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Farklı kurutma tekniklerinin kuru Aronya (Aronia melanocarpa) meyvesi ve tozunun kalitesine etkisi

Yıl 2023, , 353 - 362, 05.07.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı kurutma teknikleriyle kurutulan aronya meyvesinin fiziksel, kimyasal ve toz ürün özelliklerinin incelenmesidir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Dondurarak kurutma, vakum kurutma ve konvektif kurutma olmak üzere üç farklı kurutma işlemine tabi tutulan aronya meyvesinin özelliklerini belirlemek için toplam kuru madde, kül, su aktivitesi, renk, toplam fenolik madde, toplam flavonoid, toplam antosiyanin miktarı ve toz ürün kalite analizleri yapılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Uygulanan tüm kurutma yöntemleri sonucunda hammaddeye göre kuru örneklerin toplam fenolik madde, gallik gave toplam antosiyanin içeriğinde azalma tespit edilmekle birlikte en yüksek besinsel içerik ve parlaklık (L*) değeri dondurarak kurutulan örneklerde elde edilmiştir.
Sonuç: Tüm kuru ürünlerin su aktivitesi değeri 0.6’nın altında olduğu için mikrobiyolojik açıdan güvenli kabul edilmiş, taze meyveye en yakın kalitede kuru ürünün sublimleşme ile suyun buharlaştırılmasını sağlayan dondurarak kurutma yöntemi uygulanması ile elde edildiği belirlenmiştir.


Bu çalışma kapsamında bize hammadde temini sağlayarak destek olan By Aronia Gıda Ltd. Şti.’ye teşekkür ederiz.


  • Aksoy, A., 2019. Farklı Kurutma Yöntemlerinin Kıymanın Kurutma Kinetiği, Mikroyapısı, Rengi Ve Rehidrasyon Oranı Üzerine Etkisi, (Basılmamış) Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 115 s.
  • Akyıldız, A., S. Polat & E. Ağçam, 2017. Konveksiyonel ve dondurarak kurutma yöntemlerinin karpuzun bazı kalite özelliklerine etkisi. Gıda, 42 (2): 169-176.
  • Calín-Sánchez, A., A. Kharaghani, K. Lech, A. Figiel, A.A. Carbonell-Barrachina & E. Tsotsas, 2014. Drying kinetics and microstructural and sensoryproperties of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) as Affected by drying method. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8: 63-74.
  • Cemeroğlu, B., 2010. Gıda Analizleri. Bizim Grup Basımevi: Ankara, 480 s.
  • Çağdas, E., S. Kumcuğlu & Ş. Tavman, 2011. Mikrodalga destekli vakum kurutma tekniği ve gıdaların kurutulmasında kullanımı. Akademik Gıda, 9 (1): 40-48.
  • Denev, P., M. Číž, M. Kratchanova & D. Blazheva, 2019. Black chokeberry (Aronia Melanocarpa) polyphenols reveal different antioxidant, antimicrobial and neutrophil-modulating activities. Food Chemistry, 284: 108-117. https: //
  • Ersus Bilek, S.., 2010. The effects of time, temperature, solvent: solid ratio and solvent composition on extraction of total phenolic compound from dried olive (Olea europaea L.) leaves. Gıda/The Journal of Food, 35: 411-416.
  • Ersus, S., M. Çetiner., N. Hayatioğlu & A.Z. Hepçimen, 2021. Production of pomegranate snacks as affected by different pre-treatments. Ege Univ. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 58 (1): 17-24. https: //
  • Hao, M.L., N. Pan, Q.H. Zhang & X.H. Wang, 2015. Therapeutic efficacy of chlorogenic acid on cadmium-ınduced oxidative neuropathy in a murine model. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 9: 1887-94.https: //
  • Horszwald, A., H. Julien & W. Andlauer, 2013. Characterisation of Aronia Powders Obtained by Different Drying Processes. Food Chemistry,141 (3): 2858-2863. https: //
  • Jaya, S. & H. Das, 2003. A vacuum drying model for mango pulp. Drying Technology, 21: 1215-1234. https: //
  • Jinapong, N., M. Suphantharika & P. Jamnong, 2008. Production of ınstant soymilk powders by ultrafiltration. spray drying and fluidized bed agglomeratio. Journal of Food Engineering, 84: 194-205. https: //
  • Karam, M.C., J. Petit, D. Zimmer, E.B. Djantou & J. Scher, 2016. Effects of drying and grinding in production of fruit and vegetable powders: a review. Journal of Food Engineering, 188: 32-49. https: //
  • Kaur, P., S.K. Singh, V. Garg, N. Gulati & Y. Vaidya, 2015. Optimization of spray drying process for formulation of solid dispersion containing polypeptide-k powder through quality by design approach. Powder Technology, 284: 1-11. https: //
  • Kim, D.O., S.W. Jeong & C.Y. Lee, 2003. Antioxidant capacity of phenolic phyto chemicals from various cultivars of plums. Food Chemistry, 81 (3): 321-326. https: // (02)00423-5
  • Marques, L.G., M.M. Prado & J.T. Freire, 2009. Rehydration characteristics of freeze-dried tropical fruits. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42 (7): 1232-1237. https: //
  • Motevali, A., S. Minaei & M.H. Khoshtagaza, 2011. Evaluation of energy consumption in different drying methods. Energy Conversion and Management, 52: 1192-1199. https: //
  • Rannou, C., D. Queveau, V. Beaumal, E. David-Briand, C. Le Borgne, A. Meynier, M. Anton, C. Prost, P. Schuck & C. Loisel, 2015. Effect of spray-drying and storage conditions on the physical and functional properties of standard and n3 enriched egg yolk powders. Journal of Food Engineering, 154: 58-68. https: //
  • Samoticha, J., A. Wojdyło & K. Lech, 2016. The influence of different the drying methods on chemical composition and antioxidant activity in chokeberries. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 66: 484-489. https: //
  • Scott, R.W. & R.M. Skirvin, 2007. Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Michx.): A semi-edible fruit with no pests. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 61 (3): 135.
  • Shofian, N.M., A.A. Hamid, A. Osman, N. Saari , F. Anwar, M.S. Pak Dek & M.R. Hairuddin, 2011. Effect of freeze-drying on the antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity of selected tropical fruits. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 12 (7): 4678-4692. https: //
  • Skapska, S., K. Marszalek, L. Wozniak & Z. Katarzyna, 2017. Aronia dietary drinks fortified with selected herbal extracts preserved by thermal pasteurization and high pressure carbon dioxide. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85: 423-426. https: //
  • Wolski, T., O. Kalisz, M. Prasał & A. Rolski. 2007. Black chokeberry- Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot- The rich source of antioxidants. Post. Fitoter, 3: 145-154. DOI: 10.1155/2018/9574587
  • Yemmireddy, V.K., M.S. Chinnan, W.L. Kerr & Y.C. Hung, 2013. Effect of drying method on drying time and physico-chemical properties of dried rabbiteye blueberries. LWT--Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, 50: 739-745. https: //
  • Zhang, Y., Y. Zhao, X. Liu, X. Chen, C. Ding, L. Dong, J. Zhang, S. Sun, Q. Ding, S. Khatoom, Z. Cheng, W. Liu, L. Shen & F. Xiao, 2021. Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) as a new functional food relationship with health: an overview. Journal of Future Foods, 1-2: 168-178. https: //
  • Zhong, T. & M. Lima, 2003. The effect of ohmic heating on vacuum drying rate of sweet potato tissue. Bioresource Technology, 87: 215-220. https: // (02)00253-5

The effects of different drying methods on the quality of Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) fruit and its dried powder

Yıl 2023, , 353 - 362, 05.07.2023


Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the physical, chemical and powder product properties of aronia fruit dried by different drying techniques.
Material and Methods: Total dry matter, ash, water activity (aw), color, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, total anthocyanin amount and powder product analyses were performed to determine the characteristics of aronia fruit subjected to three different drying processes namely freeze drying, vacuum drying and tray drying.
Results: As a result of all the applied drying methods, a decrease in the total phenolic matter, total flavonoid matter and total anthocyanin content of the dry samples according to the raw material was detected, but the highest nutritional content and brightness (L*) value were obtained in the freeze-dried samples.
Conclusion: Since the water activity value of all dry products is below 0.6, it has been considered microbiologically safe, and it has been determined that the dry product with the closest quality to fresh fruit is obtained by applying the freeze-drying method, which allows the evaporation of water by sublimation.


  • Aksoy, A., 2019. Farklı Kurutma Yöntemlerinin Kıymanın Kurutma Kinetiği, Mikroyapısı, Rengi Ve Rehidrasyon Oranı Üzerine Etkisi, (Basılmamış) Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 115 s.
  • Akyıldız, A., S. Polat & E. Ağçam, 2017. Konveksiyonel ve dondurarak kurutma yöntemlerinin karpuzun bazı kalite özelliklerine etkisi. Gıda, 42 (2): 169-176.
  • Calín-Sánchez, A., A. Kharaghani, K. Lech, A. Figiel, A.A. Carbonell-Barrachina & E. Tsotsas, 2014. Drying kinetics and microstructural and sensoryproperties of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) as Affected by drying method. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8: 63-74.
  • Cemeroğlu, B., 2010. Gıda Analizleri. Bizim Grup Basımevi: Ankara, 480 s.
  • Çağdas, E., S. Kumcuğlu & Ş. Tavman, 2011. Mikrodalga destekli vakum kurutma tekniği ve gıdaların kurutulmasında kullanımı. Akademik Gıda, 9 (1): 40-48.
  • Denev, P., M. Číž, M. Kratchanova & D. Blazheva, 2019. Black chokeberry (Aronia Melanocarpa) polyphenols reveal different antioxidant, antimicrobial and neutrophil-modulating activities. Food Chemistry, 284: 108-117. https: //
  • Ersus Bilek, S.., 2010. The effects of time, temperature, solvent: solid ratio and solvent composition on extraction of total phenolic compound from dried olive (Olea europaea L.) leaves. Gıda/The Journal of Food, 35: 411-416.
  • Ersus, S., M. Çetiner., N. Hayatioğlu & A.Z. Hepçimen, 2021. Production of pomegranate snacks as affected by different pre-treatments. Ege Univ. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 58 (1): 17-24. https: //
  • Hao, M.L., N. Pan, Q.H. Zhang & X.H. Wang, 2015. Therapeutic efficacy of chlorogenic acid on cadmium-ınduced oxidative neuropathy in a murine model. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 9: 1887-94.https: //
  • Horszwald, A., H. Julien & W. Andlauer, 2013. Characterisation of Aronia Powders Obtained by Different Drying Processes. Food Chemistry,141 (3): 2858-2863. https: //
  • Jaya, S. & H. Das, 2003. A vacuum drying model for mango pulp. Drying Technology, 21: 1215-1234. https: //
  • Jinapong, N., M. Suphantharika & P. Jamnong, 2008. Production of ınstant soymilk powders by ultrafiltration. spray drying and fluidized bed agglomeratio. Journal of Food Engineering, 84: 194-205. https: //
  • Karam, M.C., J. Petit, D. Zimmer, E.B. Djantou & J. Scher, 2016. Effects of drying and grinding in production of fruit and vegetable powders: a review. Journal of Food Engineering, 188: 32-49. https: //
  • Kaur, P., S.K. Singh, V. Garg, N. Gulati & Y. Vaidya, 2015. Optimization of spray drying process for formulation of solid dispersion containing polypeptide-k powder through quality by design approach. Powder Technology, 284: 1-11. https: //
  • Kim, D.O., S.W. Jeong & C.Y. Lee, 2003. Antioxidant capacity of phenolic phyto chemicals from various cultivars of plums. Food Chemistry, 81 (3): 321-326. https: // (02)00423-5
  • Marques, L.G., M.M. Prado & J.T. Freire, 2009. Rehydration characteristics of freeze-dried tropical fruits. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42 (7): 1232-1237. https: //
  • Motevali, A., S. Minaei & M.H. Khoshtagaza, 2011. Evaluation of energy consumption in different drying methods. Energy Conversion and Management, 52: 1192-1199. https: //
  • Rannou, C., D. Queveau, V. Beaumal, E. David-Briand, C. Le Borgne, A. Meynier, M. Anton, C. Prost, P. Schuck & C. Loisel, 2015. Effect of spray-drying and storage conditions on the physical and functional properties of standard and n3 enriched egg yolk powders. Journal of Food Engineering, 154: 58-68. https: //
  • Samoticha, J., A. Wojdyło & K. Lech, 2016. The influence of different the drying methods on chemical composition and antioxidant activity in chokeberries. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 66: 484-489. https: //
  • Scott, R.W. & R.M. Skirvin, 2007. Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Michx.): A semi-edible fruit with no pests. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 61 (3): 135.
  • Shofian, N.M., A.A. Hamid, A. Osman, N. Saari , F. Anwar, M.S. Pak Dek & M.R. Hairuddin, 2011. Effect of freeze-drying on the antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity of selected tropical fruits. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 12 (7): 4678-4692. https: //
  • Skapska, S., K. Marszalek, L. Wozniak & Z. Katarzyna, 2017. Aronia dietary drinks fortified with selected herbal extracts preserved by thermal pasteurization and high pressure carbon dioxide. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85: 423-426. https: //
  • Wolski, T., O. Kalisz, M. Prasał & A. Rolski. 2007. Black chokeberry- Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot- The rich source of antioxidants. Post. Fitoter, 3: 145-154. DOI: 10.1155/2018/9574587
  • Yemmireddy, V.K., M.S. Chinnan, W.L. Kerr & Y.C. Hung, 2013. Effect of drying method on drying time and physico-chemical properties of dried rabbiteye blueberries. LWT--Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, 50: 739-745. https: //
  • Zhang, Y., Y. Zhao, X. Liu, X. Chen, C. Ding, L. Dong, J. Zhang, S. Sun, Q. Ding, S. Khatoom, Z. Cheng, W. Liu, L. Shen & F. Xiao, 2021. Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) as a new functional food relationship with health: an overview. Journal of Future Foods, 1-2: 168-178. https: //
  • Zhong, T. & M. Lima, 2003. The effect of ohmic heating on vacuum drying rate of sweet potato tissue. Bioresource Technology, 87: 215-220. https: // (02)00253-5
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik, Gıda Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Eylül Elif Metiner 0000-0003-4324-4980

Seda Ersus 0000-0003-0475-4099

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 18 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Nisan 2023
Kabul Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Metiner, E. E., & Ersus, S. (2023). Farklı kurutma tekniklerinin kuru Aronya (Aronia melanocarpa) meyvesi ve tozunun kalitesine etkisi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 60(2), 353-362.

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