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Avrupa’daki UNESCO küresel jeopark web sitelerinin gastronomi ile ilgili içeriklerinin değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2024, , 297 - 306, 31.12.2024


Son 20 yıl içerisinde UNESCO Küresel Jeoparkları dünya genelinde jeoturizmin gelişimine bağlı olarak, ilgi odağı olmaya başlamışlardır. Jeoparklar, tanıtımlarına katkı sağlamak, ziyaretçilerin ilgisini arttırarak, tarım ve yerel gıda üretimi için yeni sürdürülebilir stratejiler geliştirmek amacıyla, GEOfood projesini başlatmışlardır. Bu proje sayesinde jeoparklar çekiciliklerine yerel gastronomik değerleri de eklemeye ve bunları jeolojik çekiciliklerle birlikte pazarlamaya başlamışlardır. Gastronomi, kültürel mirasın ayrılmaz bir bileşeni olarak, turistlerce önemli bir çekicilik unsuru olarak görülmekte ve yerel ekonomiye ve sürdürülebilirliğe katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu noktadan hareketle, bu çalışma Avrupa UNESCO Küresel Jeoparklarının web sitelerindeki gastronomiyle ilişkili içeriğin mevcut durumunu değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu konuda, literatürdeki boşluğu da gidermek amacıyla, nitel bir çalışma tasarlanmış ve amaçlı örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 21 Avrupa jeoparkının web sitelerinde yayınlanan görseller ve metinler üzerinde bir içerik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları, jeoparkların gastronomiyle ilgili içeriklerinin yeterince zengin olmadığı ve bunların jeolojik mirasla ilişkilendirilerek geliştirilmesi gerektiğini göstermektedir. Gastronominin yerel kültürlerin korunması, yaşatılması ve sunumunda oynadığı önemli rol göz önüne alındığında, Avrupa UNESCO Küresel Jeoparklarında jeoturizmin geliştirilmesi için jeolojik oluşumların yanı sıra kültürel ve özellikle gastronomik mirasın da bir çekicilik unsuru olarak değerlendirilmesinin faydalı olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Albani, R.A., Mansur, K.L., & dos Santos, W.F.S., (2022). New approach on the quantitative assessment of geotouristic potential: A case study in the northern area of the Rio De Janeiro Cliffs and Lagoons Geopark project. Geoheritage, 14(2), 72.
  • Archibald, M. M. (2015). Investigator triangulation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 10(3), 228-250.
  • Baldi, A., Bruschi, P., Campeggi, S., Egea, T., Rivera, D., Obón, C., … & Lenzi, A. (2022). The renaissance of wild food plants: Insights from tuscany (Italy). Foods, 11(3), 300.
  • Bonachea, J. (2023). Suitability of valleys of Cantabria area for a uggp proposal. Land, 12(12), 2177.
  • Briggs, A., Dowling, R., & Newsome, D. (2021). Geoparks–learnings from Australia. Journal of Tourism Futures¸ 9(3), 351–365.
  • Brilha, J. (2015). Inventory and quantitative assessment of geosites and geodiversity sites: a review. Geoheritage, 8(2), 119-134.
  • Brilha, J. (2018). Geoheritage and geoparks. Geoheritage, 323-335.
  • Chen, M., Zheng, L., Zhang, D., & Li, J. (2022). Spatio-temporal evolution and obstacle factors analysis of tourism ecological security in Huanggang dabieshan UNESCO global geopark. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8670.
  • Costa, S. (2023). The role of paleontological heritage in UNESCO global geoparks. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10721,
  • Çeşmeci, N. (2023). Jeoturizm – Temel kavramlar ve Türkiye'de jeoturizm araştırmaları üzerine bir inceleme. In G. Salı ve A. Çatalcalı Ceylan (Ed). Sosyal ve Beşerî Bilimlerde Güncel Araştırmalar II. (ss. 233-253), Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı.
  • Dowling, R. K., & Newsome, D. (2018). Geotourism: Definition, characteristics and international perspectives. In R. K. Dowling & D. Newsome (Eds.), Handbook of geotourism (pp. 1–22). Edward Elgar.
  • Eder, F.W., & Patzak, M. (2004). Geoparks-geological attractions: A tool for public education, recreation, and sustainable economic development. Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, 27(3), 162–164.
  • Elss, V., Buono, G., & Treu, J. (2020). Interpretation of gastronomic traditions within tourism. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 8(2).
  • European Geoparks Network (2023, November). European UNESCO Global Geoparks – Territories of Resilience,, Retrieved: 24.11. 2023.
  • European Geoparks Network (2024, February). European Geoparks Network Today,, Retrieved: 07.02. 2024.
  • Farsani, N. T., Coelho, C., & Costa, C. (2011). Geotourism and geoparks as novel strategies for socio-economic development in rural areas. International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(1), 68-81.
  • Farsani, N. T., Coelho, C. O. A., & Costa, C. M. M., (2014). Analysis of network activities in geoparks as geotourism destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(1), 1-10.
  • Fassoulas, C., Nikolakakis, E., & Staridas, S. (2022). Digital tools to serve geotourism and sustainable development at Psiloritis UNESCO Global Geopark in COVID times and beyond. Geosciences, 12(2), 78.
  • Flick, U. (Ed.) (2018). Triangulation in data collection. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection, 527-544.
  • Fox, N., Chamberlain, B., Lindquist, M., & Berkel, D. (2022). Understanding landscape aesthetics using a novel viewshed assessment of social media locations within the troodos UNESCO global geopark, Cyprus. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
  • Frey, M. (2021). Geotourism—examining tools for sustainable development. Geosciences, 11(1), 30.
  • Gandini, G. & Villa, E. (2003). Analysis of the cultural value of local livestock breeds: A methodology. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 120(1), 1-11.
  • Gentilini, S., Skogen, C., & Thjømøe, P. (2020). The GEOfood brand: Local and international cooperation. Eur. Geoparks Netw. Mag., 17, 26.
  • Gentilini, S., Thjomoe, P., Rodriguez, J., Paz, A., Justice, S., & Lemon, K. (2021). Topic: Regional and International UNESCO Global Geopark Collaborations the GEOfood brand Brand as an Educational, Research and tourism Tourism Initiative. Conference: UNESCO Global Geoparks Conference –Jeju.
  • GEOfood (2024, February). GEOfood: Geoparks, People, Nature and Food,, Retrieved: 15.02. 2024.
  • Gordon, J. (2018). Geoheritage, geotourism and the cultural landscape: enhancing the visitor experience and promoting geoconservation. Geosciences, 8(4), 136.
  • Henriques, M. H. & Brilha, J. (2017). UNESCO Global Geoparks: a strategy towards global understanding and sustainability. Episodes, 40(4), 349-355.
  • Horban, H. (2023). The value of gastronomic tourism in the system overcoming seasonality. International Humanitarian University Herald Economics and Management, (55).
  • Kılıçhan, R., & Köşker, H. (2015). Destinasyon markalaşmasında gastronominin önemi: Van kahvaltısı örneği. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 3(3), 102-115.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Sage Publications.
  • Newsome, D., & Dowling, R. K. (Eds.) (2010). Geotourism: The Tourism of Geology and Landscape. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers.
  • Ocelli Pinheiro, R., Gentilini, S., & Giardino, M. A. (2023). Framework for Geoconservation in Mining Landscapes: Opportunities for Geopark and GEOfood Approaches in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Resources, 12, 20.
  • Pásková, M., & Zelenka, J. (2018). Sustainability Management of Unesco Global Geoparks. Sustainable Geoscience and Geotourism, 2, 44-64. doi:10.18052/,J.
  • Perotti, L., Bollati, I., Viani, C., Zanoletti, E., Caironi, V., Pelfini, M., … & Giardino, M. (2020). Field trips and virtual tours as geotourism resources: examples from the Sesia val Grande UNESCO global geopark (Nw Italy). Resources, 9(6), 63.
  • Pieniak, Z., Perez-Cueto, F., & Verbeke, W. (2013). Nutritional status, self-identification as a traditional food consumer and motives for food choice in six european countries. British Food Journal, 115(9), 1297-1312.
  • Pica, A., Reynard, E., Grangier, L., Kaiser, C., Ghiraldi, L., Perotti, L., … & Monte, M. D. (2017). Geoguides, urban geotourism offer powered by mobile application technology. Geoheritage, 10(2), 311-326.
  • Pijet-Migoń, E. & Migoń, P. (2021). Linking wine culture and geoheritage—Missing opportunities at European UNESCO World Heritage Sites and in UNESCO Global Geoparks? A survey of web-based resources. Geoheritage, 13(3).
  • Pijet-Migoń, E. & Migoń, P. (2022). Geoheritage and cultural heritage - a review of recurrent and interlinked themes. Geosciences, 12(2), 98.
  • Reynard, E., & Giusti, C. (2018) The landscape and the cultural values of geoheritage. In: Reynard E, Brilha J (Eds) Geoheritage. Assessment, protection and management. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 147–166.
  • Quesada-Román, A., Bernhard, L., Ruiz-Álvarez, M., Rodríguez-Maradiaga, M., Velázquez-Espinoza, G., Espinosa-Vega, C., … & Rodríguez-Bolaños, H. (2021). Geodiversity, geoconservation, and geotourism in central america. Land, 11(1), 48.
  • Rodrigues, J., Neto de Carvalho, C., Ramos, M., Ramos, R., Vinagre, A., & Vinagre, H. (2021). Geoproducts-Innovative development strategies in UNESCO Geoparks: Concept, implementation methodology, and case studies from Naturtejo Global Geopark, Portugal. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 9(1), 108-128.
  • Roila, R., Branciari, R., Primavilla, S., Miraglia, D., & Vercillo, F. (2021). Microbial, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of salami produced from wild boar (sus scrofa). Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 15, 475-483.
  • Sørensen, E., Marlin, A., & Niewöhner, J. (2018). From scholastic to emic comparison: generating comparability and handling difference in ethnographic research. (Ed. Uwe Flick). The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 148-63.
  • Sujatna, E., Heriyanto, H., Pamungkas, K., & Sugianto, L. (2022). ‘let’s take a look...’: textual meaning of the unesco global geoparks slogans. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 11(3), 162.
  • Şener, B., Çeşmeci, N. & Kılıçhan R. (2023). Türkiye’deki Jeoparkların Çevrimiçi Tanıtım Faaliyetlerine Yönelik Bir Değerlendirme. Journal of Global Tourism and Technology Research, 4(2): 77-89.
  • Ullah, N., Khan, J., Saeed, I., Zada, S., Xin, S., Kang, Z., … & Hu, Y. (2022). Gastronomic tourism and tourist motivation: exploring northern areas of Pakistan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7734.
  • UNESCO (2024, February). International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme, UNESCO Global Geoparks,, Retrieved: 15.02. 2024.
  • Valente, E., Santo, A., Guida, D., & Santangelo, N. (2020). Geotourism in the Cilento, Vallo di diano and Alburni UNESCO global geopark (Southern Italy): The middle bussento karst system. Resources, 9(5), 52.
  • Vanhonacker, F., Verbeke, W., Guerrero, L., Claret, A., Contel, M., Scalvedi, L., … & Hersleth, M. (2010). How european consumers define the concept of traditional food: Evidence from a survey in six countries. Agribusiness, 26(4), 453-476.
  • Wimmer, R. D., & Dominick, J. (2013). Mass media research (10th Edition). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
  • Wisnuadhi, B., Maspupah, A., Wulan, S., Sholahuddin, M., Setiarini, S., & Firdaus, L. (2022). Studi komparatif fungsionalitas, performance dan user experience pada website geopark. Journal of Information System Research (Josh), 3(4), 579-589.
  • Xanthakis, M. (2024). Alternative forms of tourism: a comparative study of website effectiveness in promoting unesco global geoparks and international dark sky parks. Sustainability, 16(2), 864.
  • Xu, K. & Wu, W. (2022). Geoparks and geotourism in china: a sustainable approach to geoheritage conservation and local development—a review. Land, 11(9), 1493.
  • Zouros, N. (2004). The European Geoparks Network-Geological heritage protection and local development. Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, 27(3), 165-171.

Evaluating the gastronomy-related contents of the websites of UNESCO global geoparks in Europe

Yıl 2024, , 297 - 306, 31.12.2024


In the last 20 years, UNESCO Global Geoparks have become the center of attention due to the development of geotourism worldwide. Geoparks have initiated the GEOfood project to contribute to their promotion, increase visitors' interest, and develop new sustainable strategies for agriculture and local food production. Thanks to this project, geoparks have started to add local gastronomic values to their attractiveness and to market them together with geosites. Gastronomy constitutes an integral component of cultural heritage, serving as a significant point of interest for tourists and contributing to the local economy and sustainability. It is thus imperative for geopark websites to provide information about the geosites, establishing connections with the region's gastronomy. From this point of view, this study aims to evaluate the current state of gastronomic content on the websites of European UNESCO Global Geoparks. To address the gap in the existing literature on this topic, a qualitative study was designed, and a content analysis was carried out on the images and texts published on the websites of 21 European geoparks, selected with a purposive sampling method. The study findings indicate that the gastronomy-related content is not rich enough and needs to be developed, linking it with geological heritage. Given the significant role that gastronomy plays in the preservation, survival, and presentation of local cultures, it was concluded that it would be beneficial for the development of geotourism in European UNESCO Global Geoparks to consider cultural and especially gastronomic heritage as an attraction in addition to geological formations.


  • Albani, R.A., Mansur, K.L., & dos Santos, W.F.S., (2022). New approach on the quantitative assessment of geotouristic potential: A case study in the northern area of the Rio De Janeiro Cliffs and Lagoons Geopark project. Geoheritage, 14(2), 72.
  • Archibald, M. M. (2015). Investigator triangulation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 10(3), 228-250.
  • Baldi, A., Bruschi, P., Campeggi, S., Egea, T., Rivera, D., Obón, C., … & Lenzi, A. (2022). The renaissance of wild food plants: Insights from tuscany (Italy). Foods, 11(3), 300.
  • Bonachea, J. (2023). Suitability of valleys of Cantabria area for a uggp proposal. Land, 12(12), 2177.
  • Briggs, A., Dowling, R., & Newsome, D. (2021). Geoparks–learnings from Australia. Journal of Tourism Futures¸ 9(3), 351–365.
  • Brilha, J. (2015). Inventory and quantitative assessment of geosites and geodiversity sites: a review. Geoheritage, 8(2), 119-134.
  • Brilha, J. (2018). Geoheritage and geoparks. Geoheritage, 323-335.
  • Chen, M., Zheng, L., Zhang, D., & Li, J. (2022). Spatio-temporal evolution and obstacle factors analysis of tourism ecological security in Huanggang dabieshan UNESCO global geopark. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8670.
  • Costa, S. (2023). The role of paleontological heritage in UNESCO global geoparks. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10721,
  • Çeşmeci, N. (2023). Jeoturizm – Temel kavramlar ve Türkiye'de jeoturizm araştırmaları üzerine bir inceleme. In G. Salı ve A. Çatalcalı Ceylan (Ed). Sosyal ve Beşerî Bilimlerde Güncel Araştırmalar II. (ss. 233-253), Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı.
  • Dowling, R. K., & Newsome, D. (2018). Geotourism: Definition, characteristics and international perspectives. In R. K. Dowling & D. Newsome (Eds.), Handbook of geotourism (pp. 1–22). Edward Elgar.
  • Eder, F.W., & Patzak, M. (2004). Geoparks-geological attractions: A tool for public education, recreation, and sustainable economic development. Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, 27(3), 162–164.
  • Elss, V., Buono, G., & Treu, J. (2020). Interpretation of gastronomic traditions within tourism. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 8(2).
  • European Geoparks Network (2023, November). European UNESCO Global Geoparks – Territories of Resilience,, Retrieved: 24.11. 2023.
  • European Geoparks Network (2024, February). European Geoparks Network Today,, Retrieved: 07.02. 2024.
  • Farsani, N. T., Coelho, C., & Costa, C. (2011). Geotourism and geoparks as novel strategies for socio-economic development in rural areas. International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(1), 68-81.
  • Farsani, N. T., Coelho, C. O. A., & Costa, C. M. M., (2014). Analysis of network activities in geoparks as geotourism destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(1), 1-10.
  • Fassoulas, C., Nikolakakis, E., & Staridas, S. (2022). Digital tools to serve geotourism and sustainable development at Psiloritis UNESCO Global Geopark in COVID times and beyond. Geosciences, 12(2), 78.
  • Flick, U. (Ed.) (2018). Triangulation in data collection. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection, 527-544.
  • Fox, N., Chamberlain, B., Lindquist, M., & Berkel, D. (2022). Understanding landscape aesthetics using a novel viewshed assessment of social media locations within the troodos UNESCO global geopark, Cyprus. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
  • Frey, M. (2021). Geotourism—examining tools for sustainable development. Geosciences, 11(1), 30.
  • Gandini, G. & Villa, E. (2003). Analysis of the cultural value of local livestock breeds: A methodology. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 120(1), 1-11.
  • Gentilini, S., Skogen, C., & Thjømøe, P. (2020). The GEOfood brand: Local and international cooperation. Eur. Geoparks Netw. Mag., 17, 26.
  • Gentilini, S., Thjomoe, P., Rodriguez, J., Paz, A., Justice, S., & Lemon, K. (2021). Topic: Regional and International UNESCO Global Geopark Collaborations the GEOfood brand Brand as an Educational, Research and tourism Tourism Initiative. Conference: UNESCO Global Geoparks Conference –Jeju.
  • GEOfood (2024, February). GEOfood: Geoparks, People, Nature and Food,, Retrieved: 15.02. 2024.
  • Gordon, J. (2018). Geoheritage, geotourism and the cultural landscape: enhancing the visitor experience and promoting geoconservation. Geosciences, 8(4), 136.
  • Henriques, M. H. & Brilha, J. (2017). UNESCO Global Geoparks: a strategy towards global understanding and sustainability. Episodes, 40(4), 349-355.
  • Horban, H. (2023). The value of gastronomic tourism in the system overcoming seasonality. International Humanitarian University Herald Economics and Management, (55).
  • Kılıçhan, R., & Köşker, H. (2015). Destinasyon markalaşmasında gastronominin önemi: Van kahvaltısı örneği. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 3(3), 102-115.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Sage Publications.
  • Newsome, D., & Dowling, R. K. (Eds.) (2010). Geotourism: The Tourism of Geology and Landscape. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers.
  • Ocelli Pinheiro, R., Gentilini, S., & Giardino, M. A. (2023). Framework for Geoconservation in Mining Landscapes: Opportunities for Geopark and GEOfood Approaches in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Resources, 12, 20.
  • Pásková, M., & Zelenka, J. (2018). Sustainability Management of Unesco Global Geoparks. Sustainable Geoscience and Geotourism, 2, 44-64. doi:10.18052/,J.
  • Perotti, L., Bollati, I., Viani, C., Zanoletti, E., Caironi, V., Pelfini, M., … & Giardino, M. (2020). Field trips and virtual tours as geotourism resources: examples from the Sesia val Grande UNESCO global geopark (Nw Italy). Resources, 9(6), 63.
  • Pieniak, Z., Perez-Cueto, F., & Verbeke, W. (2013). Nutritional status, self-identification as a traditional food consumer and motives for food choice in six european countries. British Food Journal, 115(9), 1297-1312.
  • Pica, A., Reynard, E., Grangier, L., Kaiser, C., Ghiraldi, L., Perotti, L., … & Monte, M. D. (2017). Geoguides, urban geotourism offer powered by mobile application technology. Geoheritage, 10(2), 311-326.
  • Pijet-Migoń, E. & Migoń, P. (2021). Linking wine culture and geoheritage—Missing opportunities at European UNESCO World Heritage Sites and in UNESCO Global Geoparks? A survey of web-based resources. Geoheritage, 13(3).
  • Pijet-Migoń, E. & Migoń, P. (2022). Geoheritage and cultural heritage - a review of recurrent and interlinked themes. Geosciences, 12(2), 98.
  • Reynard, E., & Giusti, C. (2018) The landscape and the cultural values of geoheritage. In: Reynard E, Brilha J (Eds) Geoheritage. Assessment, protection and management. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 147–166.
  • Quesada-Román, A., Bernhard, L., Ruiz-Álvarez, M., Rodríguez-Maradiaga, M., Velázquez-Espinoza, G., Espinosa-Vega, C., … & Rodríguez-Bolaños, H. (2021). Geodiversity, geoconservation, and geotourism in central america. Land, 11(1), 48.
  • Rodrigues, J., Neto de Carvalho, C., Ramos, M., Ramos, R., Vinagre, A., & Vinagre, H. (2021). Geoproducts-Innovative development strategies in UNESCO Geoparks: Concept, implementation methodology, and case studies from Naturtejo Global Geopark, Portugal. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 9(1), 108-128.
  • Roila, R., Branciari, R., Primavilla, S., Miraglia, D., & Vercillo, F. (2021). Microbial, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of salami produced from wild boar (sus scrofa). Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 15, 475-483.
  • Sørensen, E., Marlin, A., & Niewöhner, J. (2018). From scholastic to emic comparison: generating comparability and handling difference in ethnographic research. (Ed. Uwe Flick). The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 148-63.
  • Sujatna, E., Heriyanto, H., Pamungkas, K., & Sugianto, L. (2022). ‘let’s take a look...’: textual meaning of the unesco global geoparks slogans. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 11(3), 162.
  • Şener, B., Çeşmeci, N. & Kılıçhan R. (2023). Türkiye’deki Jeoparkların Çevrimiçi Tanıtım Faaliyetlerine Yönelik Bir Değerlendirme. Journal of Global Tourism and Technology Research, 4(2): 77-89.
  • Ullah, N., Khan, J., Saeed, I., Zada, S., Xin, S., Kang, Z., … & Hu, Y. (2022). Gastronomic tourism and tourist motivation: exploring northern areas of Pakistan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7734.
  • UNESCO (2024, February). International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme, UNESCO Global Geoparks,, Retrieved: 15.02. 2024.
  • Valente, E., Santo, A., Guida, D., & Santangelo, N. (2020). Geotourism in the Cilento, Vallo di diano and Alburni UNESCO global geopark (Southern Italy): The middle bussento karst system. Resources, 9(5), 52.
  • Vanhonacker, F., Verbeke, W., Guerrero, L., Claret, A., Contel, M., Scalvedi, L., … & Hersleth, M. (2010). How european consumers define the concept of traditional food: Evidence from a survey in six countries. Agribusiness, 26(4), 453-476.
  • Wimmer, R. D., & Dominick, J. (2013). Mass media research (10th Edition). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
  • Wisnuadhi, B., Maspupah, A., Wulan, S., Sholahuddin, M., Setiarini, S., & Firdaus, L. (2022). Studi komparatif fungsionalitas, performance dan user experience pada website geopark. Journal of Information System Research (Josh), 3(4), 579-589.
  • Xanthakis, M. (2024). Alternative forms of tourism: a comparative study of website effectiveness in promoting unesco global geoparks and international dark sky parks. Sustainability, 16(2), 864.
  • Xu, K. & Wu, W. (2022). Geoparks and geotourism in china: a sustainable approach to geoheritage conservation and local development—a review. Land, 11(9), 1493.
  • Zouros, N. (2004). The European Geoparks Network-Geological heritage protection and local development. Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, 27(3), 165-171.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Rekreasyon, Tatil ve Turizm Coğrafyası, Kültürel Miras Turizmi, Ziyaretçi ve İzleyici Çalışmaları, Turizm (Diğer), Yöresel Mutfaklar, Sürdürülebilir Gastronomi, Gastronomi Turizmi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nihat Çeşmeci 0000-0003-0736-4133

Gözde Çulfacı 0000-0002-8417-0378

Reha Kılıçhan 0000-0003-2570-5771

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Çeşmeci, N., Çulfacı, G., & Kılıçhan, R. (2024). Evaluating the gastronomy-related contents of the websites of UNESCO global geoparks in Europe. Tourism and Recreation, 6(2), 297-306.