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Inulin ve Hi-maize ile Zenginleştirmenin Probiyotik Yoğurdun Asitliğine ve Starter Kültür Canlılığına Etkisi

Yıl 2017, , 267 - 273, 28.09.2017



Bu çalışmada,
inulin ve dirençli nişasta (Hi-maize)
ile zenginleştirmenin Lactobacillus acidophilus içeren set tipi probiyotik
yoğurdun yoğurt bakterileri ile probiyotik bakteri canlılığı ve asitlik
özellikleri üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır
. Süt %2 ve %4 oranında inulin veya Hi-maize ile zenginleştirilirken
kontrol grubuna herhangi bir ilave yapılmamıştır. Hi-maze ile zenginleştirilen
örneklerin aynı oranda inulin katılan örneklere göre daha yüksek laktik asit
değerine sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Tüm probiyotik yoğurtlarda laktik asit
yüzdelerinin depolama sonunda ilk gün ile kıyaslandığında önemli derecede
arttığı görülmüştür (p<0.05). En yüksek Streptococcus
sayısı depolamanın 14 günü boyunca % 2 Hi-maize ile
zenginleştirilen örnekte tespit edilmiştir. Kontrol örneği depolamanın ilk günü
dışında % 4 Hi-maize ile zenginleştirilen örnek kadar yüksek sayıda  Lactobacillus bulgaricus içermiştir.
Depolamanın  7.  ve 
14.  günlerinde  en 
yüksek  L. acidophilus sayısı kontrol örneği ile % 4 Hi-maize ile
zenginleştirilen örnekte tespit edilirken, depolama sonunda en yüksek sayı
kontrol örneğinde belirlenmiştir. 21 günlük buzdolabı koşullarında depolama
boyunca L. acidophilus sayıları 6.30
-7.95 log kob/g arasında değişiklik göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak, tüm yoğurt
örneklerinin yararlı sağlık etkileri bakımından tavsiye edilen minimum
probiyotik canlılık seviyesi olan 6 log kob/g miktarını sağladığı görülmüştür.


  • Akalın, A.S. and G. Ünal. 2010. The influence of milk supplementation on the microbiological stability and textural characteristics of fermented milk. Milchwissenschaft, 65 (3):291-294.
  • Akalın, A.S., G. Ünal, N. Dinkçi and A.A. Hayaloğlu. 2012. Microstructural, textural, sensory characteristics of probiotic yogurts fortified with sodium calcium caseinate or whey protein concentrate. Journal of Dairy Science, 95:3617-3628.
  • AOAC, 1995. Official Methods of Analysis, 16th edn. Gaithersburg MD, sec. 33.2.11, Method 991.20.
  • Balthazar, C.F., L.V. Gaze, H.L.A. Da Silva, C.S. Pereira, R.M. Franco, C.A. Conte-Junior, M.Q. De Freitas and A.C. De Oliveira Silva. 2015. Sensory evaluation of ovine milk yoghurt with inulin addition. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 68(2):281-290.
  • Barat, A. and T. Özcan. 2016. The Effect of Fruit Addition on the Growth of Probiotic Bacteria in Fermented Milk Beverage. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, 53:259-267.
  • Bozanic, R., I. Rogelj and L. Tratnik. 2002. Fermentation and storage of probiotic yoghurt from goat milk. Mljekarstvo, 52:93-111.
  • Champagne, C.P., R.P. Ross, M. Saarela, K.F. Hansen and D. Charalampopoulos. 2011. Recommendations for the viability assessment of probiotics as concentrated cultures and in food matrices. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 149:185-193.
  • Damin, M. R., E. Minowa, M. R. Alcântara and M. N. Oliveira. 2008. Effect of cold storage on culture viability and some rheological properties of fermented milk prepared with yogurt and probiotic bacteria. Journal of Texture Studies, 39:40–55.
  • Dave, R. I. and N.P. Shah. 1996. Evaluation of media for selective enumeration of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacteria. Journal of Dairy Science, 79:1524-1536.
  • Dave, R. I. and N. P. Shah. 1998a. Ingredient supplementation effects on viability of probiotic bacteria in yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 81:2804–2816.
  • Dave, R. I., and N. P. Shah. 1998b. The influence of ingredient supplementation on the textural characteristics of yogurt. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 53:180–184.
  • Donkor, O.N., S.L.I. Nilmini, P. Stolic, T. Vasiljevic and N.P. Shah, 2007. Survival and activity of selected probiotic organisms in set-type yoghurt during cold storage International Dairy Journal, 17:657-665.
  • de Souza Oliveira, R.P., P. Perego, M.N. de Oliveira and A. Converti. 2011. Effect of inulin as prebiotic and symbiotic interactions between probiotics to improve fermented milk firmness. Journal of Food Engineering, 107:36-40.
  • Fuentes-Zaragoza, E. M.J. Riquelme-Navarrete, E., Sanchez-Lapata and J.A. Perez-Alvarez. 2010. Resistant starch as functional ingredient: A review. Food Research International, 43:931-942.
  • Guven M., K. Yasar, O.B. Karaca and A.A. Hayaloglu. 2005. The effect of inulin as a fat replacer on the quality of set-type low-fat yogurt manufacture. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 58: 180–184.
  • Guzmán-González, M., F. Morais, M. Ramos and L. Amigo. 1999. Influence of skimmed milk concentrate replacement by dry dairy products in a low fat set-type yoghurt model system. I: Use of whey protein concentrates, milk protein concentrates and skimmed milk powder. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 79:1117–1122.
  • Hasani, S., I. Khodadadi and A. Heshmati. 2016. Viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in rice bran-enriched attired yoghurt and the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of product during refrigerated storage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51:2485-2492.
  • Heydari, S., A.M. Mortazavian, M.R. Ehsani, M.A. Mohammadifar, H. Ezzatpanah. 2011. Biochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Characteristics of Probiotic Yogurt Containing Various Prebiotic Compounds. Italian Journal of Food Science, 23:153-163.
  • Homayouni, A., A. Amini, A.K. Khodavirdiv, A.M. Mortazavian, K. Esadeh and S. Pourmoradian. 2013. Resistant starch in food industry: A changing outlook for consumer and producer. Starch-Starke, 65:1-13.
  • Iltar, R., A. Asci and A. Kucukcetin. 2012. Viability and in vitro properties of Lactobacillus acidophilus used in yoghurt as influenced by inulin addition. Milchwissenschaft, 67(2):142-146.
  • Juhkam, K., P. Elias, O.M. Roast and T. Tamme. 2007. Viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in yoghurt containing binulin or oligofructose during refrigerated storage. Milchwissenschaft, 62(1):52-54.
  • Kavaz, A. and I. Bakırcı. 2014. Influence of inulin and demineralized whey powder addition on the organic acid profiles of probiotic yoghurts. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 67(4):577-583.
  • Klaver, F. A. M., F. Kingma and A. H. Weerkamp. 1993. Growth and survival of bifidobacteria in milk. Netherlands Milk and Diary Journal, 47:151–164.
  • Liong, M.T. and N.P. Shah. 2005. Optimization of cholesterol removal, growth and fermentation patterns of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4962 in the presence of mannitol, fructo-oligosaccharide and inulin: a response surface methodology approach.. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98:115-1126.
  • Marafon, A. P., A. Sumi, M. R. Alcântara, A. Y. Tamime and M. N. Oliveira. 2011. Optimization of the rheological properties of probiotic yoghurts supplemented with milk proteins. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technology, 44:511–519.
  • Mohammadi, R. and A.M. Mortazavian. 2011. Review Article: Technological Aspects of Prebiotics in Probiotic Fermented Milks. Food Reviews International, 27: 192-212.
  • Nobakhti, A.R., M.R. Ehsani, S.M. Mousavi and A.M. Mortazavian. 2009. Influence of lactulose and Hi-maize addition on viability of probiotic microorganisms in freshly made symbiotic fermented milk drink. Milchwissenschaft, 64(2):191-193.
  • Olveira, G. and Gonzalez-Molera, I. 2016. An update on probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics in clinical nutrition. 63(9):482-494.
  • Özer, D., S. Akin and B. Özer. 2005. Effect of inulin and lactulose on survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-02 in Acidophilus-Bifidus yoghurt. Food Science and Technology International, 11(1):19-24.
  • Paseephol, T. and F. Sherkat. 2009. Probiotic stability of yoghurts containing Jerusalem artichoke inulins during refregirated storage. Journal of Functional Food, 1:311-318.
  • Ramchandran, L., and N. P. Shah. 2010. Characterization of functional, biochemical and textural properties of synbiotic low-fat yoghurts during refrigerated storage. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technology, 43:819–827.
  • Renner, E. 1993. Milchpractikum. Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen, Germany.
  • Srisuvor, N., N. Chinprahast, C. Prakitchaiwattana and S. Subhimaros. 2013. Effects of inulin and polydextrose on physicochemical and sensory properties of low-fat set type yoghurt with probiotic-cultured banana purée. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 51:30-36.
  • Stijepic, M., J. Glusac, D. Durdevic-Milosevic and D. Pesic-Mikulec. 2013. Physicochemical characteristics of soy probiotic yoghurt with inulin addition during refrigerated storage. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 18(2):8077-8085.
  • Tamime, A.Y. 2005. Probiotic Dairy Products, vol. 1. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
  • Tinson, W., M. C. Broome, A. J. Hillier and G. R. Jago. 1982. Metabolism of Streptococcus thermophilus. 2. Production of CO2 and NH3 from urea. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology. 37:14–16.
  • Turkish Food Codex. 1997. Fermented milk document. Ankara, Turkey: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
  • Ünal, G. and A.S. Akalın. 2013. Influence of fortification with sodium-calcium caseinate and whey protein concentrate on microbiological, textural and sensory properties of set-type of yoghurt. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 66(2):264-272.
  • Vasiljevic, T. and N.P. Shah. 2008. Probiotics: from Metchnikoff to bioactives. International Dairy Journal, 18: 714-728.

Influence of Fortification with Inulin and Hi-maize on Acidity and Viability of Starter Culture in Probiotic Yoghurt

Yıl 2017, , 267 - 273, 28.09.2017


In this study, the effect of fortification with inulin
and resistant starch (Hi-maize) on yoghurt starter and probiotic bacteria
survival, as well as acidity properties of set-type probiotic yoghurt
containing Lactobacillus acidophilus
were investigated. Milk was fortified with inulin or Hi-maize at 2% and 4%
ratios whereas control group had no supplement. Samples fortified with Hi-maize
had higher lactic acid value than those fortified with same ratio of inulin.
Lactic acid percentages increased significantly in all probiotic yoghurts at
the end of storage in comparison to the first day (p<0.05). The highest
viable counts of
enumerated in the sample fortified with 2% Hi-maize during 14 days of storage.
The control sample had as high viable counts of Lactobacillus bulgaricus as the sample fortified with 4% Hi-maize,
except first day of the storage. The highest viability of L. acidophilus was detected in control and the sample fortified
with 4% Hi-maize on 7th and 14th day whereas the highest
value was reported for the control sample at the end of the storage. L.acidophilus populations ranged from
6.30 to 7.95 log cfu/g in probiotic yoghurts during 21 days of refrigerated
storage. Therefore, all experimental yoghurts presented probiotic viability
above the minimum recommended level of 6 log cfu/g suggested for beneficial
health effects.


  • Akalın, A.S. and G. Ünal. 2010. The influence of milk supplementation on the microbiological stability and textural characteristics of fermented milk. Milchwissenschaft, 65 (3):291-294.
  • Akalın, A.S., G. Ünal, N. Dinkçi and A.A. Hayaloğlu. 2012. Microstructural, textural, sensory characteristics of probiotic yogurts fortified with sodium calcium caseinate or whey protein concentrate. Journal of Dairy Science, 95:3617-3628.
  • AOAC, 1995. Official Methods of Analysis, 16th edn. Gaithersburg MD, sec. 33.2.11, Method 991.20.
  • Balthazar, C.F., L.V. Gaze, H.L.A. Da Silva, C.S. Pereira, R.M. Franco, C.A. Conte-Junior, M.Q. De Freitas and A.C. De Oliveira Silva. 2015. Sensory evaluation of ovine milk yoghurt with inulin addition. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 68(2):281-290.
  • Barat, A. and T. Özcan. 2016. The Effect of Fruit Addition on the Growth of Probiotic Bacteria in Fermented Milk Beverage. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, 53:259-267.
  • Bozanic, R., I. Rogelj and L. Tratnik. 2002. Fermentation and storage of probiotic yoghurt from goat milk. Mljekarstvo, 52:93-111.
  • Champagne, C.P., R.P. Ross, M. Saarela, K.F. Hansen and D. Charalampopoulos. 2011. Recommendations for the viability assessment of probiotics as concentrated cultures and in food matrices. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 149:185-193.
  • Damin, M. R., E. Minowa, M. R. Alcântara and M. N. Oliveira. 2008. Effect of cold storage on culture viability and some rheological properties of fermented milk prepared with yogurt and probiotic bacteria. Journal of Texture Studies, 39:40–55.
  • Dave, R. I. and N.P. Shah. 1996. Evaluation of media for selective enumeration of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacteria. Journal of Dairy Science, 79:1524-1536.
  • Dave, R. I. and N. P. Shah. 1998a. Ingredient supplementation effects on viability of probiotic bacteria in yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 81:2804–2816.
  • Dave, R. I., and N. P. Shah. 1998b. The influence of ingredient supplementation on the textural characteristics of yogurt. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 53:180–184.
  • Donkor, O.N., S.L.I. Nilmini, P. Stolic, T. Vasiljevic and N.P. Shah, 2007. Survival and activity of selected probiotic organisms in set-type yoghurt during cold storage International Dairy Journal, 17:657-665.
  • de Souza Oliveira, R.P., P. Perego, M.N. de Oliveira and A. Converti. 2011. Effect of inulin as prebiotic and symbiotic interactions between probiotics to improve fermented milk firmness. Journal of Food Engineering, 107:36-40.
  • Fuentes-Zaragoza, E. M.J. Riquelme-Navarrete, E., Sanchez-Lapata and J.A. Perez-Alvarez. 2010. Resistant starch as functional ingredient: A review. Food Research International, 43:931-942.
  • Guven M., K. Yasar, O.B. Karaca and A.A. Hayaloglu. 2005. The effect of inulin as a fat replacer on the quality of set-type low-fat yogurt manufacture. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 58: 180–184.
  • Guzmán-González, M., F. Morais, M. Ramos and L. Amigo. 1999. Influence of skimmed milk concentrate replacement by dry dairy products in a low fat set-type yoghurt model system. I: Use of whey protein concentrates, milk protein concentrates and skimmed milk powder. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 79:1117–1122.
  • Hasani, S., I. Khodadadi and A. Heshmati. 2016. Viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in rice bran-enriched attired yoghurt and the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of product during refrigerated storage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51:2485-2492.
  • Heydari, S., A.M. Mortazavian, M.R. Ehsani, M.A. Mohammadifar, H. Ezzatpanah. 2011. Biochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Characteristics of Probiotic Yogurt Containing Various Prebiotic Compounds. Italian Journal of Food Science, 23:153-163.
  • Homayouni, A., A. Amini, A.K. Khodavirdiv, A.M. Mortazavian, K. Esadeh and S. Pourmoradian. 2013. Resistant starch in food industry: A changing outlook for consumer and producer. Starch-Starke, 65:1-13.
  • Iltar, R., A. Asci and A. Kucukcetin. 2012. Viability and in vitro properties of Lactobacillus acidophilus used in yoghurt as influenced by inulin addition. Milchwissenschaft, 67(2):142-146.
  • Juhkam, K., P. Elias, O.M. Roast and T. Tamme. 2007. Viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in yoghurt containing binulin or oligofructose during refrigerated storage. Milchwissenschaft, 62(1):52-54.
  • Kavaz, A. and I. Bakırcı. 2014. Influence of inulin and demineralized whey powder addition on the organic acid profiles of probiotic yoghurts. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 67(4):577-583.
  • Klaver, F. A. M., F. Kingma and A. H. Weerkamp. 1993. Growth and survival of bifidobacteria in milk. Netherlands Milk and Diary Journal, 47:151–164.
  • Liong, M.T. and N.P. Shah. 2005. Optimization of cholesterol removal, growth and fermentation patterns of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4962 in the presence of mannitol, fructo-oligosaccharide and inulin: a response surface methodology approach.. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98:115-1126.
  • Marafon, A. P., A. Sumi, M. R. Alcântara, A. Y. Tamime and M. N. Oliveira. 2011. Optimization of the rheological properties of probiotic yoghurts supplemented with milk proteins. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technology, 44:511–519.
  • Mohammadi, R. and A.M. Mortazavian. 2011. Review Article: Technological Aspects of Prebiotics in Probiotic Fermented Milks. Food Reviews International, 27: 192-212.
  • Nobakhti, A.R., M.R. Ehsani, S.M. Mousavi and A.M. Mortazavian. 2009. Influence of lactulose and Hi-maize addition on viability of probiotic microorganisms in freshly made symbiotic fermented milk drink. Milchwissenschaft, 64(2):191-193.
  • Olveira, G. and Gonzalez-Molera, I. 2016. An update on probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics in clinical nutrition. 63(9):482-494.
  • Özer, D., S. Akin and B. Özer. 2005. Effect of inulin and lactulose on survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-02 in Acidophilus-Bifidus yoghurt. Food Science and Technology International, 11(1):19-24.
  • Paseephol, T. and F. Sherkat. 2009. Probiotic stability of yoghurts containing Jerusalem artichoke inulins during refregirated storage. Journal of Functional Food, 1:311-318.
  • Ramchandran, L., and N. P. Shah. 2010. Characterization of functional, biochemical and textural properties of synbiotic low-fat yoghurts during refrigerated storage. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technology, 43:819–827.
  • Renner, E. 1993. Milchpractikum. Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen, Germany.
  • Srisuvor, N., N. Chinprahast, C. Prakitchaiwattana and S. Subhimaros. 2013. Effects of inulin and polydextrose on physicochemical and sensory properties of low-fat set type yoghurt with probiotic-cultured banana purée. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 51:30-36.
  • Stijepic, M., J. Glusac, D. Durdevic-Milosevic and D. Pesic-Mikulec. 2013. Physicochemical characteristics of soy probiotic yoghurt with inulin addition during refrigerated storage. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 18(2):8077-8085.
  • Tamime, A.Y. 2005. Probiotic Dairy Products, vol. 1. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
  • Tinson, W., M. C. Broome, A. J. Hillier and G. R. Jago. 1982. Metabolism of Streptococcus thermophilus. 2. Production of CO2 and NH3 from urea. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology. 37:14–16.
  • Turkish Food Codex. 1997. Fermented milk document. Ankara, Turkey: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
  • Ünal, G. and A.S. Akalın. 2013. Influence of fortification with sodium-calcium caseinate and whey protein concentrate on microbiological, textural and sensory properties of set-type of yoghurt. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 66(2):264-272.
  • Vasiljevic, T. and N.P. Shah. 2008. Probiotics: from Metchnikoff to bioactives. International Dairy Journal, 18: 714-728.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Gülfem Ünal

Elif Özer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Eylül 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Ocak 2017
Kabul Tarihi 9 Mart 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünal, G., & Özer, E. (2017). Influence of Fortification with Inulin and Hi-maize on Acidity and Viability of Starter Culture in Probiotic Yoghurt. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54(3), 267-273.

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