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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 4, 1123 - 1141, 01.10.2023


İletişim Çalışmaları

Bir toplumda farklı kesimlerin deneyimlediği eğlence biçimleri ve eğlenen-eğlendiren tarafların kimler olduğu o toplumdaki güç eşitsizliklerinin yansımasıdır. Bu varsayım, çalışma kapsamında, Antik Mısır, Yunan ve Roma uygarlıkları ekseninde incelenmiştir. Söz konusu uygarlıklardaki güç eşitsizliklerinin dezavantajlı taraflarının diğer kesimlerin deneyimlediği eğlence süreçlerinden önemli ölçüde dışlandığı tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen üç uygarlık arasında cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin en keskin yaşandığı Antik Yunan toplumu kadınların eğlence aktivitelerinden dışlanmayı da en ağır yaşadığı uygarlık olmuştur. Roma toplumunda ise köle, kadın, engelli, yaşlı gibi her türden dezavantajlı, yani madun kesimin arenada acımasızca öldürüldüğü eğlence biçimleri deneyimlenmiştir. Tribünlerin Roma toplumundaki hiyerarşiye uygun olarak düzenlendiği amfitiyatrolarda gerçekleşen bu eğlence türüne Roma halkının gösterdiği büyük ilgi eğlencenin kitleselleşmesine ve giderek toplumsal hayat tümünü kaplayacak kadar yaygınlaşmasına yol açmıştır. Antik Mısır'da cinsiyet ve sınıf eşitsizlikleri diğer iki uygarlık kadar keskin olmamakla birlikte yine de eğlenenlerin güç sahipleri, eğlenenlere hizmet edenlerin ise güç ilişkilerinin kadınlar ve köleler gibi dezavantajlı tarafları olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Eğlence, Boş Zaman Etkinlikleri, Güç Eşitsizlikleri, Madun, Antik Uygarlıklar


The entertainment forms experienced by different layers of a society and who entertains whom are the reflection of the power inequalities in that society. This assumption is examined here in ancient Egypt, Greek and Rome. The altern groups of these civilizations have been found to be excluded from the entertainment activities experienced by the advantageous groups of the power inequalities of each society. Ancient Greece where the gender inequalities were experienced most severely among these three societies was also the society of which the women experienced exclusion from entertainment activities most heavily. Ancient Rome experienced highly cruel entertainment activities which included the killing of the disadvantaged groups such as slaves, women, disabled and old people in amphitheaters. The great interest shown by the Roman people to this type of entertainment, which took place in amphitheaters, where the tribunes were arranged in accordance with the hierarchy of Roman society, led to the massification of entertainment and its expansion to cover the entire social life. Although the gender and class inequalities in Ancient Egypt were not as severe as the other two civilizations, the disadvantaged groups of the power inequalities, namely women and slaves were still the party who entertained the entertaining advantageous groups of the same.

Keywords: Entertainment, Leisure Activities, Power Inequalities, Subaltern, Ancient Civilizations


  • Adkins, L. & Adkins, R.A. (2004). Handbook to life in Ancient Rome. Facts on File.
  • Adkins, L. & Adkins, R.A. (2005). Handbook to life in Ancient Greece (Gözden geçirilmiş baskı). Facts On File.
  • Alcock, J. P. (2008). Ancient Rome. M. W. Adamson ve F. Segan (Ed.) Entertaining from Ancient Rome to the Super Bowl: An encyclopedia, Volume 1: A-G (s. 18-29) içinde. Greenwood Press.
  • Amstutz, L. J. (2015). Ancient Egypt. Abdo Publishing.
  • Anıl, Y. Ş. (2006). Antik çağda demokrasinin doğuşu. Kastaş.
  • Aristotle & Janko, R. (1987). Poetics I (R. Janko, Çev.). Hackett Publishing.
  • Bierbrier, M. L. (2008). Historical dictionary of Ancient Egypt (2. bs.). Scarecrow Press.
  • Bleiberg, E. I. (2002). World eras. Volume 5: Ancient Egypt 2615-332 B.C.E. Gale Group.
  • Bonnard, A. (2011). Antik Yunan Uygarlığı 1: İlyada'dan Parthenon'a (K. Kurtgözü, Çev.). Evrensel Basım Yayım.
  • Bouwer, J. & Van Leeuwen, M. (2017). Philosophy of leisure: Foundations of the good life. Taylor and Francis.
  • Bradley, P. (2014). The ancient world transformed: Societies, personalities and historical periods from Egypt, Greece and Rome. Cambridge University Press.
  • Brewer, D. J. (2005). Ancient Egypt: Foundations of a civilization. Pearson Longman Press.
  • Bryant, J. & Miron, D. (2008). Entertainment as media effect. J. Bryant ve D. Zillmann (Ed.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (s. 549-582) içinde. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
  • Bulliet, R. W., Crossley, P. K., Headrick, D. R., Hirsch: W., Johnson, L. L. & Northrup, D. (2011). The earth and its peoples: A global history (5. bs.). Wadsworth.
  • Casson, L. (1969) Ancient Egypt. Time-Life.
  • Chadwick, R. (2005). First Civilizations: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Equinox.
  • Chrisp, P. (2006). Ancient Greece. Dorling Kindersley and Google.
  • Christensen, W. (2005). Empire of Ancient Egypt. Facts On File.
  • Cohen-Gewerc, E. & Stebbins, R. (2013). Serious leisure and individuality. McGill-Queen's University Press.
  • David, R. (2003). Handbook to life in ancient Egypt (Gözden geçirilmiş baskı). Facts on. File, Inc.
  • David, R. (2014). Voices of Ancient Egypt: Contemporary accounts of daily life. Greenwood Press.
  • Dodge, H. (1999). Amusing the masses: Buildings for entertainment and leisure in the Roman world. D. Potter ve D. Mattingly (Ed.), Life, death, and entertainment in the Roman Empire (s. 205-255) içinde. University of Michigan Press.
  • Dvorjetski, E. (2007). Leisure, pleasure and healing: Spa culture and medicine in Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. Brill Academic Publishers.
  • Fagan, G. G. (1999). The history of Ancient Rome course guidebook. Part 1. The Teaching Company.
  • Freeman, C. (2003). Mısır, Yunan ve Roma: Antik Akdeniz uygarlıkları (S. K. Angı, Çev.). Dost Kitabevi.
  • Frood, E. (2010). Social structure and daily life: Pharaonic. A. B. Lloyd (Ed.). A Companion to Ancient Egypt (s. 469-90) içinde. Chichester.
  • Garland, R. (2020). How to survive in Ancient Greece. Pen and Sword History.
  • Garnsey, P. ve Saller, R. (2014). The Roman Empire: Economy, society and culture (2. bs.). Bloomsbury.
  • Graves-Brown, C. (2010). Dancing for Hathor: Women in Ancient Egypt. Continuum.
  • Hamen: E. (2015). Ancient Rome. Abdo Publishing.
  • Hart, G. (2000). Ancient Egypt. Dorling Kindersley.
  • Hollar, S. (Ed.). (2012). Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt. Britannica Educational Publishing.
  • Hüner, M. F. (2013). Antik Yunan demokrasisi-modern demokrasi karşılaştırması. Hukuk ve Adalet Eleştirel Hukuk Dergisi, 13, 183-203.
  • Hunnicutt, B. K. (1990). Leisure and play in Plato’s teaching and philosophy of learning. Leisure Sciences, 12, 211-227.
  • Hunnicutt, B. K. (2006). The history of western leisure. C. Rojek, A. J. Veal. ve S. M. Shaw (Ed.) A handbook of leisure studies (s. 55-74) içinde. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hunt, N. B. (2009). Living in Ancient Greece. Chelsea House Publishers.
  • Jewell, D. L. (1997). Reflections on leisure, play and recreation. Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Juniu: (2009). The transformation of leisure, Leisure/Loisir, 33 (2), 463-478. doi: 10.1080/14927713.2009.9651449.
  • Kassing, G. (2017). History of dance (2. bs.). Human Kinetics.
  • Kavraz, M. (2018). Colosseum. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, 2 (1), 11-22.
  • Klingel, C. & Noyed, R. B. (2003). Ancient Greece. Compass Point Books.
  • Kuic, V. (1981). Work, leisure and culture: The Review of Politics, 43 (3), 436–465.
  • Lockard, C. A. (2011). Societies, networks, and transitions: A global history to 1500. Cengage Learning.
  • Lovano, M. (2019). The world of Ancient Greece: A daily life encyclopedia. Greenwood.
  • Malay, H. & Sılay, H. (1991). Antik devirde gladyatörler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Marcovitz, H. (2013). Ancient Greece. ReferencePoint.
  • Mertz, B. (2008). Red land, black land: Daily life in Ancient Egypt (2. bs.). HarperCollins.
  • Nardo, D. (2015). Life in Ancient Egypt. Reference Point Press.
  • Nelson, E. D. & Nelson: A. (2005). The complete idiot's guide to Ancient Greece. Penguin Group.
  • Netzley, P. T. (2003). The Greenhaven encyclopedia series: Ancient Egypt. Greenhaven Press.
  • Nicholls, M. (2014). 30-second Ancient Rome. Ivy Press.
  • O'Brian, P. (2016). Myths of the Ancient Romans. Cavendish Square.
  • Phang: E. (2022). Daily life of women in Ancient Rome. ABC-CLIO.
  • Pomeroy: Burstein, B. M., Donlan, W. & Roberts, J. T. (2004). A brief history of ancient Greece: Politics, society, and culture. Oxford University Press.
  • Potter, D. (1999). Entertainers in the Roman Empire. D. Potter ve D. J. Mattingly (Ed.), Life, death, and entertainment in the Roman Empire (s. 256–325) içinde. The University of Michigan Press.
  • Ramsay, H. (2005). Reclaiming leisure: Art, sport and philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rose, D. & Allen, R. (2018). Ancient civilizations of the world. Scientific e-Resources.
  • Ross: (2007). Ancient Greek entertainment. Compass Point Books.
  • Ruiz, A. (2001). The spirit of Ancient Egypt. Algora Pub.
  • Schneider, T. (2013). Ancient Egypt investigated: 101 important questions and intriguing answers. (D. Lorton, Çev.). I. B. Tauris.
  • Semercioğlu, B. (2020). Tarihsel gelişim sürecinde tiyatronun işlevi ve yöntemi. Görünüm, 8 (8), 21-33.
  • Shippen, N. M. (2014). Decolonizing Time: Work, leisure and freedom. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sivas, H. (2011). Eski Mısır uygarlığı. K. Köroğlu (Ed.), Eski Mezopotamya ve Mısır tarihi (s. 128-149) içinde. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Smith, J. (2010). Ancient Egypt: 1000 facts. Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd.
  • Sorek: (2012). Ancient historians: A student handbook. Continuum.
  • Spivak, G. C. (2010) Can the subaltern Speak? R. Morris (Ed.). Can the Subaltern Speak? Reflections on the History of an Idea (s. 21–78) içinde. Columbia University Press.
  • Spracklen, K. (2011) Constructing leisure: Historical and philosophical debates. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ste. Croix, G. E. M. (2016). Antik Yunan dünyasında sınıf mücadelesi. Yordam Kitap.
  • Stebbins, R. A. (2005). Choice and experiential definitions of leisure. Leisure Sciences, 27, 349–52.
  • Stebbins, R. A. (2017). Leisure’s legacy: Challenging the common sense view of free time. Springer.
  • Stebbins, R. A. (2013). Consumerism as shaped by the pursuit of leisure. T. Blackshaw (Ed.), Routledge handbook of leisure studies (s. 402-412) içinde. Routledge.
  • Stromberg, P. (2009). Caught in play: How entertainment works on you. Stanford University Press.
  • Sylvester, C. (1987). The politics of leisure, freedom and poverty. Parks and Recreation (January), 59-62.
  • Thompson: E. (2020). Ancient Egypt: Facts and fictions. ABC-CLIO.
  • Toner, J. (2009). Popular Culture in Ancient Rome. Cambridge.
  • Tyldesley, J. (1994). Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt. Penguin.
  • Uzunaslan, A. (2005). Antik Roma’da gladyatör oyunları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12, 15-58.
  • Valbelle, D. (1992). Eski Mısır'da Yaşam (C. Muhtaroğlu, Çev.) İletişim Yayınları.
  • Veal, A. J. (2004). A brief history of work and its relationship to leisure. J. T. Haworth ve A. J. Veal (Ed.) Work and leisure (s. 15-33) içinde. Routledge.
  • Watterson, B. (1991). Women in Ancient Egypt. St. Matin’s Press.
  • Watts, E. W. (1998). The Art of Ancient Egypt: A resource for educators. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • Weaver. (2015). Ancient civilizations: From beginning to end. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
  • Williams, J. K. (2009). Great empires of the past: Empire of Ancient Greece. Chelsea House Publishers.
  • Wilson, J. A. (1951). The culture of Ancient Egypt. University of Chicago.
  • Yıldız, P. (2005). Sahne ve seyirci etkileşiminin tarihsel gelişiminde göstergebilimsel açıdan bir analiz. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13, 425-442.
  • Zillmann, D. (2000). The coming of media entertainment. D. Zillmann & P. Vorderer (Ed.). Media entertainment: The psychology of its appeal (s. 1-19) içinde. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 4, 1123 - 1141, 01.10.2023


İletişim Çalışmaları


Bir toplumda farklı kesimlerin deneyimlediği eğlence biçimleri ve eğlenen-eğlendiren tarafların kimler olduğu o toplumdaki güç eşitsizliklerinin yansımasıdır. Bu varsayım, çalışma kapsamında, Antik Mısır, Yunan ve Roma uygarlıkları ekseninde incelenmiştir. Söz konusu uygarlıklardaki güç eşitsizliklerinin dezavantajlı taraflarının diğer kesimlerin deneyimlediği eğlence süreçlerinden önemli ölçüde dışlandığı tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen üç uygarlık arasında cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin en keskin yaşandığı Antik Yunan toplumu kadınların eğlence aktivitelerinden dışlanmayı da en ağır yaşadığı uygarlık olmuştur. Roma toplumunda ise köle, kadın, engelli, yaşlı gibi her türden dezavantajlı, yani madun kesimin arenada acımasızca öldürüldüğü eğlence biçimleri deneyimlenmiştir. Tribünlerin Roma toplumundaki hiyerarşiye uygun olarak düzenlendiği amfitiyatrolarda gerçekleşen bu eğlence türüne Roma halkının gösterdiği büyük ilgi eğlencenin kitleselleşmesine ve giderek toplumsal hayat tümünü kaplayacak kadar yaygınlaşmasına yol açmıştır. Antik Mısır'da cinsiyet ve sınıf eşitsizlikleri diğer iki uygarlık kadar keskin olmamakla birlikte yine de eğlenenlerin güç sahipleri, eğlenenlere hizmet edenlerin ise güç ilişkilerinin kadınlar ve köleler gibi dezavantajlı tarafları olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Eğlence, Boş Zaman Etkinlikleri, Güç Eşitsizlikleri, Madun, Antik Uygarlıklar


The entertainment forms experienced by different layers of a society and who entertains whom are the reflection of the power inequalities in that society. This assumption is examined here in ancient Egypt, Greek and Rome. The altern groups of these civilizations have been found to be excluded from the entertainment activities experienced by the advantageous groups of the power inequalities of each society. Ancient Greece where the gender inequalities were experienced most severely among these three societies was also the society of which the women experienced exclusion from entertainment activities most heavily. Ancient Rome experienced highly cruel entertainment activities which included the killing of the disadvantaged groups such as slaves, women, disabled and old people in amphitheaters. The great interest shown by the Roman people to this type of entertainment, which took place in amphitheaters, where the tribunes were arranged in accordance with the hierarchy of Roman society, led to the massification of entertainment and its expansion to cover the entire social life. Although the gender and class inequalities in Ancient Egypt were not as severe as the other two civilizations, the disadvantaged groups of the power inequalities, namely women and slaves were still the party who entertained the entertaining advantageous groups of the same.

Keywords: Entertainment, Leisure Activities, Power Inequalities, Subaltern, Ancient Civilizations


  • Adkins, L. & Adkins, R.A. (2004). Handbook to life in Ancient Rome. Facts on File.
  • Adkins, L. & Adkins, R.A. (2005). Handbook to life in Ancient Greece (Gözden geçirilmiş baskı). Facts On File.
  • Alcock, J. P. (2008). Ancient Rome. M. W. Adamson ve F. Segan (Ed.) Entertaining from Ancient Rome to the Super Bowl: An encyclopedia, Volume 1: A-G (s. 18-29) içinde. Greenwood Press.
  • Amstutz, L. J. (2015). Ancient Egypt. Abdo Publishing.
  • Anıl, Y. Ş. (2006). Antik çağda demokrasinin doğuşu. Kastaş.
  • Aristotle & Janko, R. (1987). Poetics I (R. Janko, Çev.). Hackett Publishing.
  • Bierbrier, M. L. (2008). Historical dictionary of Ancient Egypt (2. bs.). Scarecrow Press.
  • Bleiberg, E. I. (2002). World eras. Volume 5: Ancient Egypt 2615-332 B.C.E. Gale Group.
  • Bonnard, A. (2011). Antik Yunan Uygarlığı 1: İlyada'dan Parthenon'a (K. Kurtgözü, Çev.). Evrensel Basım Yayım.
  • Bouwer, J. & Van Leeuwen, M. (2017). Philosophy of leisure: Foundations of the good life. Taylor and Francis.
  • Bradley, P. (2014). The ancient world transformed: Societies, personalities and historical periods from Egypt, Greece and Rome. Cambridge University Press.
  • Brewer, D. J. (2005). Ancient Egypt: Foundations of a civilization. Pearson Longman Press.
  • Bryant, J. & Miron, D. (2008). Entertainment as media effect. J. Bryant ve D. Zillmann (Ed.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (s. 549-582) içinde. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
  • Bulliet, R. W., Crossley, P. K., Headrick, D. R., Hirsch: W., Johnson, L. L. & Northrup, D. (2011). The earth and its peoples: A global history (5. bs.). Wadsworth.
  • Casson, L. (1969) Ancient Egypt. Time-Life.
  • Chadwick, R. (2005). First Civilizations: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Equinox.
  • Chrisp, P. (2006). Ancient Greece. Dorling Kindersley and Google.
  • Christensen, W. (2005). Empire of Ancient Egypt. Facts On File.
  • Cohen-Gewerc, E. & Stebbins, R. (2013). Serious leisure and individuality. McGill-Queen's University Press.
  • David, R. (2003). Handbook to life in ancient Egypt (Gözden geçirilmiş baskı). Facts on. File, Inc.
  • David, R. (2014). Voices of Ancient Egypt: Contemporary accounts of daily life. Greenwood Press.
  • Dodge, H. (1999). Amusing the masses: Buildings for entertainment and leisure in the Roman world. D. Potter ve D. Mattingly (Ed.), Life, death, and entertainment in the Roman Empire (s. 205-255) içinde. University of Michigan Press.
  • Dvorjetski, E. (2007). Leisure, pleasure and healing: Spa culture and medicine in Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. Brill Academic Publishers.
  • Fagan, G. G. (1999). The history of Ancient Rome course guidebook. Part 1. The Teaching Company.
  • Freeman, C. (2003). Mısır, Yunan ve Roma: Antik Akdeniz uygarlıkları (S. K. Angı, Çev.). Dost Kitabevi.
  • Frood, E. (2010). Social structure and daily life: Pharaonic. A. B. Lloyd (Ed.). A Companion to Ancient Egypt (s. 469-90) içinde. Chichester.
  • Garland, R. (2020). How to survive in Ancient Greece. Pen and Sword History.
  • Garnsey, P. ve Saller, R. (2014). The Roman Empire: Economy, society and culture (2. bs.). Bloomsbury.
  • Graves-Brown, C. (2010). Dancing for Hathor: Women in Ancient Egypt. Continuum.
  • Hamen: E. (2015). Ancient Rome. Abdo Publishing.
  • Hart, G. (2000). Ancient Egypt. Dorling Kindersley.
  • Hollar, S. (Ed.). (2012). Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt. Britannica Educational Publishing.
  • Hüner, M. F. (2013). Antik Yunan demokrasisi-modern demokrasi karşılaştırması. Hukuk ve Adalet Eleştirel Hukuk Dergisi, 13, 183-203.
  • Hunnicutt, B. K. (1990). Leisure and play in Plato’s teaching and philosophy of learning. Leisure Sciences, 12, 211-227.
  • Hunnicutt, B. K. (2006). The history of western leisure. C. Rojek, A. J. Veal. ve S. M. Shaw (Ed.) A handbook of leisure studies (s. 55-74) içinde. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hunt, N. B. (2009). Living in Ancient Greece. Chelsea House Publishers.
  • Jewell, D. L. (1997). Reflections on leisure, play and recreation. Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Juniu: (2009). The transformation of leisure, Leisure/Loisir, 33 (2), 463-478. doi: 10.1080/14927713.2009.9651449.
  • Kassing, G. (2017). History of dance (2. bs.). Human Kinetics.
  • Kavraz, M. (2018). Colosseum. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, 2 (1), 11-22.
  • Klingel, C. & Noyed, R. B. (2003). Ancient Greece. Compass Point Books.
  • Kuic, V. (1981). Work, leisure and culture: The Review of Politics, 43 (3), 436–465.
  • Lockard, C. A. (2011). Societies, networks, and transitions: A global history to 1500. Cengage Learning.
  • Lovano, M. (2019). The world of Ancient Greece: A daily life encyclopedia. Greenwood.
  • Malay, H. & Sılay, H. (1991). Antik devirde gladyatörler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Marcovitz, H. (2013). Ancient Greece. ReferencePoint.
  • Mertz, B. (2008). Red land, black land: Daily life in Ancient Egypt (2. bs.). HarperCollins.
  • Nardo, D. (2015). Life in Ancient Egypt. Reference Point Press.
  • Nelson, E. D. & Nelson: A. (2005). The complete idiot's guide to Ancient Greece. Penguin Group.
  • Netzley, P. T. (2003). The Greenhaven encyclopedia series: Ancient Egypt. Greenhaven Press.
  • Nicholls, M. (2014). 30-second Ancient Rome. Ivy Press.
  • O'Brian, P. (2016). Myths of the Ancient Romans. Cavendish Square.
  • Phang: E. (2022). Daily life of women in Ancient Rome. ABC-CLIO.
  • Pomeroy: Burstein, B. M., Donlan, W. & Roberts, J. T. (2004). A brief history of ancient Greece: Politics, society, and culture. Oxford University Press.
  • Potter, D. (1999). Entertainers in the Roman Empire. D. Potter ve D. J. Mattingly (Ed.), Life, death, and entertainment in the Roman Empire (s. 256–325) içinde. The University of Michigan Press.
  • Ramsay, H. (2005). Reclaiming leisure: Art, sport and philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rose, D. & Allen, R. (2018). Ancient civilizations of the world. Scientific e-Resources.
  • Ross: (2007). Ancient Greek entertainment. Compass Point Books.
  • Ruiz, A. (2001). The spirit of Ancient Egypt. Algora Pub.
  • Schneider, T. (2013). Ancient Egypt investigated: 101 important questions and intriguing answers. (D. Lorton, Çev.). I. B. Tauris.
  • Semercioğlu, B. (2020). Tarihsel gelişim sürecinde tiyatronun işlevi ve yöntemi. Görünüm, 8 (8), 21-33.
  • Shippen, N. M. (2014). Decolonizing Time: Work, leisure and freedom. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sivas, H. (2011). Eski Mısır uygarlığı. K. Köroğlu (Ed.), Eski Mezopotamya ve Mısır tarihi (s. 128-149) içinde. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Smith, J. (2010). Ancient Egypt: 1000 facts. Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd.
  • Sorek: (2012). Ancient historians: A student handbook. Continuum.
  • Spivak, G. C. (2010) Can the subaltern Speak? R. Morris (Ed.). Can the Subaltern Speak? Reflections on the History of an Idea (s. 21–78) içinde. Columbia University Press.
  • Spracklen, K. (2011) Constructing leisure: Historical and philosophical debates. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ste. Croix, G. E. M. (2016). Antik Yunan dünyasında sınıf mücadelesi. Yordam Kitap.
  • Stebbins, R. A. (2005). Choice and experiential definitions of leisure. Leisure Sciences, 27, 349–52.
  • Stebbins, R. A. (2017). Leisure’s legacy: Challenging the common sense view of free time. Springer.
  • Stebbins, R. A. (2013). Consumerism as shaped by the pursuit of leisure. T. Blackshaw (Ed.), Routledge handbook of leisure studies (s. 402-412) içinde. Routledge.
  • Stromberg, P. (2009). Caught in play: How entertainment works on you. Stanford University Press.
  • Sylvester, C. (1987). The politics of leisure, freedom and poverty. Parks and Recreation (January), 59-62.
  • Thompson: E. (2020). Ancient Egypt: Facts and fictions. ABC-CLIO.
  • Toner, J. (2009). Popular Culture in Ancient Rome. Cambridge.
  • Tyldesley, J. (1994). Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt. Penguin.
  • Uzunaslan, A. (2005). Antik Roma’da gladyatör oyunları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12, 15-58.
  • Valbelle, D. (1992). Eski Mısır'da Yaşam (C. Muhtaroğlu, Çev.) İletişim Yayınları.
  • Veal, A. J. (2004). A brief history of work and its relationship to leisure. J. T. Haworth ve A. J. Veal (Ed.) Work and leisure (s. 15-33) içinde. Routledge.
  • Watterson, B. (1991). Women in Ancient Egypt. St. Matin’s Press.
  • Watts, E. W. (1998). The Art of Ancient Egypt: A resource for educators. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • Weaver. (2015). Ancient civilizations: From beginning to end. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
  • Williams, J. K. (2009). Great empires of the past: Empire of Ancient Greece. Chelsea House Publishers.
  • Wilson, J. A. (1951). The culture of Ancient Egypt. University of Chicago.
  • Yıldız, P. (2005). Sahne ve seyirci etkileşiminin tarihsel gelişiminde göstergebilimsel açıdan bir analiz. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13, 425-442.
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Toplam 86 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Sibel Fügan Varol 0000-0003-3234-2518

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2023
Kabul Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Varol, S. F. (2023). MADUN EĞLENEBİLİR Mİ? ANTİK AKDENİZ UYGARLIKLARINDA EĞLENCENİN GÜÇ EŞİTSİZLİKLERİYLE İLİŞKİSİ. Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 13(4), 1123-1141. https://doi.org/10.7456/tojdac.1323152

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