Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles

    In the publication process, all parties involved (authors, editors, reviewers, publishers) must agree on the expected standards of ethical conduct.

International Standards for Publication/Editorial Boards
1. Editors and Editorial Board members must adhere to international publishing standards. AJP’s editors and editorial board members are expected to voluntarily adhere to international standards (see Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
2. The Editorial Board must keep all author, reviewer, and manuscript information confidential.
3. The Editorial Board is responsible for making decisions on whether submitted manuscripts will be evaluated and published after evaluation.
4. The Editorial Board must base its decisions solely on the importance, originality, clarity, and relevance of the manuscripts to the scope of the publication.
5. The Editorial Board is obliged to act impartially in the evaluation of studies and selection of referees in accordance with academic principles (competence, absence of conflict of interest, blind refereeing, competent evaluation, healthy communication, etc.).
6. The Editorial Board should make an effort to meet the needs of readers and authors.
7. The Editorial Board should make an effort to increase the quality of AJP's writing and publications.
8. The Editorial Board should give importance to scientific quality and originality in line with the purpose and scope of the journal.
9. The Editorial Board should publish corrections, explanations, retractions and apologies when necessary.
10. The Editorial Board should act in accordance with the "Study Evaluation Process" determined for AJP, and should make the necessary effort to ensure that authors and referees also act in accordance with these periods.

International Standards for Publishers

1. AJP is an academic journal published by the Philosophy Department of Erzurum Technical University. The journal is expected to voluntarily comply with international publisher standards (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). that hold the official franchise.
2. Neither the publisher nor any external agent may make any claim that violates AJP's editorial independence or interfere with the publication process.
3. The publisher is responsible for protecting the intellectual property and copyright of all works published in AJP.
4. The publisher is committed to providing permanent and free access to all works published in AJP in accordance with the Open Access principle.
5. The publisher does not charge any fees under any name from authors during the submission and publication process of articles.
6. The publisher takes the necessary measures to archive and preserve online content.

International Standards for Authors
1. AJP does not request a signed letter of application from all authors of an article and does not engage in practices that impose orders on authors. All authors applying to AJP are expected to voluntarily comply with international standards (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
2. Articles must be the original work of the authors. There should be no unethical situations such as plagiarism, fabrication, forgery, slicing, duplicate publication, unfair authorship, data production in the articles.
3. The responsibility of the studies published in the journal in terms of science and language belongs to the authors, and AFD cannot be held responsible in this regard. The ethical and legal responsibility of the studies belongs to the author(s).
4. Authors should not cause physical and legal harm and psychological abuse to the research participants in their studies requiring ethics committee approval. They should also guarantee confidentiality and anonymity regarding the private life of the research participants.
5. Authors should declare the person or institutions (sponsor) supporting the research, any conflict of interest.
6. Authors should confirm that their studies have not been published before and have not sent them to any journal for publication elsewhere at the same time.
7. Authors must cite appropriately in the preparation of their articles and ensure that all sources used are listed in the bibliography.
8. Individuals listed as authors in the study must have taken a personal role in the preparation of the study and made significant contributions. Individuals who contributed to certain stages of the study should be listed as contributors.
9. Authors must complete the recommendations made by the referees within the given time period as a result of the evaluation. However, authors must prepare a response text regarding the referees' recommendations and inform the referee about the corrections they made or did not make.
10. If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they must immediately notify the editor or publisher and take the necessary steps to retract or correct the article.

11. AJP uses various plagiarism detection programs (iThenticate and to determine the similarity rate for all articles. Authors must absolutely avoid plagiarism. The similarity rate of the articles must not exceed 20%. The process of studies that do not comply with research publication ethics or carry a risk of plagiarism is terminated at any stage.

12. When authors discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published articles, it is the author's obligation to immediately inform the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article.

International Standards for Reviewers
1. Reviewers must comply with international review standards after accepting the review invitation. AJP reviewers are expected to voluntarily comply with international standards (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
2. Reviewers must keep information about the author and the article confidential and no information about the study should be shared with third parties.
3. If the reviewers feel inadequate to review a study or realize that they will not be able to complete the review in the allotted time, the editor should be informed as soon as possible.
4. The reviewers should bring all information that may cause the rejection of the study they are reviewing to the attention of the Editorial Board.
5. The reviewers should objectively evaluate the articles according to their scientific originality, importance and suitability for the journal's purpose and scope.
6. The reviewers should provide the authors with the necessary suggestions regarding the systematics of the study, the arguments it is based on, the justifications used and the sources regarding the deficiencies of the studies that require major or minor revisions.
7. The reviewers are independent of the authors. For this reason, if the reviewers somehow obtain information about the author of the study they are reviewing, they should cease their duty as reviewers by informing the editor.
8. The reviewers should notify AJP if any conflict of interest arises.
9. The reviewers' evaluations should be done objectively and in a balanced manner, criticisms of the study should be made. Personal criticism should not be directed at the author. They should express their views on the study clearly with supporting arguments.

NOTE: This section, which includes the journal's publication ethics principles, has been prepared using the relevant internet text of Elsevier publishing.

Publishing Principles
• Manuscripts sent to AJP must be original and in accordance with academic standards, not previously published or accepted for publication anywhere. If the article submitted for publication is a paper previously presented at a scientific meeting, this should be stated in the article and the journal editorship should be informed. Translations may also be included in the magazine.
• The languages ​​of the journal are Turkish and English.
• The journal is published twice a year, in Spring and Fall (March and September). When necessary, it may also be published as a Special Issue by the decision of the Editorial Board. More than one article of an author cannot be published in an issue.
• Manuscripts sent to the journal are first examined by the Editorial Board in terms of subject, presentation style and technique, in terms of compliance with the journal publishing principles. Those found to be suitable for the purpose and scope of the journal are sent to at least two referees who are accepted for their works and studies in their field for scientific review. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. It is published if the referee reports are positive and approved by the editorial board. If the referees want some issues to be corrected in their reports, the articles are sent back to the author for corrections to be made. The author's name is not disclosed to the referees, the referee's name is not disclosed to the authors, and the referee reports are kept for 5 years.
• All processes in the journal are carried out within the framework of the ethical principles recommended by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for Social Sciences. Relevant ethical principles can be accessed at
• All articles sent to the journal are checked at the end of the referee process to determine whether there are similarities in the study and whether the citations are made in accordance with scientific procedures. If the similarity rate is over 20% (excluding abstract and bibliography), the article is removed from the process. Apart from this, if evidence of ethical violation is detected or reported in any article published in the journal, the article in question will be removed from the journal, even if it has been published.
• The scientific and linguistic responsibility of the articles belongs entirely to the authors. The views and opinions expressed in the articles are binding on the authors and do not reflect the views of our journal and institution. It is recommended that authors follow the Turkish Language Association's spelling guide. However, the authors are still responsible for the spelling in the articles.
• Articles must comply with nationally and internationally valid research and publication ethics.
• If the articles uploaded to the system do not comply with the spelling and reference rules below, the editor will reject the article without submitting it to the publication board for approval.
• The document uploaded to the article system should never include the author's name(s) or any information that would identify the authors.

Last Update Time: 7/29/24, 11:11:30 AM

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