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Websites Content Analysis on Restaurant Businesses: Research of Denizli

Yıl 2017, , 51 - 61, 10.11.2017


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of restaurants’ websites that
located in Denizli. The main benefit expected to be obtained from this research is help
to restaurant manager about develop their web pages and emphasis on the importance
of the issue in order to increase of their awareness. In addition aim is to find out
whether the tourists are target group of Denizli restaurants. The research was done
with content analysis. Content analysis is a qualitative analysis that systematic
examination for meaning to information, document or visual obtained from various
media. This analysed contained in text, visual or audio according to specific
dimensions, coded and summarized. For this study, 68 Web sites were analysed. The
selected web sites were investigated in terms of the presence/absence of the content
regarding 29 restaurant attributes and format of the content. According to findings, a
little part of restaurants use internet technology efficiently. Approximately, all of web
sites have visual items about firms and their product, contact information. The very
few restaurants’ web sites include language, prices options, online reservation and
online sales. So it can be said restaurants’ web sites intended for promotion more than
sales. Also lack of language options is revealed that the web sites has no target of
serving tourism at Denizli.


  • Alagöz (Temiz), Z. (2013), İnternetten satış yapan markalar, Para Dergisi, Erişim: 5.8.2015.
  • Alvy, l. M.& Calvert, S. L. (2008), Food Marketing on Popular Children’s Web Sites: A Content Analysis, Journal of The Amerıcan Dietetic Association, 108, 710-713.
  • Arıker Ç. (2012), Restoran Web Sitelerinin İçerik ve Sunumlarının Analizi: İstanbul Örneği, Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 7(2), 145-172.
  • Baloglu, S. ve Pekcan, Y. A. (2006), The Website Design and Internet Site Marketing Practices of Upscale and Luxury Hotels in Turkey, Tourism Management, 27, 171–176.
  • Bayram, M. & Yaylı, A. (2009), Otel Web Sitelerinin İçerik Analizi Yöntemiyle Değerlendirilmesi, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(27) 347-379.
  • Brejla, P. & Gilbert, D. (2012) An Exploratory Use of Web Content Analysis to Understand Cruise Tourism Services, International Journal of Tourism Research, 16, 157–168.
  • Chen, C.W.D. & Cheng, C.Y.J (2009), Understanding Consumer Intention in Online Shopping: A Respecification and Validation of The Delone and Mclean Model, Behaviour& Information Technology, 28(4), 335–345.
  • Childers, T.L., Carr, C.L., Peck, J. & Carson, S. (2001), Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations for Online Retail Shopping Behavior, Journal of Retailing, 77(4), 511-535.
  • Chiou, W.C., Lin, C.C.& Perng, C. (2010), A Strategic Framework for Website Evaluation Based on A Review of The Literature From 1995–2006, Information & Management, 47, 282–290.
  • Denizli İl Kültür Turizm Müdürlüğü, (2015),, Erişim: 8.7.2015.
  • Dalgın, T. ve Karadağ, L. (2013), Restoran İşletmeleri Web Sitelerinin İçerik Analizi: MarmarisBodrum Örneği, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(2), 133-150.
  • Etemad-Sajadi, R. (2014), The Influence of A Virtual Agent on Web-Users' Desire to Visit The Company, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 31 (4), 419 – 434.
  • ETİD (Elektronik Ticari İşlemler Derneği),, 2014-2015 E Ticaret Hacmi, Erişim: 8.7.2015.
  • Fassnacht, M. & Koese, I. (2006), Quality of Electronic Services: Conceptualizing and Testing A Hierarchical Model, Journal of Service Research, 9(1), 19-37.
  • Güreş, N., Arslan, S. ve Yalçın. R. (2013), Türk Havayolu İşletmelerinin Web Sitelerinin Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Niğde Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 6(1), 173- 185.
  • Hausman, A.V. & Siekpe, J.S. (2009), The Effect of Web Interface Features on Consumer Online Purchase Intentions, Journal of Business Research, 62, 5-13.
  • Henry, A.E. & Story, M. (2009), Food and Beverage Brands That Market to Children and Adolescents on the Internet: A Content Analysis of Branded Web Sites, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 41(5), 353-359.
  • Horng, J.& Tsai, C. T. (2010), Government Websites for Promoting East Asian Culinary Tourism: A Cross-National Analysis, Tourism Management, 31(1), 74–85.
  • Jeong, M., Oh, H. & Gregoire, M. (2003), Conceptualizing Web Site Quality and Its Consequences in The Lodging Industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(2), 161-175.
  • Kuan, H.H., Bock, G.W. & Vathanophas, V. (2008), Comparing the Effects of Web Site Quality on Customer Initial Purchase and Continued Purchase at E-Commerce Web Sites, Behaviour and Information Technology, 27(1), 3-16.
  • Law, R. & Bai, B. (2008), How Do The Preferences of Online Buyers and Browsers Differ on The Design and Content of Travel Web Sites?, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20 (4), 388-400.
  • Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2006), A Study of The Perceived Importance of The Overall Website Quality of Different Classes of Hotels, International Journal of Hospitality Management 25(3), 525–531.
  • Lee, J.& Morrison, A. M. (2010), A Comparative Study of Web Site Performance, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 1(1), 50–67.
  • Liang, C.J. & Chen, H.J. (2009), A Study of The Impacts of Website Quality on Customer Relationship Performance, Total Quality Management, 20(9), 971-988.
  • Liao, H., Proctor, R.W. & Salvendy, G. (2008), Content Preparation for Cross-Cultural E-Commerce: A Review and A Model, Behaviour & Information Technology, 27(1), 43-61.
  • Liao, H., Proctor, R.W. & Salvendy, G. (2009), Chinese and US Online Consumers’ Preferences for Content of E-Commerce Websites: A Survey, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 10(1), 19–42.
  • Loiacono, E. T., Watson, R.T. & Goodhue, D.L. (2002), Webqual: A Measure of Website Quality, American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings, 13, 432-438.
  • McKinney, V.,Yoon, K. & Zahedi, F.M. (2002), The Measurement of Web- Customer Satisfaction: An Expectation and Disconfirmation Approach, Information Systems Research, 13(3), 296-316.
  • Milliyet Gazetesi, (25.9.2013), 1768229/, Erişim: 8.8.2015
  • Mills, J. E., Han, J-H and Clay, J. M. (2008), Accessibility of Hospitality and Tourism Websites: A Challenge for Visually Impaired Persons, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(1), 28-41.
  • Miranda, F.J., Rubio, S. & Chamorro, A. (2015), The Web as a Marketing Tool in the Spanish Food Service Industry: Evaluating The Websites of Spain’s Top Restaurants, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 18, 146–162.
  • Montoya-Weiss, M.M., Voss, G.B. & Grewal, D. (2003), Determinants of Online Channel Use and Overall Satisfaction With a Relational, Multichannel Service Provider, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 31 (4), 448-458.
  • Murphy, J., Forrest, E. J. & Wotring, C. E. (1996), Restaurant Marketing on The Worldwide Web, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 37(1), 61–71.
  • NRA National Restaurant Association, (2015), restaurant-industry-forecast/, Erişim: 6.8.2015.
  • Palmer, J.W. (2002), Web Site Usability, Design, and Performance Metrics, Information Systems Research, 13(2), 151-167.
  • Park, C. H. & Kim,Y.G. (2003), Identifying Key Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Behavior in an Online Shopping Context, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31(1), 16-29.
  • Park, Y.A., Gretzel, U. & Sirakaya-Turk, E., (2007), Measuring Web Site Quality for Online Travel Agencies, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 23 (1), 15–30.
  • Rong, J., Li, G. & Law, R. (2009), A Contrast Analysis of Online Hotel Web Service Purchasers and Browsers, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3), 466–478.
  • Ruiz-Molina, M.-E., Gil-Saura, I. & Berenguer-Contrí, G. (2014), Information and Communication Technology as a Differentiation Tool in Restaurants, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 17, 410–428.
  • Schmidt, S., Cantallops, A. S. & dosSantos, C. P. (2008), The Characteristics of Hotel Websites and Their Implications for Website Effectiveness, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27(4), 504–516.
  • Stockdale, R. & Borovicka, M. (2007), Developing A Model for Supporting Quality in Restaurant Websites: A Pilot Study. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 10(1), 51–76.
  • Szymanski, D. M. & Hise, R.T. (2000), E-Satisfaction: An Initial Examination, Journal of Retailing, 76 (3), 309-322.
  • T.C. İş Bankası, İktisadi Araştırmalar Bölümü, Sektörle İlgili 2016 Beklentileri Raporu, 1-37., Erişim: 1.6.2017.
  • T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Erişim 1.6.2016.
  • TÜSİAD, Uluslararası Rekabet Stratejileri Türkiye Gıda Sanayii: TÜSİAD Rekabet Stratejileri Dizisi 10,, Erişim: 8.8.2015.
  • TYDTA T.C. Başbakanlık Yatırım Destek ve Tanıtım Ajansı, (2010), Türkiye Gıda Sektörü Raporu, 379778. pdf, Erişim: 8.7.2016.
  • Wan, C. S. (2002), The Web Sites of International Tourist Hotels and Tour Wholesalers in Taiwan, Tourism Management, 23, 155–160.
  • Wang, L.C., Baker, J., Wagner, J.A. & Wakefield, K. (2007), Can a Retail Web Site Be Social?, Journal of Marketing, 71(3), 143-157.
  • Wang, Y.S. (2008), Assessing E-Commerce Systems Success: A Respecification and Validation of the Delone and Mclean Model of IS Success, Information Systems Journal, 18, 529-557.
  • Wang, G.A. & DiPietro, R. B. (2010), Towards A Functional Model of Website Evaluation: A Case Study of Casual Dining Restaurants, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 2(1), 68–85.
  • Weber, K., Story, M. & Harnack, L. (2006), Internet Food Marketing Strategies Aimed at Children and Adolescents: A Content Analysis of Food and Beverage Brand Web Sites, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, September, 106(9), 1463-1466.
  • Wen, I. (2009), Factors Affecting The Online Travel Buying Decision: A Review, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(6), 752-765.
  • Wolfinbarger, M. & Gilly, M.C. (2003), E tail Q: Dimensionalizing, Measuring and Predicting E tail Quality, Journal of Retailing, 79, 183-198.
  • Yi, Y. & Gong, T. (2008), The Electronic Service Quality Model: The Moderating Effect of Customer Self-Efficancy, Psychology & Marketing, 25(7), 587-601.
  • Zafiropoulos, C. & Vrana, V. (2006) A Framework for The Evaluation of Hotel Websites: The Case of Greece, Information Technology & Tourism, 8 (4), 239–254.

Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması

Yıl 2017, , 51 - 61, 10.11.2017


Bu araştırmanın amacı, Denizli’de bulunan restoranların internet sitelerinin etkinliğini
değerlendirmektir. Bu araştırmadan beklenen temel fayda, konunun önemine vurgu
yaparak restoran yöneticilerinin internet sayfalarını geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmak
ve sektörün bu konudaki farkındalığını arttırmaktır. Bir diğer amaç ise turistlerin,
Denizli restoranlarının hedef grubu olup olmadıklarını öğrenmektir. Araştırma içerik
analiz ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. İçerik analizi, çeşitli mecralardan elde edilen bilgi, belge
ya da görselin anlamlandırılması için yapılan sistematik inceleme olup, nitel bir analiz
yöntemidir. Bunun için metinde ya da görselde yer alan içerik, belirli boyutlara göre
sınıflanıp, kodlanarak özetlenir. Bu araştırmada 68 internet sitesi analiz edilmiştir.
Seçili internet siteleri, nitelik ve sunumun varlığı ve yokluğuna ilişkin 29 kriterle
araştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, restoranların çok az bir kısmı internet
teknolojisini etkin olarak kullanmaktadır. Hemen hemen bütün internet siteleri firma,
ürün ve iletişim bilgisine sahiptir. Çok az sayıda restoranın ise internet sitesi dil, fiyat,
çevrimiçi rezervasyon ve çevrimiçi satış seçeneğini içermektedir. Dil seçeneğinin
olmayışı, internet sitelerinin Denizli’de turizme hizmet etmeyi hedeflemediğini açığa


  • Alagöz (Temiz), Z. (2013), İnternetten satış yapan markalar, Para Dergisi, Erişim: 5.8.2015.
  • Alvy, l. M.& Calvert, S. L. (2008), Food Marketing on Popular Children’s Web Sites: A Content Analysis, Journal of The Amerıcan Dietetic Association, 108, 710-713.
  • Arıker Ç. (2012), Restoran Web Sitelerinin İçerik ve Sunumlarının Analizi: İstanbul Örneği, Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 7(2), 145-172.
  • Baloglu, S. ve Pekcan, Y. A. (2006), The Website Design and Internet Site Marketing Practices of Upscale and Luxury Hotels in Turkey, Tourism Management, 27, 171–176.
  • Bayram, M. & Yaylı, A. (2009), Otel Web Sitelerinin İçerik Analizi Yöntemiyle Değerlendirilmesi, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(27) 347-379.
  • Brejla, P. & Gilbert, D. (2012) An Exploratory Use of Web Content Analysis to Understand Cruise Tourism Services, International Journal of Tourism Research, 16, 157–168.
  • Chen, C.W.D. & Cheng, C.Y.J (2009), Understanding Consumer Intention in Online Shopping: A Respecification and Validation of The Delone and Mclean Model, Behaviour& Information Technology, 28(4), 335–345.
  • Childers, T.L., Carr, C.L., Peck, J. & Carson, S. (2001), Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations for Online Retail Shopping Behavior, Journal of Retailing, 77(4), 511-535.
  • Chiou, W.C., Lin, C.C.& Perng, C. (2010), A Strategic Framework for Website Evaluation Based on A Review of The Literature From 1995–2006, Information & Management, 47, 282–290.
  • Denizli İl Kültür Turizm Müdürlüğü, (2015),, Erişim: 8.7.2015.
  • Dalgın, T. ve Karadağ, L. (2013), Restoran İşletmeleri Web Sitelerinin İçerik Analizi: MarmarisBodrum Örneği, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(2), 133-150.
  • Etemad-Sajadi, R. (2014), The Influence of A Virtual Agent on Web-Users' Desire to Visit The Company, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 31 (4), 419 – 434.
  • ETİD (Elektronik Ticari İşlemler Derneği),, 2014-2015 E Ticaret Hacmi, Erişim: 8.7.2015.
  • Fassnacht, M. & Koese, I. (2006), Quality of Electronic Services: Conceptualizing and Testing A Hierarchical Model, Journal of Service Research, 9(1), 19-37.
  • Güreş, N., Arslan, S. ve Yalçın. R. (2013), Türk Havayolu İşletmelerinin Web Sitelerinin Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Niğde Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 6(1), 173- 185.
  • Hausman, A.V. & Siekpe, J.S. (2009), The Effect of Web Interface Features on Consumer Online Purchase Intentions, Journal of Business Research, 62, 5-13.
  • Henry, A.E. & Story, M. (2009), Food and Beverage Brands That Market to Children and Adolescents on the Internet: A Content Analysis of Branded Web Sites, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 41(5), 353-359.
  • Horng, J.& Tsai, C. T. (2010), Government Websites for Promoting East Asian Culinary Tourism: A Cross-National Analysis, Tourism Management, 31(1), 74–85.
  • Jeong, M., Oh, H. & Gregoire, M. (2003), Conceptualizing Web Site Quality and Its Consequences in The Lodging Industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(2), 161-175.
  • Kuan, H.H., Bock, G.W. & Vathanophas, V. (2008), Comparing the Effects of Web Site Quality on Customer Initial Purchase and Continued Purchase at E-Commerce Web Sites, Behaviour and Information Technology, 27(1), 3-16.
  • Law, R. & Bai, B. (2008), How Do The Preferences of Online Buyers and Browsers Differ on The Design and Content of Travel Web Sites?, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20 (4), 388-400.
  • Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2006), A Study of The Perceived Importance of The Overall Website Quality of Different Classes of Hotels, International Journal of Hospitality Management 25(3), 525–531.
  • Lee, J.& Morrison, A. M. (2010), A Comparative Study of Web Site Performance, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 1(1), 50–67.
  • Liang, C.J. & Chen, H.J. (2009), A Study of The Impacts of Website Quality on Customer Relationship Performance, Total Quality Management, 20(9), 971-988.
  • Liao, H., Proctor, R.W. & Salvendy, G. (2008), Content Preparation for Cross-Cultural E-Commerce: A Review and A Model, Behaviour & Information Technology, 27(1), 43-61.
  • Liao, H., Proctor, R.W. & Salvendy, G. (2009), Chinese and US Online Consumers’ Preferences for Content of E-Commerce Websites: A Survey, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 10(1), 19–42.
  • Loiacono, E. T., Watson, R.T. & Goodhue, D.L. (2002), Webqual: A Measure of Website Quality, American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings, 13, 432-438.
  • McKinney, V.,Yoon, K. & Zahedi, F.M. (2002), The Measurement of Web- Customer Satisfaction: An Expectation and Disconfirmation Approach, Information Systems Research, 13(3), 296-316.
  • Milliyet Gazetesi, (25.9.2013), 1768229/, Erişim: 8.8.2015
  • Mills, J. E., Han, J-H and Clay, J. M. (2008), Accessibility of Hospitality and Tourism Websites: A Challenge for Visually Impaired Persons, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(1), 28-41.
  • Miranda, F.J., Rubio, S. & Chamorro, A. (2015), The Web as a Marketing Tool in the Spanish Food Service Industry: Evaluating The Websites of Spain’s Top Restaurants, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 18, 146–162.
  • Montoya-Weiss, M.M., Voss, G.B. & Grewal, D. (2003), Determinants of Online Channel Use and Overall Satisfaction With a Relational, Multichannel Service Provider, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 31 (4), 448-458.
  • Murphy, J., Forrest, E. J. & Wotring, C. E. (1996), Restaurant Marketing on The Worldwide Web, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 37(1), 61–71.
  • NRA National Restaurant Association, (2015), restaurant-industry-forecast/, Erişim: 6.8.2015.
  • Palmer, J.W. (2002), Web Site Usability, Design, and Performance Metrics, Information Systems Research, 13(2), 151-167.
  • Park, C. H. & Kim,Y.G. (2003), Identifying Key Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Behavior in an Online Shopping Context, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31(1), 16-29.
  • Park, Y.A., Gretzel, U. & Sirakaya-Turk, E., (2007), Measuring Web Site Quality for Online Travel Agencies, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 23 (1), 15–30.
  • Rong, J., Li, G. & Law, R. (2009), A Contrast Analysis of Online Hotel Web Service Purchasers and Browsers, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3), 466–478.
  • Ruiz-Molina, M.-E., Gil-Saura, I. & Berenguer-Contrí, G. (2014), Information and Communication Technology as a Differentiation Tool in Restaurants, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 17, 410–428.
  • Schmidt, S., Cantallops, A. S. & dosSantos, C. P. (2008), The Characteristics of Hotel Websites and Their Implications for Website Effectiveness, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27(4), 504–516.
  • Stockdale, R. & Borovicka, M. (2007), Developing A Model for Supporting Quality in Restaurant Websites: A Pilot Study. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 10(1), 51–76.
  • Szymanski, D. M. & Hise, R.T. (2000), E-Satisfaction: An Initial Examination, Journal of Retailing, 76 (3), 309-322.
  • T.C. İş Bankası, İktisadi Araştırmalar Bölümü, Sektörle İlgili 2016 Beklentileri Raporu, 1-37., Erişim: 1.6.2017.
  • T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Erişim 1.6.2016.
  • TÜSİAD, Uluslararası Rekabet Stratejileri Türkiye Gıda Sanayii: TÜSİAD Rekabet Stratejileri Dizisi 10,, Erişim: 8.8.2015.
  • TYDTA T.C. Başbakanlık Yatırım Destek ve Tanıtım Ajansı, (2010), Türkiye Gıda Sektörü Raporu, 379778. pdf, Erişim: 8.7.2016.
  • Wan, C. S. (2002), The Web Sites of International Tourist Hotels and Tour Wholesalers in Taiwan, Tourism Management, 23, 155–160.
  • Wang, L.C., Baker, J., Wagner, J.A. & Wakefield, K. (2007), Can a Retail Web Site Be Social?, Journal of Marketing, 71(3), 143-157.
  • Wang, Y.S. (2008), Assessing E-Commerce Systems Success: A Respecification and Validation of the Delone and Mclean Model of IS Success, Information Systems Journal, 18, 529-557.
  • Wang, G.A. & DiPietro, R. B. (2010), Towards A Functional Model of Website Evaluation: A Case Study of Casual Dining Restaurants, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 2(1), 68–85.
  • Weber, K., Story, M. & Harnack, L. (2006), Internet Food Marketing Strategies Aimed at Children and Adolescents: A Content Analysis of Food and Beverage Brand Web Sites, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, September, 106(9), 1463-1466.
  • Wen, I. (2009), Factors Affecting The Online Travel Buying Decision: A Review, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(6), 752-765.
  • Wolfinbarger, M. & Gilly, M.C. (2003), E tail Q: Dimensionalizing, Measuring and Predicting E tail Quality, Journal of Retailing, 79, 183-198.
  • Yi, Y. & Gong, T. (2008), The Electronic Service Quality Model: The Moderating Effect of Customer Self-Efficancy, Psychology & Marketing, 25(7), 587-601.
  • Zafiropoulos, C. & Vrana, V. (2006) A Framework for The Evaluation of Hotel Websites: The Case of Greece, Information Technology & Tourism, 8 (4), 239–254.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Nuray Selma Özdipçiner

Seher Ceylan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Kasım 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdipçiner, N. S., & Ceylan, S. (2017). Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(14), 51-61.
AMA Özdipçiner NS, Ceylan S. Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması. YSBD. Kasım 2017;7(14):51-61. doi:10.17828/yalovasosbil.359808
Chicago Özdipçiner, Nuray Selma, ve Seher Ceylan. “Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması”. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7, sy. 14 (Kasım 2017): 51-61.
EndNote Özdipçiner NS, Ceylan S (01 Kasım 2017) Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7 14 51–61.
IEEE N. S. Özdipçiner ve S. Ceylan, “Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması”, YSBD, c. 7, sy. 14, ss. 51–61, 2017, doi: 10.17828/yalovasosbil.359808.
ISNAD Özdipçiner, Nuray Selma - Ceylan, Seher. “Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması”. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7/14 (Kasım 2017), 51-61.
JAMA Özdipçiner NS, Ceylan S. Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması. YSBD. 2017;7:51–61.
MLA Özdipçiner, Nuray Selma ve Seher Ceylan. “Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması”. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 14, 2017, ss. 51-61, doi:10.17828/yalovasosbil.359808.
Vancouver Özdipçiner NS, Ceylan S. Restoran İşletmeleri İnternet Siteleri İçerik Analizi: Denizli İli Araştırması. YSBD. 2017;7(14):51-6.