Founded: 2025
Publisher: Erzurum Technical University
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The Journal of Anatolian Philosophy (AJP) is an academic journal established in 2024 within the Department of Philosophy at Erzurum Technical University. AJP, which will start publishing its first issue in 2025, is a scientific, double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access philosophy journal. The journal, which will publish two issues per year in March and September, is published in Turkish and English.

The aim of AJP is to publish studies that will reveal how life and thought have influenced each other throughout history. In this context, articles that show the relationship between a philosopher's thought and life and experience, reveal the impact or possible impacts of a philosopher's thoughts on life (the period in which he lived or today), and discuss different thoughts developed on a problem and the effects of these thoughts on the problem will be accepted for evaluation. The journal will include original research articles, critiques, interviews, unpublished papers and translations prepared in line with this purpose and scope.

AJP © 2025 by Mustafa Bingöl is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

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