Sangeeta Tripathi Asst. Prof. Dr. It is not affiliated with an institution
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Tourism Management


Dr. Sangeeta Tripathi is currently an Assistant Professor of Mass Communication at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman, and was previously associated with the Institute of Management Studies, Noida, India. She has completed her education at Banaras Hindu University and MGKV, State University, India. Dr. Sangeeta started her career as a TV Journalist. Later she embarked on an academic career. She has been active in Communication and Mass Media Research, and her areas of work are Public Relations, Advertising, Media Education, online media, tourism, and communication. She attended Oxford Summer Policy School, in London, in 2019. She has presented her papers at several international conferences in Dubai, India, Thailand, Switzerland, Moscow, London, the USA, and India. She published one research paper with Nova Publishers, New York, USA. Other research papers are accepted for publication with Routledge, Emerald, and IGI Publishers. She was awarded UN Gold Ambassador Award in March 2022 for her cooperation with UN SDG-05. She won three best paper awards for her research papers. Recently she has been working on two funded projects approved by The Research Council (TRC), Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Oman. The project titles are “Advance Communication Role in Creating Consensus and Acceptability for Innovative Tourism to Support Diversified Economy Drive in The Sultanate” and “Digital Citizenship among Young Omani Students: Towards Developing a New Digital Citizenship Framework.” 


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