Sağlıklı nesillerin devamlılığı tüketilen gıdaların
güvenilir olmasına bağlıdır. Gıda güvenliği, gıdaların kaynağında kontrol ve
denetimi gerektirir. İşletmelerin görevi var olan gıda güvenliği risklerini
değerlendirerek önlemler almak ve riskin kontrol altında tutulmasını ya da
tamamen ortadan kaldırılmasını sağlamaktır. Bu çalışmada, bir süt işleme tesisi
için gıda güvenliği riskleri değerlendirilerek üretim ve dağıtım planlaması
yapılmıştır. Üretim aşamasında oluşan gıda güvenliği riskleri bulanık yaklaşım
ve bulanık analitik hiyerarşi prosesi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiş, bulunan toplam
risk oranı, üretim ve stok maliyetleri ile ilişkilendirilerek modele
eklenmiştir. Üretim, stok, elde bulundurmama, dağıtım ve gıda güvenliği risk
maliyetlerinden oluşan toplam maliyet amaç fonksiyonunu minimize edecek model,
karışık tam sayılı programlama yöntemi kullanılarak elde edilmiştir.
AHUMADA, O. ve VILLALOBOS, J., (2011), A Tactical Model for Planning the Production and Distribution of Fresh Produce, Annals of Operations Research, 190 (1), 339-358.
AMORIM, P., ANTUNES, C. H. ve ALMADA-LOBO, B., (2011), Multi-Objective Lot-Sizing and Scheduling Dealing with Perishability Issues, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (6), 3371–3381.
AMBROSINO, D. ve SCIOMACHEN, D., (2007), A Food Distribution Network Problem: A Case Study, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 18, 33−53.
ATAMAN, R. P., (2011), Süt Sektörü Sorunlu, Dünya Gıda Dergisi, Mayıs, 41.
BAYKAL, N. ve BEYAN, T., (2004), Bulanık Mantık Uzman Sistemler ve Denetleyiciler, Bıçakcılar Yayınevi: Ankara.
BİLGEN, B. ve ÇELEBİ, Y., (2013), Integrated Production Scheduling and Distribution Planning in Dairy Supply Chain By Hybrid Modelling, Annals of Operations Research, 211 (1), 55-82.
CHAN H. K. ve WANG X., (2013), Fuzzy Hierarchical Model for Risk Assessment- Principles, Concepts and Practical Applications, Springer (E-Book).
CHANG, D. Y., (1996), Applications of the Extent Analysis Method on Fuzzy AHP, European Journal of Operational Research, 95 (3), 649–655.
DAVIDSON, V. J., RYKS, J. ve FAZIL, A., (2006), Fuzzy Risk Assessment Tool for Microbial Hazards in Food Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157 (9), 1201–1210.
DOGANIS P. ve SARIMVEIS H., (2007), Optimal Scheduling in a Yogurt Production Line Based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming, Journal of Food Engineering, 8 (2), 445-453.
GÜNEŞ, E., (2013), Süt Sektöründe Pazar ve Pazarlama Yapısı, Sözlü Bildiri, 2. Ulusal Süt Zirvesi, 20-21 Mayıs 2013, İzmir Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık İl Müdürlüğü: İzmir.
KOPANOS, G. M., PUNGJANER, L. ve GEORGIADIS, M., (2010), Optimal
Production Scheduling and Lot-Sizing in Dairy Plants, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (2), 701-718.
MA, Y., LAI, X. ve HAN, G., (2013), Risk Assessment of Food Safety in the Dairy Supply Chain, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT), 5 (4), 449-457.
MAMDANI E. H., (1976), Advances in the Linguistic Synthesis of Fuzzy Controllers, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 8 (6), 669-678.
NAKHLA, M., (1995), Production Control in the Food Processing Industry: The Need for Flexibility in Operations Scheduling, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 15 (8), 73-88.
RONG, A., AKKERMAN, R. ve GRUNOW, M., (2011), An Optimization Approach for Managing Fresh Food Quality Throughout the Supply Chain, International Journal of Production Economics, 131 (1), 421–429.
TÜBİTAK, (2004), Ulusal Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikaları 2003-2023 Strateji Belgesi, Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu: Ankara.
TÜİK, (30/03/2015), Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Üretim İstatistikleri,
WANG X., LI D. ve O’BRIEN C., (2009), Optimisation of Traceability and Operations Planning: An Integrated Model for Perishable Food Production, International Journal of Production Research, 47 (11), 2865–2886.
WANG X., LI D. ve SHI X., (2012), A Fuzzy Model for Aggregative Food Safety Risk Assessment in Food Supply Chains, Production Planning and Control, 23 (5), 377-395.
WANG, X., LI, D., O’BRIEN, C. ve LI, Y., (2010), A Production Planning Model to Reduce Risk and Improve Operations Management, International Journal of Production Economics, 124 (2), 463–474.
ZADEH, L. A., (1965), Fuzzy Sets, Information Control, 8, 338-353.
ZHAO, S. ve YANG, X., (2013), Food Safety Risk Assessment in Whole Food Supply Chain Based on Catastrophe Model, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 5 (12), 1557-1560.
ZANONI, S. ve ZAVANELLA, L., (2007), Single-Vendor Single-Buyer with Integrated Transport-Inventory System: Models and Heuristics in the Case of Perishable Goods, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 52 (1), 107-123.
AHUMADA, O. ve VILLALOBOS, J., (2011), A Tactical Model for Planning the Production and Distribution of Fresh Produce, Annals of Operations Research, 190 (1), 339-358.
AMORIM, P., ANTUNES, C. H. ve ALMADA-LOBO, B., (2011), Multi-Objective Lot-Sizing and Scheduling Dealing with Perishability Issues, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (6), 3371–3381.
AMBROSINO, D. ve SCIOMACHEN, D., (2007), A Food Distribution Network Problem: A Case Study, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 18, 33−53.
ATAMAN, R. P., (2011), Süt Sektörü Sorunlu, Dünya Gıda Dergisi, Mayıs, 41.
BAYKAL, N. ve BEYAN, T., (2004), Bulanık Mantık Uzman Sistemler ve Denetleyiciler, Bıçakcılar Yayınevi: Ankara.
BİLGEN, B. ve ÇELEBİ, Y., (2013), Integrated Production Scheduling and Distribution Planning in Dairy Supply Chain By Hybrid Modelling, Annals of Operations Research, 211 (1), 55-82.
CHAN H. K. ve WANG X., (2013), Fuzzy Hierarchical Model for Risk Assessment- Principles, Concepts and Practical Applications, Springer (E-Book).
CHANG, D. Y., (1996), Applications of the Extent Analysis Method on Fuzzy AHP, European Journal of Operational Research, 95 (3), 649–655.
DAVIDSON, V. J., RYKS, J. ve FAZIL, A., (2006), Fuzzy Risk Assessment Tool for Microbial Hazards in Food Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157 (9), 1201–1210.
DOGANIS P. ve SARIMVEIS H., (2007), Optimal Scheduling in a Yogurt Production Line Based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming, Journal of Food Engineering, 8 (2), 445-453.
GÜNEŞ, E., (2013), Süt Sektöründe Pazar ve Pazarlama Yapısı, Sözlü Bildiri, 2. Ulusal Süt Zirvesi, 20-21 Mayıs 2013, İzmir Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık İl Müdürlüğü: İzmir.
KOPANOS, G. M., PUNGJANER, L. ve GEORGIADIS, M., (2010), Optimal
Production Scheduling and Lot-Sizing in Dairy Plants, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (2), 701-718.
MA, Y., LAI, X. ve HAN, G., (2013), Risk Assessment of Food Safety in the Dairy Supply Chain, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT), 5 (4), 449-457.
MAMDANI E. H., (1976), Advances in the Linguistic Synthesis of Fuzzy Controllers, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 8 (6), 669-678.
NAKHLA, M., (1995), Production Control in the Food Processing Industry: The Need for Flexibility in Operations Scheduling, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 15 (8), 73-88.
RONG, A., AKKERMAN, R. ve GRUNOW, M., (2011), An Optimization Approach for Managing Fresh Food Quality Throughout the Supply Chain, International Journal of Production Economics, 131 (1), 421–429.
TÜBİTAK, (2004), Ulusal Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikaları 2003-2023 Strateji Belgesi, Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu: Ankara.
TÜİK, (30/03/2015), Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Üretim İstatistikleri,
WANG X., LI D. ve O’BRIEN C., (2009), Optimisation of Traceability and Operations Planning: An Integrated Model for Perishable Food Production, International Journal of Production Research, 47 (11), 2865–2886.
WANG X., LI D. ve SHI X., (2012), A Fuzzy Model for Aggregative Food Safety Risk Assessment in Food Supply Chains, Production Planning and Control, 23 (5), 377-395.
WANG, X., LI, D., O’BRIEN, C. ve LI, Y., (2010), A Production Planning Model to Reduce Risk and Improve Operations Management, International Journal of Production Economics, 124 (2), 463–474.
ZADEH, L. A., (1965), Fuzzy Sets, Information Control, 8, 338-353.
ZHAO, S. ve YANG, X., (2013), Food Safety Risk Assessment in Whole Food Supply Chain Based on Catastrophe Model, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 5 (12), 1557-1560.
ZANONI, S. ve ZAVANELLA, L., (2007), Single-Vendor Single-Buyer with Integrated Transport-Inventory System: Models and Heuristics in the Case of Perishable Goods, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 52 (1), 107-123.