Children and the Exclusion from Education
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2, 27 - 38, 15.10.2009
Kevser Baykara Pehlivan
Yüksel Baykara Acar
Right to education is accepted as one of fundamental human rights. In contrast to this understanding, it is clear that certain social groups have difficulties to access educational services. This caused social exclusion as a major social problem. Children’s exclusion from educational processes is one of the major factors that affect social structure. Exclusion from education is related many factors from micro to macro level. These factors are basically related with school and learning environment in micro level, organization and provision of education in mezzo level and educational policies in macro level. This study aims to discuss factors that affect children’s exclusion from education.
- African Contexts of Children’s Rights: Seminar Report (1998) Collaboration between ANPPCAN-Zimbabwe, Childwatch International (Indicators for Children’s Rights Zimbabwe Country Case Study), CODESRIA, Radda Barnena-Zimbabwe, 12–14 January, Harare.
- Armstrong, F. (2008) “Inclusive Education”, Richards, G. ve Armstrong, F. (Ed.) Key Issues for Teaching Assistants: Working in Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms, New York, Routledge Inc., p. 7-18.
- Aydın, İ. (2005) “Risk Altındaki Çocukların Eğitiminde Alternatif Okullar: ABD Örneği”, III. Ulusal Çocuk ve Suç Sempozyumu: Bakım, Gözetme ve Eğitim, 22-25 Ekim 2003, Ankara, s. 331-344.
- Barr, A. ve Kilpatrick, R. (1998) “Expulsion from School: The Why and Wherefore?”, Child Care in Practice, 4 (3) 229-239.
- Blyth, E. ve Milner, J. (1993) “Exclusion from School: A First Step in Exclusion from Society?”, Children and Society, 13, 255– 268.
- Chimombo, J. P. G. (2005) “ Issues in Basic Education in Developing Countries: An Exploration of Policy Options for Improved Delivery”, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 8 (1)129-152.
- Cullingford, C. (2005) The Causes of Exclusion Home, School and the Development of Young Criminals, USA, Stylus Publishing.
- Fazlıoğlu, A. ve Dersan, N. (2004) “GAP Bölgesinde Yoksul Çocukları Eğitime Kazandırma Yönünde Katılımcı Proje Uygulamaları”, Eğitimde Yeni Ufuklar II, Eğitim Hakkı Ve Okula Gidemeyen Çocuklar Sempozyumu, Ankara, 3-4 Aralık 2004. http://
- Field, S., Kuczera, M., Pont, B. “Başarısızlığa Son Eğitimde Eşitlik İçin On Adım”, Ekonomik İş Birliği Ve Gelişme Teşkilatı (Oecd) Eğitim Müdürlüğü, uaorgutler/OECD/4_No_More_Failures. doc
- Hayden, C. (1996) “Primary School Exclusions: the Need for Integrated Solutions”, In E. Blyth and J. Milner (eds), Exclusions from School: Inter-Professional Issues in Policy and Practice (London: Routledge).
- Macrae, S., Maguire, M. ve Milbourne, M. (2003) “Social Exclusion: Exclusion from School”, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 7 (2): 89 – 101
- Munn, P., Lloyd, G., Cullen, M.A. (2000) Alternatives to Exclusion from School. London, Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
National Commission on Special Needs in Education and Training (NCSNET) and National Committee on Education Support Services (NCESS) (1997) Quality Education for All. Overcoming Barriers to Learning and Development. Department of Education, Pretoria.
- National Department of Education (1997) Curriculum 2005. Lifelong Learning for the 21st Century, South Africa, CTB Books.
- PROBE (1999) Public Report on Basic Education in India (PROBE) Team, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Save the Children (2008) Making Schools Inclusive How Change can Happen? Save the Children’s Experience, London.
- Sayed, Y. (2009) Overcoming Exclusion in Education,
- Senemoğlu, N. (2001) “Çocuk Hakları, Çalışan Çocuklar Ve Eğitim Sorunları”, Milli Eğitim Dergisi. 151. dergiler/151/senemoglu.htm
- Serpell, R. (1996) Educational Alternatives to Schooling in Zambia. Paper from Biennial Meetings of theInternational Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Quebec.
- Stubbs, S. (2008) Inclusive Education: Where There are Few Resources, Ingrid Lewis (Ed.) Updated and Revised Version, September.
- UNESCO/ICF-EFA (1999) Assessing Learning Achievement. Paris, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (Education for All Status and Trends, draft.)
- UNICEF (1999). State of the World’s Children 1999: Education. New York, United Nations Children’s Fund.
- UNESCO (1999) Welcoming Schools. Students with Disabilities in Regular Schools. Paris.
- UNESCO (2001) “Thematic Studies: Education for All and Children who are Excluded”, World Education Forum, 2000 Assessment, Anne K. BERNARD, (Co-ordinated by the United Nations Children’s Fund), First edition co-ordination Warren L. MELLOR and Olve HOLAAS, Dakar, Senegal 26 - 28 April 2000, France, http://unesdoc.unesco. org/images/0012/001233/123330e.pdf
- UNESCO (2003) Overcoming Exclusion through Inclusive Approaches in Education Conceptual Paper A Challenge &A Vision, Paris.
- UNESCO (2005a) Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for All, Paris.
- UNESCO (2005b) Children Out of School: Measuring Exclusion from Primary Education, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 10 Aralık 1948.
- Warrington, M. (2005) “Mirage in the desert? Access to educational opportunities in an area of social exclusion”, Antipode, 37 (4) 796-816.
- “Welcoming Schools”, issues/parenting/7201.htm
- Whitney, B. (2007) Social Inclusion in Schools : Improving Outcomes, Raising Standards, Routledge, USA.
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2, 27 - 38, 15.10.2009
Kevser Baykara Pehlivan
Yüksel Baykara Acar
Eğitim hakkı, temel insan haklarından birisi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu anlayışa karşın belirli toplumsal grupların eğitim hizmetlerine erişiminde güçlükler yaşadığı açıktır. Bu durum önemli bir sosyal sorun olarak eğitimde dışlanmayı ortaya çıkartmaktadır. Çocukların eğitim süreçlerinden dışlanması toplumsal yapıyı etkileyen önemli faktörlerden birisidir. Eğitimde dışlanma mikro düzeyden makro düzeye pek çok faktörle ilgilidir. Bu faktörler temelde mikro düzeyde okul ve öğrenme ortamıyla; mezzo düzeyde eğitimin örgütlenmesi ve sunumuyla ve makro düzeyde eğitim politikalarıyla ilgilidir. Bu çalışmanın konusunu, çocuklar açısından eğitimde dışlanmaya ilişkin söz konusu faktörleri tartışmak oluşturmaktadır.
- African Contexts of Children’s Rights: Seminar Report (1998) Collaboration between ANPPCAN-Zimbabwe, Childwatch International (Indicators for Children’s Rights Zimbabwe Country Case Study), CODESRIA, Radda Barnena-Zimbabwe, 12–14 January, Harare.
- Armstrong, F. (2008) “Inclusive Education”, Richards, G. ve Armstrong, F. (Ed.) Key Issues for Teaching Assistants: Working in Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms, New York, Routledge Inc., p. 7-18.
- Aydın, İ. (2005) “Risk Altındaki Çocukların Eğitiminde Alternatif Okullar: ABD Örneği”, III. Ulusal Çocuk ve Suç Sempozyumu: Bakım, Gözetme ve Eğitim, 22-25 Ekim 2003, Ankara, s. 331-344.
- Barr, A. ve Kilpatrick, R. (1998) “Expulsion from School: The Why and Wherefore?”, Child Care in Practice, 4 (3) 229-239.
- Blyth, E. ve Milner, J. (1993) “Exclusion from School: A First Step in Exclusion from Society?”, Children and Society, 13, 255– 268.
- Chimombo, J. P. G. (2005) “ Issues in Basic Education in Developing Countries: An Exploration of Policy Options for Improved Delivery”, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 8 (1)129-152.
- Cullingford, C. (2005) The Causes of Exclusion Home, School and the Development of Young Criminals, USA, Stylus Publishing.
- Fazlıoğlu, A. ve Dersan, N. (2004) “GAP Bölgesinde Yoksul Çocukları Eğitime Kazandırma Yönünde Katılımcı Proje Uygulamaları”, Eğitimde Yeni Ufuklar II, Eğitim Hakkı Ve Okula Gidemeyen Çocuklar Sempozyumu, Ankara, 3-4 Aralık 2004. http://
- Field, S., Kuczera, M., Pont, B. “Başarısızlığa Son Eğitimde Eşitlik İçin On Adım”, Ekonomik İş Birliği Ve Gelişme Teşkilatı (Oecd) Eğitim Müdürlüğü, uaorgutler/OECD/4_No_More_Failures. doc
- Hayden, C. (1996) “Primary School Exclusions: the Need for Integrated Solutions”, In E. Blyth and J. Milner (eds), Exclusions from School: Inter-Professional Issues in Policy and Practice (London: Routledge).
- Macrae, S., Maguire, M. ve Milbourne, M. (2003) “Social Exclusion: Exclusion from School”, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 7 (2): 89 – 101
- Munn, P., Lloyd, G., Cullen, M.A. (2000) Alternatives to Exclusion from School. London, Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
National Commission on Special Needs in Education and Training (NCSNET) and National Committee on Education Support Services (NCESS) (1997) Quality Education for All. Overcoming Barriers to Learning and Development. Department of Education, Pretoria.
- National Department of Education (1997) Curriculum 2005. Lifelong Learning for the 21st Century, South Africa, CTB Books.
- PROBE (1999) Public Report on Basic Education in India (PROBE) Team, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Save the Children (2008) Making Schools Inclusive How Change can Happen? Save the Children’s Experience, London.
- Sayed, Y. (2009) Overcoming Exclusion in Education,
- Senemoğlu, N. (2001) “Çocuk Hakları, Çalışan Çocuklar Ve Eğitim Sorunları”, Milli Eğitim Dergisi. 151. dergiler/151/senemoglu.htm
- Serpell, R. (1996) Educational Alternatives to Schooling in Zambia. Paper from Biennial Meetings of theInternational Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Quebec.
- Stubbs, S. (2008) Inclusive Education: Where There are Few Resources, Ingrid Lewis (Ed.) Updated and Revised Version, September.
- UNESCO/ICF-EFA (1999) Assessing Learning Achievement. Paris, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (Education for All Status and Trends, draft.)
- UNICEF (1999). State of the World’s Children 1999: Education. New York, United Nations Children’s Fund.
- UNESCO (1999) Welcoming Schools. Students with Disabilities in Regular Schools. Paris.
- UNESCO (2001) “Thematic Studies: Education for All and Children who are Excluded”, World Education Forum, 2000 Assessment, Anne K. BERNARD, (Co-ordinated by the United Nations Children’s Fund), First edition co-ordination Warren L. MELLOR and Olve HOLAAS, Dakar, Senegal 26 - 28 April 2000, France, http://unesdoc.unesco. org/images/0012/001233/123330e.pdf
- UNESCO (2003) Overcoming Exclusion through Inclusive Approaches in Education Conceptual Paper A Challenge &A Vision, Paris.
- UNESCO (2005a) Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for All, Paris.
- UNESCO (2005b) Children Out of School: Measuring Exclusion from Primary Education, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 10 Aralık 1948.
- Warrington, M. (2005) “Mirage in the desert? Access to educational opportunities in an area of social exclusion”, Antipode, 37 (4) 796-816.
- “Welcoming Schools”, issues/parenting/7201.htm
- Whitney, B. (2007) Social Inclusion in Schools : Improving Outcomes, Raising Standards, Routledge, USA.