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The Social Work’s Role and Importance in School-based Family Counselling

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 155 - 178, 01.02.2015


This research was conducted in order to create an awareness about school- based family counselling in Turkey and reveal the importance and the role of social work in this consulting model. School-based family counseling, comprise the more comprehensive provision of services for children and families by integrating "school counseling" and "family counseling" services. The questionnaire developed by the researcher was applied to 250 social workers. Research results have been discussed in the light of the relevant literature and attention has been given to the role and importance of social workers in school-based family counseling practice. It has been emphasized that this consulting model should be performed by a professional team and specific tasks to every profession has been defined. Finally, a school-based family counseling model have been developed to represent an holistic structure in which family counseling and school counseling services can be simultaneously offered in schools of Turkey where family and school counseling services are inadequate.


  • ARLI, M ve NAZİK, H. (2001). Bilimsel Araştırmaya Giriş. Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • AGRESTA, J. (2004). Professional Role Perceptions of School Social Workers, Psychologists and Counselors. Children and Schools, 26 (3).
  • CARTER, J.M. ve EVANS, P.W. (2008). Implementing School‐Based Family Counseling: Strategies, activities, and process considerations. International Journal for School‐Based Family Counseling, 1(1).
  • CARTER, J.M ve PERLUSS, E. (2008). Developments in training School‐Based Family Counselors: The School‐Based Family Counseling (SBFC) Graduate Program at California State University. Los Angeles, International Journal for School‐Based Family Counseling, 1(1).
  • CARTER, J.M. (2011). The School‐Based Family Counseling Symposium: A happy union and the 7‐year itch. International Journal for School‐Based Family Counseling, Vol: 3.
  • CHAFOULEAS, S. ve WHİTCOMB, M. (2004). Integrating home, school, and community resources: Evaluation of a district‐wide prevention program. Reclaiming Children and Youth: the Journal of Strength‐based Interventions, 12 (4): 203‐215.
  • CHRISTOPHER, O. (2009). School Based Family Counselling: A New Paradigm, Sustainable Human Development Review, 1 (1): 61‐71.
  • CONSTABLE, R. (2008). The Role of the Social Worker, School School WorkP ractice, Policy and Research, Section 1: History and General Perspectives on Social Work. Chapter1:3‐29, Lyceum boks inc.
  • CURTIS, M.J., WALKER, K.J., HUNLEY, S.A., BAKER, A.C. (1999). Demographic Characteristics and Professional Practices in School Psychology. School Psychology Review, 28 (1): 104‐116.
  • DICOCCO, B., CHALFIN, S. ve OLSON, J. (1987). Systemic family therapy goes to school. Social Work in Education, 9 (4): 209‐221.
  • DUMAN, N. (2000). Ankara Liselerinde Çeteye Katılma Potansiyeli Olan Öğrenci Grupları ve Okul Sosyal Hizmeti, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • DUPPER, R.D. (2013). Okul Sosyal Hizmeti, Etkin Uygulamalar İçin Beceri ve Müdahaleler. Çeviren ve Yayına Hazırlayanlar: Prof. Dr. Yasemin ÖZKAN ve Doç. Dr. Elif Gökçearslan ÇİFCİ, Kapital Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş, İstanbul.
  • GERRARD, B. (2008). School‐ Based Family Counseling: Overview, trends, And recommendations for future research. International Journal for School‐Based Family Counseling, 1(1).
  • GOLDEN, (1983). Brief family interventions in a school setting. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 17 (4): 288‐293.
  • HARE, I.R. (1994). School Social Work in Transition. Social Work in Education, 16: 64‐68.
  • HINKLE, S.C. (1992). Family Counselling in the Schools, ERIC,Clearing house on Counseling and Personnel Services (CAPS).
  • KEPÇEOĞLU, M. (1989). Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik. Kadıoğlu Matbaası, Ankara.
  • KOŞAR, G.N. (1989). Sosyal Hizmetlerde Aile ve Çocuk Refahı Alanı. Yargıçoğlu Matbaası, Ankara.
  • LONG, L. (1988). Providing assistance tolatch key families. Pointer, 33 (1), 37‐40.
  • LONG, L. ve BURNETT, J. (2005). Teaching couples counseling: an integrative model. Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 13 (3), 321‐327.
  • ÖZKAN, Y. ve KILIÇ, E. (2013). Aile’nin Psiko‐Sosyal Destek İhtiyacını Karşılamada Yeni Bir Model Önerisi: Aile Sağlığı Merkezlerinde Aile Psiko‐ Sosyal Destek Birimi. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, Cilt: 7: 25‐45.
  • PİŞKİN, M. (2006). Türkiye’ de Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Hizmetlerinin Dünü, Bugünü ve Yarını. Türkiye’de Eğitim Bilimleri: Bir Bilanço Denemesi, Editör: Prof. Dr. Muhsin Hesapçıoğlu ve Alparslan Durmuş, Nobel Yay., Ankara.
  • THOMSON, M. (1948). The Social Worker In The School, An Experimental Study of the Liaison and Service Functions of the Social Worker in a Vancouver Elemantary School, Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of there quirements for the degree of master of Social Work, University of British Columbia.
  • TOWER, K. (2000). Image Crisis: A Study of Attitudes about School Social Workers. Social Work in Education. 22: 83‐94.
  • TRACY, E., CASTRO‐GUILLEN, E., SCHRAFF, S., (2006). Roles of school and community providers in the delivery of school based mental health services.; Mart, 2013. University of Ohio. Erişim:
  • WATTENBERG, S. ve KAGLE, J. (1986). School social work referrals for family therapy. Social Work in Education, 8 (4), 231‐242.
  • WETCHLER, J. (1986). Family therapy of school‐ focused problems: A macro systemic perspective. Contemporary Family Therapy, 8 (3), 224‐ 240.


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 155 - 178, 01.02.2015


Bu araştırma, “okul temelli aile danışmanlığı konusunda Türkiye’de bir farkındalık oluşturmak ve bu danışmanlık modelinde sosyal hizmetin rolünü ve önemini ortaya koymak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Okul temelli aile danışmanlığı, “okul danışmanlığı” ile “aile danışmanlığı” hizmetlerinin bütünleştirilerek çocuk ve ailelere yönelik daha kapsamlı hizmetlerin sunulmasını içermektedir. Araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen anket formu, 250 sosyal hizmet uzmanına uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları konuyla ilgili literatür ışığında tartışılmış ve sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının okul temelli aile danışmanlığı uygulamalarındaki rol ve önemine dikkat çekilmiştir. Bu danışmanlık modelinin profesyonel bir ekip tarafından uygulanması gerektiği vurgulanmış ve her mesleğe özgü görevler tanımlanmıştır. Sonuçta aile ve okul danışmanlığı hizmetlerinin yetersiz olduğu ülkemizde aile danışmanlığı ve okul danışmanlığı hizmetlerinin okullar aracılığıyla bütüncül yapıda sunulmasını öneren bir okul temelli aile danışmanlığı modeli geliştirilmiştir.


  • ARLI, M ve NAZİK, H. (2001). Bilimsel Araştırmaya Giriş. Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • AGRESTA, J. (2004). Professional Role Perceptions of School Social Workers, Psychologists and Counselors. Children and Schools, 26 (3).
  • CARTER, J.M. ve EVANS, P.W. (2008). Implementing School‐Based Family Counseling: Strategies, activities, and process considerations. International Journal for School‐Based Family Counseling, 1(1).
  • CARTER, J.M ve PERLUSS, E. (2008). Developments in training School‐Based Family Counselors: The School‐Based Family Counseling (SBFC) Graduate Program at California State University. Los Angeles, International Journal for School‐Based Family Counseling, 1(1).
  • CARTER, J.M. (2011). The School‐Based Family Counseling Symposium: A happy union and the 7‐year itch. International Journal for School‐Based Family Counseling, Vol: 3.
  • CHAFOULEAS, S. ve WHİTCOMB, M. (2004). Integrating home, school, and community resources: Evaluation of a district‐wide prevention program. Reclaiming Children and Youth: the Journal of Strength‐based Interventions, 12 (4): 203‐215.
  • CHRISTOPHER, O. (2009). School Based Family Counselling: A New Paradigm, Sustainable Human Development Review, 1 (1): 61‐71.
  • CONSTABLE, R. (2008). The Role of the Social Worker, School School WorkP ractice, Policy and Research, Section 1: History and General Perspectives on Social Work. Chapter1:3‐29, Lyceum boks inc.
  • CURTIS, M.J., WALKER, K.J., HUNLEY, S.A., BAKER, A.C. (1999). Demographic Characteristics and Professional Practices in School Psychology. School Psychology Review, 28 (1): 104‐116.
  • DICOCCO, B., CHALFIN, S. ve OLSON, J. (1987). Systemic family therapy goes to school. Social Work in Education, 9 (4): 209‐221.
  • DUMAN, N. (2000). Ankara Liselerinde Çeteye Katılma Potansiyeli Olan Öğrenci Grupları ve Okul Sosyal Hizmeti, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • DUPPER, R.D. (2013). Okul Sosyal Hizmeti, Etkin Uygulamalar İçin Beceri ve Müdahaleler. Çeviren ve Yayına Hazırlayanlar: Prof. Dr. Yasemin ÖZKAN ve Doç. Dr. Elif Gökçearslan ÇİFCİ, Kapital Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş, İstanbul.
  • GERRARD, B. (2008). School‐ Based Family Counseling: Overview, trends, And recommendations for future research. International Journal for School‐Based Family Counseling, 1(1).
  • GOLDEN, (1983). Brief family interventions in a school setting. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 17 (4): 288‐293.
  • HARE, I.R. (1994). School Social Work in Transition. Social Work in Education, 16: 64‐68.
  • HINKLE, S.C. (1992). Family Counselling in the Schools, ERIC,Clearing house on Counseling and Personnel Services (CAPS).
  • KEPÇEOĞLU, M. (1989). Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik. Kadıoğlu Matbaası, Ankara.
  • KOŞAR, G.N. (1989). Sosyal Hizmetlerde Aile ve Çocuk Refahı Alanı. Yargıçoğlu Matbaası, Ankara.
  • LONG, L. (1988). Providing assistance tolatch key families. Pointer, 33 (1), 37‐40.
  • LONG, L. ve BURNETT, J. (2005). Teaching couples counseling: an integrative model. Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 13 (3), 321‐327.
  • ÖZKAN, Y. ve KILIÇ, E. (2013). Aile’nin Psiko‐Sosyal Destek İhtiyacını Karşılamada Yeni Bir Model Önerisi: Aile Sağlığı Merkezlerinde Aile Psiko‐ Sosyal Destek Birimi. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, Cilt: 7: 25‐45.
  • PİŞKİN, M. (2006). Türkiye’ de Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Hizmetlerinin Dünü, Bugünü ve Yarını. Türkiye’de Eğitim Bilimleri: Bir Bilanço Denemesi, Editör: Prof. Dr. Muhsin Hesapçıoğlu ve Alparslan Durmuş, Nobel Yay., Ankara.
  • THOMSON, M. (1948). The Social Worker In The School, An Experimental Study of the Liaison and Service Functions of the Social Worker in a Vancouver Elemantary School, Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of there quirements for the degree of master of Social Work, University of British Columbia.
  • TOWER, K. (2000). Image Crisis: A Study of Attitudes about School Social Workers. Social Work in Education. 22: 83‐94.
  • TRACY, E., CASTRO‐GUILLEN, E., SCHRAFF, S., (2006). Roles of school and community providers in the delivery of school based mental health services.; Mart, 2013. University of Ohio. Erişim:
  • WATTENBERG, S. ve KAGLE, J. (1986). School social work referrals for family therapy. Social Work in Education, 8 (4), 231‐242.
  • WETCHLER, J. (1986). Family therapy of school‐ focused problems: A macro systemic perspective. Contemporary Family Therapy, 8 (3), 224‐ 240.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Esra Kılıç Bu kişi benim

Yasemin Özkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ekim 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kılıç, E., & Özkan, Y. (2015). OKUL TEMELLİ AİLE DANIŞMANLIĞINDA SOSYAL HİZMETİN ROLÜ VE ÖNEMİ. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 19(1), 155-178.
AMA Kılıç E, Özkan Y. OKUL TEMELLİ AİLE DANIŞMANLIĞINDA SOSYAL HİZMETİN ROLÜ VE ÖNEMİ. TSA. Şubat 2015;19(1):155-178. doi:10.20296/tsad.51876
Chicago Kılıç, Esra, ve Yasemin Özkan. “OKUL TEMELLİ AİLE DANIŞMANLIĞINDA SOSYAL HİZMETİN ROLÜ VE ÖNEMİ”. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 19, sy. 1 (Şubat 2015): 155-78.
EndNote Kılıç E, Özkan Y (01 Şubat 2015) OKUL TEMELLİ AİLE DANIŞMANLIĞINDA SOSYAL HİZMETİN ROLÜ VE ÖNEMİ. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 19 1 155–178.
IEEE E. Kılıç ve Y. Özkan, “OKUL TEMELLİ AİLE DANIŞMANLIĞINDA SOSYAL HİZMETİN ROLÜ VE ÖNEMİ”, TSA, c. 19, sy. 1, ss. 155–178, 2015, doi: 10.20296/tsad.51876.
ISNAD Kılıç, Esra - Özkan, Yasemin. “OKUL TEMELLİ AİLE DANIŞMANLIĞINDA SOSYAL HİZMETİN ROLÜ VE ÖNEMİ”. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 19/1 (Şubat 2015), 155-178.
MLA Kılıç, Esra ve Yasemin Özkan. “OKUL TEMELLİ AİLE DANIŞMANLIĞINDA SOSYAL HİZMETİN ROLÜ VE ÖNEMİ”. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 19, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 155-78, doi:10.20296/tsad.51876.