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Kısırlık Sorunu Yaşayan Erkek Hastaların TAT ve Rorschach Tepkilerinin Olgu Düzeyinde İncelenmesi

Yıl 2019, , 53 - 64, 30.06.2019


Kısırlıkla ilgili anlatılar
neredeyse insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. Fakat kısırlık söz konusu olunca kadın
kısırlığı ilk akla gelen olarak erkek kısırlığı hep ikinci planda tutulmuştur.
Bu çalışmanın amacı kısırlık tanısı almış erkek olguların projektif
değerlendirme teknikleri olan Rorschach ve TAT (Tematik Algı Testi) ile
birlikte değerlendirilmesi ve psişik dünyalarında nasıl bir kişilik
örgütlenmesine sahip olduklarının tespitine çalışılmasıdır. Araştırmanın temel
bulguları olarak erkek faktörlü kısırlık tanısı almış olan bu iki olguda;
özdeşleşme, cinsler arası fark, kuşaklararası ileti ve kuşaklararası
farklılıkların net bir biçimde ortaya konamadığı yetişkin olguların aksine daha
çocuksu özdeşleşlemelerin yapıldığı, baba ile ilişki kurulamadığı
görülmektedir. Her iki olguda da anne/kadın bir taraftan tümgüçlü olarak
değerlendirilirken diğer taraftan değersizleştirilmiştir. Kullanılan dil yapısı
sürekli tereddütler, yinelenen kelimeler içermektedir. Olgular bu dil yapısı
ile karar vermede güçlük, kontrol duygusunun yoğunluğu ve kararsızlıklarını
göstermektedirler. Olguların klinisyenden dayanak almamaları; ne dış dünyaya ne
de kendi içsel süreçlerine yatırım yapmadıklarını gösteren bir bulgu olarak
değerlendirilebilinir. Bu iki olgunun protokollerinde neredeyse tüm yanıtların
bütün yanıtlardan oluşması da dış gerçekliğe aşırı bağlı, tekil ve bütüncül
kalma çabası olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Diğer taraftan dış gerçekliğe aşırı
bağlı kalmış olmalarının yanı sıra içsel süreçlerine yatırım yapmadıklarının
bir göstergesi de afektif ve dürtüsel dünyayı gösteren renk ve hareket
yanıtlarının protokoldeki eksikliğidir. Protokollerdeki hareket ve renk
yanıtlarının azlığı test materyali ile ortaya çıkan bilinçdışı afektif dünyayı
kontrol altına alma çabası olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma erkek
faktörlü kısırlık tanısı almış olan olgularla yapılan -yazarın bilgisi dâhilinde-
ilk çalışma olduğu için alanyazına önemli katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. 


  • Alieh, G.A., & Shabnam, P.(2008). Impact of Semen Characteristics on the Success of Intrauterine Insemination . Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 3: 161-165.
  • Anzieu, D., & Chabert, C. (2011). Projektif yöntemler, (B. Kolbay, Çev.), İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • Atak, İ. (2010). Açıklanamayan İnfertilitede Kadınlık ve Anne-Kız İlişkisinde Anneliğin İletimi (Doktora Tezi).İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
  • Berger, D.M. (1980). Couples' reactions to male infertility and donor insemination, JAMA Psychiatry, 137:1047- 1049.
  • Burns, L.H. (1987). Infertility as Boundary Ambiguity: One Theoretical Perspective. Fam Process, 26: 359–372.
  • Carmeli, Y.S.(1994). The Predicament of Masculinity: Towards understanding the male’s experience of infertility treatments. Sex Roles 30(9-10): 663-677.
  • Crosignani , P.G. & Rubin, B.L. (1998). ESHRE Capri Workshop Group Meeting, Capri, 7-8 September 1997: Male infertility update. Hum Reprod, 13(7), 2025-2032.
  • Dohle, G.R., Weidner, Jungwirth, A., Colpi, G.,Papp, G., Pomerol,.J. et al.(2004). Guidelines on Male Infertility. European Association of Urology. Available from http://www.alabmed.com/uploadfile/2014/0311/20140311013229193.pdf. Accessed Date:08/03/2017
  • Etem, E.Ö., Yüce, H., Erol, D., Deveci, Ş.D., Ceylan, G.G., Elyas, H. (2009). Cytogenetic Analysis in Infertile Males with Sperm Abnormalities. Marmara Medical journal, 22(3): 217-224.
  • Glover, T., Barrat, C. (2004). Male Fertility And Infertility, New York. Cambridge University Press.
  • Goldfarb,J. & Desai, N.(2011). Assisted reproduction and male factor Fertility: Which Type is Right? Male Infertility: Problems and Solutions.(Eds ES Sabanegh Jr): 119-124. London, Humana Press.
  • Fısher, J.R.W & Hammarberg, K.(2012). Psychological and social aspects of infertility in men: an overview of the evidence and implications for psychologically informed clinical care and future research, Asian Journal of Andrology, 14:121-129.
  • Kunej, T., Zorn, B., Peterlin, B.(2003). Y chromosome microdeletions in infertile men with cryptorchidism. Fertil and Steril, 79(3), 1559-1565.
  • Kruger, T.,Oehninger, S.(2007). Male Infertility Diagnosis And Treatment,Oxon. Infroma UK Ltd.
  • Martin-Du Pan, R.C.(1997). Etiology of Male Infertility and oligo-Astheno,teratospermia(OAT). Arch Androl 39:19. Available from http://www.gfmer.ch/Endo/Lectures_09/dupan1.htm. Accessed date: 09/03/2017.
  • Mau, U.A., Backert, I.T., Kaiser, P. and Kiese,l L. (1997). Chromosomal findings in 150 couples referred for genetic counselling prior to intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Hum. Reprod., 12: 930–937.
  • Nikolettos, N., Asimakopoulos, B., Hatzissabas, I. (2003). Intrafamilial sperm donation: ethical questions and concerns, Hum Reprod, 18(5):933-936.
  • Okray, Z.(2012). Sihirli Ayna Söyle Bana, Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi, Sınır Patolojiler-I, 61-64.
  • Patel, A., Sharma, P.S.V.N., Narayan, P., Nair, B.V.S., Narayanakurup, D. and Pai, P.J.(2016). Distress in Infertile Males in Manipal-India: A Clinic Based Study, J Reprod Infertil 17(4):213-220.
  • Peronace, L.A., Boivin, J., Schmidt, L. (2007). Patterns of suffering and social interaction in infertile men: 12 months after unsuccessful treatment, J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol, 28(2): 105-114.
  • Ragni, G., Lauretis, L.D., D`Ambrogio, G., Vegetti, W., Perotti, L., Serra, A.D. et al. (1998). Semen Preparationn by standard swim up versus swim up with test yolk buffer incubation in the intrauterine insemination: a randomized study. Hum. Reprod. 13 (7): 1859-1863.
  • Rochebrochard, E.D. (2003). Des hommes médicalement assistés pour procréer. Population 58(4), 549-586.
  • Smith, J.A.& Smith, A. H. (2004). Treating Faith-Based Infertile Couples Using Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Strategies: A Preliminary Investigation. Counseling and Values, 49: 48–63.
  • Sumaira, H.M. & Neil, C. (2008). The male experience of infertility: a thematic analysis of an online infertility support group bulletin board, J Reprod Infant Psyc, 26:1, 18-30.
  • The ESHRE Capri Workshop (1996). Infertility revisited: the state of the art today and tomorrow.Hum Reprod 11(8):1779-1807.
  • Thorn, P. (2009). Understanding Infertility: Psychological and Social Considerations from a Counselling Perspective. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility, 3(2): 48-51.
  • Tunaboylu-İkiz, T. (2001). Rorschach testinin psikanalitik yorumu 1; Kodlama ve uygulama. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • Tunaboylu-İkiz, T. (2011). Tematik Algi Test, (TAT) Psikanalitik Yönelimli El Kitabı, İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • WHO-ICMART(2009). The International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Revised Glossary on ART Terminology. Available from http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/infertility/definitions/en/ . Accessed date: 08/03/2017.
  • Wu F.C.W. & Banccroft.-(1985). Male Infertility, Brit Med J, 290(6479), 1417-1420.

Investigation of TAT and Rorschach Responses of Males Who are Facing with Male Factor Infertility

Yıl 2019, , 53 - 64, 30.06.2019


Narratives about
infertility, diagnosis and treatment interferences are as old as human history.
The review of  infertility literature
showed that the main object of infertility were women and as usual male
infertility kept as an hidden subject. In literature male factor infertility
studied in physiological aspects and psychological aspects of it somehow
denied. The aim of this is to evaluate two cases with projective techniques (Rorschach
Test and TAT-Thematic Apperception Test) in order to see their psychic
organizations about infertility. The main findings of the study were  the identifications, differences between
sexes, and also transgenerational differences could not be clearly identified.
The responses to these two projective techniques can be identified as more
immature and infanlite althoug their are adults. In other words more
infantile  identification was made by
cases. In both cases, the mother/woman was considered to be as an omnipotent
being and on the other hand devalued at the same time which can be considered
as ambivalance towards mother/woman. The wording and phrases that are used by
these two cases containts too much hesitations and repeteaded words which can
be evaluated as immaturity. Both of the cases do not form a relationship
neither with the clinician nor the test material which can be evaluated as a
defence mechanism upon both the outer and ther inner world. This study is
considered to be an important contribution to the literature because it is the
first study conducted -with the knowledge of author- upon male factor


  • Alieh, G.A., & Shabnam, P.(2008). Impact of Semen Characteristics on the Success of Intrauterine Insemination . Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 3: 161-165.
  • Anzieu, D., & Chabert, C. (2011). Projektif yöntemler, (B. Kolbay, Çev.), İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • Atak, İ. (2010). Açıklanamayan İnfertilitede Kadınlık ve Anne-Kız İlişkisinde Anneliğin İletimi (Doktora Tezi).İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
  • Berger, D.M. (1980). Couples' reactions to male infertility and donor insemination, JAMA Psychiatry, 137:1047- 1049.
  • Burns, L.H. (1987). Infertility as Boundary Ambiguity: One Theoretical Perspective. Fam Process, 26: 359–372.
  • Carmeli, Y.S.(1994). The Predicament of Masculinity: Towards understanding the male’s experience of infertility treatments. Sex Roles 30(9-10): 663-677.
  • Crosignani , P.G. & Rubin, B.L. (1998). ESHRE Capri Workshop Group Meeting, Capri, 7-8 September 1997: Male infertility update. Hum Reprod, 13(7), 2025-2032.
  • Dohle, G.R., Weidner, Jungwirth, A., Colpi, G.,Papp, G., Pomerol,.J. et al.(2004). Guidelines on Male Infertility. European Association of Urology. Available from http://www.alabmed.com/uploadfile/2014/0311/20140311013229193.pdf. Accessed Date:08/03/2017
  • Etem, E.Ö., Yüce, H., Erol, D., Deveci, Ş.D., Ceylan, G.G., Elyas, H. (2009). Cytogenetic Analysis in Infertile Males with Sperm Abnormalities. Marmara Medical journal, 22(3): 217-224.
  • Glover, T., Barrat, C. (2004). Male Fertility And Infertility, New York. Cambridge University Press.
  • Goldfarb,J. & Desai, N.(2011). Assisted reproduction and male factor Fertility: Which Type is Right? Male Infertility: Problems and Solutions.(Eds ES Sabanegh Jr): 119-124. London, Humana Press.
  • Fısher, J.R.W & Hammarberg, K.(2012). Psychological and social aspects of infertility in men: an overview of the evidence and implications for psychologically informed clinical care and future research, Asian Journal of Andrology, 14:121-129.
  • Kunej, T., Zorn, B., Peterlin, B.(2003). Y chromosome microdeletions in infertile men with cryptorchidism. Fertil and Steril, 79(3), 1559-1565.
  • Kruger, T.,Oehninger, S.(2007). Male Infertility Diagnosis And Treatment,Oxon. Infroma UK Ltd.
  • Martin-Du Pan, R.C.(1997). Etiology of Male Infertility and oligo-Astheno,teratospermia(OAT). Arch Androl 39:19. Available from http://www.gfmer.ch/Endo/Lectures_09/dupan1.htm. Accessed date: 09/03/2017.
  • Mau, U.A., Backert, I.T., Kaiser, P. and Kiese,l L. (1997). Chromosomal findings in 150 couples referred for genetic counselling prior to intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Hum. Reprod., 12: 930–937.
  • Nikolettos, N., Asimakopoulos, B., Hatzissabas, I. (2003). Intrafamilial sperm donation: ethical questions and concerns, Hum Reprod, 18(5):933-936.
  • Okray, Z.(2012). Sihirli Ayna Söyle Bana, Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi, Sınır Patolojiler-I, 61-64.
  • Patel, A., Sharma, P.S.V.N., Narayan, P., Nair, B.V.S., Narayanakurup, D. and Pai, P.J.(2016). Distress in Infertile Males in Manipal-India: A Clinic Based Study, J Reprod Infertil 17(4):213-220.
  • Peronace, L.A., Boivin, J., Schmidt, L. (2007). Patterns of suffering and social interaction in infertile men: 12 months after unsuccessful treatment, J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol, 28(2): 105-114.
  • Ragni, G., Lauretis, L.D., D`Ambrogio, G., Vegetti, W., Perotti, L., Serra, A.D. et al. (1998). Semen Preparationn by standard swim up versus swim up with test yolk buffer incubation in the intrauterine insemination: a randomized study. Hum. Reprod. 13 (7): 1859-1863.
  • Rochebrochard, E.D. (2003). Des hommes médicalement assistés pour procréer. Population 58(4), 549-586.
  • Smith, J.A.& Smith, A. H. (2004). Treating Faith-Based Infertile Couples Using Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Strategies: A Preliminary Investigation. Counseling and Values, 49: 48–63.
  • Sumaira, H.M. & Neil, C. (2008). The male experience of infertility: a thematic analysis of an online infertility support group bulletin board, J Reprod Infant Psyc, 26:1, 18-30.
  • The ESHRE Capri Workshop (1996). Infertility revisited: the state of the art today and tomorrow.Hum Reprod 11(8):1779-1807.
  • Thorn, P. (2009). Understanding Infertility: Psychological and Social Considerations from a Counselling Perspective. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility, 3(2): 48-51.
  • Tunaboylu-İkiz, T. (2001). Rorschach testinin psikanalitik yorumu 1; Kodlama ve uygulama. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • Tunaboylu-İkiz, T. (2011). Tematik Algi Test, (TAT) Psikanalitik Yönelimli El Kitabı, İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • WHO-ICMART(2009). The International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Revised Glossary on ART Terminology. Available from http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/infertility/definitions/en/ . Accessed date: 08/03/2017.
  • Wu F.C.W. & Banccroft.-(1985). Male Infertility, Brit Med J, 290(6479), 1417-1420.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Cilt:3, Sayı:5 Haziran

Zihniye Okray 0000-0002-9117-4991

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Okray, Z. (2019). Kısırlık Sorunu Yaşayan Erkek Hastaların TAT ve Rorschach Tepkilerinin Olgu Düzeyinde İncelenmesi. Yaşam Becerileri Psikoloji Dergisi, 3(5), 53-64. https://doi.org/10.31461/ybpd.539802

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