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Yıl 2017, , 50 - 59, 15.12.2017


Globalization is changing cities in our day and
affecting more effectively local lives. While the cities are becoming standard,
the life styles of the people resemble each other and differences disappear.
Space-specific differences and features in the global system are less obvious;
life is faster. While fast eating and drinking habits that change with this
change harm human health, the places become somewhere without id. In response
to the negative impact of globalization on human life, social movements emerged
by some local groups to advocate new forms of life such as slow food and
cittaslow. This study foresees to think about the negative effect of
globalization on life patterns of the cities and aims to evaluate the affect of
slow food and cittaslow movements to urban and individual life styles.


  • Carp, J., “The Town’s Abuzz: Collaborative Opportunities for Environmental Professionals in the Slow City Movement”, Environmental Practice, 2012/ 14, pp. 130– 142. Cittaslow International Charter (2015a), association/charter, 30.10.2015). Cittslow Intarnational (2015d), Slow Food: Good, Clean and Fair Food for Everyone, 02.02.2015. Coşkun, R. (2002), Küreselleşme: Türkiye Eksenli Analizler, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul. Furze, M., C. Barkhurst, M. C. Childs, “Small Town Sustainability: Economic, Social and Environmental Innovation”, Journal of Urban Design, 2010/15, (3), pp. 449450. Gallagher, A., “Slow Ethics: A Sustainable Approach to Ethical Care Practices?”, Clinical Ethics, 2013/8, (4) pp. 98–104. Grzelak-Kostulska, Elżbieta, B. Hołowiecka And G. Kwiatkowski ) ,“Cittaslow International Network: An Example of a Globalization Idea?”, In The Scale of Globalization. Think Globally, Act Locally, Change Individually in the 21st Century, Ostrava: University of Ostrava, 2011, pp. 186-192. /globalization/publ2011/186-192_Grzelak-Kostulska-Holowiecka-Kwiatkowski.pdf., 04.04.2015. Gürpınar, E.,(1996), Kent ve Çevre Sorunlarına Bir Bakış, Der Yayınları, İstanbul. Honore, C., (2004), In Praise of Slowness: How a Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed, San Francisco: Harper San Francisco. Jackson, S. (2007), “The Slow Movement: On The Snails Trail”,, 25.03.2015. Jones, P., P. Shears, D. Hillier, vd.,, “Return to traditional values? A case study of slow food”, British Food Journal, 2003/105, (4/5), pp. 297-304. J. Radstrom, S., “A Place Sustaining Framework for Local Urban Identity: An Introduction and History of Cittaslow”, Italian Journal of Planning Practice, 2011/1, (1), pp. 90-113. Tomlinson, J., (2004), Küreselleşme ve Kültür, Ayrıntı Yayınları: İstanbul. Kiper, P., “Küreselleşme Sürecinde Kentlerimize Giren Yeni Tüketim Mekânları ve Yitirilen Kent Kimlikleri” Planlama Tmmob Şehir Plancıları Odası Yayını, 2004/4, (30), 14-18. Knox, P.L., “Creating Ordinary Places: Slow Cities İn A Fast World”, Journal of Urban Design, 2005/10, (1), pp. 1–11. Mayer, H., P.L. Knox, “Slow Cities: Sustainable Places İn A Fast World”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 2006/ 28, (4), pp. 321–334. Mayer, H., P. L. Knox, “Small-Town Sustainability: Prospects İn The Second Modernity”, European Planning Studies, 2010/18, (10), pp. 1545–1565. Miele, M., “CittaSlow: Producing Slowness against the Fast Life”, Space and Polity, 2008/12, (1), pp. 135-156. Nilsson, J. H., A. Svärd, Å. Widarsson, vd.”‘Cittáslow’ Eco-Gastronomic Heritage As A Tool For Destination Development”, Current Issues İn Tourism, 2011/14, (4), pp. 373-386. Parkins, Wendy, G. Craig (2006), Slow Living, New York: Berg Publishers. Petrini, C., (2001), Slow Food: The Case for Taste, New York: Columbia University Press. Pink, S., “Rethinking contemporary activism: From community to emplaced sociality”, Ethnos, 2008a/73, (2), pp. 163–188. Pink, S., “Sense and Sustainability: The Case of the Slow City Movement”, Local Environment, 2008b/13, (2), pp. 95–106. Pink, S., “Urban Social Movements and Small Places, City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action”, 2009/13, (4), pp.451-465. Ritzer,G., (2011), Toplumun McDonaldlaştırılması, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Sassatelli, R. F. Davolio, “Consumption, Pleasure and Politics: Slow Food and The Politico-Aesthetic Problematization of Food”, Journal of Consumer Culture, 2010/10:202-232. Schneider, S., “Good, Clean, Fair: The Rhetoric of the Slow Food Movement”, Special Focus: Food, 2008/70, (4), 384-402. Slow Food (2012a), Slow Food Internatıonal Statute, Definition And Aims Art. 3 pdf, 25.02.2015. Slow Food (2012b), Slow Food Internatıonal Statute, pdf, 25.02.2015. Slow Food International (2013), About Us, Good, Clean And Fair Food,, 14.11.2014. Slow Food International (2015a), Taste And Food Education,, 18.01.2015. Slow Food International (2015b), The Slow Food Manifesto, G.pdf, 16.02.2015. Slow Food Manifesto For Quality (2010), com/popup_pagina.lasso?-id_pg=122.,29.10.2014. Tencati, A., L. Zsolnai, “Collaborative Enterprise and Sustainability: The Case of Slow Food”, J Bus Ethics, 2012/110, pp. 345–354.


Yıl 2017, , 50 - 59, 15.12.2017


Küreselleşme, günümüzde kentleri
değişime uğratmakta ve yerel düzeyde yaşamı giderek daha fazla etkilemektedir.
Kentler tek tipleşmeye doğru giderken bireylerin yaşam tarzları da birbirine
benzemekte ve farklılıklar ortadan kalkmaktadır. Küresel sistemde mekâna özgü
farklılıklar ve özellikler daha az belirgindir; yaşam daha hızlıdır. Bu
değişimle gelen hızlı yeme ve içme alışkanlığı insan sağlığına zarar verirken, mekânlar
ise kimliksizleşmektedir. Küreselleşmenin insan yaşamı üzerindeki olumsuz
etkisine tepki olarak bazı yerel gruplar tarafından Slow Food (Yavaş Yemek) ve Cittaslow
(Yavaş Şehir) gibi yeni yaşam biçimlerini savunan sosyal hareketler ortaya
çıkmıştır. Bu çalışma, küreselleşmenin kentlerin yaşamsal dokusu üzerindeki
olumsuz etkisi üzerine düşünmeyi öngörmekte; slow food ve cittaslow
hareketlerinin kentlere ve bireylerin yaşam biçimlerine olan etkisini
değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • Carp, J., “The Town’s Abuzz: Collaborative Opportunities for Environmental Professionals in the Slow City Movement”, Environmental Practice, 2012/ 14, pp. 130– 142. Cittaslow International Charter (2015a), association/charter, 30.10.2015). Cittslow Intarnational (2015d), Slow Food: Good, Clean and Fair Food for Everyone, 02.02.2015. Coşkun, R. (2002), Küreselleşme: Türkiye Eksenli Analizler, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul. Furze, M., C. Barkhurst, M. C. Childs, “Small Town Sustainability: Economic, Social and Environmental Innovation”, Journal of Urban Design, 2010/15, (3), pp. 449450. Gallagher, A., “Slow Ethics: A Sustainable Approach to Ethical Care Practices?”, Clinical Ethics, 2013/8, (4) pp. 98–104. Grzelak-Kostulska, Elżbieta, B. Hołowiecka And G. Kwiatkowski ) ,“Cittaslow International Network: An Example of a Globalization Idea?”, In The Scale of Globalization. Think Globally, Act Locally, Change Individually in the 21st Century, Ostrava: University of Ostrava, 2011, pp. 186-192. /globalization/publ2011/186-192_Grzelak-Kostulska-Holowiecka-Kwiatkowski.pdf., 04.04.2015. Gürpınar, E.,(1996), Kent ve Çevre Sorunlarına Bir Bakış, Der Yayınları, İstanbul. Honore, C., (2004), In Praise of Slowness: How a Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed, San Francisco: Harper San Francisco. Jackson, S. (2007), “The Slow Movement: On The Snails Trail”,, 25.03.2015. Jones, P., P. Shears, D. Hillier, vd.,, “Return to traditional values? A case study of slow food”, British Food Journal, 2003/105, (4/5), pp. 297-304. J. Radstrom, S., “A Place Sustaining Framework for Local Urban Identity: An Introduction and History of Cittaslow”, Italian Journal of Planning Practice, 2011/1, (1), pp. 90-113. Tomlinson, J., (2004), Küreselleşme ve Kültür, Ayrıntı Yayınları: İstanbul. Kiper, P., “Küreselleşme Sürecinde Kentlerimize Giren Yeni Tüketim Mekânları ve Yitirilen Kent Kimlikleri” Planlama Tmmob Şehir Plancıları Odası Yayını, 2004/4, (30), 14-18. Knox, P.L., “Creating Ordinary Places: Slow Cities İn A Fast World”, Journal of Urban Design, 2005/10, (1), pp. 1–11. Mayer, H., P.L. Knox, “Slow Cities: Sustainable Places İn A Fast World”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 2006/ 28, (4), pp. 321–334. Mayer, H., P. L. Knox, “Small-Town Sustainability: Prospects İn The Second Modernity”, European Planning Studies, 2010/18, (10), pp. 1545–1565. Miele, M., “CittaSlow: Producing Slowness against the Fast Life”, Space and Polity, 2008/12, (1), pp. 135-156. Nilsson, J. H., A. Svärd, Å. Widarsson, vd.”‘Cittáslow’ Eco-Gastronomic Heritage As A Tool For Destination Development”, Current Issues İn Tourism, 2011/14, (4), pp. 373-386. Parkins, Wendy, G. Craig (2006), Slow Living, New York: Berg Publishers. Petrini, C., (2001), Slow Food: The Case for Taste, New York: Columbia University Press. Pink, S., “Rethinking contemporary activism: From community to emplaced sociality”, Ethnos, 2008a/73, (2), pp. 163–188. Pink, S., “Sense and Sustainability: The Case of the Slow City Movement”, Local Environment, 2008b/13, (2), pp. 95–106. Pink, S., “Urban Social Movements and Small Places, City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action”, 2009/13, (4), pp.451-465. Ritzer,G., (2011), Toplumun McDonaldlaştırılması, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Sassatelli, R. F. Davolio, “Consumption, Pleasure and Politics: Slow Food and The Politico-Aesthetic Problematization of Food”, Journal of Consumer Culture, 2010/10:202-232. Schneider, S., “Good, Clean, Fair: The Rhetoric of the Slow Food Movement”, Special Focus: Food, 2008/70, (4), 384-402. Slow Food (2012a), Slow Food Internatıonal Statute, Definition And Aims Art. 3 pdf, 25.02.2015. Slow Food (2012b), Slow Food Internatıonal Statute, pdf, 25.02.2015. Slow Food International (2013), About Us, Good, Clean And Fair Food,, 14.11.2014. Slow Food International (2015a), Taste And Food Education,, 18.01.2015. Slow Food International (2015b), The Slow Food Manifesto, G.pdf, 16.02.2015. Slow Food Manifesto For Quality (2010), com/popup_pagina.lasso?-id_pg=122.,29.10.2014. Tencati, A., L. Zsolnai, “Collaborative Enterprise and Sustainability: The Case of Slow Food”, J Bus Ethics, 2012/110, pp. 345–354.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler


Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Sağır, G. (2017). FROM TRADITION TO GLOBALIZATION: SLOW FOOD AND CITTASLOW MOVEMENTS. The Journal of Social Science, 1(2), 50-59.