Kamal Hamıdou Assoc. Prof. Dr. Qatar University
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Mass Media


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamal Hamidou is a Ph.D. holder in Mass Communication from Paris 2 Sorbonne – Assas University. He served as a Head of Mass Communication Department at Qatar University from 2019 to 2022, and as a Coordinator of the same department from 2018 to 2019. Kamal Hamidou has also accumulated a great professional experience in journalism and broadcasting, gained from his work in the European TV Channel “Euro-News” as well as from his work in two Algerian daily newspapers. Dr. Kamal Hamidou got the membership of many important International Communication Associations such as the SFSIC French association and the AEJMC American association. Dr. Kamal Hamidou started his academic career at the University of Metz – France, then he worked at the United Arab Emirates University before he joining Qatar University in 2014. Dr. Kamal Hamidou has many researches published in three languages in many Arab, French, British and Malaysian journals, as well as in conference proceedings published in the framework of renowned international conferences. His major research interests are inter-corporate and corporate communication as extension of his MA researches, as well as sociology/usages of television and New Information and Communication Technologies as a part of his doctoral researches. His interest in TVs and smart media devices comes within the scope of studying the influence of communication contents, process, and systems on the social process and socio-cultural change, as well as on the perception and the cognition processes. 


Qatar University
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