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Leisure Education of Trainer Candidates

Yıl 2020, , 1 - 17, 30.06.2020


The aim of this study is to determine the levels of leisure education of trainer candidates and to examine how different variables change this level. The study group consists of 274 trainer candidates participating in 1st level coaching courses in volleyball, pilates, artistic gymnastics, tennis and folk dances. In the study, “Leisure Education Scale “, consisting of 36 items and 7 sub-dimensions, was developed by Munusturlar (2014) is used. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample T test, one-way ANOVA and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. According to the findings of the study; while the participants' level of leisure education was lower than the average (119,93 ± 15,05), the highest mean revealed in awareness sub-dimension (21,22 ± 3,59) and the lowest average was problem-solving (13,83 ± 5,02) sub-dimension. As a result; It was determined that leisure education levels were below average and certain variables changed leisure education. It is recommended to add courses on the leisure education to the trainers' training programs and hence increase the awareness of leisure education.


  • Ardovino, P.S., Fahey, J., Sprecher, S. & Froh, K. (2010). An evaluation of a leisure education intervention for adult male residents in a state minimum-security forensic unit: leisure resources modules. American Journal of Recreation Therapy: Clinical and Practice-Based Research, 9(4),31-37.
  • Arslan, S. (2010). Yetişkin kent halkının belediyelerin serbest zaman eğitimi ile rekreasyon etkinliklerinin sunumuna ve yaşam kalitesine etkisine ilişkin görüşleri (Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Örneği). Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi. Ankara.
  • Bedini, L.A., Bullock, C. C., & Driscoll, L.B. (1993). The effects of leisure education on factors contributing to the successful transition of students with mental retardation from school to adult life. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 27(2), 70-82.
  • Caldwell, L.L., Baldwin, C.K., Walls, T. & Smith, E. (2004). Preliminary effects of a leisure education program to promote healthy use of free time among middle school adolescents. Journal of Leisure Research, 36(3), 310-335.
  • Chang, L.C. (2014). Leisure education reduces stress among older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 18(6), 754–758.
  • Chang, L.C., Yu, P. & Jeng, M.Y. (2015). Effects of leisure education on self-rated health among older adults. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 20(1), 34–40. https://doi: 10.1080/13548506.2014.897914.
  • Cory, L., Dattilo, J. & Williams, R. (2006). Effects of a leisure program on social skills of youth with cognitive disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal; Third Quarter, 40(3), 144-164.
  • Dattilo, J. (2015). Positive Psychology and leisure education: a balanced and systematic service delivery model. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, XLIX(2), 148–165.
  • Dattilo, J. & Hoge, G. (1999). Effects of leisure education program on youth with mental retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 20-34.
  • Dattilo, J. & Peter, S. St. (1991). A model for including leisure education in transition services for young adults with mental retardation. Education and training in mental retardation, 26(84), 420-432.
  • Desrosiers, J., Noreau, L., Rochette, A., Carbonneau, H., Fontaine, L., Viscogliosi, C. & Bravo, G. (2007). Effect of a home leisure education program after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88, 1095-1099.
  • Dunn, N.J. & Wilhite, B. (1997). The effects of a leisure education program on leisure participation and psychosocial well-being of two older women who are home-centered. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 31(1), 53-71.
  • Ertüzün, E. (2015). Effects of leisure education programme including sportive activities on perceived freedom in leisure of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Educational Research and Reviews, 10(16), 2362-2369.
  • Janssen, M.A. (2004). The effects of leisure education on quality of life in older adults. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 38(3), 275-288.
  • Jordan, K.A., Gagnon, R.J., Anderson, D. M. & Pilcher, J. J. (2018). Enhancing the college student experience: outcomes of a leisure education program. Journal of Experiential Education, 41(1),90–106.
  • Kao, I.C. & Chang, L.C. (2017). Long-term effects of leisure education on leisure needs and stress in older adults. Educational Gerontology, 43(7), 356–364.
  • Mahon, M.J., Bullock, C.C, Luken, K. & Martens, C. (1996). Leisure education for persons with severe and persistent mental illness: Is it a socially valid process?, Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 30, 197-212.
  • Marsden, S. (2010). Effectiveness of participation in a leisure education program on knowledge of aspects of community reintegration for individuals who have recently sustained spinal cord injuries. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University, Master Thesis, USA.
  • Martin, B. & Mason, S. (1987). Making the most of your life: the goal of education for leisure. European Journal of Education, 22(3/4), 255-263.
  • McFee, G. & Tomlinson, A. (eds.) (1997). education, sport and leisure: connections and controversies maidenhead (2. Edition). Meyer & Meyer Sport: United Kingdom, 202.
  • Munusturlar, S. (2014). Boş zaman eğitiminin benlik saygısı ve öznel iyi oluş üzerine etkisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir,1.
  • Munusturlar, S. (2017). The effect of recreational services offered by municipalities on leisure education levels of women. Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2),170-180.
  • Nahrstedt, W. (2000). Global edutainment: the new role of leisure education for community development. 65. (içinde) Sivan, A., Ruskin, H. (eds.) (2000). Leisure education, community development, and populations with special needs. CABI Publishing, United Kingdom.
  • Özdamar, K. (2013). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi. (Yenilenmiş 9. baskı). Eskişehir: Nisan Kitabevi, 242.
  • Özdamar, K. (2016). Eğitim, sağlık ve davranış bilimlerinde ölçek ve test geliştirme yapısal eşitlik modellemesi: IBM SPSS, IBM SPSS AMOS ve MINITAB uygulamalı. Eskişehir: Nisan Kitabevi, 19-151.
  • Searle, M.S., Mahon, M.J., Iso-Ahola, S.E. Sdrolias, H.A. & Dyck, J.V. (1998) Examining the long term effects of leisure education on a sense of independence and psychological well-being among the elderly, Journal of Leisure Research, 30(3), 331-340.
  • Sivan, A. (2000). Leisure education, quality of life and populations with special needs.115. (içinde) Sivan, A., Ruskin, H. (eds.) (2000). Leisure education, community development, and populations with special needs. CABI Publishing, United Kingdom.
  • Sivan, A., Ruskin, H. (eds.) (2000). Leisure education, community development, and populations with special needs. United Kingdom: CABI Publishing, 1.
  • Spracklen, K. (2009). The meaning and purpose of leisure: habermas and leisure at the end of modernity. London: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2-13.
  • Spracklen, K. (2013). Leisure, sports and society. New York: St. Martin Press, 1-241.
  • Tezcan, M. (1992). Boş zamanların değerlendirilmesi sorununun sosyolojik ve eğitimsel yönleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(11), 165-179.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (2005). Türkçe sözlük (10. baskı). Ankara: TDK.

Antrenör Adaylarının Boş Zaman Eğitimi

Yıl 2020, , 1 - 17, 30.06.2020


Bu araştırmanın amacı antrenör adaylarının boş zaman eğitimi düzeylerini belirlemek ve farklı değişkenlerin bu düzeyi ne doğrultuda değiştirdiğini incelemektir. Çalışma grubunu Ankara ilinde voleybol, pilates, artistik cimnastik, tenis ve halk oyunları branşlarında açılan 1. kademe antrenörlük kurslarına katılan 274 antrenör adayı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada Munusturlar (2014) tarafından geliştirilen 36 madde ve 7 alt boyuttan oluşan “Boş Zaman Eğitimi Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Veriler betimleyici istatistikler, bağımsız örneklem T test, tek yönlü varyans analizi ANOVA ve Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi testleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre; katılımcıların boş zaman eğitimi düzeyi ortalamanın altında iken (119,93± 15,05), alt boyutlar arasında en yüksek ortalamayı farkındalık alt boyutu (21,22 ±3,59) en düşük ortalamayı ise problem çözme (13,83±5,02) alt boyutu ortaya koymuştur. Sonuç olarak; antrenör adaylarının boş zaman eğitimi düzeylerinin ortalamanın altında kaldığı, belirli değişkenlerin boş zaman eğitimini değiştirdiği belirlenmiştir. Antrenör adaylarının eğitim programlarına boş zaman eğitimine dair derslerin eklenmesi ve dolayısıyla boş zaman eğitimine yönelik bilincin arttırılması önerilmektedir.


  • Ardovino, P.S., Fahey, J., Sprecher, S. & Froh, K. (2010). An evaluation of a leisure education intervention for adult male residents in a state minimum-security forensic unit: leisure resources modules. American Journal of Recreation Therapy: Clinical and Practice-Based Research, 9(4),31-37.
  • Arslan, S. (2010). Yetişkin kent halkının belediyelerin serbest zaman eğitimi ile rekreasyon etkinliklerinin sunumuna ve yaşam kalitesine etkisine ilişkin görüşleri (Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Örneği). Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi. Ankara.
  • Bedini, L.A., Bullock, C. C., & Driscoll, L.B. (1993). The effects of leisure education on factors contributing to the successful transition of students with mental retardation from school to adult life. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 27(2), 70-82.
  • Caldwell, L.L., Baldwin, C.K., Walls, T. & Smith, E. (2004). Preliminary effects of a leisure education program to promote healthy use of free time among middle school adolescents. Journal of Leisure Research, 36(3), 310-335.
  • Chang, L.C. (2014). Leisure education reduces stress among older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 18(6), 754–758.
  • Chang, L.C., Yu, P. & Jeng, M.Y. (2015). Effects of leisure education on self-rated health among older adults. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 20(1), 34–40. https://doi: 10.1080/13548506.2014.897914.
  • Cory, L., Dattilo, J. & Williams, R. (2006). Effects of a leisure program on social skills of youth with cognitive disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal; Third Quarter, 40(3), 144-164.
  • Dattilo, J. (2015). Positive Psychology and leisure education: a balanced and systematic service delivery model. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, XLIX(2), 148–165.
  • Dattilo, J. & Hoge, G. (1999). Effects of leisure education program on youth with mental retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 20-34.
  • Dattilo, J. & Peter, S. St. (1991). A model for including leisure education in transition services for young adults with mental retardation. Education and training in mental retardation, 26(84), 420-432.
  • Desrosiers, J., Noreau, L., Rochette, A., Carbonneau, H., Fontaine, L., Viscogliosi, C. & Bravo, G. (2007). Effect of a home leisure education program after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88, 1095-1099.
  • Dunn, N.J. & Wilhite, B. (1997). The effects of a leisure education program on leisure participation and psychosocial well-being of two older women who are home-centered. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 31(1), 53-71.
  • Ertüzün, E. (2015). Effects of leisure education programme including sportive activities on perceived freedom in leisure of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Educational Research and Reviews, 10(16), 2362-2369.
  • Janssen, M.A. (2004). The effects of leisure education on quality of life in older adults. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 38(3), 275-288.
  • Jordan, K.A., Gagnon, R.J., Anderson, D. M. & Pilcher, J. J. (2018). Enhancing the college student experience: outcomes of a leisure education program. Journal of Experiential Education, 41(1),90–106.
  • Kao, I.C. & Chang, L.C. (2017). Long-term effects of leisure education on leisure needs and stress in older adults. Educational Gerontology, 43(7), 356–364.
  • Mahon, M.J., Bullock, C.C, Luken, K. & Martens, C. (1996). Leisure education for persons with severe and persistent mental illness: Is it a socially valid process?, Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 30, 197-212.
  • Marsden, S. (2010). Effectiveness of participation in a leisure education program on knowledge of aspects of community reintegration for individuals who have recently sustained spinal cord injuries. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University, Master Thesis, USA.
  • Martin, B. & Mason, S. (1987). Making the most of your life: the goal of education for leisure. European Journal of Education, 22(3/4), 255-263.
  • McFee, G. & Tomlinson, A. (eds.) (1997). education, sport and leisure: connections and controversies maidenhead (2. Edition). Meyer & Meyer Sport: United Kingdom, 202.
  • Munusturlar, S. (2014). Boş zaman eğitiminin benlik saygısı ve öznel iyi oluş üzerine etkisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir,1.
  • Munusturlar, S. (2017). The effect of recreational services offered by municipalities on leisure education levels of women. Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2),170-180.
  • Nahrstedt, W. (2000). Global edutainment: the new role of leisure education for community development. 65. (içinde) Sivan, A., Ruskin, H. (eds.) (2000). Leisure education, community development, and populations with special needs. CABI Publishing, United Kingdom.
  • Özdamar, K. (2013). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi. (Yenilenmiş 9. baskı). Eskişehir: Nisan Kitabevi, 242.
  • Özdamar, K. (2016). Eğitim, sağlık ve davranış bilimlerinde ölçek ve test geliştirme yapısal eşitlik modellemesi: IBM SPSS, IBM SPSS AMOS ve MINITAB uygulamalı. Eskişehir: Nisan Kitabevi, 19-151.
  • Searle, M.S., Mahon, M.J., Iso-Ahola, S.E. Sdrolias, H.A. & Dyck, J.V. (1998) Examining the long term effects of leisure education on a sense of independence and psychological well-being among the elderly, Journal of Leisure Research, 30(3), 331-340.
  • Sivan, A. (2000). Leisure education, quality of life and populations with special needs.115. (içinde) Sivan, A., Ruskin, H. (eds.) (2000). Leisure education, community development, and populations with special needs. CABI Publishing, United Kingdom.
  • Sivan, A., Ruskin, H. (eds.) (2000). Leisure education, community development, and populations with special needs. United Kingdom: CABI Publishing, 1.
  • Spracklen, K. (2009). The meaning and purpose of leisure: habermas and leisure at the end of modernity. London: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2-13.
  • Spracklen, K. (2013). Leisure, sports and society. New York: St. Martin Press, 1-241.
  • Tezcan, M. (1992). Boş zamanların değerlendirilmesi sorununun sosyolojik ve eğitimsel yönleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(11), 165-179.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (2005). Türkçe sözlük (10. baskı). Ankara: TDK.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Makale

Tebessüm Ayyıldız Durhan 0000-0003-2747-6933

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Ayyıldız Durhan, T. (2020). Antrenör Adaylarının Boş Zaman Eğitimi. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 1-17.