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Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Writing: Perspectives of Researchers

Yıl 2024, , 1190 - 1208, 31.12.2024


The use of artificial intelligence in academic writing prompts a profound reconsideration of fundamental ethical issues, including property, accuracy, and privacy. This study aims to explore the ethical dilemmas in academic writing, focusing on the perspectives of social sciences researchers. It employed a case study design and used a maximum diversity sampling method, engaging 34 researchers. Data collection utilized open-ended questions, guided by Mason's framework of computer ethics, encouraging participants to provide detailed responses. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, focusing on themes of property, accuracy, and privacy. The findings reflect the participants' diverse views on the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in academic writing. Specifically, the necessity of disclosing sources when artificial intelligence generates information and the importance of ethical citations were emphasized. The results initiate significant discussions on the ethical use of artificial intelligence in academic writing and contribute to the relevant literature.


  • Ashok, M., Madan, R., Joha, A., & Sivarajah, U. (2022). Ethical framework for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies. International Journal of Information Management, 62, 102433.
  • Azad, Y. & Kumar, A. (2024). Ethics and artificial intelligence: A theoretical framework for ethical decision making in the digital era. In B. Verma, B. Singla, & A. Mittal (Eds.), digital technologies, ethics, and decentralization in the digital era (pp. 228-268). IGI Global.
  • Cubelli, R. (2020). Ethics of research in neuropsychology and behavioural neurology. In: Della Salla, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience. Elsevier, (pp. 573–578).
  • Creswell, J. W., & Miller, D. L. (2000). Determining validity in qualitative inquiry. Theory Into Practice, 39(3), 124–130.
  • Delgado, V., Sales, K., & Abreu, V. (2024). Ethical reflections on the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the academic sphere: Writing and authorship. In Anais do V Workshop sobre as Implicações da Computação na Sociedade, (pp. 153-160). Porto Alegre: SBC.
  • Ersoz, A.R. (2023). Development of an AI-powered Chatbot for Quantitative Analysis Selection [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Bursa Uludag University. Bursa
  • Evgenev, G. B. (2019). Multi-agent methods for creating knowledge bases. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 11(12 Special Issue), 1398-1407.
  • Fardim, K. A. C., de Paiva Gonçalves, S. E., & Tribst, J. P. M. (2023). Scientific writing with artificial intelligence: key considerations and alerts. Brazilian Dental Science, 26(3).
  • Gao, D. K., Haverly, A., Mittal, S., Wu, J., & Chen, J. (2024). AI ethics: A bibliometric analysis, critical ıssues, and key gaps. International Journal of Business Analytics (IJBAN), 11(1), 1-19.
  • Ghotbi, N. (2024). Ethics of artificial intelligence in academic research and education. In: Eaton, S.E. (eds) Second handbook of academic integrity. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.
  • Goldie, J. G. S. (2016). Connectivism: A knowledge learning theory for the digital age? Medical Teacher, 38(10), 1064–1069.
  • Graßmann C, Schermuly CC (2021). Coaching with artificial intelligence: Concepts and capabilities. Human Resource Development Review 20(1), 106–126.
  • Gribincea, A. (2020). Intellectual property rights to an artificial intelligence product. Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 27(4), 231-241.
  • Khan, Z. R. (2024). Ethics of artificial ıntelligence in academia. In Second Handbook of Academic Integrity (pp. 1551-1582). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Kooli C. (2023). Chatbots in education and research: A critical examination of ethical implications and solutions. Sustainability, 15(7), 5614.
  • Korobko, M. (2021). Information ethics as a necessary element of the regulation of the modern ınformation society. Ukrainian Cultural Studies, 8(1), 46-50.
  • Lund, B., Omame, I., Tijani, S., & Agbaji, D. (2020). Perceptions toward artificial intelligence among academic library employees and alignment with the diffusion of innovations' adopter categories. College & Research Libraries, 81(5), 865.
  • Mason, R. O. (2017). Four ethical ıssues of the information age. In Computer ethics (pp. 41-48). Routledge.
  • OpenAI. (2022). Introducing ChatGPT. den alınmıştır. Date accessed 29.05. 2024.
  • Pugsley, L. (2016). Undertake ethically sound medical education research. Education for Primary Care, 27(2), 148–150.
  • Rogers, E. M. (2004). A prospective and retrospective look at the diffusion model. Journal of Health Communication, 9(sup1), 13–19.
  • Safdar, N. M., Banja, J. D., & Meltzer, C. C. (2020). Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence. European Journal of Radiology, 122, 108768.
  • Saveliev, A. M., Zhurenkov, D. A., Poikin, A. E., & Berkutova, T. A. (2021). Ethics of artificial intelligence and post-non-classical scientific rationality. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(13), 397-401.
  • Schwester, R. W. (2020). "Chapter 21: Ethical considerations in public administration research". In Handbook of research methods in public administration, management and policy. Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved Jun 22, 2024, From
  • Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: Design and methods. Sage Publications.
  • YÖK. (2024). Yapay zekâ kullanımına dair etik rehberâ-kullanimina-dair-etik-rehber.pdf. Date accessed 27.06. 2024.
  • Zhang, J., Andwari, D. (2022). Ethical Reflection on the deep embedding of artificial intelligence in university teaching. In Sun, S., Hong, T., Yu, P., Zou, J. (Eds.), Signal and information processing, networking and computers. Icsınc 2021. Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering, Vol 895. Springer.

Akademik Yazım Sürecinde Yapay Zekâ Kullanımı: Araştırmacıların Etik İkilemler Konusundaki Görüşleri

Yıl 2024, , 1190 - 1208, 31.12.2024


Akademik yazım sürecinde yapay zekânın kullanımı, bilginin sahipliği, doğruluğu ve gizliliği gibi temel etik konuları derinlemesine yeniden düşünmeye sevk etmektedir. Bu araştırma, akademik yazım sürecinde yapay zekâ kullanımının etik boyutlarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, sosyal bilimler alanındaki araştırmacıların görüşlerini içeren bir durum çalışması tasarlanmıştır. Örneklem seçiminde maksimum çeşitlilik yöntemi kullanılmış olup, 34 araştırmacı çalışmaya katılmıştır. Veri toplama sürecinde, Mason'un bilişim etiği çerçevesinde hazırlanan, açık uçlu sorular kullanılmış ve katılımcılardan uzun paragraflar halinde yanıt vermeleri istenmiştir. Veriler, betimsel analiz yöntemi ile analiz edilmiş ve fikir mülkiyeti, doğruluk ve gizlilik temalarında açıklanmıştır. Bulgular, katılımcıların yapay zekânın akademik yazımda kullanımı üzerindeki etik etkileri konusundaki çeşitli görüşlerini yansıtmaktadır. Özellikle, yapay zekânın oluşturduğu bilginin kaynaklarının belirtilmesi gerekliliği ve atıfların önemi araştırmada vurgulanmıştır. Sonuçlar, akademik yazım sürecinde yapay zekânın etik kullanımı konusunda önemli bir tartışma başlatmakta ve ilgili literatüre katkı sağlamaktadır.


  • Ashok, M., Madan, R., Joha, A., & Sivarajah, U. (2022). Ethical framework for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies. International Journal of Information Management, 62, 102433.
  • Azad, Y. & Kumar, A. (2024). Ethics and artificial intelligence: A theoretical framework for ethical decision making in the digital era. In B. Verma, B. Singla, & A. Mittal (Eds.), digital technologies, ethics, and decentralization in the digital era (pp. 228-268). IGI Global.
  • Cubelli, R. (2020). Ethics of research in neuropsychology and behavioural neurology. In: Della Salla, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience. Elsevier, (pp. 573–578).
  • Creswell, J. W., & Miller, D. L. (2000). Determining validity in qualitative inquiry. Theory Into Practice, 39(3), 124–130.
  • Delgado, V., Sales, K., & Abreu, V. (2024). Ethical reflections on the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the academic sphere: Writing and authorship. In Anais do V Workshop sobre as Implicações da Computação na Sociedade, (pp. 153-160). Porto Alegre: SBC.
  • Ersoz, A.R. (2023). Development of an AI-powered Chatbot for Quantitative Analysis Selection [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Bursa Uludag University. Bursa
  • Evgenev, G. B. (2019). Multi-agent methods for creating knowledge bases. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 11(12 Special Issue), 1398-1407.
  • Fardim, K. A. C., de Paiva Gonçalves, S. E., & Tribst, J. P. M. (2023). Scientific writing with artificial intelligence: key considerations and alerts. Brazilian Dental Science, 26(3).
  • Gao, D. K., Haverly, A., Mittal, S., Wu, J., & Chen, J. (2024). AI ethics: A bibliometric analysis, critical ıssues, and key gaps. International Journal of Business Analytics (IJBAN), 11(1), 1-19.
  • Ghotbi, N. (2024). Ethics of artificial intelligence in academic research and education. In: Eaton, S.E. (eds) Second handbook of academic integrity. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.
  • Goldie, J. G. S. (2016). Connectivism: A knowledge learning theory for the digital age? Medical Teacher, 38(10), 1064–1069.
  • Graßmann C, Schermuly CC (2021). Coaching with artificial intelligence: Concepts and capabilities. Human Resource Development Review 20(1), 106–126.
  • Gribincea, A. (2020). Intellectual property rights to an artificial intelligence product. Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 27(4), 231-241.
  • Khan, Z. R. (2024). Ethics of artificial ıntelligence in academia. In Second Handbook of Academic Integrity (pp. 1551-1582). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Kooli C. (2023). Chatbots in education and research: A critical examination of ethical implications and solutions. Sustainability, 15(7), 5614.
  • Korobko, M. (2021). Information ethics as a necessary element of the regulation of the modern ınformation society. Ukrainian Cultural Studies, 8(1), 46-50.
  • Lund, B., Omame, I., Tijani, S., & Agbaji, D. (2020). Perceptions toward artificial intelligence among academic library employees and alignment with the diffusion of innovations' adopter categories. College & Research Libraries, 81(5), 865.
  • Mason, R. O. (2017). Four ethical ıssues of the information age. In Computer ethics (pp. 41-48). Routledge.
  • OpenAI. (2022). Introducing ChatGPT. den alınmıştır. Date accessed 29.05. 2024.
  • Pugsley, L. (2016). Undertake ethically sound medical education research. Education for Primary Care, 27(2), 148–150.
  • Rogers, E. M. (2004). A prospective and retrospective look at the diffusion model. Journal of Health Communication, 9(sup1), 13–19.
  • Safdar, N. M., Banja, J. D., & Meltzer, C. C. (2020). Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence. European Journal of Radiology, 122, 108768.
  • Saveliev, A. M., Zhurenkov, D. A., Poikin, A. E., & Berkutova, T. A. (2021). Ethics of artificial intelligence and post-non-classical scientific rationality. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(13), 397-401.
  • Schwester, R. W. (2020). "Chapter 21: Ethical considerations in public administration research". In Handbook of research methods in public administration, management and policy. Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved Jun 22, 2024, From
  • Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: Design and methods. Sage Publications.
  • YÖK. (2024). Yapay zekâ kullanımına dair etik rehberâ-kullanimina-dair-etik-rehber.pdf. Date accessed 27.06. 2024.
  • Zhang, J., Andwari, D. (2022). Ethical Reflection on the deep embedding of artificial intelligence in university teaching. In Sun, S., Hong, T., Yu, P., Zou, J. (Eds.), Signal and information processing, networking and computers. Icsınc 2021. Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering, Vol 895. Springer.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdullah Ragıp Ersöz 0000-0003-3519-8400

Melih Engin 0000-0002-4953-6119

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Ersöz, A. R., & Engin, M. (2024). Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Writing: Perspectives of Researchers. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education, 37(3), 1190-1208.