BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster

İlk Okuma â€" Yazma Süreci İçin Önemli Bir Beceri: Fonolojik Farkındalık

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 161 - 180, 01.04.2011



  • Abbott, R. D. ve Berninger, V. W. 1993. Structural equation modeling of relationships among developmental skills and writing skills in primary- and intermediate-grade writers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85 (3), 478-508.
  • Allor, J. H. 2002. The relationships of phonemic awareness and rapid naming to reading development. Learning Disability Quarterly, 25, 47-57.
  • Aktan, E. 1996. Çocuğun dil gelişiminde fonolojik duyarlılığın (sesbirim duyarlılığı) karşılaştırılmalı olarak incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Anthony, J. L. ve Francis, D. J. 2005. Development of phonological awareness. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14 (5), 255-259.
  • Bryant, P. E., MacLean, M., Bradley, L. L. and Crossland J. 1990. Rhyme and alliteration, phoneme detection, and learning to read. Developmental Psychology, 26 (3), 429-438.
  • Burns, P. C., Roe, B. D. and Ross, E. P. 1992. Teaching reading in today’s elementary schools. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Carroll, J. M., Snowling, M. J., Hulme, C., and Stevenson, J. 2003. The development of phonological awareness in preschool children. Developmental Psychology, 39, 913-923
  • Catts, H. W., Gillispie, M., Leonard, L. B., Kail, R. V. and Miller, C. A. 2002. The role of speed of processing, rapid naming, and phonological awareness in reading achievement, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35 (6), 509–524.
  • Chard, D. J., ve Dickson S. V. 1999. Phonological awareness: instructional and assessment guidelines. Intervention in School and Clinic, 34 (5), 261-270.
  • Çelenk, S. 2007. İlkokuma yazma programı ve öğretimi. Ankara: Maya Akademi.
  • Denton, C. A., Hasbrouck, J. E., Weaver, L. R. and Riccio, C. A. 2000. What do we know about phonological awareness in Spanish?. Reading Psychology, 21, 335–352.
  • Diamond, K. E., Gerde, H. K. and Powell, D. R. 2008. Development in early literacy skills during the pre- kindergarten year in head start: relations between growth in children’s writing and understanding of letters. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23, 467–478.
  • Durgunoğlu, A. Y. ve Öney, B. 1999. A cross-linguistic comparison of phonological awareness and word recognition. Reading and Writing, 11, 281–299.
  • Ege, P. 2006. Farklı engel gruplarının iletişim özellikleri ve öğretmenlere öneriler. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 7 (2), 1-23.
  • Ehri, L. C. 1989. The development of spelling knowledge and its role in reading acquisition and reading disability. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 22, 356-365.
  • Erdoğan, Ö. 2009. İlköğretim Birinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Fonolojik Farkındalık Becerileri ile Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri Arasındaki İlişki. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Fitzsimmons, M. K. 1998. Beginning Reading, Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, Reston,
  • Flett, A. ve Conderman G. 2002. Promote phonemic awareness. Intervention in School and Clinic, 37 (4), 242- 245.
  • Goswami, U., ve Bryant, P. 1990. Phonological skills and learning to read, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Gray, A. ve McCutchen, D. 2006. Young readers' use of phonological information: phonological awareness, memory, and comprehension. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39 (4), 325–333.
  • Göçer, A. 2000. İlköğretim öğretmeni adaylarına ilkokuma yazma çalışmaları ile ilgili pratik öneriler. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 148.
  • Hempenstall, K. 2003. 14.06.2008. Phonemic awareness: what does it mean?. does-it mean/Page1.html
  • Kameenui, E. J. 1996. Shakespeare and beginning reading, the readiness is all. Teaching Exceptional Children, 27 (2).
  • Leppänen, U., Aunola, K., Niemi, P. and Nurmi, J. 2008. Letter knowledge predicts Grade 4 reading fluency and reading comprehension. Learning and Instruction, 18, 548-564.
  • Lerkkanen M.K., Rasku-Puttonen H., Aunola K., and Nurmi J.E. 2004. Development dynamics of phonemic awareness and reading performance during the first year of primary school. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 2 (2), 139-156.
  • Lonigan, C. J., Burgess, S. R., and Anthony, J. L. 2000. Development of emergent literacy and early reading skills in preschool children: evidence from a latent-variable longitudinal study. Development Psychology, 36 (5), 596-613.
  • Mäkı H. S., Voeten, M. J. M., Vauras M. M. S. and E. H. Poskiparta. 2001. Predicting writing skill development with word recognition and preschool readiness skills. Reading and Writing, 14, 643–672.
  • MEB. 2005. İlköğretim Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programı ve Kılavuzu. Ankara: MEB Basımevi.
  • McGee, L. M. ve Morrow, L. M. 2005. Teaching literacy in kindergarten. London: The Guilford Press.
  • Nation, K. ve Snowling, M. J. 2004. Beyond phonological skills: broader language skills contribute to the development of reading. Journal of Research in Reading, 27, 342-356.
  • Olofsson, A. ve Niedersoe, J. 1999. Early language development and kindergarten phonological awareness as predictors of reading problems: from 3 to 11 years of age. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32 (5). 464-472.
  • Oktay, A. ve Aktan, K. E. 2003. Okul öncesi dönem (5-6 yaş) çocuklarına yönelik okumaya hazırlık programı. OMEP Bildiri Kitabı içinde, Kuşadası: Ya-pa.
  • Oudeans, M. K. 2003. Integration of letter-sound correspondences and phonologican awareness skills of blending and segmenting: a pilot study examining the effects of instructional sequence on word reading for kindergarten children with low phonological awareness. Learning Disability Quarterly, 26, 258-279.
  • Phillips, B., M., Menchetti, J. C. and Lonigan, C. J. 2008. Successful phonological awareness instruction with preschool children lessons from the classroom. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 28 (1), 3-17.
  • Pullen, P. C. ve Justice, L. M. 2003. Enhancing phonological awareness, print awareness and oral language skills in preschool children. Intervention in School and Clinic, 39 (2), 87-98.
  • Roskos, K. A., Christie J. F. and Richgelds, D. J. 2003. 08.11.2008. The essentials of early literacy instruction. Retrieved November 8, 2008, from,
  • Roth, F. P., Speece, D. L., and Cooper, D. H. 2002. A longitudinal analysis of the connection between oral language and early reading. The Journal of Educational Research, 95, 259-272.
  • Rubba, J. 2004. 15.09.2008. Phonological awareness skills and spelling skills. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from
  • Segers, E. ve Verhoeven, L. 2005. Long-term effects of computer training of phonological awareness in kindergarten. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21, 17-27.
  • Schneider, W., Roth, E. and Ennemoser, M. 2000. Training phonological skills and letter knowledge in children at risk for dyslexia: a comparison of three kindergarten intervention programs. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 284-295.
  • Share, D. L. 2004. Knowing letter names and learning letter sounds: a causal connection, Journal Experimental Child Psychology, 88, 213–233.
  • Sodoro, J., Allinder, R. M. and Erickson, J. L. 2002. Assessment of phonological awareness: review of methods and tools. Educational Psychology Review, 14 (3), 223-260.
  • Sonnenschein, S. ve Munsterman, K. 2002. The influence of home-based reading interactions on 5-year-olds’ reading motivations and early literacy development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 17, 318- 337.
  • Stahl, S. A., ve Murray, B.A. 1994. Defining phonological awareness and its relationship to early reading. Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 221-234.
  • Stanovich, K. E. 1986. Matthew effects in reading: some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 360-407.
  • Torgesen, J. K., Morgen, S. T. and Davis, C. 1992. Effects of two types of phonological awareness training on word learning in kindergarten children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 364-370.
  • Torgesen, J. K., Wagner, R. K. and Rashotte, C. A. 1994. Longitudinal studies of phonological processing and reading. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27 (5), 276-286.
  • Torgesen, J. K., ve Wagner, R. K. 1998. Alternative diagnostic approaches for specific developmental reading disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 13, 220-232.
  • Wright, J. A., Stackhouse, J. and Wood, J. 2008. Promoting language and literacy skills in the early years: lessons from interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 24 (2), 155–171.
  • Yangın, B. 2002. Kuramdan uygulamaya türkçe öğretimi. Ankara: Dersal Yayıncılık.

İlk Okuma â€" Yazma Süreci İçin Önemli Bir Beceri: Fonolojik Farkındalık

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 161 - 180, 01.04.2011


Öğrenciye hayat boyu kullanılacağı temel dil becerilerinin kazandırılması, doğru ve etkili bir şekilde planlanmış ilk okuma ve yazma öğretim süreci ile mümkündür. İlk okuma yazma öğretimi için yeterli hazır bulunuşluğa ulaşılmasında birçok beceri önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu becerilerden bir tanesi de fonolojik farkındalıktır. Fonolojik farkındalık harf ve harfin işleyişi arasındaki ilişkiyi anlamak için ön koşul niteliğinde olan sözlü dil becerisidir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilk okuma-yazma süreci için önemli bir beceri olan fonolojik farkındalığın özelliklerini, gelişim aşamalarını, okuma-yazma becerisi ile olan ilişkisini alan yazında yapılan ilgili araştırmalar ışığında incelemek ve ilk okuma-yazma süreci için öneriler getirmektir. Konu ile ilgili çalışmalarını sürdüren araştırmacıların elde ettiği bulgular ışığında, okul öncesi dönemde gelişen fonolojik farkındalık becerisinin sonraki okuma ve yazma becerilerinin kazanılmasında oldukça önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu sonucuna varılmaktadır


  • Abbott, R. D. ve Berninger, V. W. 1993. Structural equation modeling of relationships among developmental skills and writing skills in primary- and intermediate-grade writers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85 (3), 478-508.
  • Allor, J. H. 2002. The relationships of phonemic awareness and rapid naming to reading development. Learning Disability Quarterly, 25, 47-57.
  • Aktan, E. 1996. Çocuğun dil gelişiminde fonolojik duyarlılığın (sesbirim duyarlılığı) karşılaştırılmalı olarak incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Anthony, J. L. ve Francis, D. J. 2005. Development of phonological awareness. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14 (5), 255-259.
  • Bryant, P. E., MacLean, M., Bradley, L. L. and Crossland J. 1990. Rhyme and alliteration, phoneme detection, and learning to read. Developmental Psychology, 26 (3), 429-438.
  • Burns, P. C., Roe, B. D. and Ross, E. P. 1992. Teaching reading in today’s elementary schools. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Carroll, J. M., Snowling, M. J., Hulme, C., and Stevenson, J. 2003. The development of phonological awareness in preschool children. Developmental Psychology, 39, 913-923
  • Catts, H. W., Gillispie, M., Leonard, L. B., Kail, R. V. and Miller, C. A. 2002. The role of speed of processing, rapid naming, and phonological awareness in reading achievement, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35 (6), 509–524.
  • Chard, D. J., ve Dickson S. V. 1999. Phonological awareness: instructional and assessment guidelines. Intervention in School and Clinic, 34 (5), 261-270.
  • Çelenk, S. 2007. İlkokuma yazma programı ve öğretimi. Ankara: Maya Akademi.
  • Denton, C. A., Hasbrouck, J. E., Weaver, L. R. and Riccio, C. A. 2000. What do we know about phonological awareness in Spanish?. Reading Psychology, 21, 335–352.
  • Diamond, K. E., Gerde, H. K. and Powell, D. R. 2008. Development in early literacy skills during the pre- kindergarten year in head start: relations between growth in children’s writing and understanding of letters. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23, 467–478.
  • Durgunoğlu, A. Y. ve Öney, B. 1999. A cross-linguistic comparison of phonological awareness and word recognition. Reading and Writing, 11, 281–299.
  • Ege, P. 2006. Farklı engel gruplarının iletişim özellikleri ve öğretmenlere öneriler. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 7 (2), 1-23.
  • Ehri, L. C. 1989. The development of spelling knowledge and its role in reading acquisition and reading disability. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 22, 356-365.
  • Erdoğan, Ö. 2009. İlköğretim Birinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Fonolojik Farkındalık Becerileri ile Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri Arasındaki İlişki. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Fitzsimmons, M. K. 1998. Beginning Reading, Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, Reston,
  • Flett, A. ve Conderman G. 2002. Promote phonemic awareness. Intervention in School and Clinic, 37 (4), 242- 245.
  • Goswami, U., ve Bryant, P. 1990. Phonological skills and learning to read, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Gray, A. ve McCutchen, D. 2006. Young readers' use of phonological information: phonological awareness, memory, and comprehension. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39 (4), 325–333.
  • Göçer, A. 2000. İlköğretim öğretmeni adaylarına ilkokuma yazma çalışmaları ile ilgili pratik öneriler. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 148.
  • Hempenstall, K. 2003. 14.06.2008. Phonemic awareness: what does it mean?. does-it mean/Page1.html
  • Kameenui, E. J. 1996. Shakespeare and beginning reading, the readiness is all. Teaching Exceptional Children, 27 (2).
  • Leppänen, U., Aunola, K., Niemi, P. and Nurmi, J. 2008. Letter knowledge predicts Grade 4 reading fluency and reading comprehension. Learning and Instruction, 18, 548-564.
  • Lerkkanen M.K., Rasku-Puttonen H., Aunola K., and Nurmi J.E. 2004. Development dynamics of phonemic awareness and reading performance during the first year of primary school. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 2 (2), 139-156.
  • Lonigan, C. J., Burgess, S. R., and Anthony, J. L. 2000. Development of emergent literacy and early reading skills in preschool children: evidence from a latent-variable longitudinal study. Development Psychology, 36 (5), 596-613.
  • Mäkı H. S., Voeten, M. J. M., Vauras M. M. S. and E. H. Poskiparta. 2001. Predicting writing skill development with word recognition and preschool readiness skills. Reading and Writing, 14, 643–672.
  • MEB. 2005. İlköğretim Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programı ve Kılavuzu. Ankara: MEB Basımevi.
  • McGee, L. M. ve Morrow, L. M. 2005. Teaching literacy in kindergarten. London: The Guilford Press.
  • Nation, K. ve Snowling, M. J. 2004. Beyond phonological skills: broader language skills contribute to the development of reading. Journal of Research in Reading, 27, 342-356.
  • Olofsson, A. ve Niedersoe, J. 1999. Early language development and kindergarten phonological awareness as predictors of reading problems: from 3 to 11 years of age. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32 (5). 464-472.
  • Oktay, A. ve Aktan, K. E. 2003. Okul öncesi dönem (5-6 yaş) çocuklarına yönelik okumaya hazırlık programı. OMEP Bildiri Kitabı içinde, Kuşadası: Ya-pa.
  • Oudeans, M. K. 2003. Integration of letter-sound correspondences and phonologican awareness skills of blending and segmenting: a pilot study examining the effects of instructional sequence on word reading for kindergarten children with low phonological awareness. Learning Disability Quarterly, 26, 258-279.
  • Phillips, B., M., Menchetti, J. C. and Lonigan, C. J. 2008. Successful phonological awareness instruction with preschool children lessons from the classroom. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 28 (1), 3-17.
  • Pullen, P. C. ve Justice, L. M. 2003. Enhancing phonological awareness, print awareness and oral language skills in preschool children. Intervention in School and Clinic, 39 (2), 87-98.
  • Roskos, K. A., Christie J. F. and Richgelds, D. J. 2003. 08.11.2008. The essentials of early literacy instruction. Retrieved November 8, 2008, from,
  • Roth, F. P., Speece, D. L., and Cooper, D. H. 2002. A longitudinal analysis of the connection between oral language and early reading. The Journal of Educational Research, 95, 259-272.
  • Rubba, J. 2004. 15.09.2008. Phonological awareness skills and spelling skills. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from
  • Segers, E. ve Verhoeven, L. 2005. Long-term effects of computer training of phonological awareness in kindergarten. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21, 17-27.
  • Schneider, W., Roth, E. and Ennemoser, M. 2000. Training phonological skills and letter knowledge in children at risk for dyslexia: a comparison of three kindergarten intervention programs. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 284-295.
  • Share, D. L. 2004. Knowing letter names and learning letter sounds: a causal connection, Journal Experimental Child Psychology, 88, 213–233.
  • Sodoro, J., Allinder, R. M. and Erickson, J. L. 2002. Assessment of phonological awareness: review of methods and tools. Educational Psychology Review, 14 (3), 223-260.
  • Sonnenschein, S. ve Munsterman, K. 2002. The influence of home-based reading interactions on 5-year-olds’ reading motivations and early literacy development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 17, 318- 337.
  • Stahl, S. A., ve Murray, B.A. 1994. Defining phonological awareness and its relationship to early reading. Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 221-234.
  • Stanovich, K. E. 1986. Matthew effects in reading: some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 360-407.
  • Torgesen, J. K., Morgen, S. T. and Davis, C. 1992. Effects of two types of phonological awareness training on word learning in kindergarten children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 364-370.
  • Torgesen, J. K., Wagner, R. K. and Rashotte, C. A. 1994. Longitudinal studies of phonological processing and reading. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27 (5), 276-286.
  • Torgesen, J. K., ve Wagner, R. K. 1998. Alternative diagnostic approaches for specific developmental reading disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 13, 220-232.
  • Wright, J. A., Stackhouse, J. and Wood, J. 2008. Promoting language and literacy skills in the early years: lessons from interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 24 (2), 155–171.
  • Yangın, B. 2002. Kuramdan uygulamaya türkçe öğretimi. Ankara: Dersal Yayıncılık.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Özge Erdoğan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Kasım 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, Ö. (2011). İlk Okuma â€" Yazma Süreci İçin Önemli Bir Beceri: Fonolojik Farkındalık. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(1), 161-180.