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The Production and Dissemination of Knowledge and Positive Externalities: A Game Theoretic Approach

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 39, 775 - 786, 25.08.2023


The study of how knowledge is produced and disseminated is critical for understanding today's information-intensive economies. The useful knowledge in the knowledge economy and the information society does not only include formally-based knowledge produced in research labs, universities, and firms, typically based on R&D. In the market, in addition to market-based social networks, knowledge, news, and technology are produced in (local and global) communities, and this knowledge is also essential for the efficient functioning of the market economy. This more informal knowledge can vary in time and space and is not only spread through business contracts and sales agreements. This type of knowledge can also be disseminated through many implicit and/or non-verbal methods, just like implicit knowledge. In the study, the dynamics of knowledge production and dissemination are examined using game theory. In cases where implicit knowledge is important in the dissemination of knowledge, it is shown that actors who contribute to knowledge production often benefit more from the positive externalities arising from the dissemination of knowledge than actors who do not contribute.


  • Antonelli, C. (2007). Technological knowledge as an essential facility. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17(4), 451-471.
  • Antonelli, C. (2017). Endogenous innovation: the economics of an emergent system property. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Antonelli, C. ve David, P. (2015). The useful application of knowledge: An introduction. EST Working Paper Series, Universita di Torino, 38/15.
  • Arrow, K. (1962). Economic welfare and the allocation of resources for invention. içinde NBER The rate and direction of inventive activity: Economic and social factors, 609-626.
  • Aydoğmuş, Ö. H. ve Gürpınar, E. (2022). Science, technology and institutional change in knowledge production: An evolutionary game theoretic framework. Dynamic Games and Applications 12(4), 1163-1188.
  • Bowles, S. (2006). Microeconomics. Princeton University Press.
  • Bowles, S. ve Halliday, S. (2022). Microeconomics. Oxford University Press.
  • Boyd, R. ve Richerson, P. (1985). Culture and the evolutionary process. University of Chicago Press.
  • Chen, W., Gracia-Lázaro, C., Li, Z.,Wang, L. ve Moreno, Y. (2017). Evolutionary dynamics of n-person hawk-dove games. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-10.
  • Dasgupta, P. ve David, P. (1994). Toward a new economics of science. Research Policy, 23(5), 487-521.
  • David, P. A. (1993). Intellectual property institutions and the panda's thumb: Patents, copyrights, and trade secrets in economic theory and history. içinde Global dimension of intellectual property rights in science and technology. National Research Council.
  • Edquist, C. (1997). Systems of innovation. Pinter Publishers.
  • Elkin-Koren, N. ve Salzberger E. (2012). The law and economics of intellectual property in the digital age. Routledge.
  • Fisk, C. L. (2014). Working knowledge. The University of North Carolina Press.
  • Foray, D. (2004). Economics of knowledge, The MIT Press.
  • Freeman, C. ve Soete, L. (1997). The economics of industrial innovation. The MIT Press.
  • Fudenberg, D. ve Tirole, J. (1991). Game theory, MIT Press.
  • Gilson, R. (1999). The legal infrastructure of high technology industrial districts: Silicon Valley, route 128, and covenants not to compete. New York University Law Review, 74(3), 575-629.
  • Gokhale, C. S., ve Traulsen, A. (2014). Evolutionary multiplayer games. Dynamic Games and Applications, 4(4), 468-488.
  • Griliches, Z. (1979). Issues in assessing the contribution of research and development to productivity growth. Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 92-116.
  • Gürpınar, E. (2021). Bilgi ekonomisinde kavramlar, kurumlar ve politikalar: Oyun teorisi temelli bir yaklaşım. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 39(4), 663-676.
  • Gürpınar, E. (Ed.) (2022a). Hangi insan? Davranış bilimlerinde rasyonalite, sosyal tercihler ve oyun teorisi, Efil Yayınevi.
  • Gürpınar, E. (2022b). Bilgi, fikri mülkiyet ve kurumsal değişim: Dördüncü sanayi devrimi’ni kurumsal bir çerçeveye oturtmak. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 77(2), 407-426.
  • Gürpınar, E. ve Aydoğmuş, Ö. H. (2022). Kamu malı olarak bilginin sınırları: Örtük bilgiye stratejik bir yaklaşım. Journal of Yaşar University (Yaşar Üniversitesi E- Dergisi), 17(65), 173-188.
  • Hess, C. ve Ostrom, E. (2011). Understanding knowledge as a commons. The MIT Press
  • Hofbauer, J. ve Sigmund, K. (2003). Evolutionary game dynamics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 40(4), 479-519.
  • Hyde, A. (2003). Working in Silicon Valley: Economic and legal analysis of a high-velocity labor market. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship.
  • Kealey, T. ve M. Ricketts. (2014). Modelling science as a contribution good, Research Policy, 43(6), 1014-1024.
  • Kurz H. D. (2016). Economic thought: A brief history. Columbia University Press.
  • Machlup, F. (1984). The economics of information and human capital. Princeton University Press.
  • Marshall, A. (1890). Principles of economics. Macmillan.
  • Milgrom, P. ve Roberts, J. (1992). Economics, organization and management. Prentice-Hall.
  • Mokyr, J. (2002). The gifts of Athena: Historical origins of the knowledge economy. Princeton University Press.
  • Nelson, R. (1959). The simple economics of basic scientific research. Journal of Political Economy, 67(3), 297-306.
  • Nelson, R. (1993). National innovation systems: A comparative institutional analysis. Oxford University Press.
  • Nelson, R. ve Winter, S. (1982). An evolutionary theory of economic change. The Belknap Press.
  • Pacheco, J. M., Santos, F. C., Souza, M. O. ve Skyrms, B. (2009). Evolutionary dynamics of collective action in n-person stag hunt dilemmas. Proceedings of Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 276(1655), 315-321.
  • Polanyi, M. (1958). Personal knowledge. Chicago University Press.
  • Polanyi, M. (1967). Tacit dimension. Routledge.
  • Potts, J. (2019). Innovation commons: The origin of economic growth. Oxford University Press.
  • Romer, P. (1986). Increasing returns and long-run growth. Journal of Political Economy, 94(5), 1002-1037.
  • Ryle, G. (1949). The concept of mind. Penguin.
  • Saxenian, A. (1994). Regional advantage: Culture and competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128. Harvard University Press.
  • Schelling, T. (1960). The strategy of conflict. Harvard University Press.
  • Schumpeter, J. A., (1934 [1912]). The theory of economic development. (R. Opie, Çev.) Oxford University Press.
  • Schumpeter, J. A. (1928). The instability of capitalism, Economic Journal 38, 361-86.
  • Scotchmer, S. (1991). Standing on the shoulders of giants: Cumulative research and the patent law. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5(1), 29-41.
  • Scotchmer, S. (2004). Innovation and incentives. The MIT Press.
  • von Neumann, O. ve Morgensters, O. (1944). Theory of games and economic behavior. Princeton University Press.
  • Yılmaz, E. (2012). Oyun Teorisi. Literatür Yayıncılık.

Bilginin Üretilmesi ve Yayılmasında Pozitif Dışsallıklar: Oyun Teorisi Yaklaşımı

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 39, 775 - 786, 25.08.2023


Bilginin nasıl üretildiğinin ve yayıldığının incelenmesi günümüz bilgi yoğun ekonomilerinin anlaşılması için kritik öneme sahiptir. Bilgi ekonomisi ve onu kapsayan bilgi toplumunda yararlı bilgi, sadece araştırma laboratuvarlarında, üniversitelerde ve firmalarda üretilen ve genellikle Ar&Ge’ye dayalı formel bilgiyi kapsamamaktadır. Piyasada; piyasa dışındaki sosyal ağlarda; bilgi, haber, teknoloji üretilen (yerel ve küresel) topluluklarda da yararlı bilgi üretilmekte olup bu bilgiler de en az formel bilgi kadar piyasa ekonomisinin etkin bir şekilde işlemesi için gereklidir. Daha enformel olan bu çeşit bilgi zamana ve mekâna göre değişiklik göstermekte ve kişiler arasında sadece iş sözleşmesi, satış sözleşmesi gibi yollarla yayılmamaktadır. Bu tür bilgi, örtük bilgide olduğu gibi sözlü ve/veya sözsüz birçok yöntemle yayılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada bilgi üretilmesi ve yayılmasının dinamikleri oyun teorisi kullanılarak incelenmektedir. Çalışmada, örtük bilginin bilgi yayılmasında önemli olduğu durumlarda, bilgi üretimine katkıda bulunan aktörlerin bilginin yayılmasının ortaya çıkardığı pozitif dışsallıklardan katkıda bulunmayan aktörlere göre çoğu zaman daha fazla yararlandıkları gösterilmektedir.


  • Antonelli, C. (2007). Technological knowledge as an essential facility. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17(4), 451-471.
  • Antonelli, C. (2017). Endogenous innovation: the economics of an emergent system property. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Antonelli, C. ve David, P. (2015). The useful application of knowledge: An introduction. EST Working Paper Series, Universita di Torino, 38/15.
  • Arrow, K. (1962). Economic welfare and the allocation of resources for invention. içinde NBER The rate and direction of inventive activity: Economic and social factors, 609-626.
  • Aydoğmuş, Ö. H. ve Gürpınar, E. (2022). Science, technology and institutional change in knowledge production: An evolutionary game theoretic framework. Dynamic Games and Applications 12(4), 1163-1188.
  • Bowles, S. (2006). Microeconomics. Princeton University Press.
  • Bowles, S. ve Halliday, S. (2022). Microeconomics. Oxford University Press.
  • Boyd, R. ve Richerson, P. (1985). Culture and the evolutionary process. University of Chicago Press.
  • Chen, W., Gracia-Lázaro, C., Li, Z.,Wang, L. ve Moreno, Y. (2017). Evolutionary dynamics of n-person hawk-dove games. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-10.
  • Dasgupta, P. ve David, P. (1994). Toward a new economics of science. Research Policy, 23(5), 487-521.
  • David, P. A. (1993). Intellectual property institutions and the panda's thumb: Patents, copyrights, and trade secrets in economic theory and history. içinde Global dimension of intellectual property rights in science and technology. National Research Council.
  • Edquist, C. (1997). Systems of innovation. Pinter Publishers.
  • Elkin-Koren, N. ve Salzberger E. (2012). The law and economics of intellectual property in the digital age. Routledge.
  • Fisk, C. L. (2014). Working knowledge. The University of North Carolina Press.
  • Foray, D. (2004). Economics of knowledge, The MIT Press.
  • Freeman, C. ve Soete, L. (1997). The economics of industrial innovation. The MIT Press.
  • Fudenberg, D. ve Tirole, J. (1991). Game theory, MIT Press.
  • Gilson, R. (1999). The legal infrastructure of high technology industrial districts: Silicon Valley, route 128, and covenants not to compete. New York University Law Review, 74(3), 575-629.
  • Gokhale, C. S., ve Traulsen, A. (2014). Evolutionary multiplayer games. Dynamic Games and Applications, 4(4), 468-488.
  • Griliches, Z. (1979). Issues in assessing the contribution of research and development to productivity growth. Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 92-116.
  • Gürpınar, E. (2021). Bilgi ekonomisinde kavramlar, kurumlar ve politikalar: Oyun teorisi temelli bir yaklaşım. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 39(4), 663-676.
  • Gürpınar, E. (Ed.) (2022a). Hangi insan? Davranış bilimlerinde rasyonalite, sosyal tercihler ve oyun teorisi, Efil Yayınevi.
  • Gürpınar, E. (2022b). Bilgi, fikri mülkiyet ve kurumsal değişim: Dördüncü sanayi devrimi’ni kurumsal bir çerçeveye oturtmak. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 77(2), 407-426.
  • Gürpınar, E. ve Aydoğmuş, Ö. H. (2022). Kamu malı olarak bilginin sınırları: Örtük bilgiye stratejik bir yaklaşım. Journal of Yaşar University (Yaşar Üniversitesi E- Dergisi), 17(65), 173-188.
  • Hess, C. ve Ostrom, E. (2011). Understanding knowledge as a commons. The MIT Press
  • Hofbauer, J. ve Sigmund, K. (2003). Evolutionary game dynamics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 40(4), 479-519.
  • Hyde, A. (2003). Working in Silicon Valley: Economic and legal analysis of a high-velocity labor market. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship.
  • Kealey, T. ve M. Ricketts. (2014). Modelling science as a contribution good, Research Policy, 43(6), 1014-1024.
  • Kurz H. D. (2016). Economic thought: A brief history. Columbia University Press.
  • Machlup, F. (1984). The economics of information and human capital. Princeton University Press.
  • Marshall, A. (1890). Principles of economics. Macmillan.
  • Milgrom, P. ve Roberts, J. (1992). Economics, organization and management. Prentice-Hall.
  • Mokyr, J. (2002). The gifts of Athena: Historical origins of the knowledge economy. Princeton University Press.
  • Nelson, R. (1959). The simple economics of basic scientific research. Journal of Political Economy, 67(3), 297-306.
  • Nelson, R. (1993). National innovation systems: A comparative institutional analysis. Oxford University Press.
  • Nelson, R. ve Winter, S. (1982). An evolutionary theory of economic change. The Belknap Press.
  • Pacheco, J. M., Santos, F. C., Souza, M. O. ve Skyrms, B. (2009). Evolutionary dynamics of collective action in n-person stag hunt dilemmas. Proceedings of Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 276(1655), 315-321.
  • Polanyi, M. (1958). Personal knowledge. Chicago University Press.
  • Polanyi, M. (1967). Tacit dimension. Routledge.
  • Potts, J. (2019). Innovation commons: The origin of economic growth. Oxford University Press.
  • Romer, P. (1986). Increasing returns and long-run growth. Journal of Political Economy, 94(5), 1002-1037.
  • Ryle, G. (1949). The concept of mind. Penguin.
  • Saxenian, A. (1994). Regional advantage: Culture and competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128. Harvard University Press.
  • Schelling, T. (1960). The strategy of conflict. Harvard University Press.
  • Schumpeter, J. A., (1934 [1912]). The theory of economic development. (R. Opie, Çev.) Oxford University Press.
  • Schumpeter, J. A. (1928). The instability of capitalism, Economic Journal 38, 361-86.
  • Scotchmer, S. (1991). Standing on the shoulders of giants: Cumulative research and the patent law. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5(1), 29-41.
  • Scotchmer, S. (2004). Innovation and incentives. The MIT Press.
  • von Neumann, O. ve Morgensters, O. (1944). Theory of games and economic behavior. Princeton University Press.
  • Yılmaz, E. (2012). Oyun Teorisi. Literatür Yayıncılık.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Özgür Hakan Aydoğmuş 0000-0002-9463-7197

Erkan Gürpınar 0000-0002-0419-1276

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 39

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydoğmuş, Ö. H., & Gürpınar, E. (2023). Bilginin Üretilmesi ve Yayılmasında Pozitif Dışsallıklar: Oyun Teorisi Yaklaşımı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 14(39), 775-786.
