Bu araştırmanın amacı İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının araştırma kavramı ve araştırma deneyimleri hakkındaki algılarını ortaya koymaktır. Hem nitel hem de nicel kapsamlı bir araştırmanın bir parçası olan bu çalışmanın çıktıları ile İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının araştırma kavramına karşı tutumlarının geliştirilmesi ve böylece kendi bilgilerini üreten, sınıf içinde ya da dışında tespit ettiği sorunlara yansıtıcı bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşan araştırmacı profesyoneller olmalarına katkı sağlamak hedeflenmiştir. Araştırma Türkiye’de büyük bir devlet üniversitesinde İngilizce Öğretmenliği bölümünde okuyan 4. sınıf öğrencisi olan 85 öğretmen adayı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan öğrenciler hâlihazırda Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri ve İngilizce Öğretim Yöntemleri gibi araştırma ve ilgili kavramları içeriklerinde barındıran ve öğrencilere araştırma deneyimi edinme fırsatı sunan dersleri almışlardır. Bu araştırmada veriler anket yoluyla elde edilmiş ve nicel yöntemle analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının araştırma kavramına ve kendi araştırma deneyimlerine karşı pozitif bir tutum sergiledikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Öte yandan katılımcıların kendi yaşamlarında araştırma bazlı düşünme, kendilerini araştırmacı olarak ve araştırma yaparken görme, araştırma planlarını üzerinde tekrar tekrar çalışabilme ve gelecekteki olası araştırma başarıları gibi konularda kendilerini güvende hissetmedikleri gözlemlenmiştir.
Akyel, A. (2015). Research engagement in the EFL pre-service practicum. Language in Focus, 1(1), 1-14.
Banegas, D. L. (2018). Towards understanding EFL teachers’ conceptions of research: Findings from Argentina. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(1), 57-72. https://doi.org/10.15446/profile.v20n1.61881
Barócsi, S. (2019). Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of research engagement during teaching practice in TEFL. In Magdolna L., Réka L., Marianne N. and Gábor S. (Eds.), UPRT 2017: Empirical Studies in English Applied Linguistics (pp. 30- 34). Lingua Franca Csoport.
Ben-Peretz, M., & Flores, M. A. (2018). Tensions and paradoxes in teaching: Implications for teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 202-213.
Borg, S. (2009). English language teachers’ conceptions of research. Applied Linguistics, 30(3), 358-388.
Borg, S. (2010). Language teacher research engagement. Language Teaching, 43(4), 391-429. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444810000170
Borg, S. (2013) Teacher research in language teaching: A critical analysis. Cambridge University Press.
Burns, A. (2010). Doing action research in language teaching: A guide for practitioners. Routledge.
Burns, A., Dikilitaş, K., Smith, R., & Wyatt, M. (2017). Developing insights into teacher research. Faversham: IATEFL.
Cain, T., & Allan, D. (2017). The invisible impact of educational research. Oxford Review of Education, 43(6), 718-732. https://doi.org/10.1080/03054985.2017.1316252
Cochran-Smith, M. & Lytle. S. L. (1993). Inside/outside teacher research and knowledge. Teachers College Press.
Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (2009). Inquiry as stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. Teachers College Press.
Damşa, C. (2018). Research and development tasks in teacher education: Institutional framing and student experiences. Springer.
Darling-Hammond, L. (2017). Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice? European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(3), 291–309. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2017.1315399
Dikilitaş, K. & Wyatt, M. (2018). Learning teacher-research-mentoring: stories from Turkey. Teacher Development, 22, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/13664530.2017.1403369
Dobber, M., Akkerman, S. F., Verloop, N., & Vermunt, J. D. (2012). Student teachers’ collaborative research: Small-scale research projects during teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(4), 609-617.
Elmas, E., & Aydın, S. (2017). Pre-service foreign language teachers’ perceptions of research skills: A qualitative study. The Qualitative Report, 22(12), 3088-3101.
Faikhamta, C., & Clarke, A. (2015). Thai pre-service science teachers engaging action research during their fifth-year internship. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 33(1), 1-16.
Flores, M. A., F. Vieira, J. L. Silva, & J. Almeida (2016). Integrating research into the practicum: Inquiring into inquiry-based professional development in post-bologna initial teacher education in Portugal.” In M. A. Flores & T. Al-Barwani (Eds). Redefining teacher education for the post-2015 era: Global challenges and best practice, 109–124. Nova Science Publisher.
Flores, M. A. (2018). Linking teaching and research in initial teacher education: Knowledge mobilisation and research-informed practice. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(5), 621–636. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2018.1516351
Grima-Farrell, C. (2017). What matters in a research to practice cycle? Teachers as researchers. Springer.
Henderson, B. (2012). Teacher research: Effects on professional development and professional identity. Voices of Practitioners, 7(1), 1.
Ian, M. & Flores, M. A. (2021). Connecting research and professionalism in teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(1), 115-127. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2020.1856811
İnal, S., & Büyükyavuz, O. (2013). English trainees’ opinions on professional development and pre-service education. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Education], 28, 221-233.
Joram, E. (2007). Clashing epistemologies: Aspiring teachers’, practicing teachers’, and professors’ beliefs about knowledge and research in education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(2), 123–135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2006.04.032
Katwijk, L., Berry, A., Jansen, E., & van Veen, K. (2019). It's important, but I'm not going to keep doing it!: Perceived purposes, learning outcomes, and value of pre-service teacher research among educators and pre-service teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2019.06.022
Katwijk,L. W., Jansen, E., & Veen, K. V. (2021). Pre-service teacher research: a way to future-proof teachers?. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2021.1928070
Kotsopoulos, D., Mueller, J., & Buzza, K. (2012). Pre-service teacher research: an early acculturation into a research disposition, Journal of Education for Teaching, 38(1), 21-36. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2012.643653
Livingston, K., & Flores, M.A. (2017). Trends in teacher education: A review of papers published in the European Journal of Teacher Education over 40 years. European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(5), 551–560. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2017.1387970
Menter, I., Peters, M. A. & Cowie, B. (2017). A companion to research in teacher education. Springer.
Munthe, E., & Rogne, M. (2015). Research based teacher education. Teaching and teacher education, 46, 17-24.
Murff, D., & Lane, W.B. (2013). The development and initial testing of the Jacksonville attitudes toward research survey. Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), University of Wisconsin.
OECD. (2003). New challenges for educational research. OECD.
OECD. (2022). Education at a glance 2022: OECD indicators. OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1787/3197152b-en
Oyanagi, W. (2022). Influence of evidence-informed practice on teachers’ professional identity and leadership in Japan. In the Emerald Handbook of Evidence-Informed Practice in Education. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Paltridge, B., & Phakiti, A. (Eds.). (2015). Research methods in applied linguistics: A practical resource. Bloomsbury Publishing
Papanastasiou, E. C. (2005). Factor structure of the ‘attitudes towards research’ scale. Statistics Education Research Journal, 4(1), 16-26.
Perines, H. (2020). Educational research training in teacher training programs: The views of future teachers. International Education Studies, 14(1), 76-85.
Pesti, C., Gordon Györi, J., & Kopp, E. (2018). Student teachers as future researchers: How do Hungarian and Austrian initial teacher education systems address the issue of teachers as researchers? CEPS Journal, 8(3), 35-57.
Reyes-Cruz, M., Rueda de León-Barbosa, L., & Murrieta-Loyo, G. (2017). Undergraduate pre-service EFL Teachers’ conceptions of research: A quantitative analysis. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 19(1), 67-83.
Roberts, L. D., & Allen, P. J. (2013). A brief measure of student perceptions of the educational value of research participation. Australian Journal of Psychology, 65(1), 22-29.
Savasci, M., & Rets, I. (2021). As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined: Research engagement among pre-service EFL teachers. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 11(2), 114-137.
Smith, K. (2015). The role of research in teacher education. Research in Teacher Education, 5(2), 43-46.
Smith, R. (2018). Research by teachers for teachers. In D. Xerri & C.Pioquinto (Eds.), Becoming research literate: Supporting teacher research in English language teaching (pp. 30- 34). English Teachers Association.
Spronken-Smith, R., Mirosa, R., & Darrou, M. (2014). ‘Learning is an endless journey for anyone’: Undergraduate awareness, experiences and perceptions of the research culture in a research-intensive university. Higher Education Research & Development, 33(2), 355-371.
Şener, S. (2017). Involving undergraduate students in research. In A. Burns, K. Dikilitaş, R. Smith & M. Wyatt (Eds.). Developing insights into teacher research (pp. 53-64). IATEFL
Tavakoli, P., & Howard, M. J. (2012). Teaching English to speakers of other languages teachers’ views on the relationship between research and practice. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(2), 229-242.
Van der Linden, W., Bakx, A., Ros, A., Beijaard, D., & Vermeulen, M. (2012). Student teachers’ development of a positive attitude towards research and research knowledge and skills. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(4), 401-419. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2011.643401
Van der Linden, W., Bakx, A., Ros, A., Beijaard, D., & van den Bergh, L. (2015). The development of student teachers’ research knowledge, beliefs and attitude. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(1), 4-18.
Yang, W., Huang, R., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2021). Training teacher-researchers through online collective academic supervision: Evidence from a postgraduate teacher education programme. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(4), 1181–1193. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12558
Wagner, E. (2015). Survey Research. In Paltridge, B., & Phakiti, A. (Eds.) Research methods in applied linguistics: A practical resource (pp.75-87). Bloomsbury Publishing.
Willegems, V., Consuegra, E., Struyven, K., & Engels, N. (2017). Teachers and pre-service teachers as partners in collaborative teacher research: A systematic literature review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, 230–245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2017.02.014
Willegems, V., Consuegra, E., Struyven, K., & Engels, N. (2018). Pre-service teachers as members of a collaborative teacher research team: A steady track to extended professionalism? Teaching and Teacher Education, 76, 126–139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2018.08.012
Wyatt, M. (2011). Teachers researching their own practice, ELT Journal, 65(4), 417–425. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccq074
Wyatt, M., & Dikilitaş, K. (2016). English language teachers becoming more efficacious through research engagement at their Turkish university. Educational Action Research, 24 (4), 550-570.
Xerri, D., & Pioquinto, C. (Eds.) (2018). Becoming research literate: Supporting teacher research in English language teaching. English Teachers Association.
Xu, Y. (2014). Becoming researchers: A narrative study of Chinese university EFL teachers’ research practice and their professional identity construction. Language Teaching Research, 18(2), 242-259.
Pre-service EFL Teachers as Future Professionals and Researchers
This paper reports on the preliminary findings of a larger qualitative and quantitative research study which attempted to unearth pre-service English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions of educational research and their own research experiences in their research methodology courses. The participants were 85 fourth-year pre-service EFL teachers who had already completed their compulsory ‘Research Methodology’ and ‘ELT Methodology’ courses in a large state university in Turkey. Data presented in this paper were collected by means of a questionnaire which was developed on the basis of a detailed literature review and the iterative discussions of the questionnaire items by the authors. For each survey item, frequency distributions and means were calculated. The findings revealed that EFL pre-service teachers held positive views about the concept of research and their own research experiences in general. Notwithstanding these positive views, they reported rather lower levels of certainty in relation to the role of research-oriented thinking in their lives, their confidence in themselves as researchers and in their research-related work, changing their research plans and revisiting key issues in their research, their feelings of satisfaction in doing research, the value of their work, and the possibility of their future research accomplishments.
Akyel, A. (2015). Research engagement in the EFL pre-service practicum. Language in Focus, 1(1), 1-14.
Banegas, D. L. (2018). Towards understanding EFL teachers’ conceptions of research: Findings from Argentina. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(1), 57-72. https://doi.org/10.15446/profile.v20n1.61881
Barócsi, S. (2019). Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of research engagement during teaching practice in TEFL. In Magdolna L., Réka L., Marianne N. and Gábor S. (Eds.), UPRT 2017: Empirical Studies in English Applied Linguistics (pp. 30- 34). Lingua Franca Csoport.
Ben-Peretz, M., & Flores, M. A. (2018). Tensions and paradoxes in teaching: Implications for teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 202-213.
Borg, S. (2009). English language teachers’ conceptions of research. Applied Linguistics, 30(3), 358-388.
Borg, S. (2010). Language teacher research engagement. Language Teaching, 43(4), 391-429. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444810000170
Borg, S. (2013) Teacher research in language teaching: A critical analysis. Cambridge University Press.
Burns, A. (2010). Doing action research in language teaching: A guide for practitioners. Routledge.
Burns, A., Dikilitaş, K., Smith, R., & Wyatt, M. (2017). Developing insights into teacher research. Faversham: IATEFL.
Cain, T., & Allan, D. (2017). The invisible impact of educational research. Oxford Review of Education, 43(6), 718-732. https://doi.org/10.1080/03054985.2017.1316252
Cochran-Smith, M. & Lytle. S. L. (1993). Inside/outside teacher research and knowledge. Teachers College Press.
Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (2009). Inquiry as stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. Teachers College Press.
Damşa, C. (2018). Research and development tasks in teacher education: Institutional framing and student experiences. Springer.
Darling-Hammond, L. (2017). Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice? European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(3), 291–309. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2017.1315399
Dikilitaş, K. & Wyatt, M. (2018). Learning teacher-research-mentoring: stories from Turkey. Teacher Development, 22, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/13664530.2017.1403369
Dobber, M., Akkerman, S. F., Verloop, N., & Vermunt, J. D. (2012). Student teachers’ collaborative research: Small-scale research projects during teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(4), 609-617.
Elmas, E., & Aydın, S. (2017). Pre-service foreign language teachers’ perceptions of research skills: A qualitative study. The Qualitative Report, 22(12), 3088-3101.
Faikhamta, C., & Clarke, A. (2015). Thai pre-service science teachers engaging action research during their fifth-year internship. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 33(1), 1-16.
Flores, M. A., F. Vieira, J. L. Silva, & J. Almeida (2016). Integrating research into the practicum: Inquiring into inquiry-based professional development in post-bologna initial teacher education in Portugal.” In M. A. Flores & T. Al-Barwani (Eds). Redefining teacher education for the post-2015 era: Global challenges and best practice, 109–124. Nova Science Publisher.
Flores, M. A. (2018). Linking teaching and research in initial teacher education: Knowledge mobilisation and research-informed practice. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(5), 621–636. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2018.1516351
Grima-Farrell, C. (2017). What matters in a research to practice cycle? Teachers as researchers. Springer.
Henderson, B. (2012). Teacher research: Effects on professional development and professional identity. Voices of Practitioners, 7(1), 1.
Ian, M. & Flores, M. A. (2021). Connecting research and professionalism in teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(1), 115-127. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2020.1856811
İnal, S., & Büyükyavuz, O. (2013). English trainees’ opinions on professional development and pre-service education. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Education], 28, 221-233.
Joram, E. (2007). Clashing epistemologies: Aspiring teachers’, practicing teachers’, and professors’ beliefs about knowledge and research in education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(2), 123–135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2006.04.032
Katwijk, L., Berry, A., Jansen, E., & van Veen, K. (2019). It's important, but I'm not going to keep doing it!: Perceived purposes, learning outcomes, and value of pre-service teacher research among educators and pre-service teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2019.06.022
Katwijk,L. W., Jansen, E., & Veen, K. V. (2021). Pre-service teacher research: a way to future-proof teachers?. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2021.1928070
Kotsopoulos, D., Mueller, J., & Buzza, K. (2012). Pre-service teacher research: an early acculturation into a research disposition, Journal of Education for Teaching, 38(1), 21-36. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2012.643653
Livingston, K., & Flores, M.A. (2017). Trends in teacher education: A review of papers published in the European Journal of Teacher Education over 40 years. European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(5), 551–560. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2017.1387970
Menter, I., Peters, M. A. & Cowie, B. (2017). A companion to research in teacher education. Springer.
Munthe, E., & Rogne, M. (2015). Research based teacher education. Teaching and teacher education, 46, 17-24.
Murff, D., & Lane, W.B. (2013). The development and initial testing of the Jacksonville attitudes toward research survey. Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), University of Wisconsin.
OECD. (2003). New challenges for educational research. OECD.
OECD. (2022). Education at a glance 2022: OECD indicators. OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1787/3197152b-en
Oyanagi, W. (2022). Influence of evidence-informed practice on teachers’ professional identity and leadership in Japan. In the Emerald Handbook of Evidence-Informed Practice in Education. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Paltridge, B., & Phakiti, A. (Eds.). (2015). Research methods in applied linguistics: A practical resource. Bloomsbury Publishing
Papanastasiou, E. C. (2005). Factor structure of the ‘attitudes towards research’ scale. Statistics Education Research Journal, 4(1), 16-26.
Perines, H. (2020). Educational research training in teacher training programs: The views of future teachers. International Education Studies, 14(1), 76-85.
Pesti, C., Gordon Györi, J., & Kopp, E. (2018). Student teachers as future researchers: How do Hungarian and Austrian initial teacher education systems address the issue of teachers as researchers? CEPS Journal, 8(3), 35-57.
Reyes-Cruz, M., Rueda de León-Barbosa, L., & Murrieta-Loyo, G. (2017). Undergraduate pre-service EFL Teachers’ conceptions of research: A quantitative analysis. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 19(1), 67-83.
Roberts, L. D., & Allen, P. J. (2013). A brief measure of student perceptions of the educational value of research participation. Australian Journal of Psychology, 65(1), 22-29.
Savasci, M., & Rets, I. (2021). As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined: Research engagement among pre-service EFL teachers. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 11(2), 114-137.
Smith, K. (2015). The role of research in teacher education. Research in Teacher Education, 5(2), 43-46.
Smith, R. (2018). Research by teachers for teachers. In D. Xerri & C.Pioquinto (Eds.), Becoming research literate: Supporting teacher research in English language teaching (pp. 30- 34). English Teachers Association.
Spronken-Smith, R., Mirosa, R., & Darrou, M. (2014). ‘Learning is an endless journey for anyone’: Undergraduate awareness, experiences and perceptions of the research culture in a research-intensive university. Higher Education Research & Development, 33(2), 355-371.
Şener, S. (2017). Involving undergraduate students in research. In A. Burns, K. Dikilitaş, R. Smith & M. Wyatt (Eds.). Developing insights into teacher research (pp. 53-64). IATEFL
Tavakoli, P., & Howard, M. J. (2012). Teaching English to speakers of other languages teachers’ views on the relationship between research and practice. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(2), 229-242.
Van der Linden, W., Bakx, A., Ros, A., Beijaard, D., & Vermeulen, M. (2012). Student teachers’ development of a positive attitude towards research and research knowledge and skills. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(4), 401-419. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2011.643401
Van der Linden, W., Bakx, A., Ros, A., Beijaard, D., & van den Bergh, L. (2015). The development of student teachers’ research knowledge, beliefs and attitude. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(1), 4-18.
Yang, W., Huang, R., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2021). Training teacher-researchers through online collective academic supervision: Evidence from a postgraduate teacher education programme. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(4), 1181–1193. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12558
Wagner, E. (2015). Survey Research. In Paltridge, B., & Phakiti, A. (Eds.) Research methods in applied linguistics: A practical resource (pp.75-87). Bloomsbury Publishing.
Willegems, V., Consuegra, E., Struyven, K., & Engels, N. (2017). Teachers and pre-service teachers as partners in collaborative teacher research: A systematic literature review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, 230–245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2017.02.014
Willegems, V., Consuegra, E., Struyven, K., & Engels, N. (2018). Pre-service teachers as members of a collaborative teacher research team: A steady track to extended professionalism? Teaching and Teacher Education, 76, 126–139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2018.08.012
Wyatt, M. (2011). Teachers researching their own practice, ELT Journal, 65(4), 417–425. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccq074
Wyatt, M., & Dikilitaş, K. (2016). English language teachers becoming more efficacious through research engagement at their Turkish university. Educational Action Research, 24 (4), 550-570.
Xerri, D., & Pioquinto, C. (Eds.) (2018). Becoming research literate: Supporting teacher research in English language teaching. English Teachers Association.
Xu, Y. (2014). Becoming researchers: A narrative study of Chinese university EFL teachers’ research practice and their professional identity construction. Language Teaching Research, 18(2), 242-259.
Pre-service EFL Teachers as Future Professionals and Researchers
This paper reports on the preliminary findings of a larger qualitative and quantitative research study which attempted to unearth pre-service English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions of educational research and their own research experiences in their research methodology courses. The participants were 85 fourth-year pre-service EFL teachers who had already completed their compulsory ‘Research Methodology’ and ‘ELT Methodology’ courses in a large state university in Turkey. Data presented in this paper were collected by means of a questionnaire which was developed on the basis of a detailed literature review and the iterative discussions of the questionnaire items by the authors. For each survey item, frequency distributions and means were calculated. The findings revealed that EFL pre-service teachers held positive views about the concept of research and their own research experiences in general. Notwithstanding these positive views, they reported rather lower levels of certainty in relation to the role of research-oriented thinking in their lives, their confidence in themselves as researchers and in their research-related work, changing their research plans and revisiting key issues in their research, their feelings of satisfaction in doing research, the value of their work, and the possibility of their future research accomplishments.
Akyel, A. (2015). Research engagement in the EFL pre-service practicum. Language in Focus, 1(1), 1-14.
Banegas, D. L. (2018). Towards understanding EFL teachers’ conceptions of research: Findings from Argentina. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(1), 57-72. https://doi.org/10.15446/profile.v20n1.61881
Barócsi, S. (2019). Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of research engagement during teaching practice in TEFL. In Magdolna L., Réka L., Marianne N. and Gábor S. (Eds.), UPRT 2017: Empirical Studies in English Applied Linguistics (pp. 30- 34). Lingua Franca Csoport.
Ben-Peretz, M., & Flores, M. A. (2018). Tensions and paradoxes in teaching: Implications for teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 202-213.
Borg, S. (2009). English language teachers’ conceptions of research. Applied Linguistics, 30(3), 358-388.
Borg, S. (2010). Language teacher research engagement. Language Teaching, 43(4), 391-429. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444810000170
Borg, S. (2013) Teacher research in language teaching: A critical analysis. Cambridge University Press.
Burns, A. (2010). Doing action research in language teaching: A guide for practitioners. Routledge.
Burns, A., Dikilitaş, K., Smith, R., & Wyatt, M. (2017). Developing insights into teacher research. Faversham: IATEFL.
Cain, T., & Allan, D. (2017). The invisible impact of educational research. Oxford Review of Education, 43(6), 718-732. https://doi.org/10.1080/03054985.2017.1316252
Cochran-Smith, M. & Lytle. S. L. (1993). Inside/outside teacher research and knowledge. Teachers College Press.
Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (2009). Inquiry as stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. Teachers College Press.
Damşa, C. (2018). Research and development tasks in teacher education: Institutional framing and student experiences. Springer.
Darling-Hammond, L. (2017). Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice? European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(3), 291–309. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2017.1315399
Dikilitaş, K. & Wyatt, M. (2018). Learning teacher-research-mentoring: stories from Turkey. Teacher Development, 22, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/13664530.2017.1403369
Dobber, M., Akkerman, S. F., Verloop, N., & Vermunt, J. D. (2012). Student teachers’ collaborative research: Small-scale research projects during teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(4), 609-617.
Elmas, E., & Aydın, S. (2017). Pre-service foreign language teachers’ perceptions of research skills: A qualitative study. The Qualitative Report, 22(12), 3088-3101.
Faikhamta, C., & Clarke, A. (2015). Thai pre-service science teachers engaging action research during their fifth-year internship. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 33(1), 1-16.
Flores, M. A., F. Vieira, J. L. Silva, & J. Almeida (2016). Integrating research into the practicum: Inquiring into inquiry-based professional development in post-bologna initial teacher education in Portugal.” In M. A. Flores & T. Al-Barwani (Eds). Redefining teacher education for the post-2015 era: Global challenges and best practice, 109–124. Nova Science Publisher.
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