Shanta Kumari Adıkı profile image
Shanta Kumari Adıkı Prof. Dr. Sarojini Naidu Vanita Pharmacy Maha Vidyalaya
Publication 1 Review 0
1 Publication
0 Review

Research Fields

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Delivery Technologies Pharmaceutical Analysis Phytopharmaceuticals Formulation Development


• Over 19 years of teaching, research experience in pharmaceutical education.
• Areas of research interest are Pharmaceutical Analysis, Phytopharmaceuticals, and Formulation Development.
• Contributed over 60 publications in national and international journals.
• Presented 04 research papers in National level Conferences.
• Published 10 patents.
• Guided one PhD student and presently guiding thee PhD students.
• Guided 20 students of B. Pharm and 33 students of M. Pharm as part of their project work.
• Participated as delegate and convener, in various seminars, workshops and conferences at national and international level. 


Sarojini Naidu Vanita Pharmacy Maha Vidyalaya
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