Writing Rules

Dear Authors

You can reach the article format here for your submission.

You can reach the copyright transfer form here for your submission.

You can reach the writing rules here for your submission.

You can reach the article tracking form here for your submission.

You can reach the ethical statement form here for your submission.

Article Evaluation Process
In order to ensure the scientific quality, originality, and contribution potential of the articles to be published in our journal, a meticulous evaluation process is applied. This process begins with the preliminary review of your manuscript and continues with the evaluation of independent reviewers who are experts in their fields. Our editorial team is committed to ensuring that the work you submit is evaluated in an objective, constructive, and impartial manner.
One of the most important factors in enabling us to make high-quality contributions to the scientific community is ensuring that our review process is transparent, fair, and completed within the specified timeframes. Throughout the process, we will keep you regularly informed about the status of your manuscript and any necessary revisions.
Article submissions to our journal are made only through the DergiPark system.

Preliminary Evaluation
The manuscript you have submitted will be examined within the scope of the preliminary evaluation, which is the first stage of the evaluation process in our journal, in terms of the conformity of your work with the general writing rules and the completeness of the documents to be uploaded. At this stage, only format and document conformity will be evaluated, and no peer review has been carried out yet.
If your article passes the format and document control, your work will be directed to the editorial process and, if appropriate, sent to expert field editors. We will keep you informed about the status of your article at every stage of the process.

Editorial Board Evaluation
The Editorial Board is responsible for deciding whether to accept the submitted manuscripts into the refereeing process or to reject them without entering the refereeing process. At this stage, the Editorial Board may decide to reject the manuscript based on criteria such as insufficient originality, significant conceptual and/or methodological flaws, inadequate or weak language (English), originality, or if the manuscript is outside the scope and purpose of the journal. For all articles rejected without being included in the refereeing process, the Editorial Board will provide the author(s) with reasoned feedback.
Articles that are deemed suitable for the refereeing process are forwarded by the Editorial Board to the relevant field editor to initiate the blind refereeing process. The field editor determines the expert referees for the article and carries out the process with the double-blinding method. Thus, the identities of the authors and referees are kept confidential throughout the evaluation process and an impartial evaluation is ensured.

Referee Evaluation
Articles deemed suitable for the refereeing process by the Editorial Board are forwarded to the field editor. The field editor forwards the submitted article to at least two referees who are experts in their fields. In order for the article to be published, at least two referees must give a positive evaluation report. Field editors should avoid assigning referees who may have conflicts of interest with the authors of the article (such as being at the same university, thesis advisor relationship, or kinship) and should take care that the referees are not from a single university. In addition, all referees in our journal must have at least a PhD degree.
Within the framework of the double-blind review process applied in our journal, the identities of both authors and reviewers are kept confidential. Within the framework of this confidentiality, our authors and reviewers are kindly requested to pay attention to the following points:

  • Authors should not include their identity information directly or indirectly in their articles.
  • Information such as the fact that the article is produced from thesis work, has received project support or funding from any institution or organization, or has been presented at a congress should be kept confidential to be added after the article is accepted.
  • Names and identifying information should never be used in the naming of the article or referee file, and author information should be removed from the document properties
  • In cases where the author needs to cite himself/herself, he/she should use only “(Author/Author)” in the text and the same format in the bibliography.

After the corrections requested by the referees are made, the authors are required to fill out the “Response to Referee Comments and Manuscript Editing Tracking Form” and upload it to the system with the final version of the article.

Final Evaluation
The editorial board makes the final decision based on the referee reports and the field editor's opinion. The editor's decision is sent to the author(s) together with the referees' suggestions. Accepted articles are published according to their acceptance dates. There is no prioritization in this regard.

Last Update Time: 11/16/24, 11:32:29 AM

All Rights Reserved. Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science.