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Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış

Yıl 1998, Sayı: 1, 9 - 25, 01.01.1998


The joint excavations of Istanbul and California Universities at the Cave of Yarımburgaz during the field seasons of 1988-1990 were exclusively aimed to shed light on the Pleistocene cultures of the site. A Lower Paleolithic industry, similiar to the ones found in central, southern and eastern Europe was encountered in association with a diverse mammalian fauna. Studies showed that cave bears constitute 93% of all macromammal specimens recovered, interspersed with 1675 lithic finds. Using electron spin resonance, the site is dated to the middle of the Middle Pleistocene.


  • ALBRECHT , G. AN D H.MÜLLER-BECK, 1990, The Paleolithic of Şehremuz Near Samsat on the Euphrate s River- Summar y of the Excavation Finding s and a Morphology of the Handaxes, Paléorient-Hommage à Francis Hours, 76-86.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1993, Yarımburgaz: A Lower Paleolithic Cave Site Near Istanbul.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1996 a, The Oldest Stratified Site Yet Known i n Turkey: The Cave of Yarımburgaz, Von Halys zum Euphrat- Thomas Beran Festschrift. Ugarit Verlag, Miinster, 1-13.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1996 b, Trakya'da Esk i Bi r Yerleşim Yeri: Yarımburgaz Mağarası Alt Paleolitik Çağ Bulguları, Anadolu Araştırmaları XFV-Prof. Dr. Afif Erzen'e Armağan. Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, İstanbul 33-50.
  • ARSEBÜK, G„ F . C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1990, Yarımburgaz 1988, XI.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı L Ankara , 9-38.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., F. C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1991, Yarımburgaz 1989, XII.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı I. Ankara , 17-41.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., F. C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1992, Yarımburgaz 1990, XIII.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı I. Ankar a 1-21.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1994, Yarımburgaz Mağaraları: Pleisteosen'den B i r Kesit, XI. Türk Tarih Kongresi. Türk Tari h Kurum u Basımevi, Ankara , 17-27.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., M. ÖZBAŞARAN, (Baskıda), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Cave of Yarımburgaz i n Easter n Thrace/Turkey, Publication of the Firs t Internati ­ onal Conference on the Paleolithi c of Greece and its Adjacent Areas , Cambridge.
  • BAR-YOSEF , O., 1994, The Lower Paleolithic of the Near East, Journal of World Prehistory 8, 211-265.
  • BOSTANCI , E„ 1961, Researches in South-East Anatolia, The Chellean and Acheulean Industry of Dülük and Kartal, Anatolia 6, 89-162.
  • BLACKWELL , B. A , H . P. SCHWARCZ , W. R. FARRAND , Electron Spin Resonance (ESR ) and 230 T h / 234 U Dating at Yarımburgaz, Turkey. [Yazarın uhdesinde oian yayınlanmamış bi r çalışma].
  • BLACKWELL , B . A., H . P. SCHWARCZ , N. PORAT, F. C. HOWELL, . G. ARSEBÜK, 1990, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR ) Dating of Ursus Teeth from Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 22A, 120-121.
  • CLARK , J . D., 1993, African and Asian Perspectives on the Origin of Modern Humans. AİTKEN, O, C.
  • STRINGER , P. MELLAR S (eds.), The Origin of Modern Humans and the Impact of Chronometric Dating: Princeton University Press, Princeton, 148-178.
  • DAVIS, R. S„ V. A. RANOV, E . A. DODONOV, 1980, Earl y Man in Soviet Central Asia, Scientific American 243, 130-137.
  • FARRAND , W. R., 1994, Geoarchaeology of Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, BERMUDEZ
  • J . , J . ARSUAGA, E . CARBONEL L (eds.), Evolución Humana en Europa y los Yacimientos de la Sierra de Atapuerca, Vol.I Junt a de Castilla y León, 19-36.
  • FARRAND , W. R., J . P. MCMAHON , (Baskıda), History of the Sedimentary Infilling of Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, Geoarchaeology.
  • HOWELL , F. C , G. ARSEBÜK, 1988, Yarımburgaz Cave. Report on Investigations in the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey). Unpublisned Report Submitted to Committee on Research and Explorations. National Geographic Society.
  • HOWELL , F. C , G. ARSEBÜK, 1989, Report on Investigations and Current Status of Research i n the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey), 1989 Field Season. Unpublished Report Submitted to Committee on Research and Explorations, National Geographic Society.
  • HOWELL , F.C., G. ARSEBÜK, W. FARRAND , W. VO N KO - ENIGSWALD , H. P. SCHWARCZ , 1990, Report on the Preliminar y Status of Research i n the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey), 1989 Fiel d Season. Report Submitted to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
  • JELINEK , A., 1980, Collections of Paleolithic Materials from Valleys on the Eas t Side of the Bosporus. H . QAMBEL-R.J.BRAIDWOO D (eds.), Prehistoric Research in Southeastern Anatolia, Edebiyat Fa ­ kültesi Basımevi, Istanbul, 319-327.
  • KUHN , S. L., G. ARSEBÜK, F. C. HOWELL , 1996, The Middle Pleistocene Lithi c Assemblage from Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey. Paléorient 22/1, 31-49.
  • de LUMLEY , H., 1976 a, L e s civilisations du Paléolithique inférieur en Provance. I n Lumley, H . de, (éd.), La Préhistoire Française 1. Editions du CNRS, Paris , 819-851.
  • de LUMLEY , H . 1976 b Le s civilisations du Paléolithique inférieur en Langeadoc méditterranéen et en Roussillon. de LUMLEY , H . (éd.), La Préhistoire Française 1. Editions du CNRS, Paris, 852-874.
  • OTTE , M., I , YALÇINKAYA, J . KOZLOWSKI , O. BAR-JOSEF , H . TAŞKIRAN,1995, Evolution technique au Paléolithique ancien de Karain, L'Anthropologie 90, 529-561.
  • ÖZBAŞARAN, M., 1995, The Historical Background of the Researches at the Caves of Yarımburgaz, Readings in Prehistory- Studies Presented to Halet Çambel. Graphi s Yayınları, Istanbul, 27-39.
  • ÖZDOĞAN, M.,1982, Doğu Marmar a ve Traky a Araştırmaları, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 26/1, 37-48.
  • BAILEY , G.N. - P. CALLO W (eds.), Stone Age Prehistory: Studies in Memory of Charles McBurney. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 121-151.
  • STINER , M. C , G. ARSEBÜK, F. C. HOWELL , 1996, Cave Bear s and Paleolithic Artifacts i n Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey : Dissecting a Palimpsest. Geoarchaeology 11/4, 279-327.
  • SVABODA, J. , 1987, Lithi c Industries of Arago, Vértesszôllôs and Bilzingsleben Hominids : Comparison and Evolutionary Interpretations. Current Anthropology 28, 219-227.
  • SVABODA, J. , 1989, Middle Pleistocene Adaptations in Central Europe . Journal of World Prehistory 3, 33-70.
  • TSOUKALA , E. , (Baskıda), Ursidae from Yarımburgaz.

Pleistocene Archaeology at the Cave of Yarımburgaz

Yıl 1998, Sayı: 1, 9 - 25, 01.01.1998


The joint excavations of Istanbul and California Universities at the Cave of Yarimburgaz during the field seasons of 1988-1990 were exclusively aimed to shed light on the Pleistocene cultures of the site. A Lower Paleolithic industry, similiar to the ones found in central, southern and eastern Europe was encountered in association with a diverse mammalian fauna. Studies showed tha t ca ve bears constitute 93% of all macromammal specimens recovered, interspersed with 1675 lithic finds. Using electron spin resonance, the site is dated to the middle of the Middle Pleistocene


  • ALBRECHT , G. AN D H.MÜLLER-BECK, 1990, The Paleolithic of Şehremuz Near Samsat on the Euphrate s River- Summar y of the Excavation Finding s and a Morphology of the Handaxes, Paléorient-Hommage à Francis Hours, 76-86.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1993, Yarımburgaz: A Lower Paleolithic Cave Site Near Istanbul.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1996 a, The Oldest Stratified Site Yet Known i n Turkey: The Cave of Yarımburgaz, Von Halys zum Euphrat- Thomas Beran Festschrift. Ugarit Verlag, Miinster, 1-13.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1996 b, Trakya'da Esk i Bi r Yerleşim Yeri: Yarımburgaz Mağarası Alt Paleolitik Çağ Bulguları, Anadolu Araştırmaları XFV-Prof. Dr. Afif Erzen'e Armağan. Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, İstanbul 33-50.
  • ARSEBÜK, G„ F . C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1990, Yarımburgaz 1988, XI.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı L Ankara , 9-38.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., F. C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1991, Yarımburgaz 1989, XII.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı I. Ankara , 17-41.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., F. C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1992, Yarımburgaz 1990, XIII.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı I. Ankar a 1-21.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1994, Yarımburgaz Mağaraları: Pleisteosen'den B i r Kesit, XI. Türk Tarih Kongresi. Türk Tari h Kurum u Basımevi, Ankara , 17-27.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., M. ÖZBAŞARAN, (Baskıda), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Cave of Yarımburgaz i n Easter n Thrace/Turkey, Publication of the Firs t Internati ­ onal Conference on the Paleolithi c of Greece and its Adjacent Areas , Cambridge.
  • BAR-YOSEF , O., 1994, The Lower Paleolithic of the Near East, Journal of World Prehistory 8, 211-265.
  • BOSTANCI , E„ 1961, Researches in South-East Anatolia, The Chellean and Acheulean Industry of Dülük and Kartal, Anatolia 6, 89-162.
  • BLACKWELL , B. A , H . P. SCHWARCZ , W. R. FARRAND , Electron Spin Resonance (ESR ) and 230 T h / 234 U Dating at Yarımburgaz, Turkey. [Yazarın uhdesinde oian yayınlanmamış bi r çalışma].
  • BLACKWELL , B . A., H . P. SCHWARCZ , N. PORAT, F. C. HOWELL, . G. ARSEBÜK, 1990, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR ) Dating of Ursus Teeth from Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 22A, 120-121.
  • CLARK , J . D., 1993, African and Asian Perspectives on the Origin of Modern Humans. AİTKEN, O, C.
  • STRINGER , P. MELLAR S (eds.), The Origin of Modern Humans and the Impact of Chronometric Dating: Princeton University Press, Princeton, 148-178.
  • DAVIS, R. S„ V. A. RANOV, E . A. DODONOV, 1980, Earl y Man in Soviet Central Asia, Scientific American 243, 130-137.
  • FARRAND , W. R., 1994, Geoarchaeology of Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, BERMUDEZ
  • J . , J . ARSUAGA, E . CARBONEL L (eds.), Evolución Humana en Europa y los Yacimientos de la Sierra de Atapuerca, Vol.I Junt a de Castilla y León, 19-36.
  • FARRAND , W. R., J . P. MCMAHON , (Baskıda), History of the Sedimentary Infilling of Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, Geoarchaeology.
  • HOWELL , F. C , G. ARSEBÜK, 1988, Yarımburgaz Cave. Report on Investigations in the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey). Unpublisned Report Submitted to Committee on Research and Explorations. National Geographic Society.
  • HOWELL , F. C , G. ARSEBÜK, 1989, Report on Investigations and Current Status of Research i n the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey), 1989 Field Season. Unpublished Report Submitted to Committee on Research and Explorations, National Geographic Society.
  • HOWELL , F.C., G. ARSEBÜK, W. FARRAND , W. VO N KO - ENIGSWALD , H. P. SCHWARCZ , 1990, Report on the Preliminar y Status of Research i n the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey), 1989 Fiel d Season. Report Submitted to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
  • JELINEK , A., 1980, Collections of Paleolithic Materials from Valleys on the Eas t Side of the Bosporus. H . QAMBEL-R.J.BRAIDWOO D (eds.), Prehistoric Research in Southeastern Anatolia, Edebiyat Fa ­ kültesi Basımevi, Istanbul, 319-327.
  • KUHN , S. L., G. ARSEBÜK, F. C. HOWELL , 1996, The Middle Pleistocene Lithi c Assemblage from Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey. Paléorient 22/1, 31-49.
  • de LUMLEY , H., 1976 a, L e s civilisations du Paléolithique inférieur en Provance. I n Lumley, H . de, (éd.), La Préhistoire Française 1. Editions du CNRS, Paris , 819-851.
  • de LUMLEY , H . 1976 b Le s civilisations du Paléolithique inférieur en Langeadoc méditterranéen et en Roussillon. de LUMLEY , H . (éd.), La Préhistoire Française 1. Editions du CNRS, Paris, 852-874.
  • OTTE , M., I , YALÇINKAYA, J . KOZLOWSKI , O. BAR-JOSEF , H . TAŞKIRAN,1995, Evolution technique au Paléolithique ancien de Karain, L'Anthropologie 90, 529-561.
  • ÖZBAŞARAN, M., 1995, The Historical Background of the Researches at the Caves of Yarımburgaz, Readings in Prehistory- Studies Presented to Halet Çambel. Graphi s Yayınları, Istanbul, 27-39.
  • ÖZDOĞAN, M.,1982, Doğu Marmar a ve Traky a Araştırmaları, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 26/1, 37-48.
  • BAILEY , G.N. - P. CALLO W (eds.), Stone Age Prehistory: Studies in Memory of Charles McBurney. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 121-151.
  • STINER , M. C , G. ARSEBÜK, F. C. HOWELL , 1996, Cave Bear s and Paleolithic Artifacts i n Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey : Dissecting a Palimpsest. Geoarchaeology 11/4, 279-327.
  • SVABODA, J. , 1987, Lithi c Industries of Arago, Vértesszôllôs and Bilzingsleben Hominids : Comparison and Evolutionary Interpretations. Current Anthropology 28, 219-227.
  • SVABODA, J. , 1989, Middle Pleistocene Adaptations in Central Europe . Journal of World Prehistory 3, 33-70.
  • TSOUKALA , E. , (Baskıda), Ursidae from Yarımburgaz.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Güven Arsebük Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 1998
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1998 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Arsebük, G. (1998). Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi(1), 9-25.
AMA Arsebük G. Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR. Ocak 1998;(1):9-25.
Chicago Arsebük, Güven. “Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, sy. 1 (Ocak 1998): 9-25.
EndNote Arsebük G (01 Ocak 1998) Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 1 9–25.
IEEE G. Arsebük, “Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”, TÜBA-AR, sy. 1, ss. 9–25, Ocak 1998.
ISNAD Arsebük, Güven. “Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 1 (Ocak 1998), 9-25.
JAMA Arsebük G. Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR. 1998;:9–25.
MLA Arsebük, Güven. “Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, sy. 1, 1998, ss. 9-25.
Vancouver Arsebük G. Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR. 1998(1):9-25.

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