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Critical Social Work Theory and Practice

Yıl 2021, , 383 - 401, 28.01.2021


Critical social work theory is central to social work practices due to the framework of offered critical thinking. This theory linking social structure and dominant groups are individuals with the issues they face that can be addressed by critical thinking, critical evaluation and practice framework in line with social change and development of social work, offers an important pathway to help realize the ideals of empowerment and liberation. Critical social work has a basic understanding that covers many approaches such as radical, structural, feminist, anti-oppressive, anti-discriminatory, anti-racist and postmodern approaches. Critical social work theory is described as an approach that is increasingly needed in today's conditions. This review, it is aimed to establish a comprehensive understanding of critical social work theory and practice. In this context, critical social work theory has been discussed with information about the development of the critical side in social work, the basic ideas taken from critical theory and the practice processes.


  • Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M. (Eds.). (2002). Social Work. Themes, Issues And Critical Debates. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave.
  • Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M. (Eds.). (2002). Social Work. Themes, Issues And Critical Debates. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave.
  • Agllias, K. Howard, A. Schubert, L. & Gray, M. (2016). ‘Australian workers’ narratives about emergency relief and employment service clients: Complex issues, simple solutions’, Australian Social Work, 69, 3: 297-310. doi:10.1080/0312407X.2015.1049627
  • Agllias, K. Howard, A. Schubert, L. & Gray, M. (2016). ‘Australian workers’ narratives about emergency relief and employment service clients: Complex issues, simple solutions’, Australian Social Work, 69, 3: 297-310. doi:10.1080/0312407X.2015.1049627
  • Allan, J. (2003). Theorising critical social work-Practising critical social work. Allan, J. Pease, B. & Briskman, L. (Eds.), in Critical Social Work: An İntroduction To Theories And Practices (pp. 32- 72). Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Allan, J. (2003). Theorising critical social work-Practising critical social work. Allan, J. Pease, B. & Briskman, L. (Eds.), in Critical Social Work: An İntroduction To Theories And Practices (pp. 32- 72). Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Allan, J., Pease, B., & Briskman, L. (Eds.). (2003). Critical Social Work: An Introduction To Theories And Practices. Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Allan, J., Pease, B., & Briskman, L. (Eds.). (2003). Critical Social Work: An Introduction To Theories And Practices. Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Bransford, C. L. (2011). Integrating Critical Consciousness into Direct Social Work Practice: A Pedagogical View. Social Work Education, 30 (8), 932–947. doi:10.1080/02615479.2010.534449
  • Bransford, C. L. (2011). Integrating Critical Consciousness into Direct Social Work Practice: A Pedagogical View. Social Work Education, 30 (8), 932–947. doi:10.1080/02615479.2010.534449
  • Campbell, C. & Baikie, G. (2012). Beginning at the Beginning: AnExploration of Critical Social Work. Critical Social Work, 13 (1), 67-81.
  • Campbell, C. & Baikie, G. (2012). Beginning at the Beginning: AnExploration of Critical Social Work. Critical Social Work, 13 (1), 67-81.
  • Coakley, J.J. (2004). Sports In Society: Issues And Controversies, McGraw-Hill, Michigan University.
  • Coakley, J.J. (2004). Sports In Society: Issues And Controversies, McGraw-Hill, Michigan University.
  • Dominelli, L. (2002). Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice. New York, NY: Palgrave.
  • Dominelli, L. (2002). Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice. New York, NY: Palgrave.
  • Dominelli, L. (2009). Repositioning social work, Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M. (Eds.). in Social work: Themes, issues and critical debates (pp.13-25). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dominelli, L. (2009). Repositioning social work, Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M. (Eds.). in Social work: Themes, issues and critical debates (pp.13-25). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ferguson, I. (2008). Reclaiming Social Work: Challenging neoliberalism and promoting social justice, Sage, London.
  • Ferguson, I. (2008). Reclaiming Social Work: Challenging neoliberalism and promoting social justice, Sage, London.
  • Fook, J. (2002). Social Work Critical Theory And Practice. London, England: Sage.
  • Fook, J. (2002). Social Work Critical Theory And Practice. London, England: Sage.
  • Foucault, M. (1999). Bilginin Arkeolojisi. (Çev. V. Urhan), İstanbul: Birey.
  • Foucault, M. (1999). Bilginin Arkeolojisi. (Çev. V. Urhan), İstanbul: Birey.
  • Foucault, M. (2005). Özne ve İktidar. (Çev. I. Ergüden ve O. Akınbay), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2005). Özne ve İktidar. (Çev. I. Ergüden ve O. Akınbay), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Freire, P. (2017). Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi. (Çev. D. Hattatoğlu ve E. Özbek) (15. Baskı), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Freire, P. (2017). Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi. (Çev. D. Hattatoğlu ve E. Özbek) (15. Baskı), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Gal,W., Levin, L. & Nevo, M.C. (2014). Applying Critical Social Work in Direct Practice With Families, Child and Family Social Work, 19, 55–64. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00880.x
  • Gal,W., Levin, L. & Nevo, M.C. (2014). Applying Critical Social Work in Direct Practice With Families, Child and Family Social Work, 19, 55–64. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00880.x
  • Gutiérrez, L. M., Parsons, R. J., & Cox, E. O. (1998). A model for empowerment practice. Empowerment in social work practice: A sourcebook. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
  • Gutiérrez, L. M., Parsons, R. J., & Cox, E. O. (1998). A model for empowerment practice. Empowerment in social work practice: A sourcebook. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
  • Healy, K. (2001). Reinventing Critical Social Work: Challenges from Practice, Context and Postmodernism. Critical Social Work, (2):1.
  • Healy, K. (2001). Reinventing Critical Social Work: Challenges from Practice, Context and Postmodernism. Critical Social Work, (2):1.
  • Herz, M. & Johansson, T. (2011). Critical social work-Considerations and suggestions. Critical Social Work, 12(1), 28-45. doi:10.22329/csw.v12i1.5843
  • Herz, M. & Johansson, T. (2011). Critical social work-Considerations and suggestions. Critical Social Work, 12(1), 28-45. doi:10.22329/csw.v12i1.5843
  • Howe, D. (2009). A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory, United Kingdom: Palagrave Macmillan.
  • Howe, D. (2009). A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory, United Kingdom: Palagrave Macmillan.
  • Ife, J. (2013). Foreword, in Morley, C. Macfarlane, S. and Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with Social Work: A critical introduction, (pp. vii-ix), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ife, J. (2013). Foreword, in Morley, C. Macfarlane, S. and Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with Social Work: A critical introduction, (pp. vii-ix), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) (2013). ‘Definition of Social Work’, ‘Core Mandate’, Erişim adresi:
  • International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) (2013). ‘Definition of Social Work’, ‘Core Mandate’, Erişim adresi:
  • İçağasıoğlu Çoban, A. ve Buz, S. (2008). Eleştirel Teori: Gelişimi, Kabulleri Ve Sosyal Hizmette Kullanımı. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 19(1), 71-88.
  • İçağasıoğlu Çoban, A. ve Buz, S. (2008). Eleştirel Teori: Gelişimi, Kabulleri Ve Sosyal Hizmette Kullanımı. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 19(1), 71-88.
  • Martin, J. (2003). Historical development of critical social work practice. Allan, J., Pease, B. & Briskman, L (Eds.), Critical social work: An introduction to theories and practices in (pp.17- 31). Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Martin, J. (2003). Historical development of critical social work practice. Allan, J., Pease, B. & Briskman, L (Eds.), Critical social work: An introduction to theories and practices in (pp.17- 31). Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Mattsson, T. (2014). Intersectionality as a useful tool: Anti-oppressive social work and critical reflection. Affilia, 29(1), 8-17. doi:10.1177/0886109913510659
  • Mattsson, T. (2014). Intersectionality as a useful tool: Anti-oppressive social work and critical reflection. Affilia, 29(1), 8-17. doi:10.1177/0886109913510659
  • Mendes, P. (2003). Social workers and social action: a case study of the Australian association of Social Workers' Victorian branch. Australian Social Work, 56(1), 16-27. doi:10.1046/j.0312-407X.2003.00053.x
  • Mendes, P. (2003). Social workers and social action: a case study of the Australian association of Social Workers' Victorian branch. Australian Social Work, 56(1), 16-27. doi:10.1046/j.0312-407X.2003.00053.x
  • Morley, C. (2004). Critical reflection in social work: A response to globalization. International Journal of Social Welfare, 13, 297–303. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2397.2004.00325.x
  • Morley, C. (2004). Critical reflection in social work: A response to globalization. International Journal of Social Welfare, 13, 297–303. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2397.2004.00325.x
  • Morley, C., Macfarlane, S. & Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with Social Work: A critical introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Morley, C., Macfarlane, S. & Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with Social Work: A critical introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Payne, M. (2017). Applying critical social work theory in practice. Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, 22(3), 169-193. doi:10.4467/24496138ZPS.17.011.8006
  • Payne, M. (2017). Applying critical social work theory in practice. Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, 22(3), 169-193. doi:10.4467/24496138ZPS.17.011.8006
  • Payne, M. (2020). Modern Sosyal Hizmet, K. Karataş (Çev Ed.), Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
  • Payne, M. (2020). Modern Sosyal Hizmet, K. Karataş (Çev Ed.), Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
  • Payne, M., Adams, R. & Dominelli, L. (2002). On Being Critical in Social Work, Adams, R., Dominelli, L. & Payne, M. (Eds.) in Critical Practice in Social Work (pp.1-12). New York: Palgrave.
  • Payne, M., Adams, R. & Dominelli, L. (2002). On Being Critical in Social Work, Adams, R., Dominelli, L. & Payne, M. (Eds.) in Critical Practice in Social Work (pp.1-12). New York: Palgrave.
  • Payne, M., & Askeland, G. A. (2008). Globalization and International Social Work: Postmodern Change and Challenge. London: Cambridge University Press
  • Payne, M., & Askeland, G. A. (2008). Globalization and International Social Work: Postmodern Change and Challenge. London: Cambridge University Press
  • Pease, B., & Fook, J. (Eds.). (1999). Transforming social work practice: Postmodern critical perspectives. London, England: Routledge.
  • Pease, B., & Fook, J. (Eds.). (1999). Transforming social work practice: Postmodern critical perspectives. London, England: Routledge.
  • Sakamoto, I., & Pitner, R. O. (2005). Use of critical consciousness in anti-oppressive social work practice: Disentangling power dynamics at personal and structural levels. British Journal of Social Work, 35, 435-452. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bch190
  • Sakamoto, I., & Pitner, R. O. (2005). Use of critical consciousness in anti-oppressive social work practice: Disentangling power dynamics at personal and structural levels. British Journal of Social Work, 35, 435-452. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bch190
  • Trevithick, P. (2012). Social Work Skills And Knowledge, United Kingdom:The McGraw Hill.
  • Trevithick, P. (2012). Social Work Skills And Knowledge, United Kingdom:The McGraw Hill.
  • Uluğtekin, S. (2014). Kanunla İhtilaf halindeki Çocuklar: Eleştirel Düşünme ve Türkiye’de Çocuk Adalet Sisteminin Bazı Özellikleri. V. Işıkhan (Haz.) Prof. Dr. Gönül Erkan’a Armağan Sosyal Hizmet ve Mülakat (s. 38-49). Ankara.
  • Uluğtekin, S. (2014). Kanunla İhtilaf halindeki Çocuklar: Eleştirel Düşünme ve Türkiye’de Çocuk Adalet Sisteminin Bazı Özellikleri. V. Işıkhan (Haz.) Prof. Dr. Gönül Erkan’a Armağan Sosyal Hizmet ve Mülakat (s. 38-49). Ankara.
  • Wallace, J., & Pease, B. (2011). Neoliberalism and Australian social work: Accommodation or resistance?. Journal of Social Work, 11(2), 132-142. 387318
  • Wallace, J., & Pease, B. (2011). Neoliberalism and Australian social work: Accommodation or resistance?. Journal of Social Work, 11(2), 132-142. 387318

Eleştirel Sosyal Hizmet Teorisi ve Uygulaması

Yıl 2021, , 383 - 401, 28.01.2021


Eleştirel sosyal hizmet teorisi, sunduğu eleştirel düşünmeye dair çerçeve dolayısıyla sosyal hizmet uygulamalarının merkezinde yer almaktadır. Bu teori, bireylerin karşılaştıkları sorunları sosyal yapı ve hâkim gruplar ile ilişkilendirilerek ele alınmasını içeren eleştirel düşünme, eleştirel değerlendirme ve uygulama çerçevesi doğrultusunda sosyal hizmetin sosyal değişim ve gelişim, insanların güçlenmesi ve özgürleşmesi ideallerinin gerçekleştirmesi için önemli bir yol sunmaktadır. Eleştirel sosyal hizmet radikal, yapısal, feminist, baskı karşıtı, ayrımcılık karşıtı, ırkçılık karşıtı ve post modern yaklaşımlar gibi birçok yaklaşımı kapsayan temel bir anlayışa sahiptir. Eleştirel sosyal hizmet teorisi, günümüz koşullarında her geçen gün daha da ihtiyaç duyulan bir yaklaşım olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Yapılan bu derleme çalışması ile eleştirel sosyal hizmet teorisi ve uygulamasına dair kapsamlı bir anlayış oluşturmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda eleştirel sosyal hizmet teorisi sosyal hizmette eleştirel yanın gelişimine, eleştirel teoriden aldığı temel fikirlere ve uygulama süreçlerine dair bilgilerle ele alınmıştır.


  • Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M. (Eds.). (2002). Social Work. Themes, Issues And Critical Debates. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave.
  • Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M. (Eds.). (2002). Social Work. Themes, Issues And Critical Debates. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave.
  • Agllias, K. Howard, A. Schubert, L. & Gray, M. (2016). ‘Australian workers’ narratives about emergency relief and employment service clients: Complex issues, simple solutions’, Australian Social Work, 69, 3: 297-310. doi:10.1080/0312407X.2015.1049627
  • Agllias, K. Howard, A. Schubert, L. & Gray, M. (2016). ‘Australian workers’ narratives about emergency relief and employment service clients: Complex issues, simple solutions’, Australian Social Work, 69, 3: 297-310. doi:10.1080/0312407X.2015.1049627
  • Allan, J. (2003). Theorising critical social work-Practising critical social work. Allan, J. Pease, B. & Briskman, L. (Eds.), in Critical Social Work: An İntroduction To Theories And Practices (pp. 32- 72). Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Allan, J. (2003). Theorising critical social work-Practising critical social work. Allan, J. Pease, B. & Briskman, L. (Eds.), in Critical Social Work: An İntroduction To Theories And Practices (pp. 32- 72). Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Allan, J., Pease, B., & Briskman, L. (Eds.). (2003). Critical Social Work: An Introduction To Theories And Practices. Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Allan, J., Pease, B., & Briskman, L. (Eds.). (2003). Critical Social Work: An Introduction To Theories And Practices. Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Bransford, C. L. (2011). Integrating Critical Consciousness into Direct Social Work Practice: A Pedagogical View. Social Work Education, 30 (8), 932–947. doi:10.1080/02615479.2010.534449
  • Bransford, C. L. (2011). Integrating Critical Consciousness into Direct Social Work Practice: A Pedagogical View. Social Work Education, 30 (8), 932–947. doi:10.1080/02615479.2010.534449
  • Campbell, C. & Baikie, G. (2012). Beginning at the Beginning: AnExploration of Critical Social Work. Critical Social Work, 13 (1), 67-81.
  • Campbell, C. & Baikie, G. (2012). Beginning at the Beginning: AnExploration of Critical Social Work. Critical Social Work, 13 (1), 67-81.
  • Coakley, J.J. (2004). Sports In Society: Issues And Controversies, McGraw-Hill, Michigan University.
  • Coakley, J.J. (2004). Sports In Society: Issues And Controversies, McGraw-Hill, Michigan University.
  • Dominelli, L. (2002). Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice. New York, NY: Palgrave.
  • Dominelli, L. (2002). Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice. New York, NY: Palgrave.
  • Dominelli, L. (2009). Repositioning social work, Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M. (Eds.). in Social work: Themes, issues and critical debates (pp.13-25). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dominelli, L. (2009). Repositioning social work, Adams, R., Dominelli, L., & Payne, M. (Eds.). in Social work: Themes, issues and critical debates (pp.13-25). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ferguson, I. (2008). Reclaiming Social Work: Challenging neoliberalism and promoting social justice, Sage, London.
  • Ferguson, I. (2008). Reclaiming Social Work: Challenging neoliberalism and promoting social justice, Sage, London.
  • Fook, J. (2002). Social Work Critical Theory And Practice. London, England: Sage.
  • Fook, J. (2002). Social Work Critical Theory And Practice. London, England: Sage.
  • Foucault, M. (1999). Bilginin Arkeolojisi. (Çev. V. Urhan), İstanbul: Birey.
  • Foucault, M. (1999). Bilginin Arkeolojisi. (Çev. V. Urhan), İstanbul: Birey.
  • Foucault, M. (2005). Özne ve İktidar. (Çev. I. Ergüden ve O. Akınbay), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2005). Özne ve İktidar. (Çev. I. Ergüden ve O. Akınbay), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Freire, P. (2017). Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi. (Çev. D. Hattatoğlu ve E. Özbek) (15. Baskı), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Freire, P. (2017). Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi. (Çev. D. Hattatoğlu ve E. Özbek) (15. Baskı), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Gal,W., Levin, L. & Nevo, M.C. (2014). Applying Critical Social Work in Direct Practice With Families, Child and Family Social Work, 19, 55–64. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00880.x
  • Gal,W., Levin, L. & Nevo, M.C. (2014). Applying Critical Social Work in Direct Practice With Families, Child and Family Social Work, 19, 55–64. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00880.x
  • Gutiérrez, L. M., Parsons, R. J., & Cox, E. O. (1998). A model for empowerment practice. Empowerment in social work practice: A sourcebook. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
  • Gutiérrez, L. M., Parsons, R. J., & Cox, E. O. (1998). A model for empowerment practice. Empowerment in social work practice: A sourcebook. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
  • Healy, K. (2001). Reinventing Critical Social Work: Challenges from Practice, Context and Postmodernism. Critical Social Work, (2):1.
  • Healy, K. (2001). Reinventing Critical Social Work: Challenges from Practice, Context and Postmodernism. Critical Social Work, (2):1.
  • Herz, M. & Johansson, T. (2011). Critical social work-Considerations and suggestions. Critical Social Work, 12(1), 28-45. doi:10.22329/csw.v12i1.5843
  • Herz, M. & Johansson, T. (2011). Critical social work-Considerations and suggestions. Critical Social Work, 12(1), 28-45. doi:10.22329/csw.v12i1.5843
  • Howe, D. (2009). A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory, United Kingdom: Palagrave Macmillan.
  • Howe, D. (2009). A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory, United Kingdom: Palagrave Macmillan.
  • Ife, J. (2013). Foreword, in Morley, C. Macfarlane, S. and Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with Social Work: A critical introduction, (pp. vii-ix), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ife, J. (2013). Foreword, in Morley, C. Macfarlane, S. and Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with Social Work: A critical introduction, (pp. vii-ix), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) (2013). ‘Definition of Social Work’, ‘Core Mandate’, Erişim adresi:
  • International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) (2013). ‘Definition of Social Work’, ‘Core Mandate’, Erişim adresi:
  • İçağasıoğlu Çoban, A. ve Buz, S. (2008). Eleştirel Teori: Gelişimi, Kabulleri Ve Sosyal Hizmette Kullanımı. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 19(1), 71-88.
  • İçağasıoğlu Çoban, A. ve Buz, S. (2008). Eleştirel Teori: Gelişimi, Kabulleri Ve Sosyal Hizmette Kullanımı. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 19(1), 71-88.
  • Martin, J. (2003). Historical development of critical social work practice. Allan, J., Pease, B. & Briskman, L (Eds.), Critical social work: An introduction to theories and practices in (pp.17- 31). Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Martin, J. (2003). Historical development of critical social work practice. Allan, J., Pease, B. & Briskman, L (Eds.), Critical social work: An introduction to theories and practices in (pp.17- 31). Crows Nest, AU: Allen and Unwin.
  • Mattsson, T. (2014). Intersectionality as a useful tool: Anti-oppressive social work and critical reflection. Affilia, 29(1), 8-17. doi:10.1177/0886109913510659
  • Mattsson, T. (2014). Intersectionality as a useful tool: Anti-oppressive social work and critical reflection. Affilia, 29(1), 8-17. doi:10.1177/0886109913510659
  • Mendes, P. (2003). Social workers and social action: a case study of the Australian association of Social Workers' Victorian branch. Australian Social Work, 56(1), 16-27. doi:10.1046/j.0312-407X.2003.00053.x
  • Mendes, P. (2003). Social workers and social action: a case study of the Australian association of Social Workers' Victorian branch. Australian Social Work, 56(1), 16-27. doi:10.1046/j.0312-407X.2003.00053.x
  • Morley, C. (2004). Critical reflection in social work: A response to globalization. International Journal of Social Welfare, 13, 297–303. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2397.2004.00325.x
  • Morley, C. (2004). Critical reflection in social work: A response to globalization. International Journal of Social Welfare, 13, 297–303. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2397.2004.00325.x
  • Morley, C., Macfarlane, S. & Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with Social Work: A critical introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Morley, C., Macfarlane, S. & Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with Social Work: A critical introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Payne, M. (2017). Applying critical social work theory in practice. Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, 22(3), 169-193. doi:10.4467/24496138ZPS.17.011.8006
  • Payne, M. (2017). Applying critical social work theory in practice. Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, 22(3), 169-193. doi:10.4467/24496138ZPS.17.011.8006
  • Payne, M. (2020). Modern Sosyal Hizmet, K. Karataş (Çev Ed.), Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
  • Payne, M. (2020). Modern Sosyal Hizmet, K. Karataş (Çev Ed.), Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
  • Payne, M., Adams, R. & Dominelli, L. (2002). On Being Critical in Social Work, Adams, R., Dominelli, L. & Payne, M. (Eds.) in Critical Practice in Social Work (pp.1-12). New York: Palgrave.
  • Payne, M., Adams, R. & Dominelli, L. (2002). On Being Critical in Social Work, Adams, R., Dominelli, L. & Payne, M. (Eds.) in Critical Practice in Social Work (pp.1-12). New York: Palgrave.
  • Payne, M., & Askeland, G. A. (2008). Globalization and International Social Work: Postmodern Change and Challenge. London: Cambridge University Press
  • Payne, M., & Askeland, G. A. (2008). Globalization and International Social Work: Postmodern Change and Challenge. London: Cambridge University Press
  • Pease, B., & Fook, J. (Eds.). (1999). Transforming social work practice: Postmodern critical perspectives. London, England: Routledge.
  • Pease, B., & Fook, J. (Eds.). (1999). Transforming social work practice: Postmodern critical perspectives. London, England: Routledge.
  • Sakamoto, I., & Pitner, R. O. (2005). Use of critical consciousness in anti-oppressive social work practice: Disentangling power dynamics at personal and structural levels. British Journal of Social Work, 35, 435-452. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bch190
  • Sakamoto, I., & Pitner, R. O. (2005). Use of critical consciousness in anti-oppressive social work practice: Disentangling power dynamics at personal and structural levels. British Journal of Social Work, 35, 435-452. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bch190
  • Trevithick, P. (2012). Social Work Skills And Knowledge, United Kingdom:The McGraw Hill.
  • Trevithick, P. (2012). Social Work Skills And Knowledge, United Kingdom:The McGraw Hill.
  • Uluğtekin, S. (2014). Kanunla İhtilaf halindeki Çocuklar: Eleştirel Düşünme ve Türkiye’de Çocuk Adalet Sisteminin Bazı Özellikleri. V. Işıkhan (Haz.) Prof. Dr. Gönül Erkan’a Armağan Sosyal Hizmet ve Mülakat (s. 38-49). Ankara.
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  • Wallace, J., & Pease, B. (2011). Neoliberalism and Australian social work: Accommodation or resistance?. Journal of Social Work, 11(2), 132-142. 387318
Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sosyoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Hande Albayrak 0000-0002-2972-9490

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ocak 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Albayrak, H. (2021). Eleştirel Sosyal Hizmet Teorisi ve Uygulaması. Toplum Ve Sosyal Hizmet, 32(1), 383-401.