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İsrailli Olmak:Kollektif Bir Kimlik Geliştirmenin Zorlukları

Yıl 2018, , 73 - 100, 30.06.2018


İsrail kurulduğu yıldan itibaren Yahudi nüfusunu Filistin nüfusu
karşısında dengelemek ve çoğunluğu konsolide etmek adına dünyadaki tüm
Yahudilerin İsrail’e gelip yerleşmeleri çağrısında bulunmuştur. Bu çağrıya
Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika’daki Arap ülkelerinde yaşayan Yahudiler cevap vermiş
ve 1950 yılından itibaren ülkeye göçen Yahudiler İsrail nüfusunun artmasında en
büyük rolü üstlenmişlerdir. Ne var ki, farklı kültürlerden gelen bu Yahudiler
İsrail’de bir kimlik krizinin ortaya çıkmasında katalizör görevi görmüştür.
İsrail’in bugün en büyük toplumsal krizlerinden birinin kimlikle ilgili
olduğunu söylemek yanlış olmayacaktır. Zira bu kimlik krizi ekonomiden
siyasete, kültürden eğitime her alanı etkilemektedir. İsrailli kimliğini dini
anlamlar barındıran Yahudi kimliğinden ayırmak çok zordur ve bu durum İsrail
toplumunu ‘İsrail ulusu’ ve ‘Yahudi halkı’ dikotomisinin içerisine hapsederek
bir etnik grup olarak Yahudiler arasında dindar-seküler ayrışma hatlarının
oluşmasına neden olmuştur. Dini aidiyete yönelik bu ayrışmanın yanında İsrailli
Yahudilerin sosyo-kültürel olarak da farklılık göstermesi çözülmeyi bekleyen bir
diğer kimlik sorunudur. İsrailli kimliği için henüz net bir tanımlama yapmak
mümkün olmamakla birlikte; ayrışma hatları üzerinden yapılacak bir inceleme
İsrail toplumunun yapısını anlamaya yardımcı olabilecektir. 


  • Amit, Karin. “Social Integration and Identity of Immigrants from Western Countries, the FSU and Ethiopia in Israel”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 35:7, (2012).
  • Baumgart-Osche Claudia, “Opposed or Intertwined? Religious and Secular Conceptions of National Identity in Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, Politics, Religion & Ideology 15:3, (2014)
  • Ben-Rafael, Eliezer ve Peres, Yochanan. Is Israel One? Religion, Nationalism and Multiculturalism Confounded. Leiden: Brill, 2005
  • Bick, Etta. “The Shas Phenemenon and Religious Parties in 1999 Elections”. Israel Affairs 7, (2001)
  • Chetrit Shalom, Sami. “Mizrahi Politics in Israel: Between Integration and Alternative”, Journal of Palestine Studies, (2000).
  • Cohen, Uri, Leon, Nissim.“The New Mizrahi Middle Class: Ethnic Mobility and Class Integration in Israel”. Journal of Israeli History 27:1 (2008).
  • Davis, Nancy J. ve Robinson, Robert V. Dinsel Hareketler ve Sosyal Refah. Çeviren Hasan Şen, Balım Sultan Yetgin. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2015.
  • Friesel, Evyatar. “Zionism and Jewish Nationalism: An Inquiry into Ideological Relationship. Journal of Israeli History 25:2, (2006)
  • Gershenson, Olga. “Is Israel part of Russia?’ Immigrants on Russian and Israeli screens”. Israel Affairs 17:1, (2011)
  • Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, “The Ethipoian Community in Israel”, (2012),
  • Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, “Statistical Abstract of Israel, Table 2.24 – Jews by Country of Origin and Age”, (2009),
  • Johnson, Paul. A History of the Jews. New York: Harper&Perennial, 1988.
  • Jones, Clive. “Ideo-theology: Dissonance and Discourse in the State of Israel. Israel Affairs 2:3-4, (1997)
  • Jones, Clive ve Murphy, Emma C. Israel: Challenges to Identity, Democracy and the State. London: Routledge, 2002.
  • Kaplan, Steven. “Black and White, Blue and White and Beyond the Pale: Ethiopian Jews and the Discourse of Colour in Israel”. Jewish Culture and History 5:1, (2002).
  • Kimmerling, Baruch “Between Hegemony and Dormant Kulturkampf in Israel”. Dan Urian, Efraim Karsh (ed.), In Search of Identity: Jewish Aspects in Israeli Culture. London: Frank Cass, 1999.
  • Lazin, Fred A. “The Housing Policies for Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel: Spatial Segregation, Economic Feasbility and Political Acceptability”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 3:4, (1997)
  • Lehmann David. “Israel: State Management of Religion or Religious Management of the State?”. Citizenship Studies 16:8, (2012)
  • Lehmann, David ve Siebzehner, Batia. “Self-Exclusion as A Strategy of Inclusion: The Case of Shas”. Citizenship Studies 12:3 (2008)
  • Lehmann David, Siebzehner Batia. Remaking Israeli Judaism: The Challenge of Shas, London: Hurst, 2006.
  • Leibowitz, Yeshayahu. Peuple, Terre, Etat. Paris: Plon, 1995.
  • Lerner, Julia. “Russians in Israel as a Post-Soviet Subject: Implementing the Civilizational Repertoire”. Israel Affairs 17:1 (2011)
  • Liebler, Isi. “Candidly Speaking: Haredim and the State: A Possible Turning Point”. The Jerusalem Post, (6 Ocak 2015),
  • Mizrachi, Nissim ve Herzog, Hanna. “Participatory Destigmatization Strategies among Palestinian Citizens, Ethiopian Jews and Mizrahi Jews in Israel”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 35:3 (2012)
  • Offer, Shira. “The Ethiopian Community in Israel: Segregation and the Creation of a Racial Cleavage”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 30:3, (2007)
  • Poirier, Veronique Askénazes et Séfarades: Une Etude Comparée de Leurs Relations en France et en Israel, 1950-1990. Paris: Les Editions du CERF, 1998.
  • Remennick, Larissa. “Transnational Community in the Making: Russian Jewish Immigrants of the 1990s in Israel”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 28:3 (2002)
  • Rouhana, Nadim N. Palestinian Citizens in an Ethnic State: Identities in Conflict. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.
  • Seeman, Don. One People, One Blood: Ethiopian-Israelis and the Return to Judaism. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2009.
  • Shabtay, Malka. “RaGap: Music and Identity among Young Ethiopians in Israel”. Critical Arts 17:1-2, (2003)
  • Shafir, Gershon, Peled Yoav. Being Israeli: The Dynamics of Multiple Citizenship. Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press, 2002
  • Shohat, Ella. “Sephardim in Israel: Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Jewish Victims”. Social Text 19/20, (1988)
  • Weinblum, Sharon. “Religion in the Israeli Parliament: A Typology”. Religion, State & Society 42:2-3 (2014)
  • Weissbrod Lilly. “Shas: An Ethnic Religious Party”. Israel Affairs 9, (2003).
  • Yehoshua, Avraham B. “I am an Israeli”, Mifgash –Liqa: The Hebrew-Arabic Cultural Forum (1987).
  • Yiftachel, Oren. “Ethnocracy and Its Discontents: Minorities, Protests and the Israeli Polity”. Critical Inquiry 26:4 (2000)
  • Yiftachel, Oren. “Nation-building and the Division of Space: Ashkenazi Domination in the Israeli ‘Ethnocracy’”. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 4:3 (1998)
  • Zegeye, Abebe. “The Construction of the Beta Israel Identity”, Social Identities 10:5, (2004).
  • Ze’ev Khanin, Vladimir. “The Israel Beiteinu (Israel Our Home) Party between the Mainstream and ‘Russian’ Community Politics”,. Israel Affairs 16:1, (2010).
  • Ze’ev Khanin, Vladimir. “Russian-Jewish Political experience in Israel: Patterns, Elites and Movements”. Israel Affairs 17:1, (2011).

Being Israeli: The Difficulties of Developing a Collective Identity

Yıl 2018, , 73 - 100, 30.06.2018


Since its establishment, Israeli policy makers have made calls to all Jews around the world to come and settle in Israel in order to gain demographic balance of Jews vis-à-vis Palestinians and in order to consolidate the majority. This call has found echo among the Jews who lived within the Arab states in North Africa and in the Middle East. From 1950 onwards, those Jews emigrating to Israel have undertaken the biggest role in augmenting Jewish population in Israel. However, those Jews coming from different cultural background compared to Ashkenazim coming from Europe have also been the catalysts of the occurrence of an identity crisis in Israel. Today, it’s not inappropriate to claim that one of the Israel’s biggest societal problems is about the identity issue since this crisis of identity has huge effects not only in economics and politics but also in culture and education. It is very difficult to separate the Israeli identity from Jewish identity which carries religious connotations and this situation has enprisoned Israeli society into ‘Israeli nation’ and ‘Jewish people’ dichotomy which would culminate with the occurence of religious-secular cleavage in the end. Along with the religious-secular cleavage, Israeli Jews show differences socially and culturally which is another identity problem waiting to be solved. Even though, it’s not yet possible to make a clear definition of Israeli identity, an examination made upon cleavage lines might be expedient in understanding the structure of Israeli society.


  • Amit, Karin. “Social Integration and Identity of Immigrants from Western Countries, the FSU and Ethiopia in Israel”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 35:7, (2012).
  • Baumgart-Osche Claudia, “Opposed or Intertwined? Religious and Secular Conceptions of National Identity in Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, Politics, Religion & Ideology 15:3, (2014)
  • Ben-Rafael, Eliezer ve Peres, Yochanan. Is Israel One? Religion, Nationalism and Multiculturalism Confounded. Leiden: Brill, 2005
  • Bick, Etta. “The Shas Phenemenon and Religious Parties in 1999 Elections”. Israel Affairs 7, (2001)
  • Chetrit Shalom, Sami. “Mizrahi Politics in Israel: Between Integration and Alternative”, Journal of Palestine Studies, (2000).
  • Cohen, Uri, Leon, Nissim.“The New Mizrahi Middle Class: Ethnic Mobility and Class Integration in Israel”. Journal of Israeli History 27:1 (2008).
  • Davis, Nancy J. ve Robinson, Robert V. Dinsel Hareketler ve Sosyal Refah. Çeviren Hasan Şen, Balım Sultan Yetgin. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2015.
  • Friesel, Evyatar. “Zionism and Jewish Nationalism: An Inquiry into Ideological Relationship. Journal of Israeli History 25:2, (2006)
  • Gershenson, Olga. “Is Israel part of Russia?’ Immigrants on Russian and Israeli screens”. Israel Affairs 17:1, (2011)
  • Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, “The Ethipoian Community in Israel”, (2012),
  • Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, “Statistical Abstract of Israel, Table 2.24 – Jews by Country of Origin and Age”, (2009),
  • Johnson, Paul. A History of the Jews. New York: Harper&Perennial, 1988.
  • Jones, Clive. “Ideo-theology: Dissonance and Discourse in the State of Israel. Israel Affairs 2:3-4, (1997)
  • Jones, Clive ve Murphy, Emma C. Israel: Challenges to Identity, Democracy and the State. London: Routledge, 2002.
  • Kaplan, Steven. “Black and White, Blue and White and Beyond the Pale: Ethiopian Jews and the Discourse of Colour in Israel”. Jewish Culture and History 5:1, (2002).
  • Kimmerling, Baruch “Between Hegemony and Dormant Kulturkampf in Israel”. Dan Urian, Efraim Karsh (ed.), In Search of Identity: Jewish Aspects in Israeli Culture. London: Frank Cass, 1999.
  • Lazin, Fred A. “The Housing Policies for Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel: Spatial Segregation, Economic Feasbility and Political Acceptability”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 3:4, (1997)
  • Lehmann David. “Israel: State Management of Religion or Religious Management of the State?”. Citizenship Studies 16:8, (2012)
  • Lehmann, David ve Siebzehner, Batia. “Self-Exclusion as A Strategy of Inclusion: The Case of Shas”. Citizenship Studies 12:3 (2008)
  • Lehmann David, Siebzehner Batia. Remaking Israeli Judaism: The Challenge of Shas, London: Hurst, 2006.
  • Leibowitz, Yeshayahu. Peuple, Terre, Etat. Paris: Plon, 1995.
  • Lerner, Julia. “Russians in Israel as a Post-Soviet Subject: Implementing the Civilizational Repertoire”. Israel Affairs 17:1 (2011)
  • Liebler, Isi. “Candidly Speaking: Haredim and the State: A Possible Turning Point”. The Jerusalem Post, (6 Ocak 2015),
  • Mizrachi, Nissim ve Herzog, Hanna. “Participatory Destigmatization Strategies among Palestinian Citizens, Ethiopian Jews and Mizrahi Jews in Israel”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 35:3 (2012)
  • Offer, Shira. “The Ethiopian Community in Israel: Segregation and the Creation of a Racial Cleavage”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 30:3, (2007)
  • Poirier, Veronique Askénazes et Séfarades: Une Etude Comparée de Leurs Relations en France et en Israel, 1950-1990. Paris: Les Editions du CERF, 1998.
  • Remennick, Larissa. “Transnational Community in the Making: Russian Jewish Immigrants of the 1990s in Israel”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 28:3 (2002)
  • Rouhana, Nadim N. Palestinian Citizens in an Ethnic State: Identities in Conflict. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.
  • Seeman, Don. One People, One Blood: Ethiopian-Israelis and the Return to Judaism. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2009.
  • Shabtay, Malka. “RaGap: Music and Identity among Young Ethiopians in Israel”. Critical Arts 17:1-2, (2003)
  • Shafir, Gershon, Peled Yoav. Being Israeli: The Dynamics of Multiple Citizenship. Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press, 2002
  • Shohat, Ella. “Sephardim in Israel: Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Jewish Victims”. Social Text 19/20, (1988)
  • Weinblum, Sharon. “Religion in the Israeli Parliament: A Typology”. Religion, State & Society 42:2-3 (2014)
  • Weissbrod Lilly. “Shas: An Ethnic Religious Party”. Israel Affairs 9, (2003).
  • Yehoshua, Avraham B. “I am an Israeli”, Mifgash –Liqa: The Hebrew-Arabic Cultural Forum (1987).
  • Yiftachel, Oren. “Ethnocracy and Its Discontents: Minorities, Protests and the Israeli Polity”. Critical Inquiry 26:4 (2000)
  • Yiftachel, Oren. “Nation-building and the Division of Space: Ashkenazi Domination in the Israeli ‘Ethnocracy’”. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 4:3 (1998)
  • Zegeye, Abebe. “The Construction of the Beta Israel Identity”, Social Identities 10:5, (2004).
  • Ze’ev Khanin, Vladimir. “The Israel Beiteinu (Israel Our Home) Party between the Mainstream and ‘Russian’ Community Politics”,. Israel Affairs 16:1, (2010).
  • Ze’ev Khanin, Vladimir. “Russian-Jewish Political experience in Israel: Patterns, Elites and Movements”. Israel Affairs 17:1, (2011).
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Tuğçe Ersoy

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2018
Kabul Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Ersoy, T. (2018). İsrailli Olmak:Kollektif Bir Kimlik Geliştirmenin Zorlukları. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 73-100.

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