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Yıl 2016, , 129 - 150, 21.04.2016


Policy diffusion process has a significant impact on public policy making. Policy diffusion occurs with the interaction of formal entities of countries, with the effect of International Organizations and epistemic communities. Policy diffusion processes take place not only among states and international level but also among different institutions in a state both vertically and horizontally. This study examines the public policy diffusion processes at the global level and their impact on policy making process. The study also demonstrates the vertical diffusion process between international organizations and states and horizontal diffusion process which occurs amongst epistemic communities and international experts. In addition, the nexus between policy diffusion and policy analysis is examined.


  • AKAMI, T. (2002), Internationalizing the Pacific the United States, Japan and the Institute of Pacific Relations in War and Peace, 1919-1945, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  • BARRETT, S. (1998). Political economy of the Kyoto Protocol. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 14, 20–39.
  • BELAND, D., & Orenstein, M. A. (2010). Transnational actors and public policy. Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.
  • BROOKS, S. (2005). Interdependent and domestic foundations of policy change: the diffusion of pension privatization around the world. International Studies Quarterly, 49(2), s. 273-94.
  • ÇEVIK, H. H. & DEMIRCI, S. (2009). Kamu politikası aktörler, süreç, modeller, analiz, karar verme, Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları
  • COLEMAN, W. D. (1999). Internationalized policy enviorenments and policy network analysis. Political Studies, s. 691-709.
  • DEVER, A. (2012). "Bilginin efendileri" epistemik cemaat. Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(13), pp. 201-217.
  • DOBBIN, F., SIMMONS, B., & GARRETT, G. (2007). The global diffusion of public policies: social construction, coercion, competition, or learning? Annual Review of Sociology(33), pp. 449-472.
  • DOLOWITZ, D. P., & MARSH, D. (2000). Learning from abroad: The role of policy transfer in contemporary policy-making. Governance-an International Journal of Policy and Administration, 13(1), 5-24.
  • DOLOWITZ, D., & MARSH, D. (1996). Who learns what from whom: A review of the policy transfer literature. Political Studies, 44(2), 343-357.
  • DREZNER, D. W. (2002). Globalization and policy convergence. International Studies Review, 3(1), s. 53-78.
  • EVANS, M., & DAVIES, J. (1999). Understanding policy transfer: a multi-level, multi-diciplinary perspective. Public Administration, 77(2), pp. 361-385.
  • FUGLISTER, K. (2012). Where does learning take place? The role of intergovernmental cooperation in policy diffusion. European Journal of Political Research(51), s. 316-349.
  • GRAHAM R., E., SHIPAN, C. R., & VOLDEN, C. (2012). The diffusion of policy diffusion research in political science. British Journal of Political Science, pp. 1-29.
  • GRINSTEIN-WEISS, M., WAGNER, K., & EDWARDS, K. (2005). Diffusion of policy innovation: the case of individual development accounts (idas) as an asset-building policy. Washington University, George Warren Brown School of Social Work. St. Louis: Center for Social Development.
  • GÜLTEKİN, S. (2011). Kamu politika sürecinde politika yayılımı ve yenilik modeli. (Editör: A. Kaptı, Kamu Politika Süreci: Teorik Perspektifler (ss. 115-135). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • HAAS, P. M. (1992). Introduction: epistemic communities and international policy coordination. International Organization, 46(01), 1-35.
  • HEINZE, T. (2011). Mechanism-based thinking on policy diffusion: a review of current approaches in political science. Freie Universitat . Berlin: KFG The Transformative Power of Europe Working Paper.
  • HOLZINGER, K., KNILL, C., & SOMMERER, T. (2008). Environmental policy convergence: the impact of international harmonization, transnational communication, and regulatory competition. International Organization.
  • HOVI, J., SPRINZ, D. F., & BANG, G. (2012). Why the United States did not become a party to the Kyoto Protocol: German, Norwegian, and US perspectives. Euro-pean Journal of International Relations.
  • IŞIK, N. & KILINÇ, E.C. (2011) “Bölgesel kalkinma’da ar-ge ve inovasyonun önemi: karşılaştırmalı bir analiz” Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 6(2), 9-54
  • JONES, T., & NEWBURN, T. (2002). Learning from uncle sam? Exploring U.S. influences on British crime control policy. Governence: An International Journal of Policy Administration and Institutions, 15(1), s. 97-119.
  • KAPTI, A. (2011) Kamu politika süreci: teorik perspektifler, Birinci Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara
  • KEMMERLING, A. (2011). From convergence to diffusion: the EU’s influence on national tax systems. CEUR Working Paper.
  • KESER, A. (2012). Politika transferi ve Türk kamu yönetiminde etik. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 45(4), pp. 25-50.
  • KNILL, C. (2005). Introduction: Cross-national policy convergence: concepts, approaches and explanatory factors. Journal of European Public Policy, 12(5), pp. 764-774.
  • KÖSELI, M. (2010). Kamu politikasi olarak istihbaratta uluslararasi işbirliği: mevcut yapılar ve aktörler, Polis Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt:12 (3) ss.83-106.
  • MAGGETTI, M., & GILARDI, F. (2013). How policies spread: a meta-analysis of diffusion mechanisms. University of Zurich. Erişim Tarihi 11.06.2014
  • McVOY, E. C. (1940). Patterns of diffusion in the United States. American Sociological Review, 5(2), s. 219-227.
  • MESEGUER, C. (2005). Policy learning, policy diffusion, and the making of a new order. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 598(1), 67–82.
  • NAY, O. (2012). How do policy ideas spread among international administrations? Policy entrepreneurs and bureaucratic influence in the UN response to AIDS. Journal of Public Policy, 32(1), pp. 53-76.
  • NEWMARK, A. J. (2002). An integrated approach to policy transfer and diffusion. Review of Policy Research, 19(2), pp. 153-178.
  • ÖVGÜN, B. (2007). Bir politika transferi örneği: Kalkınma ajansları. Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi 62(3), 234-255.
  • RADAELLI, C. M. (2000). Policy transfer in the European Union: Institutional isomorphism as a source of legitimacy. Governance-an International Journal of Policy and Administration, 13(1), 25-43.
  • SHIPAN, C. R., & Volden, C. (2012). Policy diffusion: seven lessons for scholars and practitioners. Public Administration Review, pp. 1-9.
  • SMITH, M. P. (2013). The Global diffusion of public policy: power structures and democratic accountability. Territory, Politics and Governence , 1(2), s. 118-131.
  • SOBACI, M. Z. (2011). Politika transferi bağlamında kamu yönetiminde neo-liberal reformların yayılması: Açık Toplum Enstitüsünün rolü. Sosyo Ekonomi.
  • STARKE, P. (2013). Qualitative methods for the study of policy diffusion: challanges and available solutions. Policy Studies Journal, 41(4), s. 561-582.
  • STONE, D. (2001). Learning lessons, policy transfer and the international diffusion of policy ıdeas. University of Warwick. Center for the Study of Globalization and the Regionalization.
  • WALKER, J. L. (1969). The diffusion of innovations among the American states. The American Political Science Review, 63(3), s. 880-899.
  • WEBER, M. (1978). Economy and society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • WEYLAND, K. G. (2005). Theories of policy diffusion: lessons from Latin American pension reform. World Politics, 57(2), s. 262-295.
  • YILDIZ, M. & SOBACI, M.Z. (2013). Kamu politikası: kuram ve uygulama, Adres Yayınları 36, 1. Baskı, Ankara.
  • YUKAWA, T., YOSHİMOTO, I., & YAMAKAGE, S. (2014). International policy diffusion at the systemic level: linking micro pattersn to macro dynamism. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 26(2), 177-196.


Yıl 2016, , 129 - 150, 21.04.2016


Kamu politikalarının oluşumunda en önemli etkenlerden birisi politikaların yayılımı (difüzyon) sürecidir. Politika yayılımı devletler arasında doğrudan formel yapıların etkileşimiyle olduğu gibi, uluslararası kuruluşların etkisi ve literatürde epistemik topluluklar olarak da adlandırılan resmi olmayan uzman toplulukların aracılığıyla da olabilmektedir. Yayılım süreci yalnızca devletlerarasında veya uluslararası sistem düzeyinde gerçekleşmez. Politikalar, aynı devlet içerisinde farklı kurumsal yapılar arasında çaprazlama şekilde veya aynı kurum içerisinde dikey şekilde de yayılım göstermektedir. Bu çalışma kamu politikalarının küresel yayılımı ve yerel politikaların oluşumundaki etkisini incelemektedir. İnceleme aynı zamanda uluslararası kuruluşlar aracılığıyla meydana gelen dikey, uzmanlar aracılığıyla oluşan yatay yayılım sürecinin politika oluşumuna etkisini analiz etmektedir. Ayrıca, politika yayılımı ile kamu politika analizi ilişkilendirilerek, yayılımın politika analizine olan katkısı incelenmektedir.


  • AKAMI, T. (2002), Internationalizing the Pacific the United States, Japan and the Institute of Pacific Relations in War and Peace, 1919-1945, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  • BARRETT, S. (1998). Political economy of the Kyoto Protocol. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 14, 20–39.
  • BELAND, D., & Orenstein, M. A. (2010). Transnational actors and public policy. Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.
  • BROOKS, S. (2005). Interdependent and domestic foundations of policy change: the diffusion of pension privatization around the world. International Studies Quarterly, 49(2), s. 273-94.
  • ÇEVIK, H. H. & DEMIRCI, S. (2009). Kamu politikası aktörler, süreç, modeller, analiz, karar verme, Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları
  • COLEMAN, W. D. (1999). Internationalized policy enviorenments and policy network analysis. Political Studies, s. 691-709.
  • DEVER, A. (2012). "Bilginin efendileri" epistemik cemaat. Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(13), pp. 201-217.
  • DOBBIN, F., SIMMONS, B., & GARRETT, G. (2007). The global diffusion of public policies: social construction, coercion, competition, or learning? Annual Review of Sociology(33), pp. 449-472.
  • DOLOWITZ, D. P., & MARSH, D. (2000). Learning from abroad: The role of policy transfer in contemporary policy-making. Governance-an International Journal of Policy and Administration, 13(1), 5-24.
  • DOLOWITZ, D., & MARSH, D. (1996). Who learns what from whom: A review of the policy transfer literature. Political Studies, 44(2), 343-357.
  • DREZNER, D. W. (2002). Globalization and policy convergence. International Studies Review, 3(1), s. 53-78.
  • EVANS, M., & DAVIES, J. (1999). Understanding policy transfer: a multi-level, multi-diciplinary perspective. Public Administration, 77(2), pp. 361-385.
  • FUGLISTER, K. (2012). Where does learning take place? The role of intergovernmental cooperation in policy diffusion. European Journal of Political Research(51), s. 316-349.
  • GRAHAM R., E., SHIPAN, C. R., & VOLDEN, C. (2012). The diffusion of policy diffusion research in political science. British Journal of Political Science, pp. 1-29.
  • GRINSTEIN-WEISS, M., WAGNER, K., & EDWARDS, K. (2005). Diffusion of policy innovation: the case of individual development accounts (idas) as an asset-building policy. Washington University, George Warren Brown School of Social Work. St. Louis: Center for Social Development.
  • GÜLTEKİN, S. (2011). Kamu politika sürecinde politika yayılımı ve yenilik modeli. (Editör: A. Kaptı, Kamu Politika Süreci: Teorik Perspektifler (ss. 115-135). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • HAAS, P. M. (1992). Introduction: epistemic communities and international policy coordination. International Organization, 46(01), 1-35.
  • HEINZE, T. (2011). Mechanism-based thinking on policy diffusion: a review of current approaches in political science. Freie Universitat . Berlin: KFG The Transformative Power of Europe Working Paper.
  • HOLZINGER, K., KNILL, C., & SOMMERER, T. (2008). Environmental policy convergence: the impact of international harmonization, transnational communication, and regulatory competition. International Organization.
  • HOVI, J., SPRINZ, D. F., & BANG, G. (2012). Why the United States did not become a party to the Kyoto Protocol: German, Norwegian, and US perspectives. Euro-pean Journal of International Relations.
  • IŞIK, N. & KILINÇ, E.C. (2011) “Bölgesel kalkinma’da ar-ge ve inovasyonun önemi: karşılaştırmalı bir analiz” Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 6(2), 9-54
  • JONES, T., & NEWBURN, T. (2002). Learning from uncle sam? Exploring U.S. influences on British crime control policy. Governence: An International Journal of Policy Administration and Institutions, 15(1), s. 97-119.
  • KAPTI, A. (2011) Kamu politika süreci: teorik perspektifler, Birinci Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara
  • KEMMERLING, A. (2011). From convergence to diffusion: the EU’s influence on national tax systems. CEUR Working Paper.
  • KESER, A. (2012). Politika transferi ve Türk kamu yönetiminde etik. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 45(4), pp. 25-50.
  • KNILL, C. (2005). Introduction: Cross-national policy convergence: concepts, approaches and explanatory factors. Journal of European Public Policy, 12(5), pp. 764-774.
  • KÖSELI, M. (2010). Kamu politikasi olarak istihbaratta uluslararasi işbirliği: mevcut yapılar ve aktörler, Polis Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt:12 (3) ss.83-106.
  • MAGGETTI, M., & GILARDI, F. (2013). How policies spread: a meta-analysis of diffusion mechanisms. University of Zurich. Erişim Tarihi 11.06.2014
  • McVOY, E. C. (1940). Patterns of diffusion in the United States. American Sociological Review, 5(2), s. 219-227.
  • MESEGUER, C. (2005). Policy learning, policy diffusion, and the making of a new order. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 598(1), 67–82.
  • NAY, O. (2012). How do policy ideas spread among international administrations? Policy entrepreneurs and bureaucratic influence in the UN response to AIDS. Journal of Public Policy, 32(1), pp. 53-76.
  • NEWMARK, A. J. (2002). An integrated approach to policy transfer and diffusion. Review of Policy Research, 19(2), pp. 153-178.
  • ÖVGÜN, B. (2007). Bir politika transferi örneği: Kalkınma ajansları. Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi 62(3), 234-255.
  • RADAELLI, C. M. (2000). Policy transfer in the European Union: Institutional isomorphism as a source of legitimacy. Governance-an International Journal of Policy and Administration, 13(1), 25-43.
  • SHIPAN, C. R., & Volden, C. (2012). Policy diffusion: seven lessons for scholars and practitioners. Public Administration Review, pp. 1-9.
  • SMITH, M. P. (2013). The Global diffusion of public policy: power structures and democratic accountability. Territory, Politics and Governence , 1(2), s. 118-131.
  • SOBACI, M. Z. (2011). Politika transferi bağlamında kamu yönetiminde neo-liberal reformların yayılması: Açık Toplum Enstitüsünün rolü. Sosyo Ekonomi.
  • STARKE, P. (2013). Qualitative methods for the study of policy diffusion: challanges and available solutions. Policy Studies Journal, 41(4), s. 561-582.
  • STONE, D. (2001). Learning lessons, policy transfer and the international diffusion of policy ıdeas. University of Warwick. Center for the Study of Globalization and the Regionalization.
  • WALKER, J. L. (1969). The diffusion of innovations among the American states. The American Political Science Review, 63(3), s. 880-899.
  • WEBER, M. (1978). Economy and society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • WEYLAND, K. G. (2005). Theories of policy diffusion: lessons from Latin American pension reform. World Politics, 57(2), s. 262-295.
  • YILDIZ, M. & SOBACI, M.Z. (2013). Kamu politikası: kuram ve uygulama, Adres Yayınları 36, 1. Baskı, Ankara.
  • YUKAWA, T., YOSHİMOTO, I., & YAMAKAGE, S. (2014). International policy diffusion at the systemic level: linking micro pattersn to macro dynamism. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 26(2), 177-196.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Cüneyt Gürer Bu kişi benim

Arif Akgül Bu kişi benim

Hamza Tosun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

APA Gürer, C., Akgül, A., & Tosun, H. (2016). KAMU POLİTİKALARININ YAYILIMI: KURAMSAL BİR İNCELEME. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi(17), 129-150.


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