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The Changing Role of Gatekeeper in Social Network Era

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 3, 28 - 50, 01.05.2018


With the advent the social media some changes started to happen in the face and the function of the traditional newsrooms. More than that, social media has changed how editors and reporters, report the news and, perhaps more importantly, control the flow of information. The gatekeeping theory came among the concepts that should be reconsidered due to the changes have been made. This study examined ten news professionals chosen among the 100 most visited news websites, and in-depth interview method was used to ask them 11 questions regarding the usage of social media in their respective news organization, social media’s role in newsgathering process and the mechanism which controls the content. In this study, the way that social media has changed the newsgathering model and structure were analyzed. The findings show that the social media had an impact on the editor’s traditional role in the newsroom and had become one of the essential news references in today’s newsrooms. The Twitter has identified as the most used social network to gather news in the daily newsroom’s work. The respondents suggested the speed, validity, and reliability as the most significant differences between traditional media and online media. They also said that there are not any specific mechanisms to control the social media content in their news outlets; however, they made their filters to cope up with social media content.


  • Alemdar, K. (1996). İletişim ve Tarih. İmge Kitabevi. 114.
  • Bakker, Piet. (2014). “Mr. Gates Returns: Curation, Community Management and Other New Roles for Journalists.” Journalism Studies 15 (5): 596–606.
  • Barzilai Nahon, K. (2009). Gatekeeping: A critical review. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 43(1), 1-79.
  • Barzilai-Nahon, K. Barzilai, G. (2005). “Cultured technology: The Internet and religious fundamentalism”. The Information Society, 21(1), 25-40.
  • Barzilai-Nahon, K. Neumann, S. (2005). Gatekeeping in Networks: A Meta-Theoretical Framework for Exploring Information Control. In Journal of Association of Information Systemes Sponsored Theory Development Workshop in ICIS, Las Vegas, 27.
  • Barzilai-Nahon, Karine. (2008). “Toward a Theory of Network Gatekeeping: A Framework for Exploring Information Control.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59 (9): 1493–1512.
  • Bass, A. Z. (1969). Refining THE “Gatekeeper” Concept: A UN radio case study. Journalism Quarterly, 46(1), 69-72.
  • Bavelas, A. (1948). A Mathematical Model for Group Structures. Human Organization 7: 16–30.
  • Becker, S. L. (1984). Marxist Approaches to Media Studies: The British experience. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 1(1), 66-80.
  • Bleske, G. L. (1991). Ms. Gates Takes Over: An Updated Version of a 1949 Case Study. Newspaper Research Journal, 12(4), 88-97.
  • Bro, P. ve Wallberg, F. (2014). Digital Gatekeeping: News Media Versus Social Media. Digital journalism, 2(3), 446-454.
  • Bro, Peter, and Filip Wallberg. (2015). “Gatekeeping in a Digital Era: Principles, Practices and Technological Platforms.” Journalism Practice 9 (1): 92–105.
  • Carlk, M. (2015). Gatekeeping Social Media in Today’s Newsrooms. School of Professional Studies. Gonzaga University.
  • Chibnall, S. (1977). Law-And-Order News: An Analysis of Crime Reporting in the British Press (Vol. 2). Routledge, 6,7,13.
  • Chin-Fook, L. Simmonds, H. (2013). Redefining Gatekeeping Theory for a Digital Generation. The McMaster Journal of Communication, 8.
  • Demirli, C., ve Kütük, Ö. F. (2010). Anlamsal Web (Web 3.0) ve ontolojilerine genel bir bakış. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(18), 97.
  • Gieber, W. (1960). How the “Gatekeepers” View Local Civil Liberties News. Journalism Quarterly, 37(2), 199-205.
  • Gieber, W. (1964). News is What Newspapermen Make İt. Na, 175.
  • Gieber, W. and Johnson, W. (1961). The City Hall “Beat”: A Study of Reporter and Source Roles. Journalism Quarterly, 38(3), 289-297.
  • Harmon, M. D. (1989). Mr. Gates Goes Electronic: The What and Why Questions in Local TV News. Journalism Quarterly, 66(4), 857-863.
  • Kaplan, A.M., Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the World, Unite The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons. 53, 59-68.
  • Karakulakoğlu, S.E. (2015). Geleceğin Web Teknolojileri: Web 3.0 ve Etkileşim., Ö. Oğuzhan (Editör). İletişimde Sosyal Medya Sosyal Medyada Etkileşim. Birinci Baskı. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları, 111-130.
  • Komito, L., ve Bates, J. (2009). Virtually Local: Social Media and Community Among Polish Nationals in Dublin (3’üncü baskı). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 232-244.
  • Lee C. S., Ma L. (2012). News Sharing in Social Media: The Effect of Gratifications and Prior Experience. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 331–339.
  • Lerman, K. Galstyan, A. (2008). Analysis of Social Voting Patterns on Digg. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Online Social Networks (pp. 7-12). ACM.
  • Lewin, K. (1947). Frontiers in Group Dynamics: Concept, Method and Reality in Social Sience; Social Equilibria and Social Change. Human Relations, 1(1), 5-41.
  • MacGregor, B. (1997). Live, Direct and Biased? Making Television News in the Satellite Age. London: Arnold, 49.
  • Mc Quail, D. Windahl, S., (1981) Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communications Longmans, 49.
  • McNelly, J. T. (1959). Intermediary Communicators in the İnternational Flow of News. Journalism Quarterly, 36(1), 23-26.
  • Mutlu, E. (1994). İletişim Sözlüğü, Ark Yayınları, Birinci baskı. Ankara, 64.
  • O’Reilly, T. (2005). What is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for The Next Genaration of Software. O’Reilly Media. URL: what-is-web-20.html?page=1 Son Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2017.
  • Patton, M,Q. (1987). How to Use Qualitative Methods in Evaluation. Sage Publication.
  • Paulussen, S. Harder, R. (2014) Social Media References in Newspapers (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as sources in newspaper journalism), Sage publication. 542, 551.
  • Pearson, G. D., & Kosicki, G. M. (2017). How Way-Finding is Challenging Gatekeeping in the Digital Age. Journalism Studies, 18(9), 1087-1105.
  • Rivers, W. L. (1965). The Opinionmakers. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Roberts, C. (2005). Gatekeeping Theory: An Evolution. Recuperado el, 8,9.
  • Severin, W. Tankard, J. (1994) İletişim Kuramları: Kökenleri, Yöntemleri ve Kitle İletişim Araçlarında Kullanımları, Çev: Ali Atıf Bir, N. Serdar Sever, Kibele Sanat Merkezi, 394,395.
  • Shoemaker, P. (1991). Communication Concepts 3: Gatekeeping, Newbury Park. 27-32,1.
  • Shoemaker, P. J. and Cohen, A. A. (2006). News Around The World: Practicioners, Content and the Public. Oxford: Routledge
  • Shoemaker, P. J., Johnson, P. R., Seo, H., & Wang, X. (2010). Readers as Gatekeepers of Online News: Brazil, China, and the United States, 6, 57.
  • Sigal, L. (1973). Reporters And Officials: The Organization and Politics of Newsgathering. Lexington, MA: Heath, 20.
  • Singer, J. (1998). Online Journalists: Foundations for Research into Their Changing Roles. The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 4 (1) [online]. URL: jcmc/vol4/issue1/singer.html Son Erişim Tarihi: 05.02.2018.
  • Singh, K. ve Gulati, D. (2011). Technological March from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0: A Comparative Study. Library Herald, 49(2), 146-157.
  • Snider, P. B. (1967). “Mr. Gates” Revisited: A 1966 Version of the 1949 Case Study. Journalism Quarterly, 44(3), 419-427.
  • Tandoc Jr, E. C. (2014). Journalism is Twerking? How Web Analytics is Changing the Process of Gatekeeping. New Media & Society, 16(4), 559-575.
  • Törenli, N. (2005). Yeni Medya Yeni İletişim Ortamı, Bilişim Teknolojileri Temelinde Haber Medyasının Yeniden Biçimlenişi. Birinci Baskı. Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları, 87.
  • van Dijk, J. (2016). Ağ Toplumu. (Çev. Ö. Sakin). İstanbul: Epsilon Yayıncılık. (Eserin orjinali 2012’de yayımlandı), 13-25-201-202.
  • Vos, Tim P. (2015). “Revisiting Gatekeeping Theory During a Time of Transition.” In Gatekeeping in Transition, edited by Tim P. Vos and Francois Heinderyckx, 2–24. New York: Routledge.
  • Vural, Z.B.A., Bat, M. (2010). Yeni Bir İletişim Ortamı Olarak Sosyal Medya: Ege Üniversitesi

Sosyal Ağ Çağında Eşik Bekçisinin Değişen Rolü

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 3, 28 - 50, 01.05.2018


Sosyal medyanın ortaya çıkışı ile geleneksel haber merkezlerinin yapı ve işlevlerinde değişiklikler görülmeye başlanmıştır. Sosyal medya, editör ve gazetecilerin veri toplama biçimini ve bilgi akışını kontrol etme işlevlerini değişime uğratmıştır. Bu değişiklikler ile eşik bekçiliği kavramı da yeniden düşünülmesi gereken kavramlar arasına girmiştir. Çalışmada, en çok takip edilen 100 haber sitesi içinden seçilen 10 haber sitesi editörüne derinlemesine mülakat yöntemi uygulanarak; kuruluşlarındaki sosyal medya kullanımı, veri toplama sürecinde sosyal medyanın rolü ve içeriği denetleyen mekanizmalar hakkında toplam 10 soru yöneltilmiş, cevaplar 5 başlık altında değerlendirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda sosyal medyanın veri toplama modeli ve yapılanmasını nasıl değiştirdiği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda sosyal medyanın; editörlerin geleneksel rollerini etkilediği ve günümüzde en önemli haber kaynaklarından biri durumuna geldiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca, Twitter’ın haber merkezlerinin günlük çalışmalarında haber almak için en sık kullandıkları sosyal ağ olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcılar, geleneksel medya ile internet medyasındaki eşik bekçiliği sürecindeki en önemli farklılığın, hız, doğruluk ve güvenilirlik faktörleri olduğunu, kuruluşlarında sosyal medya içeriklerinin doğruluğunu kontrol eden bir mekanizma bulunmadığını ancak kendi bünyelerinde oluşturdukları bazı filtrelerle bu sorunu aşmaya çalıştıklarını ortaya koydular.


  • Alemdar, K. (1996). İletişim ve Tarih. İmge Kitabevi. 114.
  • Bakker, Piet. (2014). “Mr. Gates Returns: Curation, Community Management and Other New Roles for Journalists.” Journalism Studies 15 (5): 596–606.
  • Barzilai Nahon, K. (2009). Gatekeeping: A critical review. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 43(1), 1-79.
  • Barzilai-Nahon, K. Barzilai, G. (2005). “Cultured technology: The Internet and religious fundamentalism”. The Information Society, 21(1), 25-40.
  • Barzilai-Nahon, K. Neumann, S. (2005). Gatekeeping in Networks: A Meta-Theoretical Framework for Exploring Information Control. In Journal of Association of Information Systemes Sponsored Theory Development Workshop in ICIS, Las Vegas, 27.
  • Barzilai-Nahon, Karine. (2008). “Toward a Theory of Network Gatekeeping: A Framework for Exploring Information Control.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59 (9): 1493–1512.
  • Bass, A. Z. (1969). Refining THE “Gatekeeper” Concept: A UN radio case study. Journalism Quarterly, 46(1), 69-72.
  • Bavelas, A. (1948). A Mathematical Model for Group Structures. Human Organization 7: 16–30.
  • Becker, S. L. (1984). Marxist Approaches to Media Studies: The British experience. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 1(1), 66-80.
  • Bleske, G. L. (1991). Ms. Gates Takes Over: An Updated Version of a 1949 Case Study. Newspaper Research Journal, 12(4), 88-97.
  • Bro, P. ve Wallberg, F. (2014). Digital Gatekeeping: News Media Versus Social Media. Digital journalism, 2(3), 446-454.
  • Bro, Peter, and Filip Wallberg. (2015). “Gatekeeping in a Digital Era: Principles, Practices and Technological Platforms.” Journalism Practice 9 (1): 92–105.
  • Carlk, M. (2015). Gatekeeping Social Media in Today’s Newsrooms. School of Professional Studies. Gonzaga University.
  • Chibnall, S. (1977). Law-And-Order News: An Analysis of Crime Reporting in the British Press (Vol. 2). Routledge, 6,7,13.
  • Chin-Fook, L. Simmonds, H. (2013). Redefining Gatekeeping Theory for a Digital Generation. The McMaster Journal of Communication, 8.
  • Demirli, C., ve Kütük, Ö. F. (2010). Anlamsal Web (Web 3.0) ve ontolojilerine genel bir bakış. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(18), 97.
  • Gieber, W. (1960). How the “Gatekeepers” View Local Civil Liberties News. Journalism Quarterly, 37(2), 199-205.
  • Gieber, W. (1964). News is What Newspapermen Make İt. Na, 175.
  • Gieber, W. and Johnson, W. (1961). The City Hall “Beat”: A Study of Reporter and Source Roles. Journalism Quarterly, 38(3), 289-297.
  • Harmon, M. D. (1989). Mr. Gates Goes Electronic: The What and Why Questions in Local TV News. Journalism Quarterly, 66(4), 857-863.
  • Kaplan, A.M., Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the World, Unite The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons. 53, 59-68.
  • Karakulakoğlu, S.E. (2015). Geleceğin Web Teknolojileri: Web 3.0 ve Etkileşim., Ö. Oğuzhan (Editör). İletişimde Sosyal Medya Sosyal Medyada Etkileşim. Birinci Baskı. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları, 111-130.
  • Komito, L., ve Bates, J. (2009). Virtually Local: Social Media and Community Among Polish Nationals in Dublin (3’üncü baskı). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 232-244.
  • Lee C. S., Ma L. (2012). News Sharing in Social Media: The Effect of Gratifications and Prior Experience. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 331–339.
  • Lerman, K. Galstyan, A. (2008). Analysis of Social Voting Patterns on Digg. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Online Social Networks (pp. 7-12). ACM.
  • Lewin, K. (1947). Frontiers in Group Dynamics: Concept, Method and Reality in Social Sience; Social Equilibria and Social Change. Human Relations, 1(1), 5-41.
  • MacGregor, B. (1997). Live, Direct and Biased? Making Television News in the Satellite Age. London: Arnold, 49.
  • Mc Quail, D. Windahl, S., (1981) Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communications Longmans, 49.
  • McNelly, J. T. (1959). Intermediary Communicators in the İnternational Flow of News. Journalism Quarterly, 36(1), 23-26.
  • Mutlu, E. (1994). İletişim Sözlüğü, Ark Yayınları, Birinci baskı. Ankara, 64.
  • O’Reilly, T. (2005). What is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for The Next Genaration of Software. O’Reilly Media. URL: what-is-web-20.html?page=1 Son Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2017.
  • Patton, M,Q. (1987). How to Use Qualitative Methods in Evaluation. Sage Publication.
  • Paulussen, S. Harder, R. (2014) Social Media References in Newspapers (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as sources in newspaper journalism), Sage publication. 542, 551.
  • Pearson, G. D., & Kosicki, G. M. (2017). How Way-Finding is Challenging Gatekeeping in the Digital Age. Journalism Studies, 18(9), 1087-1105.
  • Rivers, W. L. (1965). The Opinionmakers. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Roberts, C. (2005). Gatekeeping Theory: An Evolution. Recuperado el, 8,9.
  • Severin, W. Tankard, J. (1994) İletişim Kuramları: Kökenleri, Yöntemleri ve Kitle İletişim Araçlarında Kullanımları, Çev: Ali Atıf Bir, N. Serdar Sever, Kibele Sanat Merkezi, 394,395.
  • Shoemaker, P. (1991). Communication Concepts 3: Gatekeeping, Newbury Park. 27-32,1.
  • Shoemaker, P. J. and Cohen, A. A. (2006). News Around The World: Practicioners, Content and the Public. Oxford: Routledge
  • Shoemaker, P. J., Johnson, P. R., Seo, H., & Wang, X. (2010). Readers as Gatekeepers of Online News: Brazil, China, and the United States, 6, 57.
  • Sigal, L. (1973). Reporters And Officials: The Organization and Politics of Newsgathering. Lexington, MA: Heath, 20.
  • Singer, J. (1998). Online Journalists: Foundations for Research into Their Changing Roles. The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 4 (1) [online]. URL: jcmc/vol4/issue1/singer.html Son Erişim Tarihi: 05.02.2018.
  • Singh, K. ve Gulati, D. (2011). Technological March from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0: A Comparative Study. Library Herald, 49(2), 146-157.
  • Snider, P. B. (1967). “Mr. Gates” Revisited: A 1966 Version of the 1949 Case Study. Journalism Quarterly, 44(3), 419-427.
  • Tandoc Jr, E. C. (2014). Journalism is Twerking? How Web Analytics is Changing the Process of Gatekeeping. New Media & Society, 16(4), 559-575.
  • Törenli, N. (2005). Yeni Medya Yeni İletişim Ortamı, Bilişim Teknolojileri Temelinde Haber Medyasının Yeniden Biçimlenişi. Birinci Baskı. Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları, 87.
  • van Dijk, J. (2016). Ağ Toplumu. (Çev. Ö. Sakin). İstanbul: Epsilon Yayıncılık. (Eserin orjinali 2012’de yayımlandı), 13-25-201-202.
  • Vos, Tim P. (2015). “Revisiting Gatekeeping Theory During a Time of Transition.” In Gatekeeping in Transition, edited by Tim P. Vos and Francois Heinderyckx, 2–24. New York: Routledge.
  • Vural, Z.B.A., Bat, M. (2010). Yeni Bir İletişim Ortamı Olarak Sosyal Medya: Ege Üniversitesi
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Soheil Kafiliveyjuyeh Bu kişi benim

Erol İlhan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kafiliveyjuyeh, S., & İlhan, E. (2018). Sosyal Ağ Çağında Eşik Bekçisinin Değişen Rolü. Yeni Medya(3), 28-50.