Antifungal Effect of Pollen and Propolis Extracts Collected From Different Regions of Turkey
Yıl 2003,
Cilt: 03 Sayı: 3, 27 - 34, 26.08.2003
Doç. Dr. M. Özcan
Öğr. Gör. D. A. Ceylan
Araş. Gör. A. Ünver
Prof. Dr. R. Yetişir
Bee polen and propolis were collected from Apis mellifera colonies in 5 regions of Turkey. The antifungal properties of methanol extracts of pollen and propolis (2% and 5% concentrations) were determined on Alternaria alternata and Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. melonis. The least active concentration towards the tested fungi was 2% concentration of both extracts. But, inhibitory effect of all propolis extracts on growth of F. oxysporium and A. alternata were generally higher when compared with pollen extracts. The growth of the fungus A. alternata and F. oxysporium were not more affected at both concentrations of pollens. However, the fungus F. oxysporium against propolis extracts was more sensitive than A. alternata (P<0,01). None of pollen extracts tested completely inhibited mycelial growth of fungi used in experiment. All of concentrations of pollen had less effect than 50% rates against A. alternata and F. oxysporium. However, both concentrations of Alanya annd Beyşehir propolis extracts on mycelial growth of F. oxysporium had effect 100% as 7 days of incubation (P<0,01). 2% level of Alanya and Beyşehir pollen extracts completely stimulated mycelial growth of the F. oxysporium at seven days of incubation. The both concentrations of propolis extract showed more than 50% inhibition against F. oxysporium. It is concluded that high concentrations of propolis extract could be used as an antifungal agent against tested fungi.
- Abd-Al, Fattah M. A. ; Hemedia, H. H. ; Nour, M. E. 1993. the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of propolis as a natural honey bee product: 1. The antimicrobial activity of propolis. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture University of Cairo 44 (3): 637-648.
- Broadhurst, C. L. 1999. Bee products: Medicine From the Hive. Nutrition Science News, 4(8): 366-368.
- Calcagno, C., Evangelisti, F., Zunin, P. (1989) Chemical/ nutritional analysis of pollens obtained from beekeeping. İvista della Societa Italiana di Scienza dell’Alimentazione 18, 99-104.
- Campos, M. G., Cunha, A., Markham, K. R. 1997. Bee Pollen:Composition, properties and applications. In:Bee products:properties, applications and apitherapy (Mizrahi, A., Lensky, Y. eds.), Plenum London UK, pp. 93-100.
- Cherbuliez, T. (1996) Bee venom therapy. A review. International Conference on: Bee Product: properties, applications and apitherapy P: 54, Israel.
- Crane, E. (1990) Bees and Beekeeping Science Practice and World Resources. Heinemann Professional Publishing Ltd. Oxford.
- Cuellar Cuellar, A., Rojas Hernandez, N. M., Martinez Perez, J. 1990. New antimicrobial structure from propolis collected in Cuba. Revista Cubana de Farmacia 24 (1):51-58.
- Deans, S. G. and Svoboda, K. P. (1990) The microbial properties of marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) volatile oil. Flavour Fragr. J., 5, 187-190.
- Dığrak, M., Yılmaz, O. and Özçelik, S. (1995) Antimicrobial effect of propolis collected from Elazığ. Turkey Biology J., 19, 249-257.
- Düzgüneş, O., 1975, İstatistik Metodlar (İstatistiğe Giriş). A. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. No 576. Ders Kitabı: 195
- Feraboli, F. (1996) Apitherapy in orthopaedic Diseases International Conference on: Bee Product: properties, applications and apitherapy. p55, Israel.
- Ghisalberti, E. L. (1979) Propolis: A review. Bee World, 60, 59-84.
- Grange, J. M. and Davey, R. W. (1990) Antibacterial properties of propolis (bee glue). J. Royal. Soc. Med., 83, 159-160.
- Grange, J. M. and Davey, R. W. 1990. Antimicrobial properties of propolis (bee glue). J. Royal. Soc. Med., 83:159-160.
Herneida, H. H. and Abd. Al-Fattah, M. A. 1993. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of propolis as a natural honey bee product. 2. The antioxidant efficiency on cotton seed oil. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo, 44:649-662.
- König, B. (1995) Plant sources of propolis. Bee World, 66, 136-139.
- Krell, R. 1996. Value added products from beekeeping FAO Agr. Serv. Bulletin 124.
- Lindenfelser, L. A. 1967. Antimicrobial activity of propolis. Amer. Bee J., 107:90-92, 130-131.
- Marcucci, M. C. (1995) Propolis: chemical composition, biological properties and therapeutic activity. Apidologie, 26, 83-99.
- Marletto, F. (1984) Particularities of propolis depending on flower source and its utilization. Apiacta, 3, 71-74.
- Milena, L., Leifertova, I., Baloun, I. 1989. Fungistatic effect propolis. Folia Pharm Univ. Caral 13:29-44.
- Minitab Inc. 1995. Minitab Reference Manual. Release 10 Xtra. Mstat C. 1990.
- Minitab, 1998. Minitab release 12 for Windows. Minitab inc USA.
- Mizrahi, A., Lensky, Y. 1997. Bee Products: Properties, Applications and Apitherapy, Plenum, London UK.
- Nagai, T., Inoue, H., Suzuki, N. 2003. Preparation and antioxidant properties of water extract of propolis. Food Chemistry 80: 29-33.
- Özcan, M. (1999) Antifungal properties of propolis. Grasas y Aceites, 50(5): 395-398.
- Powers, J. J. (1964) proc. IV Int. Symp. Fd. Microbial., 59-75.
- Rosential, C. (1989) Demonstration of inhibitory effect of propolis on Microbial strains. XXXII. Int. Cong. Of. Apiculture. Apimondia, Bucharest.
- Sanford, M. P. 1995. Pollen marketing. Fact sheet ENY-118. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
- Scheller, S. (1990) Plant origins of propolis: A report of work at Oxford. Bee World, 30.
- Schmidt, J. O., Buchmann, S. L. 1992. Olhez products of the hive in the hive and teh honey bee (Greham, J. M., ed ), Dadant&Sons, Hamilton Illinour, USA 927-988. Schmidt, L. S. and Schmidt, J. O. (1996) Medical Overconcern; What are theReal Allergic and Healty Risks from Bee Product and Apitherapy. Int. Confer. Product: properties, applications and apitherapy, P:43. Israel.
- Standifer, L. N. (1967) A comparison of the protein quality of pollens for growth-stimulation of the Hypopharyngeal glands and longevity of honey bees, “Apis mellifera L.” (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Insectes Sociaux. XIV (4):, 415-426.
- Tatefuji, T., Yamauchi, H., Ikeda, M., Ando, S. and Kurimoto, M. (1993) Effect of Brazilian propolis on effectivity of viruses. In Japenese J. Pharm., 47, 60-64.
- Walker, P. and Crane, E. (1987) Constituents propolis. Apidologie, 18, 327-334.
Türkiye’nin Çeşitli Bölgelerinden Sağlanan Polen ve Propolis Ekstraktlarının Antifungal Etkisi
Yıl 2003,
Cilt: 03 Sayı: 3, 27 - 34, 26.08.2003
Doç. Dr. M. Özcan
Öğr. Gör. D. A. Ceylan
Araş. Gör. A. Ünver
Prof. Dr. R. Yetişir
Alternaria alternata ve Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. melonis’in misel gelişimi üzerine farklı bölgelerden sağlanmış polen ve propolisin % 2 ve 5 konsantrasyonlarındaki metanol ekstraktlarının inhibitör etkileri araştırılmıştır. Genel olarak her iki ekstraktın % 2’lik konsantrasyonu fungus gelişmesine en az etkili olmuştur. Fakat, F. oxysporium ve A. alternata’nın gelişmesi üzerine propolis ekstraktlarının her iki konsantrasyonu polen ekstraktlarına göre daha çok etkili olmuştur (P<0,01). F. Oxysporium, propolis ekstraktlarına karşı A. alternaria’dan çok daha hassas olmuştur. Test edilen polen ekstraktlarının hiçbiri denemede kullanılan fungusların misel gelişmesini tamamen engellememiştir. Polen ekstraktlarının her iki konsantrasyonu A. alternata ve F. oxysporium’a karşı % 50’den daha az etkili olmuştur. Bununla birlikte F. oxysporium’un misel gelişmesi üzerine Alanya ve Beyşehir propolis ekstraktlarının her iki konsantrasyonları inkübasyonun 7. gününe kadar % 100 etkili olmuştur (P<0,01). Alanya ve Beyşehir polen ekstraktlarının % 2 seviyesi inkübasyonun 7. gününe kadar F. oxysporium’un misel gelişmesini tamamen stimule etmiştir. F. oxysporium’a karşı propolis ekstraktlarının her iki konsantrasyonları % 50’den daha fazla etkili olmuştur. Sonuç olarak propolis ekstraktlarının daha yüksek konsantrasyonlarının iyi bir antifungal madde olarak kullanılması mümkündür.
- Abd-Al, Fattah M. A. ; Hemedia, H. H. ; Nour, M. E. 1993. the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of propolis as a natural honey bee product: 1. The antimicrobial activity of propolis. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture University of Cairo 44 (3): 637-648.
- Broadhurst, C. L. 1999. Bee products: Medicine From the Hive. Nutrition Science News, 4(8): 366-368.
- Calcagno, C., Evangelisti, F., Zunin, P. (1989) Chemical/ nutritional analysis of pollens obtained from beekeeping. İvista della Societa Italiana di Scienza dell’Alimentazione 18, 99-104.
- Campos, M. G., Cunha, A., Markham, K. R. 1997. Bee Pollen:Composition, properties and applications. In:Bee products:properties, applications and apitherapy (Mizrahi, A., Lensky, Y. eds.), Plenum London UK, pp. 93-100.
- Cherbuliez, T. (1996) Bee venom therapy. A review. International Conference on: Bee Product: properties, applications and apitherapy P: 54, Israel.
- Crane, E. (1990) Bees and Beekeeping Science Practice and World Resources. Heinemann Professional Publishing Ltd. Oxford.
- Cuellar Cuellar, A., Rojas Hernandez, N. M., Martinez Perez, J. 1990. New antimicrobial structure from propolis collected in Cuba. Revista Cubana de Farmacia 24 (1):51-58.
- Deans, S. G. and Svoboda, K. P. (1990) The microbial properties of marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) volatile oil. Flavour Fragr. J., 5, 187-190.
- Dığrak, M., Yılmaz, O. and Özçelik, S. (1995) Antimicrobial effect of propolis collected from Elazığ. Turkey Biology J., 19, 249-257.
- Düzgüneş, O., 1975, İstatistik Metodlar (İstatistiğe Giriş). A. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. No 576. Ders Kitabı: 195
- Feraboli, F. (1996) Apitherapy in orthopaedic Diseases International Conference on: Bee Product: properties, applications and apitherapy. p55, Israel.
- Ghisalberti, E. L. (1979) Propolis: A review. Bee World, 60, 59-84.
- Grange, J. M. and Davey, R. W. (1990) Antibacterial properties of propolis (bee glue). J. Royal. Soc. Med., 83, 159-160.
- Grange, J. M. and Davey, R. W. 1990. Antimicrobial properties of propolis (bee glue). J. Royal. Soc. Med., 83:159-160.
Herneida, H. H. and Abd. Al-Fattah, M. A. 1993. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of propolis as a natural honey bee product. 2. The antioxidant efficiency on cotton seed oil. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo, 44:649-662.
- König, B. (1995) Plant sources of propolis. Bee World, 66, 136-139.
- Krell, R. 1996. Value added products from beekeeping FAO Agr. Serv. Bulletin 124.
- Lindenfelser, L. A. 1967. Antimicrobial activity of propolis. Amer. Bee J., 107:90-92, 130-131.
- Marcucci, M. C. (1995) Propolis: chemical composition, biological properties and therapeutic activity. Apidologie, 26, 83-99.
- Marletto, F. (1984) Particularities of propolis depending on flower source and its utilization. Apiacta, 3, 71-74.
- Milena, L., Leifertova, I., Baloun, I. 1989. Fungistatic effect propolis. Folia Pharm Univ. Caral 13:29-44.
- Minitab Inc. 1995. Minitab Reference Manual. Release 10 Xtra. Mstat C. 1990.
- Minitab, 1998. Minitab release 12 for Windows. Minitab inc USA.
- Mizrahi, A., Lensky, Y. 1997. Bee Products: Properties, Applications and Apitherapy, Plenum, London UK.
- Nagai, T., Inoue, H., Suzuki, N. 2003. Preparation and antioxidant properties of water extract of propolis. Food Chemistry 80: 29-33.
- Özcan, M. (1999) Antifungal properties of propolis. Grasas y Aceites, 50(5): 395-398.
- Powers, J. J. (1964) proc. IV Int. Symp. Fd. Microbial., 59-75.
- Rosential, C. (1989) Demonstration of inhibitory effect of propolis on Microbial strains. XXXII. Int. Cong. Of. Apiculture. Apimondia, Bucharest.
- Sanford, M. P. 1995. Pollen marketing. Fact sheet ENY-118. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
- Scheller, S. (1990) Plant origins of propolis: A report of work at Oxford. Bee World, 30.
- Schmidt, J. O., Buchmann, S. L. 1992. Olhez products of the hive in the hive and teh honey bee (Greham, J. M., ed ), Dadant&Sons, Hamilton Illinour, USA 927-988. Schmidt, L. S. and Schmidt, J. O. (1996) Medical Overconcern; What are theReal Allergic and Healty Risks from Bee Product and Apitherapy. Int. Confer. Product: properties, applications and apitherapy, P:43. Israel.
- Standifer, L. N. (1967) A comparison of the protein quality of pollens for growth-stimulation of the Hypopharyngeal glands and longevity of honey bees, “Apis mellifera L.” (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Insectes Sociaux. XIV (4):, 415-426.
- Tatefuji, T., Yamauchi, H., Ikeda, M., Ando, S. and Kurimoto, M. (1993) Effect of Brazilian propolis on effectivity of viruses. In Japenese J. Pharm., 47, 60-64.
- Walker, P. and Crane, E. (1987) Constituents propolis. Apidologie, 18, 327-334.