Auddy B., Ferreira M., Blasina F., Lafon L., Arredondo F., Dajas F., Tripathi P.C., Seal T. and B. Mukherjee. 2002. Screening of antioxidant activity of three Indian medicinal plants, traditionally used for the management of neurodegenarative diseases. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 84:131–138.
Baytop T. 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkiler İle Tedavi (Geçmişte ve Bugün) (İlaveli 2. baskı). Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 369 s.
Benavente-Garcia O., Castillo J., Lorente J., Ortuno A. and A. Del Rio. 2000. Antioxidant activity of phenolics extracted from Olea europaea L. leaves. Food Chemistry, 68: 457-462.
Chatzopoulou S., Kintziou H. and S.T. Plessas. 2008. Olive oil and the skin as integumentary, Epitheor. Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokin., 26: 97-100.
Ergülen E., Özkaya M.T., Ülger S. and N. Özilbey. 2002. Identification of some Turkish olive cultivars by using RAPD- PCR technique. Acta Horticulturae., 1: 586.
Jemai H., Bouaziz M., Fki I., El Feki A. and S. Sayadi. 2008. Hypolipidimic and antioxidant activities of oleuropein and its hydrolysis derivative-rich extracts from Chemlali olive leaves. Chemico Biological Interactions, 176: 88-98.
Kaiser A., Brinkmann M., Carle R. and D.R. Kammerer. 2012. Influence of thermal treatment on color, enzyme activities, and antioxidant capacity of innovative pastelike parsley products. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 60(12): 3291-3301.
Kambouche N., Merah B., Bellahouel S., Bouayed J., Dicko A., Derdaur A., Younos C. and R. Soulimani. 2008. Chemical composition and antioxidant potential of Ruta montana L. essential oil from Algeria. Journal of Medicinal Food. 11 (3): 593-595.
Kartal M. ve M. Yüzbaşıoğlu. 2011. Olea europaea. FFD Monografları (Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler) (Ed. Ö. Demirezer). Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, Ankara, 443-449 s.
Prieto, M. Pineda P. and M.Aguilar. 1999. Spectrophotometric Quantitation of Antioxidant Capacity through the Formation of a Phosphomolybdenum Complex: Specific Application to the Determination of Vitamin E. Analytical Biochemistry 269: 337– 341.
Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M. and C.R. Evans. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation deco-lorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26 (9/10): 1231-1237.
Seçmen Ö., Gemici Y., Görk G., Bekat L. ve E. Leblebici. 1995. Tohumlu Bitkiler Sistematiği.. (4. Baskı). Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitaplar Serisi No:116, 283 s.
Tanker N., Koyuncu M. ve M. Coşkun. 2004. Farmasötik Botanik. Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Yayınları No:88, 288 s.
Tuzlacı E. and P. Eryasar Aymaz. 2001. Turkish folk medicinal plants Part IV: Gönen (Balıkesir). Fitoterapia, 72: 323-343.
Yaltırık F. 1978. Olea L., In: Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands (Ed: P.H. Davis), Vol 6., Edinburgh, pp. 155-156.
Olea europaea var. europaea (Zeytin) Yaprak İnfüzyonunun Antioksidan Etkisi
Auddy B., Ferreira M., Blasina F., Lafon L., Arredondo F., Dajas F., Tripathi P.C., Seal T. and B. Mukherjee. 2002. Screening of antioxidant activity of three Indian medicinal plants, traditionally used for the management of neurodegenarative diseases. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 84:131–138.
Baytop T. 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkiler İle Tedavi (Geçmişte ve Bugün) (İlaveli 2. baskı). Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 369 s.
Benavente-Garcia O., Castillo J., Lorente J., Ortuno A. and A. Del Rio. 2000. Antioxidant activity of phenolics extracted from Olea europaea L. leaves. Food Chemistry, 68: 457-462.
Chatzopoulou S., Kintziou H. and S.T. Plessas. 2008. Olive oil and the skin as integumentary, Epitheor. Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokin., 26: 97-100.
Ergülen E., Özkaya M.T., Ülger S. and N. Özilbey. 2002. Identification of some Turkish olive cultivars by using RAPD- PCR technique. Acta Horticulturae., 1: 586.
Jemai H., Bouaziz M., Fki I., El Feki A. and S. Sayadi. 2008. Hypolipidimic and antioxidant activities of oleuropein and its hydrolysis derivative-rich extracts from Chemlali olive leaves. Chemico Biological Interactions, 176: 88-98.
Kaiser A., Brinkmann M., Carle R. and D.R. Kammerer. 2012. Influence of thermal treatment on color, enzyme activities, and antioxidant capacity of innovative pastelike parsley products. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 60(12): 3291-3301.
Kambouche N., Merah B., Bellahouel S., Bouayed J., Dicko A., Derdaur A., Younos C. and R. Soulimani. 2008. Chemical composition and antioxidant potential of Ruta montana L. essential oil from Algeria. Journal of Medicinal Food. 11 (3): 593-595.
Kartal M. ve M. Yüzbaşıoğlu. 2011. Olea europaea. FFD Monografları (Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler) (Ed. Ö. Demirezer). Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, Ankara, 443-449 s.
Prieto, M. Pineda P. and M.Aguilar. 1999. Spectrophotometric Quantitation of Antioxidant Capacity through the Formation of a Phosphomolybdenum Complex: Specific Application to the Determination of Vitamin E. Analytical Biochemistry 269: 337– 341.
Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M. and C.R. Evans. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation deco-lorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26 (9/10): 1231-1237.
Seçmen Ö., Gemici Y., Görk G., Bekat L. ve E. Leblebici. 1995. Tohumlu Bitkiler Sistematiği.. (4. Baskı). Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitaplar Serisi No:116, 283 s.
Tanker N., Koyuncu M. ve M. Coşkun. 2004. Farmasötik Botanik. Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Yayınları No:88, 288 s.
Tuzlacı E. and P. Eryasar Aymaz. 2001. Turkish folk medicinal plants Part IV: Gönen (Balıkesir). Fitoterapia, 72: 323-343.
Yaltırık F. 1978. Olea L., In: Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands (Ed: P.H. Davis), Vol 6., Edinburgh, pp. 155-156.
Cebe, G. E., Konyalıoğlu, S., & Zeybek, U. (2012). Olea europaea var. europaea (Zeytin) Yaprak İnfüzyonunun Antioksidan Etkisi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 49(3), 209-212.