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Yıl 2022, , 75 - 84, 15.01.2023


Archaeological complex discovered in 2014, in medieval Shamkir town in the western part of the Republic of Azerbaijan was the remains of one of the town’s major buildings. A 47 m2 room in the south of the complex is likely to have been remains of pharmacy. On the eastern side of it were revealed the remains of a brick building with 6 furnaces. Archaeological exploration of the complex revealed the equipment typical for the pharmacy - various pottery, glassware items, stone tools and herbal remnants. One of the items used for the distillation process in the chemist’s was almost entirely intact. Sphere-cones, albarello type dishes, pottery containers with small holes for ventilation in the throat and the glazed pottery pan sample, divided into two parts by a partition wall, is also typical equipment for the pharmacy. Among the findings are many fragments of glass flask and drug containers used for the preparation and packaging of medicines. Carbonated plant fossils discovered during the exploration of the complex had healing properties and were used as raw materials in medieval medicine. Archaeological evidence suggests the archeological complex, which was discovered, to be a remnant of the pharmacy that operated in the Seljuk period.


  • ABU ALİ İBN SİNA, 1956. Kanon vrachebnoy nauki. Kniga II. O prostykh lekarstvakh. Izd-vo AN Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. (in Russian)
  • AKYNBEK Y.SH. 2013. Sferokonusy srednevekovogo gorodishsha Aktobe, Istoriya KazNPU, ser. Istoricheskie i sotsial’no-politicheskie nauki, №4 (39), s. 100-103. (in Russian)
  • ALEKPERLİ, F., 2008 Tysyacha i odin secret Vostoka. Nurlan, Baku. (in Russian)
  • ALIEV, İ., QADIROV, F. 1985 Gabala. Elm, Baku.
  • ALBERTUS, M. 1958. Libellus de alchimia. University of Kolifornia Press, Berkeley. AMIZHANOVA, M. 1961. “O nekotorykh steklyannykh sosudakh Maverannakhra”, Istoriya material’noy kultury Uzbekstana. Vyp. 2. Fan, s. 241-254.Tashkent. (in Russian)
  • BOL’SHAKOV, O.G., 1984. Sredinevekovye goroda Blizhnego Vostoka (VII – seredina XIII v.). Nauka. (in Russian)
  • BULATOV, N.M., 1976. “Klassifikatsiya krasnoglinyanoi polivnoi keramiki zolotoordynskikh gorodov” Srednevekovye goroda Povolzh’ya, Nauka, s.73-107. Moskva. (in Russian)
  • CONTADİNİ, A., 2012. A World of Beasts: A Thirteenth-Century Illustrated Arabic Book on Animals (the Kitāb Naʿt al-ʾayawān) in the Ibn Bakhtīshūʿ Tradition. Brill. Leyde – Boston.
  • DOSTİYEV, T.M.2001 Şimal-Şərqi Azərbaycan IX-XV əsrlərdə. Bakı universitetinin nəşr., Bakı.
  • ETTİNGHAUSEN, R. 1962. Les trésors de l’Asie. Les peintures arabes. Editions d’art Albert Skira. Genève.
  • ƏSGƏR ƏHMƏD, 2012. XII-XV əsrlərdə Azərbaycanın mənəvi mədəniyyəti. Elm, Bakı.
  • FOMENKO, V.P. 1993. “Alkhimicheskie steklyannye sosudy iz raskopok srednevekovykh gorodov Azerbayzhana”, Azerbaycanın Maddi Mədəniyyəti, cild 11, s. 50-55, Elm, Baku. (in Russian)
  • HADIYEVA, S. 2017. “İslamaqədərki dövrdə təbabət”, AMEA Əlyazmalar İnstitutu, Elmi əsərlər №2(5), s.55-59
  • HƏKİMOVA, N. 2015. Azərbaycan xalq təbabəti: nəzəriyyə və təcrübə. Elm və təhsil, Bakı.
  • Kitabi-Dədə Qorqud, 1988. Yazıçı, Bakı. KUROCHKİNA, S.A. 2012. “Al’barello nizhnevolzhskikh stolits Ulusa Dzhuchi”, Povolzhskaya arkheologiya, №1, с. 78-93. (in Russian)
  • LAMM, C.İ. 1935. Glass from İran. Stokholm.
  • MIKAYILOVA, Ş.X. 2008. Qədim və orta əsrlərdə Azərbaycanda dərmanşünaslıq. Tarix elmləri namizədi diss. avtoref., 28 s.Bakı.
  • MİRZAAKHMEDOV, D. 2011. Uzbekistan, The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9-th - 15-th cc. Vol. II. Glass. IICAS, pp.96-146, Samarkand-Tashkent. (in Russian)
  • NURETDİNOVA, A.R. 2011. “Sferokonicheskie sosudy: problema atributsii”, Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta, Gumanitarnye nauki, t.153, kn.3, s.51-62. (in Russian)
  • SƏFƏROVA, A.Ş. 2021. Müxtəlif ekoloji şəraitdə yayılan alhagi maurorum medik bitkisinin mikobiotası və fungisid xüsusiyyətləri. Biologiya üzrə fəl.dok. diss. 141 s. Bakı. SHADDOUD, I. 2017. “Vaisselier de santé dans le monde arabe (VIIIe—XVe siècles): une restitution possible des usages grâce au croissement des sources”, Glazed Pottery of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Region, 10th–18th Centuries. Stratum Plus: Universitet «Vysshaya antropologicheskaya shkola», pp. 189-206, Kazan-Kishinyev.
  • SKLYAROVA, E.K., ZHAROV, L.V., DERGOUSOVA,T.G. 2015. Istoriya farmatsii. Feniks, Rostov-na-Donu. (in Russian)
  • TIBI, S. 2006. Al-Razi and Islamic medicine in the 9th century, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 99, pp.206-207
  • VALİULİNA, S.I. 2005. Steklo Volzhskoi Bulgarii (po materialam Bilyarskogo gorodishcha). Kazanskii gosudarstvennyi universitet. Kazan. (in Russian)


Yıl 2022, , 75 - 84, 15.01.2023


Archaeological complex discovered in 2014, in medieval Shamkir town in the western part of the Republic of Azerbaijan was the remains of one of the town’s major buildings. A 47 m2 room in the south of the complex is likely to have been remains of pharmacy. On the eastern side of it were revealed the remains of a brick building with 6 furnaces. Archaeological exploration of the complex revealed the equipment typical for the pharmacy - various pottery, glassware items, stone tools and herbal remnants. One of the items used for the distillation process in the chemist’s was almost entirely intact. Sphere-cones, albarello type dishes, pottery containers with small holes for ventilation in the throat and the glazed pottery pan sample, divided into two parts by a partition wall, is also typical equipment for the pharmacy. Among the findings are many fragments of glass flask and drug containers used for the preparation and packaging of medicines. Carbonated plant fossils discovered during the exploration of the complex had healing properties and were used as raw materials in medieval medicine. Archaeological evidence suggests the archeological complex, which was discovered, to be a remnant of the pharmacy that operated in the Seljuk period.


  • ABU ALİ İBN SİNA, 1956. Kanon vrachebnoy nauki. Kniga II. O prostykh lekarstvakh. Izd-vo AN Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. (in Russian)
  • AKYNBEK Y.SH. 2013. Sferokonusy srednevekovogo gorodishsha Aktobe, Istoriya KazNPU, ser. Istoricheskie i sotsial’no-politicheskie nauki, №4 (39), s. 100-103. (in Russian)
  • ALEKPERLİ, F., 2008 Tysyacha i odin secret Vostoka. Nurlan, Baku. (in Russian)
  • ALIEV, İ., QADIROV, F. 1985 Gabala. Elm, Baku.
  • ALBERTUS, M. 1958. Libellus de alchimia. University of Kolifornia Press, Berkeley. AMIZHANOVA, M. 1961. “O nekotorykh steklyannykh sosudakh Maverannakhra”, Istoriya material’noy kultury Uzbekstana. Vyp. 2. Fan, s. 241-254.Tashkent. (in Russian)
  • BOL’SHAKOV, O.G., 1984. Sredinevekovye goroda Blizhnego Vostoka (VII – seredina XIII v.). Nauka. (in Russian)
  • BULATOV, N.M., 1976. “Klassifikatsiya krasnoglinyanoi polivnoi keramiki zolotoordynskikh gorodov” Srednevekovye goroda Povolzh’ya, Nauka, s.73-107. Moskva. (in Russian)
  • CONTADİNİ, A., 2012. A World of Beasts: A Thirteenth-Century Illustrated Arabic Book on Animals (the Kitāb Naʿt al-ʾayawān) in the Ibn Bakhtīshūʿ Tradition. Brill. Leyde – Boston.
  • DOSTİYEV, T.M.2001 Şimal-Şərqi Azərbaycan IX-XV əsrlərdə. Bakı universitetinin nəşr., Bakı.
  • ETTİNGHAUSEN, R. 1962. Les trésors de l’Asie. Les peintures arabes. Editions d’art Albert Skira. Genève.
  • ƏSGƏR ƏHMƏD, 2012. XII-XV əsrlərdə Azərbaycanın mənəvi mədəniyyəti. Elm, Bakı.
  • FOMENKO, V.P. 1993. “Alkhimicheskie steklyannye sosudy iz raskopok srednevekovykh gorodov Azerbayzhana”, Azerbaycanın Maddi Mədəniyyəti, cild 11, s. 50-55, Elm, Baku. (in Russian)
  • HADIYEVA, S. 2017. “İslamaqədərki dövrdə təbabət”, AMEA Əlyazmalar İnstitutu, Elmi əsərlər №2(5), s.55-59
  • HƏKİMOVA, N. 2015. Azərbaycan xalq təbabəti: nəzəriyyə və təcrübə. Elm və təhsil, Bakı.
  • Kitabi-Dədə Qorqud, 1988. Yazıçı, Bakı. KUROCHKİNA, S.A. 2012. “Al’barello nizhnevolzhskikh stolits Ulusa Dzhuchi”, Povolzhskaya arkheologiya, №1, с. 78-93. (in Russian)
  • LAMM, C.İ. 1935. Glass from İran. Stokholm.
  • MIKAYILOVA, Ş.X. 2008. Qədim və orta əsrlərdə Azərbaycanda dərmanşünaslıq. Tarix elmləri namizədi diss. avtoref., 28 s.Bakı.
  • MİRZAAKHMEDOV, D. 2011. Uzbekistan, The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9-th - 15-th cc. Vol. II. Glass. IICAS, pp.96-146, Samarkand-Tashkent. (in Russian)
  • NURETDİNOVA, A.R. 2011. “Sferokonicheskie sosudy: problema atributsii”, Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta, Gumanitarnye nauki, t.153, kn.3, s.51-62. (in Russian)
  • SƏFƏROVA, A.Ş. 2021. Müxtəlif ekoloji şəraitdə yayılan alhagi maurorum medik bitkisinin mikobiotası və fungisid xüsusiyyətləri. Biologiya üzrə fəl.dok. diss. 141 s. Bakı. SHADDOUD, I. 2017. “Vaisselier de santé dans le monde arabe (VIIIe—XVe siècles): une restitution possible des usages grâce au croissement des sources”, Glazed Pottery of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Region, 10th–18th Centuries. Stratum Plus: Universitet «Vysshaya antropologicheskaya shkola», pp. 189-206, Kazan-Kishinyev.
  • SKLYAROVA, E.K., ZHAROV, L.V., DERGOUSOVA,T.G. 2015. Istoriya farmatsii. Feniks, Rostov-na-Donu. (in Russian)
  • TIBI, S. 2006. Al-Razi and Islamic medicine in the 9th century, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 99, pp.206-207
  • VALİULİNA, S.I. 2005. Steklo Volzhskoi Bulgarii (po materialam Bilyarskogo gorodishcha). Kazanskii gosudarstvennyi universitet. Kazan. (in Russian)
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tarıkh Dostiyev 0000-0002-9472-2885

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Dostiyev, T. (2023). THE REMAINS OF PHARMACY FOUND IN SHAMKIR TOWN. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi(31), 75-84.
AMA Dostiyev T. THE REMAINS OF PHARMACY FOUND IN SHAMKIR TOWN. TÜBA-AR. Ocak 2023;(31):75-84. doi:10.22520/tubaar2022.31.005
Chicago Dostiyev, Tarıkh. “THE REMAINS OF PHARMACY FOUND IN SHAMKIR TOWN”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, sy. 31 (Ocak 2023): 75-84.
EndNote Dostiyev T (01 Ocak 2023) THE REMAINS OF PHARMACY FOUND IN SHAMKIR TOWN. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 31 75–84.
IEEE T. Dostiyev, “THE REMAINS OF PHARMACY FOUND IN SHAMKIR TOWN”, TÜBA-AR, sy. 31, ss. 75–84, Ocak 2023, doi: 10.22520/tubaar2022.31.005.
ISNAD Dostiyev, Tarıkh. “THE REMAINS OF PHARMACY FOUND IN SHAMKIR TOWN”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 31 (Ocak 2023), 75-84.
MLA Dostiyev, Tarıkh. “THE REMAINS OF PHARMACY FOUND IN SHAMKIR TOWN”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, sy. 31, 2023, ss. 75-84, doi:10.22520/tubaar2022.31.005.

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