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Hibrit Savaş, DEAŞ ve Türkiye’nin Duruşu

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2 - Uluslararası Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi "Hibrit Savaşlar" Özel Sayısı, 130 - 161, 31.10.2017


Günümüzde devletler arası anlaşmazlıklar yalnızca konvansiyonel araçlarla değil
bilgi teknolojileri ürünleri, sosyal medya, sosyo-psikolojik hassasiyetler ve
bütün savunma-saldırı araçları kaynaklarının çok katmanlı bir şekilde kullanımıyla
ifade edilmektedir. Hibrit tehditler modern çatışma kavramlarının evrimine bir
alternatif olarak dahil oldu. Hibrit savaş kavramı yeni savaş türünü tanımlamak
için kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma Hibrit Savaş terimine değinerek, Türkiye’nin
DEAŞ’ın hibrit tehditlerine karşı duruşunu açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada
DEAŞ’ın Türkiye’ye yönelik tehditlerinin bazı hibrit özellikler içerdiği
savunulmuştur. Bu tehditler karşısında Türkiye’nin duruşu daha sıkı sınır hattı
güvenliğinin ve mülteci gözetleme sisteminin kurularak güçlendirilmesine vurgu
yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, çalışmada Türkiye’nin DEAŞ’ı bertaraf etmek için kurulan
umut vaat eden koalisyon güçlerine dahil olmasına değinilerek önemi


  • ABDULLA, Namo, “How ISIL Advanced Kurdish Nationalism”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Winter 2016, p. 89-97. ADNAN, Ghassan-Tamer El-Ghobashy, “Iraqi Officials Say Islamic Militants Used Chlorine Gas North of Baghdad”, The Wall Street Journal, 24 October 2014. ALZAMALKANI, Munczer Eid, “ISIS Grand Strategy”, International Policy Digest, 21 July 2015, BACHMAN, Sacha Dominik-Hakan Gunneriusson, “Hybrid Wars: The 21st Century’s New Threats to Global Peace and Security”, Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, Vol: 43, No: 1, 2015, p. 77 – 98, doi: 10.5787/43-1-1110. BAJOR, Lavinu-Grigore Motofelea, “Aspects of Local Communities Security in Hybrid Warfare”, Military Art and Science, Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre No: 3, 63, 2011, p. 239-246. BARNES, Julian E.-Benoit Faucon, “Islamic State Threat in Europe Shifts”, Wall Street Journal, 28 July 2016. “BBC Turkish, Nusaybin'de duvara karşı ölüm orucu”, 1 November 2013, BERGER, J.M.-Jonathon Morgan, “The ISIS Twitter Census”, Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institute, No. 20, 2015. BERMAN, Russel, “The World’s Wealthiest Terrorists”, The Atlantic, Issue: October 2014. BERZINS, Janis, “Russian New Generation Warfare Is Not Hybrid Warfare”, Artis Pabriks and Andis Kudors, ed., The War in Ukraine: Lessons for Europe, Konrad Adanauer Shiftung, The Centre For East European Policy Studies University of Latvia Press, Riga, 2015. p. 40-52. BOZARSLAN, Mahmut, “Unraveling Islamic State’s Turkish recruitment scheme”, Al-Monitor, 23 October 2015, BRANNEN, Kate, “Hagel: ISIS is more dangerous than al Qaeda”, Foreign Policy, 21 August 2014. CHRISAFIS, Angelique, “Charlie Hebdo attackers: born, raised and radicalised in Paris”, The Guardian, 12 January 2015, “Countering hybrid threats: challenges for the West”, Strategic Comments, Vol: 2014, No: 40, 20:8, 10-12, doi: 10.1080/13567888.2014.992189. CRONIN, Audrey Kurth, “ISIS is more than a terrorist group”, Foreign Affairs, March 23, 2016, EROL, Mehmet Seyfettin-Şafak Oğuz, “Hybrid Warfare Studies and Russia’s Example in Crimea”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, Vol: 9, No: 17, Winter 2015. European Commission 2013 Progress Report for Turkey, October 2013. FARWELL, James P., “How ISIS Uses Social Media”, IISS The Survival’s Editor Blog, 2 October 2014, FERRIS, Elizabeth-Kemal Kirişci, “The Consequences of Chaos”, The Marshall Papers, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C. 2016. FRIEDMAN, Thomas L., “The Lexus and The Olive Tree”, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 2000. Global Terrorism Index, 2015. GURCAN, Metin, “Identification of Ankara bomber muddled by faulty communication”, Al-Monitor, 25 February 2016, GURCAN, Metin, “PKK, IŞİD’in mücadele tekniklerini kullanmaya başladı”, T24, 24 February 2016,,329387. HASHIM, Ahmed S., Hybrid War: ISIS and Russia in Action, a Comparative Study of Non-State and State Forms of Non-Linear Warfare, ISMS Conference, Singapore 2015, HELMUS, Todd C., “Why and How Some People Become Terrorists”, Paul K. Davis and Kim Cragin, ed., Social Science in Countering Terrorism, RAND National Defense Research Institute, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica 2009, p. 71-113. HOFFMAN, Frank G., “Conflict in the 21th Century: The Rise of Hybrid Wars” Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, December 2007, HOFFMAN, Frank G., “Hybrid Threats: Neither Omnipotent nor Unbeatable”, Orbis, Vol: 54, Issue: 3, 2010, p. 441-455. WOLFGANG, Ischinger, “Why Ukraine Matters - Especially for Asia”, Munich Security Conference, 2014, JASPER, Scott-Scott Moreland, “The Islamic State is a Hybrid Threat: Why Does that Matter?”, Fortuna’s Corner, 2 December 2014. KADERCAN, Burak, “How ISIS is Ripping Turkey Apart”, National Interest, 30 June 2016. KALIN, İbrahim, “ISIS, PKK and the uses of terrorism”, Daily Sabah, 24 July 2015. LEHTO, Martti, “Theoretical Examination of Cyber Warfare Environment”, Dean Tanya Zlateva-Prof. Virginia, A. Greiman, ed., Proceeding of 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Boston University, Boston 2016, p. 224-232. LIA, Brynjar, “Globalisation and the Future of Terrorism”, Contemporary Security Studies, Routledge, London & New York 2005. LOVELACE, Douglas C., Terrorism, Commentary on Security Documents, Oxford University Press, New York 2016. MAGUIRE, Patrick, “ISIS releases chilling map of its ‘covert units’ across the world and EUROPE is included”, Express, 3 July 2016, MALAS, Nour, “US-led Airstrikes Disrupt Islamic State, But Extremists Hold Territory”, The Wall Street Journal, 5 October 2014. MANSOOR, Peter R., “Introduction: Hybrid Warfare in History”, Williamson Murray and Peter R. Mansoor, ed., Hybrid Warfare; Fighting Complex Opponents from the Ancient World to the Present, Cambridge University Press, New York 2012, p. 1-18. MATTIS, James N., Frank Hoffman, “Future Warfare, The Rise of Hybrid Wars”, Proceedings Magazine, November 2005, Vol: 132, 11, 1, 233, p. 18-20. MORELAND, Scott, “The Islamic State is a Hybrid Threat: Why Does That Matter?” Fortuna’s Corner, 2 December 2014, MYRE, Greg, “Israel’s Wounded Describe Surprisingly Fierce, Well-Organized and Elusive Enemy”, New York Times, 12 August 2006. NYE, Joseph, “The Future of Force”, Project Syndicate, 5 February 2015. OZER, Verda, “Strong Incentives For Turkey To Stop Opposing Assad” in interview with Aron Lund, “Will Turkey Change Its Syria Policy?” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 21 June 2016, RELIA, Col Sanjeev, Cyber Warfare: Its Implications on National Security, Vij Books, India, 2015. ROSE Steve, “The ISIS Propaganda War: A Hi-Tech Media Jihad”, The Guardian, 7 October 2014. RUBIN Barry, The Tragedy of the Middle East, Cambridge University Press, New York 2002. SAYMAZ İsmail, “İşte Emniyet’in Selefi Raporu: Türkiye tabanları 20 bine ulaştı, bu bir tehdit.” Hürriyet, 25 April 2016, SCROEFL Joseph-Stuart J. Kaufman, “Hybrid Actors, Tactical Variety: Rethinking Asymetric and Hybrid War”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol: 37, No: 37, p. 862-880. STEIN Aaron, “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy, Davutoğlu, the AKP the Pursuit of Regional Order”, Whitehall Papers, Abingdon 2014. STEPANOVA Ekaterina, Terrorism in Asymetrical Conflict, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI Research Report No: 23, Oxford University Press, 2008. Syria Regional Refugee Response, ŞTEFĂNESCU Daniel, “NATO Strategy to defeat enemy forces in the Hybrid War”, International Conference of Scientific Paper Afases 2015 Brasov, 28-30 May 2015. The State of Affairs in Foreign Terrorist Fighters Research, ORSAM Workshop, Ankara, 23 January 2015. “The Family Ties of Terror”, TSG Intel-Brief, 20 November 2015, United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), “Hybrid Warfare”, Washington D.C 2010. ULGEN Sinan, “The Calculus in Ankara Has Shifted” in interview with Aron Lund, “Will Turkey Change Its Syria Policy?” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 21 June 2016. Wales Summit Declaration, NATO 2014. WOOD Grame, “What ISIS Really Want”, The Atlantic, Issue: March 2015. YEŞİLTAŞ Murat-et al., “Sınırdaki Düşman Türkiye’nin DAİŞ ile Mücadelesi”, SETA, 2016. YEŞİLTAŞ Murat, “İç savaşa komşu olmak, Türkiye’nin sınır güvenliği siyaseti”, SETA, August 2015, No: 136. YETKİN Murat, “Erdoğan’ın Suriye-Esad Çizgisinde Önemli Değişim”, Radikal, 25 September 2015. ZELIN Aaron Y., “The Islamic State’s Territorial Methodology”, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Research Notes, No: 29, January 2016, “IŞİD Operasyonu: 7 İlde 68 Gözaltı”, Al Jazeera Turk, 13 January 2015. “Kim bu dokumacılar”, Hürriyet, 12 October 2015. “Polis Alagöz Kardeşleri Dinlemiş: Belki Son Görüşmem!”, Radikal, 17 October 2015. “Sultanahmet Meydanı'nda patlama”, Hurriyet, 12 January 2016. “Davutoğlu: Saldırının faili yabancı uyruklu DEAŞ üyesi”, NTV, 12 January 2016. “Davutoğlu: Ankara saldırısının faili YPG mensubu Salih Neccar”, T24, 18 February 2016. “Türkçe, Ankara’daki saldırıyı TAK üstlendi”, Deutsche Welle, 19 February 2016.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2 - Uluslararası Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi "Hibrit Savaşlar" Özel Sayısı, 130 - 161, 31.10.2017


conflicts are no longer only introduced by conventional means of warfare.
Information technology products, social media, socio-psychological concerns and
multilayered usage of all sources of defense and attack instruments have
changed the warfare agenda. Hybrid threats have joined a developing package of
alternative concepts about the evolving character of modern conflict. By giving
an account of Hybrid Warfare agenda, this paper aims to explain Turkey’s stance
vis-à-vis DAESH’s hybrid threats. It examines the Middle Eastern regional
context with regard to DAESH and hybrid threats. Next, DAESH’s hybrid
characteristics and basic motivations to threat Turkey are studied. Lastly,
Turkey’s stance against DAESH’s hybrid threat is analyzed. It is argued that DAESH’s
threat against Turkey contains some set of hybrid characteristics.


  • ABDULLA, Namo, “How ISIL Advanced Kurdish Nationalism”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Winter 2016, p. 89-97. ADNAN, Ghassan-Tamer El-Ghobashy, “Iraqi Officials Say Islamic Militants Used Chlorine Gas North of Baghdad”, The Wall Street Journal, 24 October 2014. ALZAMALKANI, Munczer Eid, “ISIS Grand Strategy”, International Policy Digest, 21 July 2015, BACHMAN, Sacha Dominik-Hakan Gunneriusson, “Hybrid Wars: The 21st Century’s New Threats to Global Peace and Security”, Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, Vol: 43, No: 1, 2015, p. 77 – 98, doi: 10.5787/43-1-1110. BAJOR, Lavinu-Grigore Motofelea, “Aspects of Local Communities Security in Hybrid Warfare”, Military Art and Science, Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre No: 3, 63, 2011, p. 239-246. BARNES, Julian E.-Benoit Faucon, “Islamic State Threat in Europe Shifts”, Wall Street Journal, 28 July 2016. “BBC Turkish, Nusaybin'de duvara karşı ölüm orucu”, 1 November 2013, BERGER, J.M.-Jonathon Morgan, “The ISIS Twitter Census”, Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institute, No. 20, 2015. BERMAN, Russel, “The World’s Wealthiest Terrorists”, The Atlantic, Issue: October 2014. BERZINS, Janis, “Russian New Generation Warfare Is Not Hybrid Warfare”, Artis Pabriks and Andis Kudors, ed., The War in Ukraine: Lessons for Europe, Konrad Adanauer Shiftung, The Centre For East European Policy Studies University of Latvia Press, Riga, 2015. p. 40-52. BOZARSLAN, Mahmut, “Unraveling Islamic State’s Turkish recruitment scheme”, Al-Monitor, 23 October 2015, BRANNEN, Kate, “Hagel: ISIS is more dangerous than al Qaeda”, Foreign Policy, 21 August 2014. CHRISAFIS, Angelique, “Charlie Hebdo attackers: born, raised and radicalised in Paris”, The Guardian, 12 January 2015, “Countering hybrid threats: challenges for the West”, Strategic Comments, Vol: 2014, No: 40, 20:8, 10-12, doi: 10.1080/13567888.2014.992189. CRONIN, Audrey Kurth, “ISIS is more than a terrorist group”, Foreign Affairs, March 23, 2016, EROL, Mehmet Seyfettin-Şafak Oğuz, “Hybrid Warfare Studies and Russia’s Example in Crimea”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, Vol: 9, No: 17, Winter 2015. European Commission 2013 Progress Report for Turkey, October 2013. FARWELL, James P., “How ISIS Uses Social Media”, IISS The Survival’s Editor Blog, 2 October 2014, FERRIS, Elizabeth-Kemal Kirişci, “The Consequences of Chaos”, The Marshall Papers, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C. 2016. FRIEDMAN, Thomas L., “The Lexus and The Olive Tree”, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 2000. Global Terrorism Index, 2015. GURCAN, Metin, “Identification of Ankara bomber muddled by faulty communication”, Al-Monitor, 25 February 2016, GURCAN, Metin, “PKK, IŞİD’in mücadele tekniklerini kullanmaya başladı”, T24, 24 February 2016,,329387. HASHIM, Ahmed S., Hybrid War: ISIS and Russia in Action, a Comparative Study of Non-State and State Forms of Non-Linear Warfare, ISMS Conference, Singapore 2015, HELMUS, Todd C., “Why and How Some People Become Terrorists”, Paul K. Davis and Kim Cragin, ed., Social Science in Countering Terrorism, RAND National Defense Research Institute, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica 2009, p. 71-113. HOFFMAN, Frank G., “Conflict in the 21th Century: The Rise of Hybrid Wars” Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, December 2007, HOFFMAN, Frank G., “Hybrid Threats: Neither Omnipotent nor Unbeatable”, Orbis, Vol: 54, Issue: 3, 2010, p. 441-455. WOLFGANG, Ischinger, “Why Ukraine Matters - Especially for Asia”, Munich Security Conference, 2014, JASPER, Scott-Scott Moreland, “The Islamic State is a Hybrid Threat: Why Does that Matter?”, Fortuna’s Corner, 2 December 2014. KADERCAN, Burak, “How ISIS is Ripping Turkey Apart”, National Interest, 30 June 2016. KALIN, İbrahim, “ISIS, PKK and the uses of terrorism”, Daily Sabah, 24 July 2015. LEHTO, Martti, “Theoretical Examination of Cyber Warfare Environment”, Dean Tanya Zlateva-Prof. Virginia, A. Greiman, ed., Proceeding of 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Boston University, Boston 2016, p. 224-232. LIA, Brynjar, “Globalisation and the Future of Terrorism”, Contemporary Security Studies, Routledge, London & New York 2005. LOVELACE, Douglas C., Terrorism, Commentary on Security Documents, Oxford University Press, New York 2016. MAGUIRE, Patrick, “ISIS releases chilling map of its ‘covert units’ across the world and EUROPE is included”, Express, 3 July 2016, MALAS, Nour, “US-led Airstrikes Disrupt Islamic State, But Extremists Hold Territory”, The Wall Street Journal, 5 October 2014. MANSOOR, Peter R., “Introduction: Hybrid Warfare in History”, Williamson Murray and Peter R. Mansoor, ed., Hybrid Warfare; Fighting Complex Opponents from the Ancient World to the Present, Cambridge University Press, New York 2012, p. 1-18. MATTIS, James N., Frank Hoffman, “Future Warfare, The Rise of Hybrid Wars”, Proceedings Magazine, November 2005, Vol: 132, 11, 1, 233, p. 18-20. MORELAND, Scott, “The Islamic State is a Hybrid Threat: Why Does That Matter?” Fortuna’s Corner, 2 December 2014, MYRE, Greg, “Israel’s Wounded Describe Surprisingly Fierce, Well-Organized and Elusive Enemy”, New York Times, 12 August 2006. NYE, Joseph, “The Future of Force”, Project Syndicate, 5 February 2015. OZER, Verda, “Strong Incentives For Turkey To Stop Opposing Assad” in interview with Aron Lund, “Will Turkey Change Its Syria Policy?” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 21 June 2016, RELIA, Col Sanjeev, Cyber Warfare: Its Implications on National Security, Vij Books, India, 2015. ROSE Steve, “The ISIS Propaganda War: A Hi-Tech Media Jihad”, The Guardian, 7 October 2014. RUBIN Barry, The Tragedy of the Middle East, Cambridge University Press, New York 2002. SAYMAZ İsmail, “İşte Emniyet’in Selefi Raporu: Türkiye tabanları 20 bine ulaştı, bu bir tehdit.” Hürriyet, 25 April 2016, SCROEFL Joseph-Stuart J. Kaufman, “Hybrid Actors, Tactical Variety: Rethinking Asymetric and Hybrid War”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol: 37, No: 37, p. 862-880. STEIN Aaron, “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy, Davutoğlu, the AKP the Pursuit of Regional Order”, Whitehall Papers, Abingdon 2014. STEPANOVA Ekaterina, Terrorism in Asymetrical Conflict, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI Research Report No: 23, Oxford University Press, 2008. Syria Regional Refugee Response, ŞTEFĂNESCU Daniel, “NATO Strategy to defeat enemy forces in the Hybrid War”, International Conference of Scientific Paper Afases 2015 Brasov, 28-30 May 2015. The State of Affairs in Foreign Terrorist Fighters Research, ORSAM Workshop, Ankara, 23 January 2015. “The Family Ties of Terror”, TSG Intel-Brief, 20 November 2015, United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), “Hybrid Warfare”, Washington D.C 2010. ULGEN Sinan, “The Calculus in Ankara Has Shifted” in interview with Aron Lund, “Will Turkey Change Its Syria Policy?” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 21 June 2016. Wales Summit Declaration, NATO 2014. WOOD Grame, “What ISIS Really Want”, The Atlantic, Issue: March 2015. YEŞİLTAŞ Murat-et al., “Sınırdaki Düşman Türkiye’nin DAİŞ ile Mücadelesi”, SETA, 2016. YEŞİLTAŞ Murat, “İç savaşa komşu olmak, Türkiye’nin sınır güvenliği siyaseti”, SETA, August 2015, No: 136. YETKİN Murat, “Erdoğan’ın Suriye-Esad Çizgisinde Önemli Değişim”, Radikal, 25 September 2015. ZELIN Aaron Y., “The Islamic State’s Territorial Methodology”, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Research Notes, No: 29, January 2016, “IŞİD Operasyonu: 7 İlde 68 Gözaltı”, Al Jazeera Turk, 13 January 2015. “Kim bu dokumacılar”, Hürriyet, 12 October 2015. “Polis Alagöz Kardeşleri Dinlemiş: Belki Son Görüşmem!”, Radikal, 17 October 2015. “Sultanahmet Meydanı'nda patlama”, Hurriyet, 12 January 2016. “Davutoğlu: Saldırının faili yabancı uyruklu DEAŞ üyesi”, NTV, 12 January 2016. “Davutoğlu: Ankara saldırısının faili YPG mensubu Salih Neccar”, T24, 18 February 2016. “Türkçe, Ankara’daki saldırıyı TAK üstlendi”, Deutsche Welle, 19 February 2016.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ahmet Doğru Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2 - Uluslararası Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi "Hibrit Savaşlar" Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğru, A. (2017). Hibrit Savaş, DEAŞ ve Türkiye’nin Duruşu. Uluslararası Kriz Ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 130-161.