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Gerçek Ötesi Dönemde Türkiye’deki Lisans Öğrencilerinin Haber Tüketim ve Paylaşım Davranışları

Yıl 2022, , 334 - 359, 30.09.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışma, Türkiye’deki lisans öğrencilerinin haber tüketim ve paylaşım davranışlarını araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Yöntem: Araştırma, Türkiye’deki vakıf ve devlet üniversitelerinde lisans düzeyinde öğrenim görmekte olan öğrenciler üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örneklem seçiminde kota örnekleme kullanılmıştır. Veriler, Haziran-Temmuz 2020 tarihleri arasında çevrimiçi anket uygulanarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde SPSS yazılımı kullanılmış olup, bulguların sunumunda betimsel istatistiklerden ve ki-kare testinden yararlanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların büyük bir çoğunluğu medya, haber ve bilgi okuryazarlığı konularında herhangi bir eğitim almamıştır. Haberleri aktif olarak takip edenlerin oranı %93 olup, en çok tercih edilen haber kaynakları Twitter, çevrimiçi haber siteleri ve gazeteler ile televizyondur. Tüm haber kaynakları arasında en az güvenilen kaynak sosyal medyadır. Medya, haber ya da bilgi okuryazarlığı konularının herhangi birinden eğitim alanların yaklaşık %70’i haberin kaynağını ya da platformunu kontrol etmektedir. Katılımcıların yarısı gazetecilerin haberlere kendi ön yargılarını yansıttığını düşünmektedir. Ayrıca, Türkiye’de haber medyasının tarafsız olduğuna inananların oranı sadece %5’tir. Koronavirüs (COVID-19) pandemisinin başlamasıyla birlikte katılımcıların %75’i daha sık haber takip etmeye başlamıştır.
Sonuç: Elde edilen bulgular, lisans öğrencilerinin haber tüketim davranışlarının küresel haber tüketim davranışlarıyla uyumlu olduğunu ve özellikle haber doğrulama yöntem ve tekniklerini ele alan iyi planlanmış bir eğitim programına ihtiyaç duyduklarını göstermektedir.
Özgünlük: Bu çalışmanın özgün yanını, Türkiye’de üniversitede öğrenim gören gençlere odaklanarak onların haber tüketim ve paylaşım davranışlarını ele alması oluşturmaktadır.


  • Aisch, G., Huang, J. ve Kang, C. (2016, 10 Aralık). Dissecting the #PizzaGate conspiracy theories. The NewYork Times. 016/12/10/business/media/pizzagate.html
  • Andı, S. (2021). How and why do consumers access news on social media? N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Schulz, S.
  • Andı, C. T. Robertson ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2021, 10th edition içinde (s. 51-55).
  • Benton, J. (2019, 17 Haziran). Why do some people avoid news? Because they don’t trust us — orbecause they don’t think we addvalue to their lives?. NiemanLab.
  • Brisola, A. ve Doyle, A. (2019). Critical information literacy as a path to resist “fake news”: Understanding disinformation as the root problem. Open Information Science, 3(1), 274-286.
  • Canales, S. B. (2020). The Australian libraries and Information Association and National Archives band together against disinformation. The Canberra Times.
  • Center for News Literacy Stony Brook University School of Journalism. (2016). What is news literacy?.
  • Cinelli, M., Morales, G. D. F., Galeazzi, A., Quattrociocchi, W. ve Starnini, M. (2021). The echo chamber effect on social media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9).
  • Cochran, W. G. (1963). Sampling techniques. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc..
  • Cooke, N. (2018). Fake news and alternative facts: Information literacy in a post-truth era. ALA.
  • Digital Resource Center. (t.y.). Definitions of news.
  • Ecker, U., Lewandowsky, S., Swire, B., Chang, D. (2011). Correcting false information in memory: Manipulating the strength of misinformation encoding and its retraction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 570-578.
  • Essential Projesi. (2022).
  • Fake news. (t.y.). Collins English dictionary içinde.
  • Filloux, F. (2017). You can’t sell news for what it costs to make. The Walkley Magazine on Medium.
  • First Draft. (2019, Ekim). Introduction. First Draft’s essential guide to understanding information disorder içinde (s. 5-12). First Draft.
  • Flintham, M., Karner, C., Bachour, K., Creswick, H., Gupta, N. ve Moran, S. (2018). Falling for fake news: Investigating the consumption of news via social media. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems içinde (s. 1-10). Association for Computing Machinery, NY, USA.
  • Gillin, J. (2016, 5 Aralık). How Pizzagate went from fake news to a real problem for a D.C. business. PolitiFact.
  • Gottfried, J. ve Shearer, E. (2016). News use across social media platforms 2016. Pew Research Center.
  • Guess, A. M., Lerner, M., Lyons, B., Montgomery, J. M., Nyhan, B., Reifler, J. ve Sircar, N. (2020). A digital media literacy intervention increases discernment between mainstream and false news in the United States and India. PNAS, 117(27), 15536-15545.
  • Head, A. J., Fister, B. ve MacMillan, M. (2020). Information literacy in the age of algorithms: Student experiences with news and information, and the need for change. Project Information Literacy Research Institute.
  • Head, A. J., Wihbey, J. Metaxas, P. T., MacMillan, M. ve Cohen, D. (2018). How students engage with news: Five takeaways for educators, journalists and librarians. Project Information Literacy Research Institute.
  • IFCN code of principles. (2022). Verified signatories of the IFCN code of principles.
  • IFLA. (2020). How to spot fake news – Covid-19 edition.
  • IFLA. (2021). How to spot fake news. InfodemiLab. (2022).
  • Information Literacy Group. (2018). CILIP Definition of Information Literacy 2018. CILIP The Library and Information Association.
  • İnfodemi eğitimi projesi. (2022).
  • İnfodemi ile etkin mücadele. (t.y.).
  • Kalogeropoulos, A. (2017). News avoidance. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Kalogeropoulos, D. A. L. Levy ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2017 içinde (s. 40-41).
  • Kiely, E. ve Robertson, L. (2016, 18 Kasım). How to spot fake news.
  • KONDA medya raporu: Televizyonla değişen algılar, sosyal medyanın yükselişi ve 10 yıllık medya serüvenimiz: 2008 – 2018. (2019, Kasım).
  • Kong, Q., Lai-Ku, K., Deng, L. ve Yan-Au, A. (2021). Motivation and perception of Hong Kong university students about social media news. Comunicar, XXIX (67), 33-42.
  • Korkmaz, B. (2021, 31 Mayıs). Nobel ödülü sahibi Luc Montagnier’in Covid-19 aşısı olanların iki yıl içinde öleceğini açıkladığı iddiası. Teyit.
  • Korkmaz, B. (2022, 18 Şubat). Üç doz Covid-19 aşısı olanlara HIV bulaştığı iddiası. Teyit.
  • Kurbanoğlu, S. (2010). Bilgi okuryazarlığı: Kavramsal bir analiz. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 24(4), 723-747.
  • Lacapria, K. (2016, 21 Kasım). Is Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria home to a child abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton? Snopes.
  • Lee, F. L. F., Chan, M. C. M., Chen, H. T., Nielsen, R. ve Fletcher, R. (2019). Consumptive news feed curation on social media as proactive personalization: A study of six East Asian markets. Journalism Studies, 20(15), 2277-2292.
  • Lewandowsky, S., Ecker, U.K.H., Seifers, C. M., Schwarz, N., Cook, J. (2012). Misinformation and its correction: Continued influence and successful debiasing. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 13(3), 106–131.
  • Li, H. ve Sakamoto, Y. (2014). Social impacts in social media: An examination of perceived truthfulness and sharing of information. Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 278-287.
  • Mantzarlis, A. (2015, 21 Ekim). Will verification kill fact-checking?. Poynter.
  • Mitchell, A., Shearer, E. ve Stocking, G. (2021,15 Kasım). News on Twitter: Consumed by most users and trusted by many. Pew Research Center.
  • Newman, N. (2016). Overview and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, D. A. L. Levy ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2016 içinde (s. 7-29).
  • Newman, N. (2017). Section 1: Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Kalogeropoulos, D. A. L. Levy ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2017 içinde (s. 8-27).
  • Newman, N. (2018). Section 1: Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Kalogeropoulos, D. A. L. Levy ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2018 içinde (s. 8-31).
  • Newman, N. (2019). Section 1: Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Kalogeropoulos ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2019 içinde (s. 8-31).
  • Newman, N. (2020). Section 1: Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Schulz, S. Andı ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2020 içinde (s. 8-31).
  • Newman, N. (2021). Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Schulz, S. Andı, C. T. Robertson ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2021, 10th edition içinde (s. 8-29).
  • Newman, N., Fletcher, R., Kalogeropoulos, A., Levy, D. A. L. ve Nielsen, R. K. (Ed). (2018). Reuters Institute digital news report 2018.
  • Oxford Languages. (2016). World of the year 2016. Pariser, E. (2011, Şubat). Beware online “filter bubbles” [Video].
  • Park, I. ve Lee, D. (2020). Understanding news-sharing across different platforms: The effects of newsworthiness and gratifications from news-sharing. Information Research, 25(4).
  • Reis, J. C. S., Kwak, H., An, J., Messias, M. ve Benevenuto, F. (2017). Demographics of news sharing in the U.S. Twittersphere. Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ‘17) içinde (s. 195-204). Association for Computing Machinery.
  • RTÜK medya okuryazarlığı. (2016, 11 Ekim). Medya okuryazarlığı nedir?
  • Shearer, E. ve Mitchell, A. (2021, 12 Ocak). News use across social media platforms in 2020. Pew Research Center.
  • Silverman, C. (Ed.). (t.y.). Doğrulama el kitabı. M. A. Foça (Türkçe Yayın Ed.).
  • Silverman, C. (2016, 5 Aralık). How the bizarre conspiracy theory behind “Pizzagate” was spread. BuzzFeed News.
  • Silverman, C., Singer-Vine, J. (2016). Most Americans who see fake news believe it, new survey says. Buzzfeed poll about fake news.
  • Song, H., Jung, J. ve Kim, Y. (2017). Perceived news overload and its cognitive and attitudinal consequences for news usage in South Korea. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(4), 1172-1190.
  • Stencel, M. ve Luther, J. (2020, 22 Haziran). Annual census finds nearly 300 fact-checking projects around the world. Duke Researchers’ Lab.
  • Stencel, M. ve Luther, J. (2021, 2 Haziran). Fact-checking census shows slower growth. Duke Researchers’ Lab.
  • Şencan, İ. (2020). Haber okuryazarlığı programı: İçeri̇k tasarımı ve etki̇li̇li̇ği̇ni̇n değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ [Doktora Tezi]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi
  • Teyit ve Vircon Group. (2020, Nisan). Covid-19 kitlesi davranışsal değişim analizi.
  • Thomas, P., Hogan-Taylor, C., Yankoski, M. ve Weninger, T. (2022). Pilot study suggests online media literacy programming reduces belief in false news in Indonesia. First Monday, 27(1).
  • Tisdall, S. (2022, 19 Şubat). Ukraine-Russia crisis: Who’s winning the international influence war?. The Guardian.
  • Türkiye’de bilgi düzensizliği ile mücadele etmek. (t.y.).
  • Türkiye’de kutuplaşmayı azaltmak için stratejiler ve araçlar projesi (TurkuazLab). (2020). Türkiye’de kutuplaşmanın boyutları 2020 araştırması [araştırma bulguları sunumu].
  • Villi, M., Aharoni, T., Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., Boczkowski, P. J., Hayashi, K., Mitchelstein, E., Tanaka, A. ve Kligler-Vilenchik, N. (2022). Taking a break from news: A five-nation study of news avoidance in the digital era. Digital Journalism, 10(1), 148-164.
  • Vosoughi, S., Roy, D. ve Aral, S. (2018). The spread of true and false news online. Science, 359, 1146-1151. doi: 10.1126/science.aap9559
  • Wang, L. (2021). Understanding college students’ news sharing experience on Instagram. Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing içinde (s. 187-190). Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Wardle, C. (2020). The age of information disorder. C. Silverman (Ed.), Verification handbook: For disinformation and media manipulation içinde.
  • World Health Organization. (t.y.). Infodemic.

News Consumption and Sharing Behaviors of Undergraduate Students in Turkey in the Post-Truth Era

Yıl 2022, , 334 - 359, 30.09.2022


Purpose: This study aims to investigate news consumption and sharing behaviors of university students in Turkey.
Method: The research was carried out on the students who are studying at the undergraduate level at foundation and state universities in Turkey. Quota sampling was used in sample selection. Data were collected by applying an online survey between June and July 2020. SPSS software was used in the analysis of the data, and descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used in the presentation of the findings.
Findings: Most of the participants did not receive any training on media, news and information literacy. 93% of the participants follow the news actively, and the most preferred news sources are Twitter, online news sites and newspapers, and television. Among all news sources, the least trusted source is social media. Approximately 70% of those educated in media, news or information literacy check the source or platform of the news. Half of the participants think that journalists reflect their own prejudices on the news. In addition, the rate of those who believe that the news media is impartial is only 5%. With the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 75% of the participants started to follow the news more frequently.
Implications: Findings seem to be in line with global news consumption behaviors of university students and indicate a need for a well-planned training program which specifically addresses news verification methods and techniques.
Originality: The original aspect of this study is that it focuses on young people studying at universities in Turkey and deals with their news consumption and sharing behaviors


  • Aisch, G., Huang, J. ve Kang, C. (2016, 10 Aralık). Dissecting the #PizzaGate conspiracy theories. The NewYork Times. 016/12/10/business/media/pizzagate.html
  • Andı, S. (2021). How and why do consumers access news on social media? N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Schulz, S.
  • Andı, C. T. Robertson ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2021, 10th edition içinde (s. 51-55).
  • Benton, J. (2019, 17 Haziran). Why do some people avoid news? Because they don’t trust us — orbecause they don’t think we addvalue to their lives?. NiemanLab.
  • Brisola, A. ve Doyle, A. (2019). Critical information literacy as a path to resist “fake news”: Understanding disinformation as the root problem. Open Information Science, 3(1), 274-286.
  • Canales, S. B. (2020). The Australian libraries and Information Association and National Archives band together against disinformation. The Canberra Times.
  • Center for News Literacy Stony Brook University School of Journalism. (2016). What is news literacy?.
  • Cinelli, M., Morales, G. D. F., Galeazzi, A., Quattrociocchi, W. ve Starnini, M. (2021). The echo chamber effect on social media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9).
  • Cochran, W. G. (1963). Sampling techniques. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc..
  • Cooke, N. (2018). Fake news and alternative facts: Information literacy in a post-truth era. ALA.
  • Digital Resource Center. (t.y.). Definitions of news.
  • Ecker, U., Lewandowsky, S., Swire, B., Chang, D. (2011). Correcting false information in memory: Manipulating the strength of misinformation encoding and its retraction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 570-578.
  • Essential Projesi. (2022).
  • Fake news. (t.y.). Collins English dictionary içinde.
  • Filloux, F. (2017). You can’t sell news for what it costs to make. The Walkley Magazine on Medium.
  • First Draft. (2019, Ekim). Introduction. First Draft’s essential guide to understanding information disorder içinde (s. 5-12). First Draft.
  • Flintham, M., Karner, C., Bachour, K., Creswick, H., Gupta, N. ve Moran, S. (2018). Falling for fake news: Investigating the consumption of news via social media. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems içinde (s. 1-10). Association for Computing Machinery, NY, USA.
  • Gillin, J. (2016, 5 Aralık). How Pizzagate went from fake news to a real problem for a D.C. business. PolitiFact.
  • Gottfried, J. ve Shearer, E. (2016). News use across social media platforms 2016. Pew Research Center.
  • Guess, A. M., Lerner, M., Lyons, B., Montgomery, J. M., Nyhan, B., Reifler, J. ve Sircar, N. (2020). A digital media literacy intervention increases discernment between mainstream and false news in the United States and India. PNAS, 117(27), 15536-15545.
  • Head, A. J., Fister, B. ve MacMillan, M. (2020). Information literacy in the age of algorithms: Student experiences with news and information, and the need for change. Project Information Literacy Research Institute.
  • Head, A. J., Wihbey, J. Metaxas, P. T., MacMillan, M. ve Cohen, D. (2018). How students engage with news: Five takeaways for educators, journalists and librarians. Project Information Literacy Research Institute.
  • IFCN code of principles. (2022). Verified signatories of the IFCN code of principles.
  • IFLA. (2020). How to spot fake news – Covid-19 edition.
  • IFLA. (2021). How to spot fake news. InfodemiLab. (2022).
  • Information Literacy Group. (2018). CILIP Definition of Information Literacy 2018. CILIP The Library and Information Association.
  • İnfodemi eğitimi projesi. (2022).
  • İnfodemi ile etkin mücadele. (t.y.).
  • Kalogeropoulos, A. (2017). News avoidance. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Kalogeropoulos, D. A. L. Levy ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2017 içinde (s. 40-41).
  • Kiely, E. ve Robertson, L. (2016, 18 Kasım). How to spot fake news.
  • KONDA medya raporu: Televizyonla değişen algılar, sosyal medyanın yükselişi ve 10 yıllık medya serüvenimiz: 2008 – 2018. (2019, Kasım).
  • Kong, Q., Lai-Ku, K., Deng, L. ve Yan-Au, A. (2021). Motivation and perception of Hong Kong university students about social media news. Comunicar, XXIX (67), 33-42.
  • Korkmaz, B. (2021, 31 Mayıs). Nobel ödülü sahibi Luc Montagnier’in Covid-19 aşısı olanların iki yıl içinde öleceğini açıkladığı iddiası. Teyit.
  • Korkmaz, B. (2022, 18 Şubat). Üç doz Covid-19 aşısı olanlara HIV bulaştığı iddiası. Teyit.
  • Kurbanoğlu, S. (2010). Bilgi okuryazarlığı: Kavramsal bir analiz. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 24(4), 723-747.
  • Lacapria, K. (2016, 21 Kasım). Is Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria home to a child abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton? Snopes.
  • Lee, F. L. F., Chan, M. C. M., Chen, H. T., Nielsen, R. ve Fletcher, R. (2019). Consumptive news feed curation on social media as proactive personalization: A study of six East Asian markets. Journalism Studies, 20(15), 2277-2292.
  • Lewandowsky, S., Ecker, U.K.H., Seifers, C. M., Schwarz, N., Cook, J. (2012). Misinformation and its correction: Continued influence and successful debiasing. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 13(3), 106–131.
  • Li, H. ve Sakamoto, Y. (2014). Social impacts in social media: An examination of perceived truthfulness and sharing of information. Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 278-287.
  • Mantzarlis, A. (2015, 21 Ekim). Will verification kill fact-checking?. Poynter.
  • Mitchell, A., Shearer, E. ve Stocking, G. (2021,15 Kasım). News on Twitter: Consumed by most users and trusted by many. Pew Research Center.
  • Newman, N. (2016). Overview and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, D. A. L. Levy ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2016 içinde (s. 7-29).
  • Newman, N. (2017). Section 1: Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Kalogeropoulos, D. A. L. Levy ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2017 içinde (s. 8-27).
  • Newman, N. (2018). Section 1: Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Kalogeropoulos, D. A. L. Levy ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2018 içinde (s. 8-31).
  • Newman, N. (2019). Section 1: Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Kalogeropoulos ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2019 içinde (s. 8-31).
  • Newman, N. (2020). Section 1: Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Schulz, S. Andı ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2020 içinde (s. 8-31).
  • Newman, N. (2021). Executive summary and key findings. N. Newman, R. Fletcher, A. Schulz, S. Andı, C. T. Robertson ve R. K. Nielsen (Ed). Reuters Institute digital news report 2021, 10th edition içinde (s. 8-29).
  • Newman, N., Fletcher, R., Kalogeropoulos, A., Levy, D. A. L. ve Nielsen, R. K. (Ed). (2018). Reuters Institute digital news report 2018.
  • Oxford Languages. (2016). World of the year 2016. Pariser, E. (2011, Şubat). Beware online “filter bubbles” [Video].
  • Park, I. ve Lee, D. (2020). Understanding news-sharing across different platforms: The effects of newsworthiness and gratifications from news-sharing. Information Research, 25(4).
  • Reis, J. C. S., Kwak, H., An, J., Messias, M. ve Benevenuto, F. (2017). Demographics of news sharing in the U.S. Twittersphere. Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ‘17) içinde (s. 195-204). Association for Computing Machinery.
  • RTÜK medya okuryazarlığı. (2016, 11 Ekim). Medya okuryazarlığı nedir?
  • Shearer, E. ve Mitchell, A. (2021, 12 Ocak). News use across social media platforms in 2020. Pew Research Center.
  • Silverman, C. (Ed.). (t.y.). Doğrulama el kitabı. M. A. Foça (Türkçe Yayın Ed.).
  • Silverman, C. (2016, 5 Aralık). How the bizarre conspiracy theory behind “Pizzagate” was spread. BuzzFeed News.
  • Silverman, C., Singer-Vine, J. (2016). Most Americans who see fake news believe it, new survey says. Buzzfeed poll about fake news.
  • Song, H., Jung, J. ve Kim, Y. (2017). Perceived news overload and its cognitive and attitudinal consequences for news usage in South Korea. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(4), 1172-1190.
  • Stencel, M. ve Luther, J. (2020, 22 Haziran). Annual census finds nearly 300 fact-checking projects around the world. Duke Researchers’ Lab.
  • Stencel, M. ve Luther, J. (2021, 2 Haziran). Fact-checking census shows slower growth. Duke Researchers’ Lab.
  • Şencan, İ. (2020). Haber okuryazarlığı programı: İçeri̇k tasarımı ve etki̇li̇li̇ği̇ni̇n değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ [Doktora Tezi]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi
  • Teyit ve Vircon Group. (2020, Nisan). Covid-19 kitlesi davranışsal değişim analizi.
  • Thomas, P., Hogan-Taylor, C., Yankoski, M. ve Weninger, T. (2022). Pilot study suggests online media literacy programming reduces belief in false news in Indonesia. First Monday, 27(1).
  • Tisdall, S. (2022, 19 Şubat). Ukraine-Russia crisis: Who’s winning the international influence war?. The Guardian.
  • Türkiye’de bilgi düzensizliği ile mücadele etmek. (t.y.).
  • Türkiye’de kutuplaşmayı azaltmak için stratejiler ve araçlar projesi (TurkuazLab). (2020). Türkiye’de kutuplaşmanın boyutları 2020 araştırması [araştırma bulguları sunumu].
  • Villi, M., Aharoni, T., Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., Boczkowski, P. J., Hayashi, K., Mitchelstein, E., Tanaka, A. ve Kligler-Vilenchik, N. (2022). Taking a break from news: A five-nation study of news avoidance in the digital era. Digital Journalism, 10(1), 148-164.
  • Vosoughi, S., Roy, D. ve Aral, S. (2018). The spread of true and false news online. Science, 359, 1146-1151. doi: 10.1126/science.aap9559
  • Wang, L. (2021). Understanding college students’ news sharing experience on Instagram. Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing içinde (s. 187-190). Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Wardle, C. (2020). The age of information disorder. C. Silverman (Ed.), Verification handbook: For disinformation and media manipulation içinde.
  • World Health Organization. (t.y.). Infodemic.
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kütüphane ve Bilgi Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yurdagül Ünal 0000-0002-6519-9845

İpek Şencan 0000-0002-3318-8981

Serap Kurbanoğlu 0000-0002-9561-9978

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2022
Kabul Tarihi 17 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünal, Y., Şencan, İ., & Kurbanoğlu, S. (2022). Gerçek Ötesi Dönemde Türkiye’deki Lisans Öğrencilerinin Haber Tüketim ve Paylaşım Davranışları. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 36(3), 334-359.

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