Sediment Phosphorus Mechanism in Aquatic Ecosystems
Yıl 2018,
, 45 - 52, 30.12.2018
Akasya Topçu
Serap Pulatsü
Sediment phosphorus sorption is the key mechanism used in the sediment-water phosphorus dynamic and mobility in aquatic environments. This mechanism comprises a process for sediment phosphorus adsorption and desorption. Estimation of sediment phosphorus ratio longevity has priority in the determination of sediment pollution and lake management applications. Some developed equations are generally used in the sediment phosphorus adsorption and desorption mechanism. Freundlich ve Langmiur isotherms, based on experimental study, are frequently used. Equilibrium phosphate concentration (EPC0) defined as the equilibrium between adsorption and desorption in aquatic systems is commonly used to assess the potential for sediment to uptake or release phosphate prior to the reduction in external phosphate source. This study examines the estimation of some equations used in the sediment phosphorus sorption and the effective physico-chemical parameters.
- 1. Huang L, Fu L, Jin C, Gielen G, Lin X, Wang H, Zhang Y, 2011. Effect of temperature on phosphorus sorption to sediments from shallow eutrophic lakes. Ecological Engineering, 37: 1515-1522.
- 2. Palmer-Felgate E.J., Bowes M.J., Stratford C, Neal C, MacKenzie S, 2011. Phosphorus Release from Sediments in a Treatment Wetland: Contrast Between DET and EPCo Methodologies. Ecological Engineering, 37: 826-832.
- 3. Wang Q, Li Y, 2010. Phosphorus adsorption and desorption behavior on sediments of different origins. J. Soils Sediments, 10: 1159-1173.
- 4. Wang X, Zhang L, Zhang H, Wu X, Mei D, 2012. Phosphorus adsorption characteristics at the sediment-water interface and relationship with sediment properties in Fushi Reservoir, China. Environ. Earth Science, 67: 15-22.
- 5. Jin X, He Y, Kirumba G, Hassan Y, Li J, 2013. Phosphorus frations and phosphate sorption-release characteristics of the sediment in the Yangtze River estuary reservoir. Ecological Engineering, 55: 62-66.
- 6. Tang X, Wu M. Dai X, Chai P, 2014. Phosphorus Storage Dynamics and Adsorption Characteristics for Sediment from a Drinking Water Source Reservoir and It’s Relation With Sediment Compositions. Ecological Engineering, 64: 276-284.
- 7. Foo K.Y, Hameed B.H., 2010. Insights into the modeling of adsorption isotherm systems. Chem. Eng. J., 156: 2–10.
- 8. Baybaş D, Ulusoy U, 2011. Polyacrylamide–clinoptilolite/Y-zeolite composites: Characterization and adsorptive features for terbium. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187: 241–249.
- 9. Ho YS, McKay G, 1999. Pseudo-second order model for sorption processes. Process Biochemistry, 34: 451–465.
- 10. Winzor DJ, Jackson CM, 2006. Interpretation of the temperature dependence of equilibrium and rate constants. J. Mol. Recognit., 19: 389–407.
- 11. Zhang B, Fang F, Guo J, Chen Y, Li Z, Guo S, 2012. Phosphorus fractions and phosphate sorption-release characteristics relevant to the soil composition of water-level-fluctuating zone of Three Gorges Reservoir. Ecological Engineering, 40: 153-159.
- 12. Sondergaard M, Jensen J. P., Jeppesen E, 2001. Retention and ınternal loading of phosphorus in shallow, eutrophic lakes. The Scientific World, 1: 427-442.
- 13. Lehtoranta J, Heiskanen A.S., 2003. Dissolved iron-phosphate ratio as an indicator of phosphate release to oxic water of the iner and outer coastal Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia, 492: 69-84.
- 14. Kisand A, 2005. Distribution of sediment phosphorus fractions in hypertrophic strongly stratified Lake Verevi. Hydrobiologia, 547: 33-39.
- 15. Shomar B.H, Müler G, Yahya A, 2005. Seasonal variations of chemical composition of water and bottom sediments in the wetland of Wadi Gaza, Gaza Strip, Wetlands Ecology and Management, 13: 419-431.
- 16. Olila O.G, Reddy K.G, 1993. Phosphorus sorption characteristics of sediments in shallow eutrophic lakes of Florida. Arch. Hydrobiol., 129 (1): 45-65.
- 17. Cry H, McCabe S.K., Nurnberg G.K. 2009. Phosphorus sorption experiments and the potential for internal phosphorus loading in littoral areas of a stratified lake. Water Research, 43: 1654-1666.
- 18. Zhhijian L, Yue Q, Gao B, Wang Y, Lıu Q, 2012. Phosphorus release potential and pollution characteristics of sediment in downstream Nanski Lake, China. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. 6(2): 162-170.
- 19. Li Z, Yue Q, Gao B, Wang Y, Liu Q, 2012. Phosphorus Release Potential and Poluution Characteristics of Sediment in Downstream Nansi Lake, China. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin., 6(2): 162-170.
- 20. Appan A, Member A.S.C.E., Wang H, 2000. Sorption isotherms and kinetics of sediment phosphorus in a tropical reservoir. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 126 (11): 993-998.
- 21. Belmont M.A., White J.R., Reddy K.R. 2009. Phosphorus Sorption and potential phosphorus storage in sediments of Lakae Istokpoga and the upper chain of lakes, Florida, USA. Technical Reports: Surface Water Quality; Journal of Environmental Quality, 38: 987-996.
- 22. Wang Y, Shen Z, Niu J, Liu R, 2009. Adsorption of Phosphorus on Sediments from the Three-Gorges Reservoir (China) and the Relation with Sediment Compositions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162: 92-98.
Yıl 2018,
, 45 - 52, 30.12.2018
Akasya Topçu
Serap Pulatsü
Sucul sistemlerde sedimentteki fosfor sorpsiyonu,
sediment-su arası fosfor dinamiği ve hareketliliğinin belirlenmesinde
kullanılan ana mekanizmadır. Bu
mekanizma sedimentte fosforun adsorpsiyon ve desorpsiyon süreçlerini kapsar. Sedimentte
uzun dönemli fosfor adsorpsiyon oranınının tahmini ise fosfor kirlenmesi ve göl
yönetim uygulamalarının belirlenmesi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Sedimentteki adsorpsiyon-desorpsiyon olaylarını açıklamak için
geliştirilmiş birçok eşitlik bulunmaktadır. Deneysel çalışmalara dayanan bu
eşitliklerden Freundlich ve Langmiur izotermleri, sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Sucul sistemlerde
sediment-sediment üstü su arası adsorpsiyon ve desorpsiyon değerlerinin
birbirine eşit olması olarak tanımlanan denge fosfat konsantrasyonu (EPC0);
dış kaynaklı fosfor yüklemesindeki azalmayı takiben, iç kaynaklı yükleme
potansiyelinin belirlenmesi ya da fosfor salınım ve/veya tutulum düzeyinin
tespiti için kullanılan önemli bir parametredir. Bu çalışmada farklı sucul
sistemlerde sediment fosfor sorpsiyonu tahmininde kullanılan bazı eşitlikler ele
alınmış ve sorpsiyonda etkili fiziko-kimyasal parametreler özetlenmiştir.
- 1. Huang L, Fu L, Jin C, Gielen G, Lin X, Wang H, Zhang Y, 2011. Effect of temperature on phosphorus sorption to sediments from shallow eutrophic lakes. Ecological Engineering, 37: 1515-1522.
- 2. Palmer-Felgate E.J., Bowes M.J., Stratford C, Neal C, MacKenzie S, 2011. Phosphorus Release from Sediments in a Treatment Wetland: Contrast Between DET and EPCo Methodologies. Ecological Engineering, 37: 826-832.
- 3. Wang Q, Li Y, 2010. Phosphorus adsorption and desorption behavior on sediments of different origins. J. Soils Sediments, 10: 1159-1173.
- 4. Wang X, Zhang L, Zhang H, Wu X, Mei D, 2012. Phosphorus adsorption characteristics at the sediment-water interface and relationship with sediment properties in Fushi Reservoir, China. Environ. Earth Science, 67: 15-22.
- 5. Jin X, He Y, Kirumba G, Hassan Y, Li J, 2013. Phosphorus frations and phosphate sorption-release characteristics of the sediment in the Yangtze River estuary reservoir. Ecological Engineering, 55: 62-66.
- 6. Tang X, Wu M. Dai X, Chai P, 2014. Phosphorus Storage Dynamics and Adsorption Characteristics for Sediment from a Drinking Water Source Reservoir and It’s Relation With Sediment Compositions. Ecological Engineering, 64: 276-284.
- 7. Foo K.Y, Hameed B.H., 2010. Insights into the modeling of adsorption isotherm systems. Chem. Eng. J., 156: 2–10.
- 8. Baybaş D, Ulusoy U, 2011. Polyacrylamide–clinoptilolite/Y-zeolite composites: Characterization and adsorptive features for terbium. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187: 241–249.
- 9. Ho YS, McKay G, 1999. Pseudo-second order model for sorption processes. Process Biochemistry, 34: 451–465.
- 10. Winzor DJ, Jackson CM, 2006. Interpretation of the temperature dependence of equilibrium and rate constants. J. Mol. Recognit., 19: 389–407.
- 11. Zhang B, Fang F, Guo J, Chen Y, Li Z, Guo S, 2012. Phosphorus fractions and phosphate sorption-release characteristics relevant to the soil composition of water-level-fluctuating zone of Three Gorges Reservoir. Ecological Engineering, 40: 153-159.
- 12. Sondergaard M, Jensen J. P., Jeppesen E, 2001. Retention and ınternal loading of phosphorus in shallow, eutrophic lakes. The Scientific World, 1: 427-442.
- 13. Lehtoranta J, Heiskanen A.S., 2003. Dissolved iron-phosphate ratio as an indicator of phosphate release to oxic water of the iner and outer coastal Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia, 492: 69-84.
- 14. Kisand A, 2005. Distribution of sediment phosphorus fractions in hypertrophic strongly stratified Lake Verevi. Hydrobiologia, 547: 33-39.
- 15. Shomar B.H, Müler G, Yahya A, 2005. Seasonal variations of chemical composition of water and bottom sediments in the wetland of Wadi Gaza, Gaza Strip, Wetlands Ecology and Management, 13: 419-431.
- 16. Olila O.G, Reddy K.G, 1993. Phosphorus sorption characteristics of sediments in shallow eutrophic lakes of Florida. Arch. Hydrobiol., 129 (1): 45-65.
- 17. Cry H, McCabe S.K., Nurnberg G.K. 2009. Phosphorus sorption experiments and the potential for internal phosphorus loading in littoral areas of a stratified lake. Water Research, 43: 1654-1666.
- 18. Zhhijian L, Yue Q, Gao B, Wang Y, Lıu Q, 2012. Phosphorus release potential and pollution characteristics of sediment in downstream Nanski Lake, China. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. 6(2): 162-170.
- 19. Li Z, Yue Q, Gao B, Wang Y, Liu Q, 2012. Phosphorus Release Potential and Poluution Characteristics of Sediment in Downstream Nansi Lake, China. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin., 6(2): 162-170.
- 20. Appan A, Member A.S.C.E., Wang H, 2000. Sorption isotherms and kinetics of sediment phosphorus in a tropical reservoir. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 126 (11): 993-998.
- 21. Belmont M.A., White J.R., Reddy K.R. 2009. Phosphorus Sorption and potential phosphorus storage in sediments of Lakae Istokpoga and the upper chain of lakes, Florida, USA. Technical Reports: Surface Water Quality; Journal of Environmental Quality, 38: 987-996.
- 22. Wang Y, Shen Z, Niu J, Liu R, 2009. Adsorption of Phosphorus on Sediments from the Three-Gorges Reservoir (China) and the Relation with Sediment Compositions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162: 92-98.