İzhar Oplatka profile image
İzhar Oplatka Prof. Dr. Tel Aviv University
Publication 1 Review 2
1 Publication
2 Review

Research Fields

Education Management


Izhar Oplatka is a professor of Educational Administration and Leadership at The School of Education, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Prof. Oplatka’s research focuses on the lives and career of school teachers and educational leaders, educational marketing, emotions, and the foundations of educational administration as a field of study. His most recent books (and edited books) include Advanced Theories in Educational Leadership (with K. Arar, 2022, Springer), Handbook of gender and educational leadership and management (with Showunmi, Moorosi & Shakeshaft, 2022, Bloomsbury), Reforming Education in Developing Countries (2019, Routledge), Emotion Management in Teaching and Educational Leadership: A Cultural Perspective. (with Arar, EMERALD Publishing Limited), Project Management in Schools (2018, with Yemini and Sagi, Palgrave-Macmillan), Higher Education Consumer Choice (2015, with Jane Hemsley-Brown, Palgrave), The legacy of educational administration: A historical analysis of an academic field (2010, Peter Lang Publishing); The essentials of educational administration (2015, Pardes Publisher, in Hebrew); Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Schools (2015, Routledge, with Anit Somech). Prof. Oplatka’s publications have appeared in varied international journals including Educational Administration Quarterly, Journal of Educational Administration, Educational Management Administration & Leadership, Comparative Education Review, Teacher College Record, Qualitative Report, Canadian Journal of Education Administration and Policy, International Journal of Leadership in Education, Journal of Education Policy, School Leadership & Management, Urban Education, International Journal of Educational Management, and so forth.


Tel Aviv University




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