Stroke Severity?”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10/4 (Aralık 2019), 437-439.
JAMA Öztürk B, Ünsal MA. A cross‐sectional study: Is there any effects of cholesterol ratios on acute ischemic stroke severity?. TJCL. 2019;10:437–439.
MLA Öztürk, Bilgin ve Miraç Ayşen Ünsal. “A cross‐sectional Study: Is There Any Effects of Cholesterol Ratios on Acute Ischemic Stroke Severity?”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, c. 10, sy. 4, 2019, ss. 437-9, doi:10.18663/tjcl.588068.
Vancouver Öztürk B, Ünsal MA. A cross‐sectional study: Is there any effects of cholesterol ratios on acute ischemic stroke severity?. TJCL. 2019;10(4):437-9.

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