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Ardıç (Juniperus drupacea L.) Ekstrakt Tozu Üretiminde Taşıyıcı Bileşimi ve Püskürtmeli Kurutma Parametrelerinin Yanıt Yüzey Yöntemiyle Optimizasyonu

Year 2024, , 167 - 178, 18.12.2024


Bu çalışmada, fenolikler, α-pinen, d-limonen gibi bazı biyoaktif ve uçucu bileşenler bakımından zengin ve yüksek toz verime sahip ardıç (andız) ekstrakt tozu üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla farklı gıda formülasyonlarında kullanılabilir nitelikte toz ürün optimize edilmiş bir koşulda püskürtmeli kurutucuda kurutulmuştur. Bu optimizasyonda taşıyıcı bileşimi ve püskürtmeli kurutucuya giriş havası sıcaklığı bağımsız değişken; kurutma verimi, toplam fenolik madde ve α-pinen içerikleri bağımlı değişkenler olarak seçilmiştir. Ürün verimini, toplam fenolik madde içeriği ve uçucu bileşen seviyeleri, özellikle de α-pinen içeriğini maksimize etmek için yanıt yüzeyi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Optimum kurutucu giriş havası sıcaklığı ve taşıyıcı oranı sırasıyla 180ºC ve 15 g Arap zamkı/100 mL ekstrakt olarak belirlenmiştir. Optimum koşullarda gerçekleştirilen kurutma işleminde en yüksek toz verimi (%37.92), toplam fenolik madde içeriği (9.91 mg GAE/g toz) ile α-pinen içeriği (pik alanı 1.3×107) elde edilirken tozun yığın ve sıkıştırılmış yığın yoğunlukları ile toplam fenolik madde içeriği ve antioksidan aktivitesi sırasıyla 0.39±0.01 ve 0.51±0.02 g/cm3, 9.89±0.27 g gallik asit eşdeğeri (GAE) /100 g (km) ve 4.12±0.14 g Trolox® eşdeğeri antioksidan aktivite (TEAC) /100 g km olarak belirlenmiştir. Optimum koşullarda üretilen tozun partikül boyutu dağılımı 1.09 ile 22.39 µm arasında değişmiştir. Hem andız ekstraktında hem de sulandırılmış tozda on beş uçucu bileşen tanımlanırken andız ekstraktının ana bileşenleri d-limonene, α-pinene ve γ-muurolene olmuştur.


  • [1] Miceli, N., Trovato, A., Marino, A., Bellinghieri, V., Melchini, A., Dugo, P., Cacciola, F., Donato, P., Mondello, L., Guvenc, A., De Pasquale, R., Taviano, M.F. (2011). Phenolic composition and biological activities of Juniperus drupacea Labill. berries from Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49(10), 2600-8.
  • [2] Baytop, T. (1999). Türkiye'de bitkiler ile tedavi: geçmişte ve bugün. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • [3] Davis, P. (1965). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, 1. Cilt. University Press, Minnesota University, USA.
  • [4] Akinci, I., Ozdemir, F., Topuz, A., Kabas, O., Canakci, M. (2004). Some physical and nutritional properties of Juniperus drupacea fruits. Journal of Food Engineering, 65(3), 325-331.
  • [5] Evergetis, E., Michaelakis, A., Papachristos, D.P., Badieritakis, E., Kapsaski-Kanelli, V.N., Haroutounian, S.A. (2016). Seasonal variation and bioactivity of the essential oils of two Juniperus species against Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894). Parasitology Research, 115(6), 2175-83.
  • [6] Odabaş-Serin, Z., Bakir, O. (2019). Some chemical, nutritional and mineral properties of dried juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) berries growing in Turkey. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17, 17.
  • [7] Akkol, E.K., Guvenc, A., Yesilada, E. (2009). A comparative study on the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of five Juniperus taxa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 125(2), 330-6.
  • [8] Kozan, E., Kupeli, E., Yesilada, E. (2006). Evaluation of some plants used in Turkish folk medicine against parasitic infections for their in vivo anthelmintic activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 108(2), 211-6.
  • [9] Menaceur, F., Benchabane, A., Hazzit, M., Baaliouamer, A. (2013). Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Algerian Juniperus phoeniceal. Extracts. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature, 3(1), 87-96.
  • [10] Özkan, K., Karadağ, A., Sağdiç, O. (2021). Determination of the in vitro bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of Juniper berry (Juniperus drupacea Labill.) pekmez. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 45(3), 290-300.
  • [11] El-Ghorab, A., Shaaban, H.A., El-Massry, K.F., Shibamoto, T. (2008). Chemical composition of volatile extract and biological activities of volatile and less-volatile extracts of juniper berry (Juniperus drupacea L.) fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(13), 5021-5025.
  • [12] Akbulut, M., Çoklar, H., Özen, G. (2008). Rheological characteristics of Juniperus drupacea fruit juice (pekmez) concentrated by boiling. Food Science and Technology International, 14(4), 321-328.
  • [13] Ninich, O., Et-Tahir, A., Kettani, K., Ghanmi, M., Aoujdad, J., El Antry, S., Ouajdi, M., Satrani, B. (2022). Plant sources, techniques of production and uses of tar: A review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 285, 114889.
  • [14] Sezik, E., Kocakulak, E., Özek, T.,Başer, K.H.C. (2009). Essential oils composition of Juniperus drupacea Lab. leaf from Turkey. ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia, 51(2).
  • [15] Safkan, B., Kelebek, H., Selli, S. (2021). Aroma evaluation of juniper berry (Juniperus drupacea L.) molasses (pekmez) by solvent-assisted flavour evaporation. Journal of Raw Materials to Processed Foods, 2(1), 37-43.
  • [16] Ulusoy, S., Doğru, E. (2016). Alfa-pinen, terpineol, sineol, linelol ve kamforun bakteriyel hücreler arası iletişim sistemi üzerine inhibitör etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(3), 558-565.
  • [17] Taviano, M.F., Marino, A., Trovato, A., Bellinghieri, V., La Barbera, T.M., Güvenç, A., Hürkul, M.M., Pasquale, R.D., Miceli, N. (2011). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of branches extracts of five Juniperus species from Turkey. Pharmaceutical Biology, 49(10), 1014-1022.
  • [18] Honda, G., Yeşilada, E., Tabata, M., Sezik, E., Fujita, T., Takeda, Y., Takaishi, Y.,Tanaka, T. (1996). Traditional medicine in Turkey VI. Folk medicine in West Anatolia: Afyon, Kütahya, Denizli, Muğla, Aydin provinces. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 53(2), 75-87.
  • [19] Baser, K.H.C., Honda, G., Miki, W. (1986). Herb drugs and herbalists in Turkey. Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa-Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
  • [20] Yeşilada, E., Honda, G., Sezik, E., Tabata, M., Fujita, T., Tanaka, T., Takeda, Y., Takaishi, Y. (1995). Traditional medicine in Turkey. V. Folk medicine in the inner Taurus Mountains. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 46(3), 133-152.
  • [21] Yeşilada, E., Honda, G., Sezik, E., Tabata, M., Goto, K., Ikeshiro, Y. (1993). Traditional medicine in Turkey IV. Folk medicine in the Mediterranean subdivision. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 39(1), 31-38.
  • [22] Penna, S.C., Medeiros, M.V., Aimbire, F., Faria-Neto, H., Sertié, J.A.A., Lopes-Martins, R. (2003). Anti-inflammatory effect of the hydralcoholic extract of Zingiber officinale rhizomes on rat paw and skin edema. Phytomedicine, 10(5), 381-385.
  • [23] DerMarderosian, A.,Beuther, J. (2005). The review of natural products. Facts and comparisons, St Louis: Wolters Kluwer Health Inc.
  • [24] Garcia, C., Talarico, L., Almeida, N., Colombres, S., Duschatzky, C.,Damonte, E. (2003). Virucidal activity of essential oils from aromatic plants of San Luis, Argentina. Phytotherapy Research: An International Journal Devoted to Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluation of Natural Product Derivatives, 17(9), 1073-1075.
  • [25] Katiyar, S.K., Agarwal, R., Mukhtar, H. (1996). Inhibition of tumor promotion in SENCAR mouse skin by ethanol extract of Zingiber officinale rhizome. Cancer Research, 56(5), 1023-1030.
  • [26] Gallagher, A., Flatt, P., Duffy, G., Abdel-Wahab, Y. (2003). The effects of traditional antidiabetic plants on in vitro glucose diffusion. Nutrition Research, 23(3), 413-424.
  • [27] Forny, L., Marabi, A., Palzer, S. (2011). Wetting, disintegration and dissolution of agglomerated water soluble powders. Powder Technology, 206(1-2), 72-78.
  • [28] Cui, Z.-W., Sun, L.-J., Chen, W., Sun, D.-W. (2008). Preparation of dry honey by microwave–vacuum drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 84(4), 582-590.
  • [29] Shi, Q., Fang, Z., Bhandari, B. (2013). Effect of addition of whey protein isolate on spray-drying behavior of honey with maltodextrin as a carrier material. Drying Technology, 31(13-14), 1681-1692.
  • [30] Jafari, S.M., Ghalenoei, M.G., Dehnad, D. (2017). Influence of spray drying on water solubility index, apparent density, and anthocyanin content of pomegranate juice powder. Powder Technology, 311, 59-65.
  • [31] Daza, L.D., Fujita, A., Fávaro-Trindade, C.S., Rodrigues-Ract, J.N., Granato, D., Genovese, M.I. (2016). Effect of spray drying conditions on the physical properties of Cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica DC.) fruit extracts. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 97, 20-29.
  • [32] Eroğlu, E., Tontul, İ.,Topuz, A. (2018). Optimization of aqueous extraction and spray drying conditions for efficient processing of hibiscus blended rosehip tea powder. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 42(6), e13643.
  • [33] Tontul, I., Topuz, A. (2017). Spray-drying of fruit and vegetable juices: Effect of drying conditions on the product yield and physical properties. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 63, 91-102.
  • [34] Asik, S., Atbakan Kalkan, T., Topuz, A. (2021). Optimization of spray drying condition and wall material composition for myrtle extract powder using response surface methodology. Drying Technology, 39(12), 1869-1882.
  • [35] Carneiro, H.C., Tonon, R.V., Grosso, C.R., Hubinger, M.D. (2013). Encapsulation efficiency and oxidative stability of flaxseed oil microencapsulated by spray drying using different combinations of wall materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 115(4), 443-451.
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Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology

Year 2024, , 167 - 178, 18.12.2024


The aim of this study was to produce a juniper extract powder rich in some bioactive and volatile components such as phenolics, α-pinene and d-limonene with a high yield. For this purpose, the juniper extract, which can be used in various food formulations, was spray-dried under optimized conditions. In this optimization, inlet air temperature (120°C - 180°C) in the spray drying process and the carrier composition were selected as independent variables, while dependent variables included drying efficiency and the total phenolic (TPC), and α-pinene contents of the extract powder. Response surface methodology was used to maximize product yield, TPC and volatile levels, especially α-pinene. The optimum inlet air temperature and carrier ratio were 180ºC and 15 g gum Arabic (GA) per 100 mL extract, respectively. The highest powder yield (37.92%), TPC (9.91 mg GAE/g dm powder) and α-pinene content (peak area 1.3×107) were obtained under the optimum conditions while the bulk and compressed bulk densities, TPC and antioxidant activity of the extract powder were 0.39±0.01 g/cm3 and 0.51±0.02 g/cm3, 9.89±0.27 g gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/100 g (dm) and 4.12±0.14 g Trolox® equivalent antioxidant activity (TEAC)/100 g dm, respectively. The particle size of the powder produced under optimum conditions ranged from 1.09 to 22.39 µm. Fifteen volatiles in both juniper extract and the reconstituted form of the extract powder were identified, and the major components of juniper extract were d-limonene, α-pinene and γ-muurolene.


The authors thank Akdeniz University (Antalya, Türkiye) for the use of the laboratory and the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkey 100/2000 program for financial support.


  • [1] Miceli, N., Trovato, A., Marino, A., Bellinghieri, V., Melchini, A., Dugo, P., Cacciola, F., Donato, P., Mondello, L., Guvenc, A., De Pasquale, R., Taviano, M.F. (2011). Phenolic composition and biological activities of Juniperus drupacea Labill. berries from Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49(10), 2600-8.
  • [2] Baytop, T. (1999). Türkiye'de bitkiler ile tedavi: geçmişte ve bugün. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • [3] Davis, P. (1965). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, 1. Cilt. University Press, Minnesota University, USA.
  • [4] Akinci, I., Ozdemir, F., Topuz, A., Kabas, O., Canakci, M. (2004). Some physical and nutritional properties of Juniperus drupacea fruits. Journal of Food Engineering, 65(3), 325-331.
  • [5] Evergetis, E., Michaelakis, A., Papachristos, D.P., Badieritakis, E., Kapsaski-Kanelli, V.N., Haroutounian, S.A. (2016). Seasonal variation and bioactivity of the essential oils of two Juniperus species against Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894). Parasitology Research, 115(6), 2175-83.
  • [6] Odabaş-Serin, Z., Bakir, O. (2019). Some chemical, nutritional and mineral properties of dried juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) berries growing in Turkey. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17, 17.
  • [7] Akkol, E.K., Guvenc, A., Yesilada, E. (2009). A comparative study on the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of five Juniperus taxa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 125(2), 330-6.
  • [8] Kozan, E., Kupeli, E., Yesilada, E. (2006). Evaluation of some plants used in Turkish folk medicine against parasitic infections for their in vivo anthelmintic activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 108(2), 211-6.
  • [9] Menaceur, F., Benchabane, A., Hazzit, M., Baaliouamer, A. (2013). Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Algerian Juniperus phoeniceal. Extracts. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature, 3(1), 87-96.
  • [10] Özkan, K., Karadağ, A., Sağdiç, O. (2021). Determination of the in vitro bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of Juniper berry (Juniperus drupacea Labill.) pekmez. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 45(3), 290-300.
  • [11] El-Ghorab, A., Shaaban, H.A., El-Massry, K.F., Shibamoto, T. (2008). Chemical composition of volatile extract and biological activities of volatile and less-volatile extracts of juniper berry (Juniperus drupacea L.) fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(13), 5021-5025.
  • [12] Akbulut, M., Çoklar, H., Özen, G. (2008). Rheological characteristics of Juniperus drupacea fruit juice (pekmez) concentrated by boiling. Food Science and Technology International, 14(4), 321-328.
  • [13] Ninich, O., Et-Tahir, A., Kettani, K., Ghanmi, M., Aoujdad, J., El Antry, S., Ouajdi, M., Satrani, B. (2022). Plant sources, techniques of production and uses of tar: A review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 285, 114889.
  • [14] Sezik, E., Kocakulak, E., Özek, T.,Başer, K.H.C. (2009). Essential oils composition of Juniperus drupacea Lab. leaf from Turkey. ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia, 51(2).
  • [15] Safkan, B., Kelebek, H., Selli, S. (2021). Aroma evaluation of juniper berry (Juniperus drupacea L.) molasses (pekmez) by solvent-assisted flavour evaporation. Journal of Raw Materials to Processed Foods, 2(1), 37-43.
  • [16] Ulusoy, S., Doğru, E. (2016). Alfa-pinen, terpineol, sineol, linelol ve kamforun bakteriyel hücreler arası iletişim sistemi üzerine inhibitör etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(3), 558-565.
  • [17] Taviano, M.F., Marino, A., Trovato, A., Bellinghieri, V., La Barbera, T.M., Güvenç, A., Hürkul, M.M., Pasquale, R.D., Miceli, N. (2011). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of branches extracts of five Juniperus species from Turkey. Pharmaceutical Biology, 49(10), 1014-1022.
  • [18] Honda, G., Yeşilada, E., Tabata, M., Sezik, E., Fujita, T., Takeda, Y., Takaishi, Y.,Tanaka, T. (1996). Traditional medicine in Turkey VI. Folk medicine in West Anatolia: Afyon, Kütahya, Denizli, Muğla, Aydin provinces. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 53(2), 75-87.
  • [19] Baser, K.H.C., Honda, G., Miki, W. (1986). Herb drugs and herbalists in Turkey. Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa-Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
  • [20] Yeşilada, E., Honda, G., Sezik, E., Tabata, M., Fujita, T., Tanaka, T., Takeda, Y., Takaishi, Y. (1995). Traditional medicine in Turkey. V. Folk medicine in the inner Taurus Mountains. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 46(3), 133-152.
  • [21] Yeşilada, E., Honda, G., Sezik, E., Tabata, M., Goto, K., Ikeshiro, Y. (1993). Traditional medicine in Turkey IV. Folk medicine in the Mediterranean subdivision. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 39(1), 31-38.
  • [22] Penna, S.C., Medeiros, M.V., Aimbire, F., Faria-Neto, H., Sertié, J.A.A., Lopes-Martins, R. (2003). Anti-inflammatory effect of the hydralcoholic extract of Zingiber officinale rhizomes on rat paw and skin edema. Phytomedicine, 10(5), 381-385.
  • [23] DerMarderosian, A.,Beuther, J. (2005). The review of natural products. Facts and comparisons, St Louis: Wolters Kluwer Health Inc.
  • [24] Garcia, C., Talarico, L., Almeida, N., Colombres, S., Duschatzky, C.,Damonte, E. (2003). Virucidal activity of essential oils from aromatic plants of San Luis, Argentina. Phytotherapy Research: An International Journal Devoted to Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluation of Natural Product Derivatives, 17(9), 1073-1075.
  • [25] Katiyar, S.K., Agarwal, R., Mukhtar, H. (1996). Inhibition of tumor promotion in SENCAR mouse skin by ethanol extract of Zingiber officinale rhizome. Cancer Research, 56(5), 1023-1030.
  • [26] Gallagher, A., Flatt, P., Duffy, G., Abdel-Wahab, Y. (2003). The effects of traditional antidiabetic plants on in vitro glucose diffusion. Nutrition Research, 23(3), 413-424.
  • [27] Forny, L., Marabi, A., Palzer, S. (2011). Wetting, disintegration and dissolution of agglomerated water soluble powders. Powder Technology, 206(1-2), 72-78.
  • [28] Cui, Z.-W., Sun, L.-J., Chen, W., Sun, D.-W. (2008). Preparation of dry honey by microwave–vacuum drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 84(4), 582-590.
  • [29] Shi, Q., Fang, Z., Bhandari, B. (2013). Effect of addition of whey protein isolate on spray-drying behavior of honey with maltodextrin as a carrier material. Drying Technology, 31(13-14), 1681-1692.
  • [30] Jafari, S.M., Ghalenoei, M.G., Dehnad, D. (2017). Influence of spray drying on water solubility index, apparent density, and anthocyanin content of pomegranate juice powder. Powder Technology, 311, 59-65.
  • [31] Daza, L.D., Fujita, A., Fávaro-Trindade, C.S., Rodrigues-Ract, J.N., Granato, D., Genovese, M.I. (2016). Effect of spray drying conditions on the physical properties of Cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica DC.) fruit extracts. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 97, 20-29.
  • [32] Eroğlu, E., Tontul, İ.,Topuz, A. (2018). Optimization of aqueous extraction and spray drying conditions for efficient processing of hibiscus blended rosehip tea powder. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 42(6), e13643.
  • [33] Tontul, I., Topuz, A. (2017). Spray-drying of fruit and vegetable juices: Effect of drying conditions on the product yield and physical properties. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 63, 91-102.
  • [34] Asik, S., Atbakan Kalkan, T., Topuz, A. (2021). Optimization of spray drying condition and wall material composition for myrtle extract powder using response surface methodology. Drying Technology, 39(12), 1869-1882.
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There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Papers

Yusuf Yılmaz 0000-0002-9393-8115

Ecem Vural 0000-0002-0527-5025

Ayhan Topuz 0000-0002-6610-9143

Publication Date December 18, 2024
Submission Date August 26, 2024
Acceptance Date November 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yılmaz, Y., Vural, E., & Topuz, A. (2024). Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology. Akademik Gıda, 22(3), 167-178.
AMA Yılmaz Y, Vural E, Topuz A. Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology. Akademik Gıda. December 2024;22(3):167-178. doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.1603502
Chicago Yılmaz, Yusuf, Ecem Vural, and Ayhan Topuz. “Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus Drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology”. Akademik Gıda 22, no. 3 (December 2024): 167-78.
EndNote Yılmaz Y, Vural E, Topuz A (December 1, 2024) Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology. Akademik Gıda 22 3 167–178.
IEEE Y. Yılmaz, E. Vural, and A. Topuz, “Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 167–178, 2024, doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.1603502.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Yusuf et al. “Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus Drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology”. Akademik Gıda 22/3 (December 2024), 167-178.
JAMA Yılmaz Y, Vural E, Topuz A. Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology. Akademik Gıda. 2024;22:167–178.
MLA Yılmaz, Yusuf et al. “Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus Drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 22, no. 3, 2024, pp. 167-78, doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.1603502.
Vancouver Yılmaz Y, Vural E, Topuz A. Optimization of Spray Drying Parameters and Wall Material Composition of Juniper (Juniperus drupacea L.) Extract Using Response Surface Methodology. Akademik Gıda. 2024;22(3):167-78.

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