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Effect of NPK fertilization and seed rate on barley (Hordeum vulgare) yield, yield component and nitrogen dynamics in semi-arid conditions

Yıl 2024, , 307 - 319, 18.09.2024


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the impact of varying of NPK fertilization doses and seed rates on barley (Hordeum vulgare) yield, yield components, and inorganic nitrogen (NH4-N and NO3-N) dynamics in semi-arid conditions without artificial irrigation.
Material and Methods: The field experiment was conducted at the Gobustan Experimental Station from October 2018 to June 2019, utilizing the "Celilabad-19" barley variety. A randomized complete block design with four replications was employed, incorporating various seed rates and NPK fertilizer treatments. Plant and soil samples were collected at different phenological stages, and analyses included grain and straw yield, yield parameters, total N content of plant, and soil NH4-N and NO3-N levels.
Results and Discussion: The results the treatment with a seed rate of 140 kg/ha and N60P45K45 fertilizer application consistently demonstrated the highest aboveground biomass, grain, and straw yields. This treatment exhibited optimal N content during the Full Maturity stage of plant.
Conclusion: In conclusion, this study has provided insights into optimizing barley cultivation practices in semi-arid climates, such as seed rate and NPK fertilizer dose. With a seed rate of 140 kg/ha and N60P45K45 fertilizer application, the highest yield and performance indicators were achieved in the “Celilabad-19” barley variety.


  • Agegnehu, G., P.N. Nelson & M.I. Bird, 2016. Crop yield, plant nutrient uptake and soil physicochemical properties under organic soil amendments and nitrogen fertilization on Nitisols. Soil & Tillage Research, 160 (6): 1-13. DOI:
  • Alimkhanov, Y., R. Yeleshev, B. Yertayeva & A. Aitbayeva, 2021. Responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties to NPK fertilization on tuber yield in the Southeast of Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 10 (4): 285-289. DOI :
  • Amtmann, A., S.Troufflard & P. Armengaund, 2008. The effect of potassium nutrition on pests and disease resistance in plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 133: 682-691. DOI:
  • Arbačauskas, J., Z.J. Vaišvila, G. Staugaitis, L. Žičkienė, A. Masevičienė & D.Šumskis, 2023. The influence of mineral NPK fertilizer rates on potassium dynamics in soil: Data from a long-term agricultural plant fertilisation experiment. Plants, 12: 3700.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. “Total Nitrogen, 1149-1176”. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological Properties (Eds. C.A. Black, D.D. Evans, J.L. White, L.E. Ensminger & F.E. Clark), Soil Science Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 1055 pp.
  • Carillo, P. & Y. Rouphael, 2022. Nitrate uptake and use efficiency: Pros and cons of chloride interference in the vegetable crops. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 899522. DOI:
  • Cupina, B., D. Krstic, A. Mikic, P. Eric, S. Vuckovic & B. Pejic, 2010. The effect of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) companion crop management on red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) establishment and productivity. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 34: 275-283. DOI:
  • Dahmardeh, M., M. Ramroodi & J. Valizadeh, 2010. Effect of plant density and cultivars on growth, yield and yield components of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) African Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (50): 8643-8647
  • Dong, Y., J. Yuan, G. Zhang, J. Ma, P. Hilario, X. Liu & S. Lu, 2020. Optimization of nitrogen fertilizer rate under integrated rice management in a hilly area of Southwest China. Pedosphere, 30: 759-768. DOI: (20)60036-4
  • Du, M., W. Zhang, J. Gao, M. Liu, Y. Zhou, D. He, Y. Zhao & S. Liu, 2022. Improvement of root characteristics due to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium interactions, increases Rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield and nitrogen use efficiency. Agronomy, 12 (1): 23. DOI:
  • González-Prieto, S.J., L. Jocteur-Monrozier, J.M. Hétier & T. Carballas, 1997. Changes in the soil organic N fractions of tropical Alfisol fertilized with 15N-urea and cropped to maize or pasture. Plant and Soil, 195: 151-160. DOI:
  • Gülser, C., Z. Zharlygasov, R. Kızılkaya, N. Kalimov, I. Akça & Z. Zharlygasov, 2019. The effect of NPK foliar fertilization on yield and macronutrient content of grain in wheat under Kostanai-Kazakhstan conditions. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 8 (3): 275-281. DOI :
  • İslamzade, R., G. Hasanova & S. Asadova, 2023. Impact of varied NPK fertilizer application rates and seed quantities on barley yield and soil nutrient availability in Kastanozems soil of Azerbaijan. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 12 (4): 371-381. DOI :
  • Islamzade, T., D. Baxisov, A. Guliyev, R. Kızılkaya, R. İslamzade, A. Ay, S. Huseynova & M. Mammadova, 2024. Soil fertility status, productivity challenges, and solutions in rice farming landscapes of Azerbaijan. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 13 (1): 70-78. DOI:
  • Jones, J.B., 2001. Laboratory Guide for Conducting Soil Tests and Plant Analyses. CRC Press, New York, USA. 363 pp.
  • Kızılkaya, R., G. Dumbadze, C. Gülser & L. Jgenti, 2022. Impact of NPK fertilization on hazelnut yield and soil chemical-microbiological properties of Hazelnut Orchards in Western Georgia. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 11 (3): 206-215. DOI :
  • Li, X., B. Li, C. Wang, Y. Chen & P. Ma, 2020. Effects of long-term fertilization on different nitrogen forms in paddy along soil depth gradient. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 11: 2031-2042. DOI:
  • Nacry, P., E. Bouguyon & A. Gojon, 2013. Nitrogen acquisition by roots: physiological and developmental mechanisms ensuring plant adaptation to a fluctuating resource. Plant and Soil, 370: 1-29. DOI:
  • Nogalska, A., J. Czapla & M. Skwierawska, 2011. The effect of multi-component fertilizers on spring barley yield, the content and uptake of macronutrients. Polish Journal of Natural Science, 4 (4): 174-183. DOI:
  • Pallant, J., 2020. SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS. Routledge.
  • Papastylianou, I., 1995. The effects of seed rate and nitrogen fertilization on yield and yield components of two-row barley, European Journal of Agronomy, 4 (2): 237-243. DOI: (14)80050-6.
  • Pettigrew, T.W., 2008. Potassium influences on yield and quality production for maize, wheat, soybean and cotton. Physiologia Plantarum, 133: 670-681. DOI:
  • Römheld, V. & E. Kirkby, 2010. Research of potassium in agriculture: Needs and prospects. Plant and Soil, 335: 155-180. DOI:
  • Rowell, D.L., 1996. Soil Science: Methods and Applications. Longman, UK. 350 pp.
  • Rutkowski, K. & G.P. Łysiak, 2023. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on tree growth and nutrient content in soil and cherry leaves (Prunus cerasus L.). Agriculture, 13 (3): 578. DOI:
  • Sardans, J. & J. Peñuelas, 2015. Potassium: A neglected nutrient in global change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24: 261-275. DOI:
  • Shah, S. A., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad, M. Shafi & H. Nawaz, 2009. N uptake and yield of wheat as influenced by integrated use of organic and mineral nitrogen. International Journal of Plant Production 3 (3): 45-56. DOI:
  • Singh, R., S.K. Sawatzky, M. Thomas, S. Akin, H. Zhang, W. Raun & D.B. Arnall, 2023. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium uptake in rain-fed corn as affected by NPK fertilization. Agronomy, 13: 1913. DOI:
  • Srivastava, S.C. & J. P. Lal, 1998. Nitrogen mineralization in variously treated dry land tropical arable soil. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 46 (1), 9-14.
  • Stevenson, F.J., 1982. Origin and distribution of nitrogen in soil. In: Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils, Stevenson, F.J. (Ed.). Agronomy 22, 1-39.
  • Strawn, D.G., H.L. Bohn & G.A. O'Connor, 2015. Soil Chemistry. Wiley Blackwell, 392 pp.
  • Tischner, R., 2000. Nitrate uptake and reduction in higher and lower plants. Plant, Cell and Environment, 23: 1005-1024. DOI:
  • Trevors, J.T., J.D. Elsas & J.K. Jansson, 2007. Modern Soil Microbiology. Second Edition. CRC Press. 646 pp.
  • Usherwood, N.R. & W.I. Segars, 2001. Nitrogen interactions with phosphorus and potassium for optimum crop yield, nitrogen use effectiveness, and environmental stewardship. The Scientific World Journal Article, ID 573031. DOI:
  • Uzun, A., B.B. Asik & E. Acikgöz, 2017. Effects of different seeding rates on forage yield and quality components in pea. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22 (1): 126-133. DOI:
  • Wang, D., C. Ye, C. Xu, Z. Wang, S. Chen, G. Chu & X. Zhang, 2019. Soil nitrogen distribution and plant nitrogen utilization in direct-seeded rice in response to deep placement of basal fertilizer-nitrogen. Rice Science, 26: 404-415. DOI:
  • Wilczewski, E., M. Szczepanek, A. Piotrowska-Dlugosz & A. Wenda-Piesik, 2013. Effect of nitrogen rate and stubble catch crops on concentration of macroelements in spring wheat grain. Journal of Elementology, 18 (3): 481-494. DOI:
  • Zandi, P., A.H. Shirani-Rad & L. Bazrkar-Khatibani, 2011. Agronomic study of fenugreek grown under different inrow spacing and nitrogen levels in a paddy field of Iran. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 10: 544-550.
  • Zhang, G., J. Li, M. Xu & S. Gu, 2009. Effects of chemical fertilizer and organic manure on rice yield and soil fertility. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 42: 543-551.

NPK gübreleme ve tohum oranının, yarı- kurak koşullarda arpa (Hoordeum vulgare) verimi, verim bileşenleri ve azot dinamikleri üzerindeki etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 307 - 319, 18.09.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, sulama yapılmayan yarı-kurak koşullarda değişen NPK gübreleme dozları ve tohum miktarlarının arpa (Hordeum vulgare) verimi, verim bileşenleri ve inorganik azot (NH4-N ve NO3-N) dinamikleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Tarla denemesi, Ekim 2018-Haziran 2019 arasında Gobustan Deneme İstasyonu'nda "Celilabad-19" arpa çeşidi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneme farklı tohum miktarları ile NPK gübre uygulamalarını içermektedir. Bitkinin farklı fenolojik aşamalarda bitki ve toprak örnekleri alınmış ve bitkide tane ve sap verimi, verim parametreleri, bitkinin toplam N içeriği ile topraktaki NH4-N ve NO3-N seviyeleri belirlenmiştir.
Araştırma Bulguları: Sonuçlara göre, 140 kg/ha tohum miktarı ve N60P45K45 gübre uygulamalarında, en yüksek toprak üstü bitki bioması, tane ve sap verimi elde edilmiş, bitkinin tam olgunluk aşamasında optimum N içeriğini sağlamıştır.
Sonuç : Bu çalışmada yarı-kurak iklimlerde tohum miktarı ve NPK gübre dozu gibi arpa yetiştirme uygulamalarını optimize etme konusunda bazı bilgiler elde edilmiştir. 140 kg/ha tohum miktarı ve N60P45K45 gübre uygulamasıyla, Celilabad-19" arpa çeşidinde, en yüksek verim ve verim unsurları elde edilmiştir.


  • Agegnehu, G., P.N. Nelson & M.I. Bird, 2016. Crop yield, plant nutrient uptake and soil physicochemical properties under organic soil amendments and nitrogen fertilization on Nitisols. Soil & Tillage Research, 160 (6): 1-13. DOI:
  • Alimkhanov, Y., R. Yeleshev, B. Yertayeva & A. Aitbayeva, 2021. Responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties to NPK fertilization on tuber yield in the Southeast of Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 10 (4): 285-289. DOI :
  • Amtmann, A., S.Troufflard & P. Armengaund, 2008. The effect of potassium nutrition on pests and disease resistance in plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 133: 682-691. DOI:
  • Arbačauskas, J., Z.J. Vaišvila, G. Staugaitis, L. Žičkienė, A. Masevičienė & D.Šumskis, 2023. The influence of mineral NPK fertilizer rates on potassium dynamics in soil: Data from a long-term agricultural plant fertilisation experiment. Plants, 12: 3700.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. “Total Nitrogen, 1149-1176”. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological Properties (Eds. C.A. Black, D.D. Evans, J.L. White, L.E. Ensminger & F.E. Clark), Soil Science Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 1055 pp.
  • Carillo, P. & Y. Rouphael, 2022. Nitrate uptake and use efficiency: Pros and cons of chloride interference in the vegetable crops. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 899522. DOI:
  • Cupina, B., D. Krstic, A. Mikic, P. Eric, S. Vuckovic & B. Pejic, 2010. The effect of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) companion crop management on red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) establishment and productivity. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 34: 275-283. DOI:
  • Dahmardeh, M., M. Ramroodi & J. Valizadeh, 2010. Effect of plant density and cultivars on growth, yield and yield components of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) African Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (50): 8643-8647
  • Dong, Y., J. Yuan, G. Zhang, J. Ma, P. Hilario, X. Liu & S. Lu, 2020. Optimization of nitrogen fertilizer rate under integrated rice management in a hilly area of Southwest China. Pedosphere, 30: 759-768. DOI: (20)60036-4
  • Du, M., W. Zhang, J. Gao, M. Liu, Y. Zhou, D. He, Y. Zhao & S. Liu, 2022. Improvement of root characteristics due to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium interactions, increases Rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield and nitrogen use efficiency. Agronomy, 12 (1): 23. DOI:
  • González-Prieto, S.J., L. Jocteur-Monrozier, J.M. Hétier & T. Carballas, 1997. Changes in the soil organic N fractions of tropical Alfisol fertilized with 15N-urea and cropped to maize or pasture. Plant and Soil, 195: 151-160. DOI:
  • Gülser, C., Z. Zharlygasov, R. Kızılkaya, N. Kalimov, I. Akça & Z. Zharlygasov, 2019. The effect of NPK foliar fertilization on yield and macronutrient content of grain in wheat under Kostanai-Kazakhstan conditions. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 8 (3): 275-281. DOI :
  • İslamzade, R., G. Hasanova & S. Asadova, 2023. Impact of varied NPK fertilizer application rates and seed quantities on barley yield and soil nutrient availability in Kastanozems soil of Azerbaijan. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 12 (4): 371-381. DOI :
  • Islamzade, T., D. Baxisov, A. Guliyev, R. Kızılkaya, R. İslamzade, A. Ay, S. Huseynova & M. Mammadova, 2024. Soil fertility status, productivity challenges, and solutions in rice farming landscapes of Azerbaijan. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 13 (1): 70-78. DOI:
  • Jones, J.B., 2001. Laboratory Guide for Conducting Soil Tests and Plant Analyses. CRC Press, New York, USA. 363 pp.
  • Kızılkaya, R., G. Dumbadze, C. Gülser & L. Jgenti, 2022. Impact of NPK fertilization on hazelnut yield and soil chemical-microbiological properties of Hazelnut Orchards in Western Georgia. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 11 (3): 206-215. DOI :
  • Li, X., B. Li, C. Wang, Y. Chen & P. Ma, 2020. Effects of long-term fertilization on different nitrogen forms in paddy along soil depth gradient. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 11: 2031-2042. DOI:
  • Nacry, P., E. Bouguyon & A. Gojon, 2013. Nitrogen acquisition by roots: physiological and developmental mechanisms ensuring plant adaptation to a fluctuating resource. Plant and Soil, 370: 1-29. DOI:
  • Nogalska, A., J. Czapla & M. Skwierawska, 2011. The effect of multi-component fertilizers on spring barley yield, the content and uptake of macronutrients. Polish Journal of Natural Science, 4 (4): 174-183. DOI:
  • Pallant, J., 2020. SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS. Routledge.
  • Papastylianou, I., 1995. The effects of seed rate and nitrogen fertilization on yield and yield components of two-row barley, European Journal of Agronomy, 4 (2): 237-243. DOI: (14)80050-6.
  • Pettigrew, T.W., 2008. Potassium influences on yield and quality production for maize, wheat, soybean and cotton. Physiologia Plantarum, 133: 670-681. DOI:
  • Römheld, V. & E. Kirkby, 2010. Research of potassium in agriculture: Needs and prospects. Plant and Soil, 335: 155-180. DOI:
  • Rowell, D.L., 1996. Soil Science: Methods and Applications. Longman, UK. 350 pp.
  • Rutkowski, K. & G.P. Łysiak, 2023. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on tree growth and nutrient content in soil and cherry leaves (Prunus cerasus L.). Agriculture, 13 (3): 578. DOI:
  • Sardans, J. & J. Peñuelas, 2015. Potassium: A neglected nutrient in global change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24: 261-275. DOI:
  • Shah, S. A., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad, M. Shafi & H. Nawaz, 2009. N uptake and yield of wheat as influenced by integrated use of organic and mineral nitrogen. International Journal of Plant Production 3 (3): 45-56. DOI:
  • Singh, R., S.K. Sawatzky, M. Thomas, S. Akin, H. Zhang, W. Raun & D.B. Arnall, 2023. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium uptake in rain-fed corn as affected by NPK fertilization. Agronomy, 13: 1913. DOI:
  • Srivastava, S.C. & J. P. Lal, 1998. Nitrogen mineralization in variously treated dry land tropical arable soil. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 46 (1), 9-14.
  • Stevenson, F.J., 1982. Origin and distribution of nitrogen in soil. In: Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils, Stevenson, F.J. (Ed.). Agronomy 22, 1-39.
  • Strawn, D.G., H.L. Bohn & G.A. O'Connor, 2015. Soil Chemistry. Wiley Blackwell, 392 pp.
  • Tischner, R., 2000. Nitrate uptake and reduction in higher and lower plants. Plant, Cell and Environment, 23: 1005-1024. DOI:
  • Trevors, J.T., J.D. Elsas & J.K. Jansson, 2007. Modern Soil Microbiology. Second Edition. CRC Press. 646 pp.
  • Usherwood, N.R. & W.I. Segars, 2001. Nitrogen interactions with phosphorus and potassium for optimum crop yield, nitrogen use effectiveness, and environmental stewardship. The Scientific World Journal Article, ID 573031. DOI:
  • Uzun, A., B.B. Asik & E. Acikgöz, 2017. Effects of different seeding rates on forage yield and quality components in pea. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22 (1): 126-133. DOI:
  • Wang, D., C. Ye, C. Xu, Z. Wang, S. Chen, G. Chu & X. Zhang, 2019. Soil nitrogen distribution and plant nitrogen utilization in direct-seeded rice in response to deep placement of basal fertilizer-nitrogen. Rice Science, 26: 404-415. DOI:
  • Wilczewski, E., M. Szczepanek, A. Piotrowska-Dlugosz & A. Wenda-Piesik, 2013. Effect of nitrogen rate and stubble catch crops on concentration of macroelements in spring wheat grain. Journal of Elementology, 18 (3): 481-494. DOI:
  • Zandi, P., A.H. Shirani-Rad & L. Bazrkar-Khatibani, 2011. Agronomic study of fenugreek grown under different inrow spacing and nitrogen levels in a paddy field of Iran. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 10: 544-550.
  • Zhang, G., J. Li, M. Xu & S. Gu, 2009. Effects of chemical fertilizer and organic manure on rice yield and soil fertility. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 42: 543-551.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Gübreler ve Uygulaması, Bitki Besleme ve Toprak Verimliliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Rahila Islamzade 0009-0003-6508-4305

Tariverdi Islamzade Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5087-568X

Gatiba Hasanova 0000-0003-1717-2311

Sultan Huseynova Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7991-3616

Tunzala Babayeva Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6217-6103

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 18 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 11 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Islamzade, R., Islamzade, T., Hasanova, G., Huseynova, S., vd. (2024). Effect of NPK fertilization and seed rate on barley (Hordeum vulgare) yield, yield component and nitrogen dynamics in semi-arid conditions. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 61(3), 307-319.

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