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Bir Expo Mirası Olarak Mimarlığın Kentler Üzerindeki Etkileri

Yıl 2023, , 111 - 127, 31.12.2023


Düzenlendikleri ilk günden itibaren EXPO’lar, kentlerin tarihlerinde önemli izler bırakan etkinlikler olmuşlardır. İlk sergi olan 1851 Londra Dünya Sergisinden başlayarak dört farklı kategoride düzenlenen EXPO’ların çoğu miras niteliğinde vurgularla anılmaktadır. Hatırlanabilir olmalarının yanı sıra birer deneysel alan olan sergiler, mimarlığın da içinde bulunduğu pek çok alan için arayışın yeri olmuştur. Yeni buluşların tanıtıldığı, dönemine göre yenilikçi bir tavrın sergilendiği, günümüzde kentlerin ve ülkelerin sembolü haline gelen ikonik yapıların üretildiği sergiler, uluslararası arenada birer gösteri mekânı halini almışlardır. Edinilen deneyimle birçok kent, sonrasında başka büyük organizasyonlara da ev sahipliği yapma fırsatına sahip olmuşlardır. EXPO’ların belki de en somut mirası kente bıraktığı mimari eserlerdir. Bu çalışma 1851 Büyük Sergiden günümüze kadar düzenlenmiş EXPO etkinliklerinin kentlere ve uluslara sağladığı mimari katkıları ortaya koymaya çalışmıştır. Yapısal ve mimari yenilikler, konut çalışmaları ve ikonik yapılar olmak üzere üç başlıkta incelenen bu katkılar düzenlenmiş Sergiler üzerinden anlatılarak tartışmaya açılmıştır.


  • Aelbrecht, P. (2019). A world fair for the future: A study of the legacy of the Expo ‘98 urban model. Mega-events placemaking, regeneration and city-regional development (s. 485-500) içinde. Routledge.
  • Associati, C. R. (2021). Italian Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020. expo-dubai-2020/.
  • arkitektuel. (b.t.a). Habitat 67.
  • arkitektuel. (b.t.b). Barselona Pavyonu.
  • Alpin Gümüş, B. (2023). Erkin mekânsal temsil aracı olan ikonik binaların tasarım özelliklerinin ve kent kimliğine etkilerinin örneklerle incelenmesi (Tez No. 811259) [Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
  • Atomium. (b.t.a). Index.
  • Atomium. (b.t.b). EXPO 58.
  • Barnes, C., Hall, B. ve Jackson, S. (2009). Relaxed and comfortable: The Australian pavilion at Expo'67. Design Issues, 25(1), 80-93.
  • Carriere, J. ve Demaziere, C. (2002). Planning and flagship development projects: Lessons from EXPO 98, Lisbon. Planning Practice & Research 17(1), 69-79.
  • Chinadaily. (2010). The greatest show on Earth: BIE chief. 05/01/content_9799986.htm
  • Conard, C. E. (2008). Where is the public in public art? A case study of Millennium Park [Doktora Tezi, The Ohio State University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Çayan, D. (2023). Mega Etkinlikler ve Kentsel Mirasları: Birleşmiş Milletler Habitat II deneyimi (Tez No. 728067) [Yüksek lisans tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
  • Çayan, D. ve Sat N. A. (2022). Mega etkinlikler ve kentsel mirasları: Birleşmiş Milletler Habitat II-İstanbul deneyimi. İdealkent, 14(Bölgesel Çalışmalar Özel Sayısı), 478-509.
  • De Aenlle, C. (2015, Mayıs 1). World’s fairs and their legacies. The New York Times.
  • Delanty, G. ve Jones, P. (2002). European identity and architecture. European Journal of Social Theory, 5(4), 453–466.
  • Deng, Y. (2013). Conceptualizing mega-event flagships: A case study of China pavilion of Expo 2010 Shanghai China. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2(1), 107-115.
  • Deng, Y., Poon, S.W. ve Chan, H.W.E. (2016). Planning mega-event built legacies a case of Expo 2010. Habitat International, 53, 163-177.
  • Diez, J. (2003). Hannover after the World Exhibition EXPO 2000: An attempt to establish an ICT-cluster. European Planning Studies, 11(4), 379-394.
  • Fernandez, S., Caruso, N. ve Paige, N. (2021). Seattle Space Needle: How did they build that?. ScholarWorks.
  • Ferrari, S. ve Guala, C. (2015). Mega-events and their legacy: Image and tourism in Genoa, Turin and Milan. Leisure Studies, 36 (1), 119-137.
  • Ginting, N., Rahman, N.V. ve Nasution, A.D. (2020). A comparative study of landmark on heritage tourism in Sumatra. E-BPJ 5(15), 221-227.
  • Gross, L. P. ve Snyder, T. R. (2005). Philadelphia’s 1876 Centennial Exhibition. Arcadia Publishing.
  • Hammond, C. (2008). The (human) habitat: Humanism, architecture and HABITAT 67/04 Architecture and Identity (s. 227-236) İçinde. Berlin: LIT.
  • Han, G. (2010, Mayıs 14). Urban best practices area a peek into the future.
  • Hansaviertel. (b.t.). The history of Interbau 1957. der-interbau-1957/
  • Hiller, H. H. (2000a). Toward an urban sociology of mega-events. Research in Urban Sociology, 5, 181-205.
  • Hiller, H. H. (2000b). Mega-Events, urban boosterism and growth strategies: An analysis of the objectives and legitimations of the Cape Town 2004 Olympic Bid. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24 (2), 439-458.
  • Hough, D.E. ve Kratz, C.G. (1983). Can “good” architecture meet the market test?. Journal of Urban Economics, 14, 40-54.
  • Hughes, M. (2012). Making an impact: The power of World Expo. https://www.bie-
  • Jeandron, M. (2008). The Atomium marks a half century. Physics World, 21(4), 7.
  • Jashari-Kajtazi, T. ve Jakupi, A. (2017). Interpretation of architectural identity through landmark architecture: The case of Prishtina, Kosovo from the 1970s to the 1980s. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 6(4), 480-486.
  • Jencks, C. (2006). The iconic building is here to stay. City, 10(1), 3-20.
  • Kaya, B.E. ve Erbaş, İ. (2022). Effects of Expo fairs on urban development as the event legacy and their sustainability: Comparison of Expo Lisbon and Expo Antalya cases. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 10(1), 1-20.
  • Komocki, J. (1967). Structural design of Habitat '67. PCI Journal, 12(1), 67-70.
  • Kurtoğlu, N.S. (2022, Eylül 13). Mies van der Rohe’nin Barselona Pavyonu İçin Moodboard. Arkitera.
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.a). What is an EXPO?. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.b). The 1928 Paris Convention. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.c). About World Expos. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.d). About Specialised Expos. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.e). About Horticultural Expos. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.f). About the Triennale di Milano. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.g). EXPO 1878 Paris. paris
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.h). EXPO 1986 Vancouver. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.i). EXPO 1957 Berlin. berlin
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.j). EXPO 1967 Montreal. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.k). EXPO 1929 Barcelona. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.l). Turkey.
  • Linden, G. ve Creighton, P. (2008). The Expo Book: A guide to the planning, organization, design & operation of World Expositions. Morrisville: Lulu.
  • López-César, (2019). World Expos and architectonic structures: An intimate relationship. https://www.bie-
  • Loscertales, V.G. (2011). A pillar of the success of EXPO 2010: The theme development. https://www.bie-
  • Loscertales, V.G. (2012). World Expos open the door to the future. https://www.bie-
  • Lubin, J. (2016). Humanizing the megascale. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Journal, (1), 12-18.
  • Minner, J. ve Abbott, M. (2018, Temmuz 15-19). How urban spaces remember: Memory and transformation at two Expo sites. The 18th International Planning History Society Conference, Yokohama.
  • Minner, J. ve Abbott, M. (2020). Conservation logics that reshape mega-event spaces: San Antonio and Brisbane post Expo. Planning Perspectives, 35(5), 1-26.
  • Nys, C. (2020). The Atomium of Brussels–“irreparably improved”?. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 73, 59-62.
  • Olds, K. N. (1998). Planning for the housing impacts of a hallmark event: A case study of EXPO 86 [Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi]. The University of British Columbia.
  • Önsoy, R. (1983). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun katıldığı ilk uluslararası sergiler ve Sergi-i Umumi-i Osmani (1863 İstanbul Sergisi). Belleten, 47 (185), 195-236.
  • Piatkowska, K. K. (2013). Expo pavilions as expression of national aspirations. architecture as political symbol. Archhist 13(48), 20-29.
  • Polat, B. (2023). Kültür ekonomisi ve kentsel tasarım ilişkisi: Kamusal sanat ve sanata ayrılan pay stratejisi bağlamında sorgulamalar (Tez No. 805468) [Doktora tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
  • Rawn, E. (2015, Nisan 30). The architectural lab: A history Of World Expos. Archdaily.
  • Rudolph, M. (2015). Two German architectures: Confrontation, competition and co-evolution in divided Berlin. ICOMOS Germany, 58, 54-57.
  • Safdie, M. (1967). Habitat '67: Towards the development of a building system. PCI Journal, 12(1), 60-66.
  • Silla, C. (2013). Chicago World’s Fair of 1893: Marketing the modern imaginary of the city and urban everyday life through representation. First Monday, 18(11), 4.
  • Space Needle. (b.t.). A Seattle icon.
  • Taha, B., ve Allan, A. (2020). Planning for legacy - a cost effective a sustainable approach. case study: Dubai. EXPO 2020. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4(3), 237-244.
  • T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı. (2022). Dünya Sergileri / Uluslararası Sergiler / Botanik Sergileri (EXPO).
  • T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. (b.t.). EXPO nedir?
  • Tran, V.T. (2007). Expo 67 in Montreal, a landmark event.,_a_Landmark_Event.html
  • Tsaur, S., Yen, C., Tu, J., Wang, C. ve Liang, Y. (2017). Evaluation of the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition from the perceptions of host-city residents: A new framework for mega-event legacies measurement. Leisure Studies, 36(1), 1-24.
  • Urban, F. (2004). Recovering essence through demolition: the "organic" city in postwar West Berlin. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 63(3), 354-369.
  • Visitbrussels. (b.t.). Atomium.
  • Wagner-Conzelmann, S. (2013). The International Building Exhibition Berlin (1957) A model for the city of tomorrow?. DASH, 9, 36-51.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, A.D. (2014). Bir kamusal strüktür olarak pavyon yapılarının dijital teknolojilerle yeniden biçimlenişi. VIII. mimarlıkta sayısal tasarım ulusal sempozyumu bildiriler kitabı (s. 21-32) içinde. İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü.
  • Yuyu, N.Y. (b.t.). Avant Garde, the confrontations towards the mainstream: HABITAT 67 challenges the status quo. TAT_67_CHALLENGES_THE_STATUS_QUO
  • Zedda, I. M. (2021). Beyond façades: The Berlin Block and the housing issue at IBA 1987. History and Theory of Architecture, 9, 165-183.

The Effects of Architecture As An Expo Heritage on Cities

Yıl 2023, , 111 - 127, 31.12.2023


From the first day they were held, EXPOs have been events that have left important traces in the history of cities. Most of the EXPOs, organized in four different categories, starting with the first exhibition, the 1851 London World Exhibition, are commemorated with heritage highlights. The exhibitions, which are not only memorable but also experimental spaces, have been the place of search for many fields including architecture. The exhibitions, in which new inventions are introduced, an innovative attitude is exhibited according to the period, and iconic structures that have become the symbols of cities and countries today are produced, have become show venues in the international arena. With the experience gained, many cities had the opportunity to host other large organizations afterward. Perhaps the most tangible legacy of EXPOs is the architectural works left to the city. This study has tried to reveal the architectural contributions of the EXPO events organized from the Great Exhibition of 1851 to the cities and nations. These contributions, which are examined under three headings as structural and architectural innovations, housing works, and iconic structures, are discussed through the organized Exhibitions.


  • Aelbrecht, P. (2019). A world fair for the future: A study of the legacy of the Expo ‘98 urban model. Mega-events placemaking, regeneration and city-regional development (s. 485-500) içinde. Routledge.
  • Associati, C. R. (2021). Italian Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020. expo-dubai-2020/.
  • arkitektuel. (b.t.a). Habitat 67.
  • arkitektuel. (b.t.b). Barselona Pavyonu.
  • Alpin Gümüş, B. (2023). Erkin mekânsal temsil aracı olan ikonik binaların tasarım özelliklerinin ve kent kimliğine etkilerinin örneklerle incelenmesi (Tez No. 811259) [Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
  • Atomium. (b.t.a). Index.
  • Atomium. (b.t.b). EXPO 58.
  • Barnes, C., Hall, B. ve Jackson, S. (2009). Relaxed and comfortable: The Australian pavilion at Expo'67. Design Issues, 25(1), 80-93.
  • Carriere, J. ve Demaziere, C. (2002). Planning and flagship development projects: Lessons from EXPO 98, Lisbon. Planning Practice & Research 17(1), 69-79.
  • Chinadaily. (2010). The greatest show on Earth: BIE chief. 05/01/content_9799986.htm
  • Conard, C. E. (2008). Where is the public in public art? A case study of Millennium Park [Doktora Tezi, The Ohio State University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Çayan, D. (2023). Mega Etkinlikler ve Kentsel Mirasları: Birleşmiş Milletler Habitat II deneyimi (Tez No. 728067) [Yüksek lisans tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
  • Çayan, D. ve Sat N. A. (2022). Mega etkinlikler ve kentsel mirasları: Birleşmiş Milletler Habitat II-İstanbul deneyimi. İdealkent, 14(Bölgesel Çalışmalar Özel Sayısı), 478-509.
  • De Aenlle, C. (2015, Mayıs 1). World’s fairs and their legacies. The New York Times.
  • Delanty, G. ve Jones, P. (2002). European identity and architecture. European Journal of Social Theory, 5(4), 453–466.
  • Deng, Y. (2013). Conceptualizing mega-event flagships: A case study of China pavilion of Expo 2010 Shanghai China. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2(1), 107-115.
  • Deng, Y., Poon, S.W. ve Chan, H.W.E. (2016). Planning mega-event built legacies a case of Expo 2010. Habitat International, 53, 163-177.
  • Diez, J. (2003). Hannover after the World Exhibition EXPO 2000: An attempt to establish an ICT-cluster. European Planning Studies, 11(4), 379-394.
  • Fernandez, S., Caruso, N. ve Paige, N. (2021). Seattle Space Needle: How did they build that?. ScholarWorks.
  • Ferrari, S. ve Guala, C. (2015). Mega-events and their legacy: Image and tourism in Genoa, Turin and Milan. Leisure Studies, 36 (1), 119-137.
  • Ginting, N., Rahman, N.V. ve Nasution, A.D. (2020). A comparative study of landmark on heritage tourism in Sumatra. E-BPJ 5(15), 221-227.
  • Gross, L. P. ve Snyder, T. R. (2005). Philadelphia’s 1876 Centennial Exhibition. Arcadia Publishing.
  • Hammond, C. (2008). The (human) habitat: Humanism, architecture and HABITAT 67/04 Architecture and Identity (s. 227-236) İçinde. Berlin: LIT.
  • Han, G. (2010, Mayıs 14). Urban best practices area a peek into the future.
  • Hansaviertel. (b.t.). The history of Interbau 1957. der-interbau-1957/
  • Hiller, H. H. (2000a). Toward an urban sociology of mega-events. Research in Urban Sociology, 5, 181-205.
  • Hiller, H. H. (2000b). Mega-Events, urban boosterism and growth strategies: An analysis of the objectives and legitimations of the Cape Town 2004 Olympic Bid. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24 (2), 439-458.
  • Hough, D.E. ve Kratz, C.G. (1983). Can “good” architecture meet the market test?. Journal of Urban Economics, 14, 40-54.
  • Hughes, M. (2012). Making an impact: The power of World Expo. https://www.bie-
  • Jeandron, M. (2008). The Atomium marks a half century. Physics World, 21(4), 7.
  • Jashari-Kajtazi, T. ve Jakupi, A. (2017). Interpretation of architectural identity through landmark architecture: The case of Prishtina, Kosovo from the 1970s to the 1980s. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 6(4), 480-486.
  • Jencks, C. (2006). The iconic building is here to stay. City, 10(1), 3-20.
  • Kaya, B.E. ve Erbaş, İ. (2022). Effects of Expo fairs on urban development as the event legacy and their sustainability: Comparison of Expo Lisbon and Expo Antalya cases. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 10(1), 1-20.
  • Komocki, J. (1967). Structural design of Habitat '67. PCI Journal, 12(1), 67-70.
  • Kurtoğlu, N.S. (2022, Eylül 13). Mies van der Rohe’nin Barselona Pavyonu İçin Moodboard. Arkitera.
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.a). What is an EXPO?. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.b). The 1928 Paris Convention. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.c). About World Expos. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.d). About Specialised Expos. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.e). About Horticultural Expos. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.f). About the Triennale di Milano. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.g). EXPO 1878 Paris. paris
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.h). EXPO 1986 Vancouver. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.i). EXPO 1957 Berlin. berlin
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.j). EXPO 1967 Montreal. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.k). EXPO 1929 Barcelona. https://www.bie-
  • Le Bureau International des Expositions [BIE]. (b.t.l). Turkey.
  • Linden, G. ve Creighton, P. (2008). The Expo Book: A guide to the planning, organization, design & operation of World Expositions. Morrisville: Lulu.
  • López-César, (2019). World Expos and architectonic structures: An intimate relationship. https://www.bie-
  • Loscertales, V.G. (2011). A pillar of the success of EXPO 2010: The theme development. https://www.bie-
  • Loscertales, V.G. (2012). World Expos open the door to the future. https://www.bie-
  • Lubin, J. (2016). Humanizing the megascale. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Journal, (1), 12-18.
  • Minner, J. ve Abbott, M. (2018, Temmuz 15-19). How urban spaces remember: Memory and transformation at two Expo sites. The 18th International Planning History Society Conference, Yokohama.
  • Minner, J. ve Abbott, M. (2020). Conservation logics that reshape mega-event spaces: San Antonio and Brisbane post Expo. Planning Perspectives, 35(5), 1-26.
  • Nys, C. (2020). The Atomium of Brussels–“irreparably improved”?. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 73, 59-62.
  • Olds, K. N. (1998). Planning for the housing impacts of a hallmark event: A case study of EXPO 86 [Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi]. The University of British Columbia.
  • Önsoy, R. (1983). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun katıldığı ilk uluslararası sergiler ve Sergi-i Umumi-i Osmani (1863 İstanbul Sergisi). Belleten, 47 (185), 195-236.
  • Piatkowska, K. K. (2013). Expo pavilions as expression of national aspirations. architecture as political symbol. Archhist 13(48), 20-29.
  • Polat, B. (2023). Kültür ekonomisi ve kentsel tasarım ilişkisi: Kamusal sanat ve sanata ayrılan pay stratejisi bağlamında sorgulamalar (Tez No. 805468) [Doktora tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
  • Rawn, E. (2015, Nisan 30). The architectural lab: A history Of World Expos. Archdaily.
  • Rudolph, M. (2015). Two German architectures: Confrontation, competition and co-evolution in divided Berlin. ICOMOS Germany, 58, 54-57.
  • Safdie, M. (1967). Habitat '67: Towards the development of a building system. PCI Journal, 12(1), 60-66.
  • Silla, C. (2013). Chicago World’s Fair of 1893: Marketing the modern imaginary of the city and urban everyday life through representation. First Monday, 18(11), 4.
  • Space Needle. (b.t.). A Seattle icon.
  • Taha, B., ve Allan, A. (2020). Planning for legacy - a cost effective a sustainable approach. case study: Dubai. EXPO 2020. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4(3), 237-244.
  • T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı. (2022). Dünya Sergileri / Uluslararası Sergiler / Botanik Sergileri (EXPO).
  • T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. (b.t.). EXPO nedir?
  • Tran, V.T. (2007). Expo 67 in Montreal, a landmark event.,_a_Landmark_Event.html
  • Tsaur, S., Yen, C., Tu, J., Wang, C. ve Liang, Y. (2017). Evaluation of the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition from the perceptions of host-city residents: A new framework for mega-event legacies measurement. Leisure Studies, 36(1), 1-24.
  • Urban, F. (2004). Recovering essence through demolition: the "organic" city in postwar West Berlin. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 63(3), 354-369.
  • Visitbrussels. (b.t.). Atomium.
  • Wagner-Conzelmann, S. (2013). The International Building Exhibition Berlin (1957) A model for the city of tomorrow?. DASH, 9, 36-51.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, A.D. (2014). Bir kamusal strüktür olarak pavyon yapılarının dijital teknolojilerle yeniden biçimlenişi. VIII. mimarlıkta sayısal tasarım ulusal sempozyumu bildiriler kitabı (s. 21-32) içinde. İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü.
  • Yuyu, N.Y. (b.t.). Avant Garde, the confrontations towards the mainstream: HABITAT 67 challenges the status quo. TAT_67_CHALLENGES_THE_STATUS_QUO
  • Zedda, I. M. (2021). Beyond façades: The Berlin Block and the housing issue at IBA 1987. History and Theory of Architecture, 9, 165-183.
Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kültür Coğrafyası, Rekreasyon, Tatil ve Turizm Coğrafyası, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Eğitimi, Güzel Sanatlar
Bölüm Tam Sayı

Bengi Polat 0000-0002-5901-0591

Senem Tezcan 0000-0003-0532-8825

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Polat, B., & Tezcan, S. (2023). Bir Expo Mirası Olarak Mimarlığın Kentler Üzerindeki Etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(62), 111-127.

Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.