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Leishmania sp. ile Doğal Enfekte Köpeklerin Arthrosentezinde Ksilazinin Elektrokardiyografik Etkisi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1 - 4, 28.10.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Leishmania sp. ile doğal enfekte köpeklerde, artikulasyo genu eklemlerinin aseptik artrosentezi için preanestezik ajan olarak ksilazin ile sedasyon uygulanan köpeklerdeki elektrokardiyografik değişiklikleri araştırmaktı. Gereç-Yöntem: On üç enfekte yetişkin melez köpeğe (8 erkek, 5 dişi) premedikasyon olarak 1.5 mg/kg Xylazine HCl intramusküler olarak uygulandı. On iki derivasyonlu bilgisayarlı elektrokardiyografik muayeneler premedikasyondan önce ve indüksiyondan 30 dakika sonra yapıldı. Poliartritli köpeklerin artikulasiyo genu eklemlerinde amastigot tespiti için sinovyal sıvı yaymaları mikroskop altında değerlendirildi. Kanin visseral leishmaniasis tanısı Leishmania test kitleri (IDEXX SNAP® Leishmania Test) ve immünofloresan antikor testine (IFAT) dayanılarak konulmuştur. Bulgular: Sinovyal sıvı (SF) yaymaları mikroskopi altında değerlendirildi ve 11 köpeğin (%84,61) artikulasiyo eklemlerinin SF'sinde amastigotlar tespit edildi. Ksilazin uygulamasından önce ve ilk uygulamada 1'er vakada hafif sinüs taşikardisi ve atriyal prematüre kompleksi görüldü. Ksilazin uygulamasından 30 dakika sonra bradikardi (6/13), hafif sinüs taşikardisi (2/13), atriyal prematüre kompleksi (2/13), ventriküler prematüre kompleksi (2/13) ve birinci derece AV blok (1/13) görüldü. Sonuç: Ksilazin ile premedikasyon bradikardi, hafif sinüs taşikardisi, atriyal/ventriküler prematüre kompleks veya birinci derece AV blok gibi istenmeyen yan etkilere neden olmuştur ve bu da CVL'li köpeklerde ksilazin kullanımının dikkatle yapılması gerektiğini düşündürmektedir. Özellikle herhangi bir sedatif uygulamasından önce kardiyolojik muayene yapılmalıdır. Ayrıca, doğal enfekte köpeklerde Leishmania sp. enfeksiyonunun parazitolojik teşhisi için SF analizinin avantajlı olabileceği sonucuna varıldı.


  • 1. Agut A., Corzo N., Murciano J., Laredo F.E., Soler M.: Clinical and radiographic study of bone and joint lesions in 26 dogs with leishmaniasis. Vet. Rec. 2003, 153: 648-652.
  • 2. Stull J.W., Evason M., Carr A.P., Waldner C.: Canine immune-mediated polyarthritis: Clinical and laboratory findings in 83 cases in western Canada (1991-2001). Can. Vet. J. 2008, 49: 1195-203.
  • 3. Sbrana S., Marchetti V., Mancianti F., Guidi F., Bennett D.: Retrospective study of 14 cases of canine arthritis secondary to Leishmania infection. JSAP. 2014, 55: 309-313.
  • 4. Paradies P., Capelli G., Cafarchia C., de Caprariis D., Sasanelli M., Otranto D.: Incidences of Canine Leishmaniasis in an Endemic Area of Southern Italy. J. Vet. Med. 2006, 53: 295-298.
  • 5. Blavier A., Keroack S., Denerolle P.H., Goy-Thollot I., Chabanne L., Cadore J.L., Bourdoiseau G.: Atypical form of canine leishmaniasis. Vet. J. 2001, 162: 108-120.
  • 6. Clements D.: Arthrocentesis and synovial fluid analysis in dogs and cats. In Practice. 2016, 28: 256-262.
  • 7. Tranquilli W.J., Maze M.: Clinical pharmacology and use of a2-adrenergic agonists in veterinary anaesthesia. Anaesth. Pharmac. Rev. 1993, 1: 297-309.
  • 8. Paddleford R.R., Harvey R.C.: Alpha 2 agonists and antagonists. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 1999, 29:737-745.
  • 9. Sinclair M.D.: A review of the physiological effects of alpha2-agonists related to the clinical use of medetomidine in small animal practice. Can. Vet J. 2003, 44: 885-897.
  • 10. Ilback N.G.., Stalhandske T: Cardiovascular effects of xylazine recorded with telemetry in the dog. J. Vet. Med. A. Physiol. Patho. Clin. Med. 2003, 50: 479-483.
  • 11. Torrent E., Leiva M., Segalés J.: Myocarditis and generalised vasculitis associated with leishmaniosis in a dog. J. Small Anim. Pract. 2005, 46(11): 549-552.
  • 12. Mendes R.S., Gurjão T.A., Oliveira L.M.: Chronic myocarditis in a dog naturally infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi: clinical and pathological aspects. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec. 2014, 66(1): 79-84.
  • 13. Rosa F.A., Leite J.H., Braga E.T.: Cardiac lesions in 30 dogs naturally infected with Leishmania infantum chagasi. Vet. Pathol. 2014, 51(3): 603-606.
  • 14. Thurmon J.C., Tranquilli W.J., Benson G.J.: Lumb and Jones’ veterinary anaesthesia, 4th edn., Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia: 2007, pp. 705-715.
  • 15. Klide A.M., Calderwood H.W., Soma R.L.: Cardiopulmonary effect of xylazine in dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1975, 36: 931-935.
  • 16. Muir W.W., Werner L.L., Hamlin R.L.: Effects of xylazine and acetylpromazine upon induced ventricular fibrillation in dogs anesthetized with thiamylal and halothane. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1975, 36: 1299-1303.
  • 17. Kirkpatrick R.M.: Use of xylazine and ketamine as a combination anesthetic. Canine Pract. 1978, 5: 32-57.
  • 18. Kolata J., Rawlings C.A.: Cardiopulmonary effects of intravenous xylazine, ketamine, and atropine in the dog. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1982, 43: 2196-2198.
  • 19. Haskins S.C., Patz J.D., Farver T.B.: Xylazine and xylazine-ketamine in dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1986, 47: 636-641.
  • 20. Detweiler D.K.: The use of electrocardiography in toxicological studies with beagle dogs. In: Balazs T., Editor, Cardiac Toxicology. CRC Press, Florida, 1981, sayfa:33-82.
  • 21. McConkey S.E., López A., Shaw D., Calder J.: Leishmanial polyarthritis in a dog. Can. Vet. J. 2002, 43(8): 607.
  • 22. Santos M., Marcos R., Assunção M., Matos A.J.: Polyarthritis associated with visceral leishmaniasis in a juvenile dog. Vet. Parasitol. 2006, 141(3): 340-344.
  • 23. Solano-Gallego L., Miró G., Koutinas A.: LeishVet guidelines for the practical management of canine leishmaniosis. Parasit. Vectors. 2011, 4(1): 86.
  • 24. Magne M.: Swollen joints and lameness. In: Ettinger J.E., Feldman E.C., Editors. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. WB Saunders, 5. Philadelphia, 2000, sayfa: 77-80.
  • 25. Rondeau M.P., Walton R.M., Bissett S., Drobat K.J., Washabau R.J.: Suppurative, nonseptic polyarthropathy in dogs. J. Vet. Int. Med. 2005, 19:654-662.
  • 26. Dantas-Torres F., Solano-Gallego L., Baneth G., Ribeiro V.M., de Paiva-Cavalcanti M., Otranto D.: Canine leishmaniosis in the old and new worlds: unveiled similarities and differences. Trend. Parasitol. 2012, 28: 531-538.
  • 27. Silva M.N.G.D., Pereira D.T., Mistieri M.L.D.A., Lubeck I.: Parasitological analysis of synovial fluid from dogs naturally infected with Leishmania sp. Ciência. Rural. 2014, 44(7): 1236-1239.
  • 28. Emami M.R., Sedighi M.R., Sarhaddi S.: Cardiovascular and respiratory effects of romifidine and/or xylazine in ketamine anaesthesia in dog: An experimental study. IJVS. 2007, 2(2): 59-64.
  • 29. Mogoa E.G.M., Stegmann G.F., Guthrie A.J., Swan G.E.: Clinical, cardiopulmonary and haemocytological effects of xylazine in goats after acute exposure to different environmental temperature and humidity conditions. JSAVA. 2000, 71(3):153.
  • 30. Aziz M.A., Carlyle S.S.: Cardiovascular and respiratory effects of xylazine in sheep. Zentralblatt Für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A. 1978, 25: 173-180.
  • 31. Bafi-Yeboa M., Huvos A.: Rompun® in caprine practice. Vet. Med. Rev. 1980, 1: 61-62.
  • 32. Aithal H.P., Pratap K., Sing G.R.: Clinical effects of epidurally administered ketamine and xylazine in goats. Small. Rum. Res. 1996, 196(24): 55-64.
  • 33. Garner H.E., Amend J.F., Rosborough J..P: Effects of Bay Va 1470 on cardiovascular parameters in ponies. VM. SAC. 1971, 66: 1016-1021.
  • 34. OIE.: Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals. 6.ed. Paris: Office International des Epizooties. 2008, 1: 598.
  • 35. Gontijo C.M.F., Melo M.N: Leishmaniose visceral no Brasil: quadro atual, desafios e perspectiva. Rev. Bras. de Epidemiol. 2004, 7: 338-349.
  • 36. Silva A.R.S.: Avaliação radiográfica das articulações dos membros locomotores de cães naturalmente acometidos por leishmaniose visceral no município de Araçatuba. 2009, pp: 83.
  • 37. Saridomichelaki, M.N., Mylonakis M.E., Leontides L.S., Koutinas A.F., Billinis C., Kontos V.I.: Evaluation of lymph node and bone marrow cytology in the diagnosis of canine leishmaniasis (Leishmania infantum) in symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs. AJTMH. 2005, 73(1): 82-86.
  • 38. Silva A.A.L.: Estudo clínico-laboratorial das articulações de cães naturalmente infectados com leishmaniose visceral e experimentalmente inoculados com Leishmania chagasi por via intra-articular. Master thesis. 2007.

Electrocardiographic Effects of Xylazine in Arthrocentesis of Dogs Naturally Infected with Leishmania sp.

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1 - 4, 28.10.2023


Objective: Aim of this study was to investigate electrocardiographic alterations to those of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania sp., in which sedated with xylazine as preanesthetic agent for aseptic arthrocentesis of the stifle joints. Material and Methods: Thirteen diseased adult mix dogs (8 male, 5 female) were administered 1.5 mg/kg Xylazine HCl intramuscularly as premedication. Twelve lead computerized electrocardiographic examinations were made before premedication and at 30 min after induction. The synovial fluid smears were evaluated under microscopy for amastigotes detection in stifle joints of dogs with polyarthritis. A diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis was made based on Leishmania test kits (IDEXX SNAP® Leishmania Test) and the immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT). Results: The synovial fluid (SF) smears were evaluated under microscopy and amastigotes were detected in the SF of stifle joints of 11 dogs (84.61%). Before xylazine administration and on initial administration mild sinus tachycardia and atrial premature complex were evident in 1 each cases. Following 30 minutes of xylazine administration bradycardia (6/13), mild sinus tachycardia (2/13), atrial premature complex (2/13), ventricular premature complex (2/13) and first degree AV block (1/13) were noticed. Conclusion: Premedication with xylazine induced undesirable side effects involving bradycardia, mild sinus tachycardia, atrial/ventricular premature complex or first degree AV block which might suggest that the usage of xylazine in dog with CVL, must be done with cautions. Especially prior to any sedative administration cardiologic examination must be performed. It might also concluded that SF analysis for the parasitological diagnosis of Leishmania sp. infection in naturally infected dogs might be advantageous.


  • 1. Agut A., Corzo N., Murciano J., Laredo F.E., Soler M.: Clinical and radiographic study of bone and joint lesions in 26 dogs with leishmaniasis. Vet. Rec. 2003, 153: 648-652.
  • 2. Stull J.W., Evason M., Carr A.P., Waldner C.: Canine immune-mediated polyarthritis: Clinical and laboratory findings in 83 cases in western Canada (1991-2001). Can. Vet. J. 2008, 49: 1195-203.
  • 3. Sbrana S., Marchetti V., Mancianti F., Guidi F., Bennett D.: Retrospective study of 14 cases of canine arthritis secondary to Leishmania infection. JSAP. 2014, 55: 309-313.
  • 4. Paradies P., Capelli G., Cafarchia C., de Caprariis D., Sasanelli M., Otranto D.: Incidences of Canine Leishmaniasis in an Endemic Area of Southern Italy. J. Vet. Med. 2006, 53: 295-298.
  • 5. Blavier A., Keroack S., Denerolle P.H., Goy-Thollot I., Chabanne L., Cadore J.L., Bourdoiseau G.: Atypical form of canine leishmaniasis. Vet. J. 2001, 162: 108-120.
  • 6. Clements D.: Arthrocentesis and synovial fluid analysis in dogs and cats. In Practice. 2016, 28: 256-262.
  • 7. Tranquilli W.J., Maze M.: Clinical pharmacology and use of a2-adrenergic agonists in veterinary anaesthesia. Anaesth. Pharmac. Rev. 1993, 1: 297-309.
  • 8. Paddleford R.R., Harvey R.C.: Alpha 2 agonists and antagonists. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 1999, 29:737-745.
  • 9. Sinclair M.D.: A review of the physiological effects of alpha2-agonists related to the clinical use of medetomidine in small animal practice. Can. Vet J. 2003, 44: 885-897.
  • 10. Ilback N.G.., Stalhandske T: Cardiovascular effects of xylazine recorded with telemetry in the dog. J. Vet. Med. A. Physiol. Patho. Clin. Med. 2003, 50: 479-483.
  • 11. Torrent E., Leiva M., Segalés J.: Myocarditis and generalised vasculitis associated with leishmaniosis in a dog. J. Small Anim. Pract. 2005, 46(11): 549-552.
  • 12. Mendes R.S., Gurjão T.A., Oliveira L.M.: Chronic myocarditis in a dog naturally infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi: clinical and pathological aspects. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec. 2014, 66(1): 79-84.
  • 13. Rosa F.A., Leite J.H., Braga E.T.: Cardiac lesions in 30 dogs naturally infected with Leishmania infantum chagasi. Vet. Pathol. 2014, 51(3): 603-606.
  • 14. Thurmon J.C., Tranquilli W.J., Benson G.J.: Lumb and Jones’ veterinary anaesthesia, 4th edn., Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia: 2007, pp. 705-715.
  • 15. Klide A.M., Calderwood H.W., Soma R.L.: Cardiopulmonary effect of xylazine in dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1975, 36: 931-935.
  • 16. Muir W.W., Werner L.L., Hamlin R.L.: Effects of xylazine and acetylpromazine upon induced ventricular fibrillation in dogs anesthetized with thiamylal and halothane. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1975, 36: 1299-1303.
  • 17. Kirkpatrick R.M.: Use of xylazine and ketamine as a combination anesthetic. Canine Pract. 1978, 5: 32-57.
  • 18. Kolata J., Rawlings C.A.: Cardiopulmonary effects of intravenous xylazine, ketamine, and atropine in the dog. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1982, 43: 2196-2198.
  • 19. Haskins S.C., Patz J.D., Farver T.B.: Xylazine and xylazine-ketamine in dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1986, 47: 636-641.
  • 20. Detweiler D.K.: The use of electrocardiography in toxicological studies with beagle dogs. In: Balazs T., Editor, Cardiac Toxicology. CRC Press, Florida, 1981, sayfa:33-82.
  • 21. McConkey S.E., López A., Shaw D., Calder J.: Leishmanial polyarthritis in a dog. Can. Vet. J. 2002, 43(8): 607.
  • 22. Santos M., Marcos R., Assunção M., Matos A.J.: Polyarthritis associated with visceral leishmaniasis in a juvenile dog. Vet. Parasitol. 2006, 141(3): 340-344.
  • 23. Solano-Gallego L., Miró G., Koutinas A.: LeishVet guidelines for the practical management of canine leishmaniosis. Parasit. Vectors. 2011, 4(1): 86.
  • 24. Magne M.: Swollen joints and lameness. In: Ettinger J.E., Feldman E.C., Editors. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. WB Saunders, 5. Philadelphia, 2000, sayfa: 77-80.
  • 25. Rondeau M.P., Walton R.M., Bissett S., Drobat K.J., Washabau R.J.: Suppurative, nonseptic polyarthropathy in dogs. J. Vet. Int. Med. 2005, 19:654-662.
  • 26. Dantas-Torres F., Solano-Gallego L., Baneth G., Ribeiro V.M., de Paiva-Cavalcanti M., Otranto D.: Canine leishmaniosis in the old and new worlds: unveiled similarities and differences. Trend. Parasitol. 2012, 28: 531-538.
  • 27. Silva M.N.G.D., Pereira D.T., Mistieri M.L.D.A., Lubeck I.: Parasitological analysis of synovial fluid from dogs naturally infected with Leishmania sp. Ciência. Rural. 2014, 44(7): 1236-1239.
  • 28. Emami M.R., Sedighi M.R., Sarhaddi S.: Cardiovascular and respiratory effects of romifidine and/or xylazine in ketamine anaesthesia in dog: An experimental study. IJVS. 2007, 2(2): 59-64.
  • 29. Mogoa E.G.M., Stegmann G.F., Guthrie A.J., Swan G.E.: Clinical, cardiopulmonary and haemocytological effects of xylazine in goats after acute exposure to different environmental temperature and humidity conditions. JSAVA. 2000, 71(3):153.
  • 30. Aziz M.A., Carlyle S.S.: Cardiovascular and respiratory effects of xylazine in sheep. Zentralblatt Für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A. 1978, 25: 173-180.
  • 31. Bafi-Yeboa M., Huvos A.: Rompun® in caprine practice. Vet. Med. Rev. 1980, 1: 61-62.
  • 32. Aithal H.P., Pratap K., Sing G.R.: Clinical effects of epidurally administered ketamine and xylazine in goats. Small. Rum. Res. 1996, 196(24): 55-64.
  • 33. Garner H.E., Amend J.F., Rosborough J..P: Effects of Bay Va 1470 on cardiovascular parameters in ponies. VM. SAC. 1971, 66: 1016-1021.
  • 34. OIE.: Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals. 6.ed. Paris: Office International des Epizooties. 2008, 1: 598.
  • 35. Gontijo C.M.F., Melo M.N: Leishmaniose visceral no Brasil: quadro atual, desafios e perspectiva. Rev. Bras. de Epidemiol. 2004, 7: 338-349.
  • 36. Silva A.R.S.: Avaliação radiográfica das articulações dos membros locomotores de cães naturalmente acometidos por leishmaniose visceral no município de Araçatuba. 2009, pp: 83.
  • 37. Saridomichelaki, M.N., Mylonakis M.E., Leontides L.S., Koutinas A.F., Billinis C., Kontos V.I.: Evaluation of lymph node and bone marrow cytology in the diagnosis of canine leishmaniasis (Leishmania infantum) in symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs. AJTMH. 2005, 73(1): 82-86.
  • 38. Silva A.A.L.: Estudo clínico-laboratorial das articulações de cães naturalmente infectados com leishmaniose visceral e experimentalmente inoculados com Leishmania chagasi por via intra-articular. Master thesis. 2007.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi, Veteriner Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma makaleleri

Canberk Balıkçı 0000-0001-7473-5163

İbrahim Akın 0000-0002-4387-7115

Kerem Ural 0000-0003-1867-7143

Mehmet Gültekin 0000-0002-5197-2403

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Balıkçı, C., Akın, İ., Ural, K., Gültekin, M. (2023). Electrocardiographic Effects of Xylazine in Arthrocentesis of Dogs Naturally Infected with Leishmania sp. Türk Veteriner Cerrahi Dergisi, 2(1), 1-4.